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TOLD YA Delevingne,Heard,Musk WORSE TO COME...

Bumpy, Bumpy times ahead... BRAKE....

Cara Delevingne.... model.....
There is something very troubling to me about her.
I get the sense that she's very unhappy with her life.

I know most people would die for such a life.
Well, be very careful what you wish for.
She's about to step into a very rough patch.
To survive it.
She'll have to reset her life....


Anonymous said…
Raven Symone married a woman. Can you look if this marriage will last, Christian?
Anonymous said…
No it won't.
Chick'sOpinion said…
'Ex's and the oh,oh,oh's they haunt me
Like Ghosts they want me to make them all
They won't let go
Ex's and oh's'
Chick'sOpinion said…
I wonder if Cara Delvigne has a drug problem.
She is just sick of superficial bullshit of the fashion industry and everyone in it.

Or both.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Elon Musk is up and down denying it.
Clearly because he's sick of anything to do with Amber Heard.
And just wants to get on with his own life.

And he will be thinking. It's 3 years since Amber Heard's marriage to Johnny Depp ended.
And still Amber rages on.

And .....still Amber attempts to blackmail Elon for money for her legal fees.
Money which CD states Elon has now stopped.

I'm wondering if his decision to stop funding Amber's legal cases. Is why we have this new claim about a 3 way affair in the media today.

Who had told the media this story?

Amber Heard.


Out of revenge to Elon Musk. For quitting paying her huge bills and blackmail money.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And I have to say. Gigi Hadid's whole family, including her. Are just a bunch of famewhores.

Attaching themselves to people with real talent. To get famous. And get money.
And having endless amounts of plastic surgery. To attract famous very rich bf's/gf's and as many media pics that they can get their faces in.

Some of you may know, Gigi Hadid's brother is Anwar Hadid. A nobody.
And Anwar has been dating singer, Dua Lipa for some time now.

Course he is.

He's gotta get famous. And get access to alot more money than his broke Palistinian father has got for him.

Anwar Hadid doesn't even have a profession.
No job. No education. Nothing.
He went to Malibu High School. But that's it.
He's an idle professional famewhore and sponger.
He uses other people's money.
Rich people's money.

And surprise surprise.

He claims to be a model.

Cause he is.

Because Yalonda, his 'marry for money' famewhore mother has pushed him into modelling too.

So here goes....

It's safe to say Anwar Hadid hasn't had any plastic surgery on his face.

Cause he's butt ugly.

But is reasonably tall.

As for his personality.... there's every indication today. That he's a possesive self absorbed psycho.

Cause it is in The Daily Mail today that he has insisted that singer Dua Lipa, his girlfriend, is not allowed to roll around in sexy moves in her new music video with other model/dancer guys.
It's got to be with him.

Or. Is it this?.... that Yalonda the famewhore, his mother... who basically pimps out her kids for fame. Has ordered Anwar this, 'Tell Dua Lipa that YOU must be in her new music video and no one else'.

That's the more likely reason.

Guys. The Hadids are new Kardashians.
I don't know if anyone else has noticed that this is their aim.
And Yalonda is the new Kris Jenner.
Cause Yalonda, she's been crafting it for years.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD What is British/Romanian singer, Dua Lipa doing with that loser Anwar Hadid?

Even at her worst moments. Dua Lipa is very beautiful.

Why is she choosing this moron?
When she could have a good looking, very successful man. With an independent income of his own.

Won't surprise me if Anwar Hadid propises marriage soon to Dua Lipa.
That's a perfect way for him to legally walk off with alot of Dua Lipa's hard earned money when they divorce.

Dua Lipa. Get a f..cking Pre Nup.
CyndiTx123 said…
i have always thought that this model / actress was a strange cat..... She didn't have a normal upbringing -issues with her mom.... seeing a lot of craZY when she was little. THEN AGAIN what is a normal childhood anyway these days.She needs major therapy. PRaying that all goes well for her & she finds help for herself mentally.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Good question. What is a good childhood today?

We thought we had bad childhoods. Because our parents were often the old explosive type ....with disapline.
Lots of rules. But rarely inconsistent.
And we definately didn't get a say about anything.

We didn't even dare reject the evening meal.
Because it didn't suit us.
If we did. We went to bed with nothing.

Not today's kids. Brought up in a different generation of parents.
Parents who have have been drug f..cked
And father's equally as bad.
Who want to be their child's 'friend', rather than be a parent.
Real parenting is hard. Being your child's friend is a cop out.

Yeah we had drunken mothers and fathers in our childhoods decades ago. But there were family to help protect us from the worst of it.
Family structure like that has completely broken down. No one bothers anymore.

And our dad's didn't spend their nights on facebook talkin to other women.
And neither did our mums.
And our mums didn't spend their lives dressing us up like dolls either all the time.
To get likes through pics of us ....
all the time on Instagram.

Likes from strangers.

Cause really, it's strangers staring at these kids in family pics on 'influencer' insta accounts.
And not nice strangers alot of them.

I totally feel, that dressing your child up for endless photographs on Instagram is a form of child abuse.

And will be proved to be in future I think.

Amber Heard is a product of a different era of Parenting.
Often child focussed parenting.
Which unfortunately has the result. In children being raised the singular focus of attention.
Of beleiving that they should be the singular focus of attention in all things. For the rest of their lives.
Meghan Markle has been raised this way I believe.
That's why she believes it's healthy and right. To seek fame all the time.
And media focus.

Another thing...Cara Delvigne is now claiming she is Pan Sexual.

The only Pan she is. Is Pancake brain.
With holes.
Burned through by incessant drugs.

I'm not surprised Christian is predicting Cara Delvigne is about to crash and burn.
Self destructive hedonism rarely agrees with anyone long term.
Miley Cyrus is another good example.

She appears to have been raised without many rules. Or boundaries either.
The result is rather obnoxious.
And dangerous.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 5:03 AM

In my opinion the marriage will not last.

1) Raven stayed on live television she is from the COUNTRY of Africa. Please read that twice.

2) Raven wore a black shirt, black pants, & black shoes during the ceremony. Single ladies, remember this: “Marry in black, wish yourself back.”
T. W. said…

Rumor has it Cara is an addict, she’s crazy, she’s manipulative, & she uses people. She & Amber Heard are 2 peas in a pod.

I’ve said here in the past she went to an elite boarding school & was Tiger Lily Taylor’s roommate. Anytime you see the words “elite boarding school” think of The Program.

Tiger Lily is Roger Taylor’s child. The child is as crazy as Cara & Amber. I say “child” because Tiger Lilly looks like a man in desperate need of a shower. Roger Taylor looks like a woman. His sister Claire is facially challenged & looks more manly. Roger Taylor likes tall, mannish looking women. His current wife got gigantic breast implants & paid a surgeon to ruin her face. She looks like a man with two picnic hams inside his chest. No joke. Please Google this.

I swear Roger Taylor is gay or bi. I said before he & Freddie Mercury used to be roommates. Google pics of him standing beside Freddie or when it’s just the two of them. What do you see?

Dude showed up to the Oscars last year looking like Santa Claus in a red velvet suit. I am not exaggerating. Please Google this for laughs.

CDAN ran a blind item saying:

“I know he was with his wife earlier in the evening, but late last night, this permanent A- list singer/musician/founder was trolling The Abbey for a guy to hook up with.”

Sunday, February 24, 2019 — Blind Item #7

You can no longer see the comments because Enty switched to Disqus comment platform. I wrote that the subject of the blind is Roger Taylor for several reasons: Bohemian Rhapsody was nominated for several Oscars that year, permanent A list band is Queen, Roger Taylor & Brian May are the founding members, and Brian previously received treatment for prostate cancer so best case scenario he needs Viagra or a penis pump; worst case scenario he is impotent.

The blind did not get revealed but if you Google the words “roger Taylor CDAN” this will show on the first page!
T. W. said…

What happened with Cara & her mom?
T. W. said…

I love your most recent comment!

Did you know that when Miley Cyrus was still a child she had an entire wing of the home devoted for her use? No wonder she was having all kinds of sex with boys, girls, and toys.
T. W. said…
*Raven stated she was from the country of Africa. I apologize for the typo.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah I'm fairly certain Roger Taylor of the band, Queen is bisexual. Agree.

Why on earth have they bothered to hide it all these years?

Freddy Mercury being gay was a well known fact.
And no one cared.

I recently discovered that the hot guy from that old 80's band The Cars is bisexual. Always was.
I'm referring to Benjamin Orr.
He's also dead.

It was kept totally secret. The bisexual part. Not the dead bit.

Ohh Pretend I didn't say that.

In any case, I guess it was just a different era. And they were advised to keep it completely quiet.

Miley Cyrus is just a completely mixed up girl.
This modern era isnt doing her any good.
I thought she was getting better.
Maybe I'm wrong.

I think Cara Delvigne has finally realised... life in fast lane surely makes you lose your mind.
And it may be that she is addicted to cocaine now.
And has realised this.

And the people she calls friends are not friends at all. Just hangers on.
Hope she gets her skinny arse into rehab.
This is how they stay skinny.

It's the drugs the drugs the drugs.

Cause while they are using. They are not eating.
T. W. said…

You might remember the official story is Ben Orr died of pancreatic cancer. But the rumor mill said he had AIDS. Those of us old enough to remember know that when HIV/AIDS first came out & took lives the official death certificate listed either pneumonia or cancer as the cause of death.

I agree. I pray Miley Cyrus & Cara D. can get real help and escape THEY.

PS — Natalie Cole, Michael Jackson, and Prince were rumored to have been HIV positive. It’s a fact Natalie’s brother died of AIDS. She & her brother shared heroin needles. I’m not even gonna ask Christian about them. Some questions are too personal.
T. W. said…
Oh man, I forgot!

Rumor also has it George Michael was HIV positive & Elton John has it too. I’m not gonna ask Christian as this is too personal.

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