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My Darlings.
Wednesday June 3rd.
The return of.

Get busy with your comments.

Firewall and security.
Up & Running.


Anonymous said…
Christian Bale: good guy, bad guy, or a bit of both? Will he continue to wow us with his acting skills? I think that he is tremendously talented, and he looks great with his American dental work. (-:
Lovely Libra said…
Thanks CD!

1. What happened to Suzanne Morphew?
2. What happened to Brittany Murphy?
3. Is Trump really broke?
4. Is Jared Kushner a cross-dresser?
5. Will Trump quit or simply not be re-elected? Will he be charged with crimes?
6. Did Courtney Love kill Kurt Cobain?
7. How is David Bowie doing?

Thank-you so much!!!!
shamaro said…
Keanu was seen with the Witch in Malibu on Sunday at the beach.
Sarah the Great said…
Did Harry throw a tantrum in front of Kate before his and Meghan’s last outing? Is that why she barely looked at them during the greeting?
Sana said…
Hey CD, hope you're doing OK in Los Angeles! I just heard that the riots are going loco there for what happened to Mr Floyd Here are some Q I've got ...

Is there going to be justice for what happened to George Floyd? - RIP George Floyd

How is the world of going to be after COVID 19? Are some celebs finally going to realize their total irrelevance in crisis?

Megan & Harry's next shenanigan...uff

Haha don't think it will ever end
Do take care - alot of people are going out - stay safe and watch netflix
chris said…
Will police in the U.S.begin to turn on Trump and march with the people? The National Guard?

Will those protesting be protected (by spirit) from COVID? What will be the outcome of all of this crowd gathering?

I keep hearing about a woman who is going to confront Trump. And assist in bringing him down. True? Any idea who?

Love this new feature. xo
Michelle Albo said…
Hi CD, when is your estimation time when we will get our ecomony back up and running again?
Michelle Albo said…
Hi CD when do you see the COVID situation settling down?
T. W. said…
My left eye keeps twitching.

Christian, I’m so happy and I patiently await your answers!
T. W. said…

Will people actually vote in November?

Will we finally vote the creatures out of government offices?

Will the presidential election be rigged?

Thank you.

T. W.
T. W. said…

I want to rephrase a question I asked a while back.

Will Congress give us slave reparations? I heard if they do they will write the law in such a way that few black people will qualify.

Also, if we do get the reparations will they be tokens or will they give us what we rightfully deserve?

I think they should make higher education free as part of the reparations.

They should also forgive our student loan debt as part of the deal.

Here’s a link:

BET founder Robert Johnson calls for $14 trillion of reparations for slavery
Anonymous said…
Jude Law's wife is pregnant. How many more kids is this guy going to have? Is he still a cheater?

Why is Ruby Rose so difficult to work with?

What kind of drugs is Lana del Ray on? Why does she always see herself as a victim?

Kylie Jenner was exposed as not really being a billionaire. Forbes is saying her mother forged tax returns. Will they actually get
in trouble with the law for this.
Patworx said…
What's the deal with Dan Schneider?
Anonymous said…
Since it seems Keanu was with his alleged girlfriend this weekend, it appears he has no interest in bringing in the good energy needed for he and his “beloved” to meet. Will this change the trajectory of his “soulmate’s” path where I’m sure there will be a point of no return in this lifetime?
dshareef222 said…
I want to know about Aaron Rodgers. Will he get it back together professionally and of course after he retures will he come out?

Rumors about Troy Aikman, true?

Val Demmings, Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Amy Klobuchar, and Stacey Abrams are VP candidates. Who will get the job if Biden is elected?

After all this craziness, will we get major positive changes in this country? Healthcare & affordable college?
CyndiTx123 said…
hi cd,

will kylie jenner have to go to the klinky aka jail for lying about how much money she is earning..?
or for shooting her baby's daddy?

When will we no longer hear of the kartrasdians... so tired of their pics...

who do you feel will be nominated for the oscars for 2021 or just the actors to look out for?

I love christian bale... but what about Shia Leabeauf? I loved him in Peanut Butter Falcon!! he is very intense like Christian bale... Is he and Mia G. still gonna stick together? do you see an oscar for Shia Leabeauf? I am probably miss pelling his name.. sorry folks!

prayers that all will be will with our nation!! and cd's website... :)
Anonymous said…
Will Lori Loughlin and her husband serve all of their prison time or be let out early?

Is Keanu done with AG or is it true he is still speaking to her?

Will Keanu end up with his new love this year?

Will Prince Harry go crawling back to his family?

Chocmint33 said…
Hey TW, my left or right eye twitches too. In our family it is a psychic thing. My mum said that the right eye can be a surprise - either good or bad and the left eye can be a letter or correspondence that you don't expect.

However, with me the left eye is usually a surprise. When my eye goes I always hope it is a nice surprise.

I have some questions CD.

1. Did Meghan Markle marry Prince Harry thinking she could be Queen? 2. Was Meghan pissed off that she had to come 2nd after Kate in the royal pecking order?
3. Was that one of the reasons Meghan did a runner - she and Harry were not at the top of the royal pecking order?
4. For Marilyn Monroe's death was a needle used to kill her? If not what instrument was used? An enema? Was her psychiatrist Dr Ralph Greenson involved? Did she ever sleep with him?
5. Is the Queen ever going to do public engagements again?
6. When is the public going to be safe from COVID 19 and what country will produce a good vaccine for it?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Mia Goff is such a fantastic actress. I saw her in that movie called Emma. A little while back.

She needs to get away from Shia Le Bouf
Christian predicted long ago. That Shia Le Bouf is actually mad.
NR said…
Hello Christian,

Q1. Will Australia & other countries stand up to China's economic bullying?

Q2. Will the Australian Government start supporting and actively encouraging an independent and self-sustaining economy?

Q3. Will the worshipping of "celebrity" start to fade away?
LM said…
Hi CD,
I haven’t been on for so long, today I found myself drawn back to your blog and found this q&a . My question is about New Zealand we have been having quite a few earthquakes and aftershocks in the last week, is this leading up to something also could you please see anything about Jacinda Ardern our Prime Minister.
TW and all the people from US on this blog please stay safe. Like the rest of the world when I saw what happened I sat in absolute disbelief and totally appalled of what I had just seen. Justice will prevail. Sending you Lots of hugs and lots of love TW. I know that we are thousands of kilometres away you will receive them though.
CD thanks for letting us do this I know it takes so much out of you to do it. To you I am also sending you lots of love and hugs.
T. W. said…

Thank you for your words of comfort!

I think a nasal allergy caused the twitching.
T. W. said…
I like all these questions!

Christian, when do you sleep? You also see a lot of bad things. How can we ease your burden?
Kitt Med said…
1. Chris Perez former husband of Selena slain-tex-mex singer. He seems lonely. Will he get back to work with a new band or music project?

2. What about Snoop Dogg, any new music or projects?

3. Will Monique make a comeback n movies or shows?
4. Micheal Jordan, will there be any movies about him? Will he stay with this new young wife and kids?
5.What about comedian George Lopez, any new projects or loves in his life?
6. What about Theresa Gudice,cfrom the housewives show, do you see new love or projects to pay the bills on her own? She has tuition and bills for the girls?
7.What about Charlie Sheen, and Denise Richards? Any new projects or shows?

Kitt Med said…
Question: Howard Stern, any new projects or anything going on with him?

Sarah the Great said…
Did Meghan believe she & Harry would be so popular that they would knock William & Catherine off the throne due to public opinion?
T. W. said…
More questions:

Will the truth about Oprah come out for all to see?

Is it true rasPutin “knows what time it is” and is trying to warn people about THEY?

Are THEY planning something bad to happen around the time of the summer solstice (June 21)?
Anonymous said…
CD, thank you for this new feature. The two most important questions I can think of are:

1. When will our lives return to normal in regard to the Coronavirus?

2. Will Trump succeed in winning the presidency again?

Thank you.
CAP Anonymous
Is there anything positive we can look forward to?
Sana said…
Is Britney Spears going to b ok?

T.W if u read this, stay safe love 💗 . Sorry I didn’t post b4
Hope everyone here in the comments are ok

Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I want to know too. If Australia is going to stop depending on China. For alot of things. Particularly money.
The Chinese have got control of our Australian Ports. On 99 year leases. Quite easily.
A long time ago.
Actually Ports all around the world.

And. Bought up our farms in Australia. Some the size of France.
And they are buying them for their own food bowl. So they can grow their food here. On an industrial scale. Using our water. Transport it to the Ports they have got control of.
And ship the food to China.
And feed their own people.
They have been buying up farms everywhere for this reason. Not just Australia.


Because China do not have anywhere near the farmland they need to feed their people. The new western diets the Chinese now prefer. They do not produce enough of themselves. They can't.
They can't run cattle in China. And a myriad of industrialised farming types they need.

The Saudi Arabians are doing the same thing.
But in their case. They are doing it because they have run out of water. They did try industrial farming to feed their people themselves. Huge round fields of vegetables etc. Outside of their cities.
But it all failed. Because the water available in Saudi Aradia has declined so far in Saudi Arabia in the last 20 years.
The crops failed.

Although Australia has to have have some kind of amicable relationship with the Chinese out here. We have to start standing up to their global takeover.

My hope is. That the devastation of the Chinese economy. Due to Covid 19, has brought a sharp end to the Chinese big plan.
Of world domination through expansion and control.
They have had a big focus on taking control of areas in South America too.
Developing countries are very vulnerable to their goals.

But the one thing countries now have to protect individually. Right now. Urgently.
Is water suppy.
Because the country's who are running out of water. To grow food.
Have their sights on other people's water.

China is the biggest investor in Australian water leases.
Basically now. The facts are, the Chinese now own the The Murray Darling River basin here.
Usually water is not allowed to be bought by speculators who are non farmers.
Or non landholders here in Australia.
But the Chinese have managed to circumnavigate that law. Because our corrupt and stupid Australian government. Allowed them to do it.

And so Chinese control over Australian water has pushed up water prices for Australian farmers... up incredibly.
The knock on effect is...higher food prices for Australians.
The Chinese who own the water leases don't care.
They've got what they want.

We used to have really cheap food in Australia. Not anymore.
The destruction of the Murray Darling river system by foreign owned water leases. And how empty it now is. Is not because of drought cycles.
It is because so many foreign investors have been allowed to divert so much water out it.
It's finally run out. And. Destroyed the environments around it that rely on Murray Darling water. Shore birds. Forests of River Red Gum trees, Blackbox Eucalypts, Coolibah trees.
Now dead. Australian farmers who desperately need to irrigate crops. Can't....they can't afford enough water. And the Murray Darling basin is nearly empty anyway.
Small Australian country towns without water as a result too. 1 in South Australia ended up with no water.
Last year 1 in 10 water entitlements in Australia were foreign owned. A huge proportion of them were Chinese owned.
Some U.S too.
And the Australian Government sat back and let that happen.
And allowed a Communist Party of China owned company, called Unibale... to aqquire 7,000 megalitres of water in the Gwydir River system of the Murray Darling basin.

It's about time the Australian government got a big kick up the arse over this. They spend enough time gloating over the control of commodities like Gold and minerals. Its their obsession.
But the fact is this. If we don't have access to water in Australia. We die.
No one , nothing will die without access to Gold.
Keanu said…
If Keanu if still supporting Alexandra Grant,
is he completely retarded and as manipulative and fake as she is?

Also, what disturbing thing is this?
mat said…
Will be any Melbourne cup race on first week of November going over for my 60th birthday hope you alright at home cd

Thank for message for my brother didn't want money to help
Mathew ward
Enigma said…
Apparently, he is still hanging out with Grant,
can you do a reading about him?
Is he being flattered by her narcissistic tricks into believing that he has artistic talent, and how he is slowly being drawn into thinking that she is his twin flame as she has been mimicking him ?

What is going on with him?
Looks like his light dimmed since a few years,
as he has aged a lot and looks....stuck.
It looks far from a guy in love or even happy.
CyndiTx123 said…
how about kelly clarkson and her spouse?

what about texas gov'na Abbott? Will he serve another term? I heard that Texas will still be Red..after Trump is out of office......golly gee- need some Blue in Texas not just their beautiful skies. my fav color.

HOw is Lady Gaga? ur fur baby..... What's your fav color CD?

who is Biden's VP ???? I hope an African American Woman!!

What about Putin .... hear it's not going so swell for him in Russia....

LovesBreadCarbs said…
Will Chick’s Opinion learn how to bake her own bread?


aka LovesBreadCarbs&NetflixBinging
Anonymous said…
Hello dear Christian Dion ... Some fans said they saw Keanu and Alexandra together on the beach this weekend ... When will this end? Christian, what do you see about that? When will Keanu find his future love, and will he end this torment? Honestly, I am losing hope ... I wanted so badly that he soon finds his beloved that so many are foreseeing ... It would be so good if that happened ... But, all we see are Alexandra's lies. Until when?
Sally said…
Sally says

My question is

Brexit - how will it affect the UK?

The Coronavirus will we find a vaccine?

Thank your so much for your insight you’re the best

Take care
Anonymous said…
Hi CD,

Is Derek Chauvin divorce a farce so he can put his assets under her name because he knows he will be sued?

I see the protesters walking arm in arm to the polls in November. Will this be enough to oust 45?
Anonymous said…
Anything you can tell us about the Black Knight (UFO satellite)?
Thank you! -- rch
Anonymous said…
1.) Will Donald Trump lose everything? Will Donald Trump and family go to jail?

2.) How can we speed up the process to get him out of office?
Peach Cobbler said…
Dear Christian,

It looks like the Hag AG is still around Keanu as pictures of a sort were posted to IG from Sunday. What is going on? One of the posters who was at the beach taking pictures with Keanu claims that the two were swimming and kissing. Is K really supporting this criminal? So many questions. She is a lesbian and is rumored to be in a relationship with a woman. Can you shed some light on this darkness?
Anonymous said…
Is Tom Hanks really a pedofile?

Quiet said…

Here are my questions if you can please

1- Is there a baby (archie) in meghan markles possession daily?

2- Did a neighbor call the police of mm and harry because they were fighting so loudly. Reported in news 2 days ago.

3-Is harry with meghan in CA or where are they residing? or are they residing apart from each other?

4- Will meghan be called out by media for faking archies birth? OR will she be charged criminally for faking a human birth and faking a human birth certificate of Archie that is not witnessed or signed by a medical professional?

(it is a criminal offence to fake a death so I am assuming it is criminal to fake a human birth to your body and to fake an illegitimate birth certificate document to the fake birth)

5- TOM HANKS.. whats the deal with Tom Hanks? is he alive? is his brother trying to pawn off faking to be Tom because Tom is dead?

Thank you in advance

Quiet said…
Hi Again

1- Is Tim Chung the Beverly hills cop and bodygaurd to kardashians the REAL father to Kylies daughter Stormi? Will this eventually come out? or who is the real father?

2 Lori Laughlin and husband. Will they do all of the time in prison?. I think 2 months for her and 5 months for him? will their marriage be stable in future after prison? Will their daughters pull any stunts on them while in prison or have their own careers again?

3- Kelly Ann Conway.. Will she continue working after the elections or will she be not sought after by anyone for work after the Nov elections? is her marriage stable into the future? any info please
T. W. said…
Thank you Musaka!
T. W. said…
Keanu — That pic is beyond disturbing. Keanu is either blinded by the darkness, engulfed by it, or he is trying to safely leave AG.

Let’s hope he is planning his exit.
writestuff said…
Did Jesus of Nazareth live in India for awhile before going back home?
Was Vincent Van Gogh shot by someone else and he helped cover it up?
Will Stacey Abrams be the U.S. president in the near future? How about any of Martin Luther King Jr's descendants?
Thank you!
Psychic Gossip said…
Yes he did thenFrance after he arose cdx
T. W. said…
I read Jesus went to Japan too.
writestuff said…
Thank you so much for doing this, CD!
NicQuerica said…
Will Coronavirus levels drop in 2021? Will we see real change in this country relative to racial relations and policd brutality?
Will there be a second Trump term?
Will Mitt Romney try to run again for President in the future?
Will Harry and Megs divorce? Will they have another child?
Will the US economy collapse?
Will real estate prices collapse?
What about the global economy? China?
Will there be another terrible global pandemic?
Louis said…
Hi CD,

Thanks for doing this. Since we all know all volcanic eruptions are on hold until 2021 due to the coronavirus...LoL...and I'm a bit of a seismology geek I thought I'd ask you about two very powerful volcanoes that we have very little understanding of. I'll give you a bit of run down...lets hope run is not the recommendation...on both.

Campi Flegeri/Italy: Vesuvius' forgotten but way more dangerous neighbour, Campi Flegeri has had uplift since the early 1980's, currently classified as restless...but it started getting harmonic tremors in Jan 2020, there appears to be three bursts (Jan, Mar, Early Apr of this year). Any insights?

Ito/Iwo Jima/between between Japan and Papua New Guinea: Internet geeks fret about Yellowstone, seismologists ponder Ito. This super volcano has been uplifting for 1000 years now, the beach where the surveyors of Captain James Cook landed in 1776 now lies more than 40 metres above sea level and the WW II landing beaches are now 17 m above present sea level. There were small disturbances in 1982 and 2001 and the Tsunamis would dwarf 2011. Your thoughts?

Liam said…
Christian, the people of New York City need your help. The mayor and governor have imposed an unlawful curfew, the police are currently trapping thousands of peaceful protestors on the Manhattan bridge refusing to let them leave and they murdered a young black kid in Crown Heights two hours ago. Mayor De Blasio has lost all control over his police department. They are going totally rogue. He needs to be forced out now so someone can step up and reign them in. Please post out a blog immediately insisting that he has to resign. Peace won't come to my city until he goes. Please. My city needs this now. Urgent!
Anonymous said…
Thanks CD,

When will it be announced that Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse PR relationship is over? When will he be free of her?

Is all of this Hollywood/celebrity pedo/pizza gate stuff real and are they really being taken out silently?

Thank you hope you are staying safe!

Anonymous said…
Hi CD, your gift is amazing. Can you please tell us what is the real situation between Keanu Reeves and AG, it just doesn't make sense that he can't see through her questionable, unethical and morally corrupt ways. Keanu's attachment to AG would make any woman think twice. Also can you please share some more details if he will still meet his true love and when/how. Many blessings to you, thank you.
Chick'sOpinion said…

We are more than ready for anything in Australia ...any earthquakes in the Pacific and Indian Ocean.

As you will know, we are close to the Ring Of Fire in Australia.
And we all learned alot from the 2004 Tsunami in Indonesia nearby.
The good news is, Australia has the most advanced Tsunami Warning System in the world. It's based in both Melbourne and Canberra. Run by the Bureau of Geoscience Australia.

They have detection buoys everywhere prone to earthquakes in the Indian and Pacific Ocean.
Sydney harbour is actually a serious possibility for a Tsunami. Most Sydney residents do not know this.
There was a Tsunami alert in Australia at 10am one morning in April 2007 in my state, New South Wales. And in Queensland. Thought to hit around 11pm that night.
So the east coast of Australia was well prepared.
The warning was cancelled if I recall.
But all beaches on the coast were closed.
It didn't eventuate very bad.
I was worried because my daughter, who then, lived in a villa very close the beach on the east coast.
But that Tsunami did do massive damage in the Solomon Islands
It was a good preparation process for Australia I feel.

The sad thing is. ... the Australia goverment was very aware. That the Tsunami Warning system in Indonesia. Was not working for many years. A system was installed after their devastating Tsunsmi of 2004.
But...It wasn't operating for years, because of lots of faults, lack of funding to fix the faults.
And vandalism.
This was deeply disturbing.
Given the fact that the Tsunami that struck Indonesia in 2004 on the Sunda Strait between the islands of Sumatra and Java... caused so much death (2000 people) back then. And the devastation, fatalities happened because there wasn't any Tsunami Warning Systems at all out there in Indonesia. In 2004.

And then it hapoened again in Indonesia. In Dec 2018. More death and devastation.
And in Western Sulawesi.
The one in 2018 was caused by molten rock coming out of the Anak Krakatau volcano, causing undersea lanslides.
As the Indonesians hadn't fixed the Tsunami Warning Detection System they had. I think Australia statred putting pressure on Indonesia to do something.
So by Dec 2018. And a new leader, Joko Widodo. Indonesia announced they were building a new system in 2019.
Pretty sure Australia installed their old ones.
But as I said...they failed to maintain them.
I don't know if the Indonesian government followed through and built the system.
But until I get clarification on that. I will never plan a holiday in Indonesia.
It's cheap. It's close.
But in my view, deadly.
For Tsunamis.
If you holiday there. Stay as far inland as you can at all times.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Anonymous Friend 843

I can answer that.


Because I'm buyin a bread maker.
My bread comes out cooked. Lookin like bread.
But not acting like bread.
More like a big savoury cake.

And as I'm a bread/carbs junkie as you know.
I can't deal with bread that isn't what I'm used to.
I watched a You Tube of this American guy bake perfect bread in his Bread Making Machine.
And became very jealous.
In an unhealthy way.
So I thought. Thats it.
I'm buying a bread maker.
Plus when I roll dough. I make such a mess.
Which I hate cleaning up.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Jude Law need to get a vasectomy.
British surgeons need to email him.
And offer one for free.
Chick'sOpinion said…
So many interesting questions.
I don't feel I need to ask any.
Cause you guys. Have come up with some very thought provoking ones.
That I am interested in anyway.
Apple Monkey said…
CD thank as always.
I just wondered what happened re Chris Cornell. His daughter Lily is such a sweet soul and hope she will protected. She has a beautiful voice.
Will Andrew face court action. He should be in prison
Will Kate and William be ok.
Will the kardashians go away (yes Cyndi!)

TW sending you prayers. Big hug to you Cyndi!
Love to you Choc, Jules, Chicks, Musaka Cap A, and everyone here.
CD please look after you and Lady Gaga xo
Anonymous said…
Keanu was seen on the beach kissing Alexandra and then again in a video at her apartment. Why can't he feel the positive energy that is being sent to him? Is there anything that can be done to facilitate leading him to a true goddess with a pure and unconditional loving heart? Her evil surely can't be as strong as our light. Long-time fans are leaving him. Can he be saved?
Anonymous said…
If so many fans have prayed for him to find someone genuine and kind
If so many shady things have been exposed of Alexandra
If he still supports her, then what does it say about him and his character?
Is he just as shady as her?

A lot of fans have been hoping that he would see the light,
but they are now slowly walking away.
Being a fan has it's limits, as integrity and morals are more important.

Can you please do another reading on this whole situation Christian?

On behalf of a lot of caring fans, thanks!
Anonymous said…
Hello lovely Christian, Blackbird here from another computer x

My question - and I am ready for the answer - is whether New Zealand really has escaped lightly from Covid-19? (My intuition is telling me no, but I'd like your professional opinion. There is talk of New Zealand moving to "level 1" next week - which means life as normal, except for tightened borders, but this little voice is telling me to be very, very careful.

Anyhoo, look forward to your response if you are able to.

T. W. said…
Thank you Apple Monkey!
Blackbird said…
Hi CD :-)

I posted from another computer but I don't think my message came through?

My question is about New Zealand and Covid-19 ...

New Zealand has had very few deaths overall, and no new cases in some 12 days. It is with this in mind that we will likely move to 'level 1' which is essentially normal life - no social distancing, no restrictions, except the borders will be tightly monitored.

Can you see if New Zealand is going to regret this decision? My instincts tell me that this virus is going to hit this country with a huge second wave that nobody will see coming - am I right? (I hope not).

Thank you for this CD, and all that you do.

Blackbird said…
Oh, now my earlier message has appeared! Sorry to spam you, CD!

Apple Monkey said…
Hi right back Chicks 👋🏾

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