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T. W. said…
No Darth Vader outfit?
T. W. said…
Open message from Joseph Tittle:
Quiet said…
Thats a Classic Pic to be saved in History !
T. W. said…
The world is watching:

In another figure skating social media development, Olympic gold medalist and three-time world champion Evgeni Plushenko of Russia appeared on his official Instagram account a few days ago wearing a gray T-shirt featuring Russian President Vladimir Putin wearing a red “Make America Great Again” hat.

It’s unlikely there will be an apology for that one.

T. W. said…
No word from Lil’ Kim Jong Un.

'Mr President, don't go hide!' China mocks Trump over George Floyd protests
T. W. said…
'Silence not an option' Queen, Harry and Meghan's royal trust speaks out over US protests
Chick'sOpinion said…

I always read what people choose to wear on T Shirts.
I've always felt it reveals alot about them.
Chick'sOpinion said…

As for Russian figure skater, Plushenko.
Doesn't he know. Putin is currently skating on thin ice with his people.

Most psychics say that demonic monster, Putin ...will run away from Office eventually. In fear.

T. W. said…
Chick’sOpinion — I agree with both your comments.
T. W. said…
Christian told us —

Trump admits he went to White House bunker during George Floyd protests, but claims it was just for a brief ‘inspection’
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah. What a coward of a President.

But I guess he knows. That his threat of assassination is high at this time.
American people are angry.
Very angry.

We have not seen the likes of it.
It's a big discussion point in Australia.
Chick'sOpinion said…

People get away with anything written on their T Shirts these days.
I noticed the change in early 2000's. And was a bit shocked.

I was shopping with my kids. And I saw a guy with the 'new' kind of T Shirt on....

It said....

Sex Instruction
First Lesson Free

It was funny.

But really we need to bring back decency.

How can we? When so many young wonen actively want to portray themselves as hoes.
No ones forcing them.
They are doing it cause they want/need to.
T. W. said…

That was funny! I once saw a shirt that said “Sex — Do It For The Kids”

That was a good laugh!
Chick'sOpinion said…

That's hilarious.

And even I have to admit.

It's true. A fact.

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