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Meghan Markle Liar Liar Liar... Pregnant or NOT.....



Meghan Markle.





She'll do this at least three times...

PS I did mean to post this one.
But the send button and save button.
To my migraine dyslexic brain.
Look just the same.
Oh well.


Anonymous said…
Please tell us more about how this karma will come to her and when... I just discovered your blog and I’m loving it!
Chocmint33 said…
I wonder if the Karma involves naughty pictures or movies - Heather Mill's risque type which surfaced when her marriage to Paul ended?

Silly Megs and Harry signed to a public speaking agency right on Mercury Retrograde. When they trade marked Sussex Royal late last year Mercury retro was also full on. And look what happened to that!

Chocmint33 said…
So will her pregnancy lie be revealed? Will she pretend to be pregnant like before and have another surrogacy?

It must cost Megs buckets of money to have a surrogate and getting the surrogate to keep the secret.
Anonymous said…
This whole world and fear based constructed society is based on lies so makes everyone lie too. A moral compass is hard to find ad a result.
Chick'sOpinion said…
The only other people in the history of the Royal family who have had 'sort of' faked pregnancies.
Are Queen Mary (Mary Tudor) daughter of Henry 8th.

And Anne Boleyn. King Henry 8th's doomed young wife.

Queen Mary Ist (Mary Tudor) had a phantom pregnancy. Soon after her marriage to Phillip Of Spain.
She was unfortunately 37, just like Meghan Markle. So her getting pregnant at all was a bit remote.
But Mary needed desperately a Catholic heir to the throne. Through her new marriage to Phillip of Spain.
And was under pressure by his family. And hers, to produce a child.

Well she announced it as a pregnancy.
Grew large.
But by 1555. It was clear it was a very long pregnancy.
And not a pregnancy at all.
Mary 1st had in fact, Ovarian Cancer.
And that's why her stomach swelled up.
She eventually died of it some time after.

Ann Boyleyn was another one.
Same problem.
Desperately needed to produce another heir.
Because her last one was a girl.
She needed to produce a male as soon as possible.
But unfortunately, despite announcing the pregnancy.
She soon lost it to miscarriage.

It appears she took some time to tell the King that she'd lost the pregnancy.
And plotted on how she was going to rectify the situation.
Amd most know that King Henry 8th, her husband. And a serial killer.
Had her executed for failing to produce an heir. In 1536.
And for the rumours that the child she miscarried wasn't his anyway.

So Meghan Markle is going to choose the phantom pregnancy stunt.
She ought to read history and see how it worked out in the past.

It doesn't work out.

The public demand facts.
Journalists investigate deeply.
I believe they already know Archie was born by surrogate.
And are obeying an order from the Palace not to reveal it.
At least not yet.

I guess Meghan Markle believes that as she fooled the world that she had a natural birth of Archie. When in fact a surrogate had it.
Then the world can be fooled again.
On anything in regards to pregnancy.
Well let's just see.
Quiet said…

I want to see the UK government issued birth certificate card they mailed her shortly after this archie was born from her body on UK land.

She threw online an unsigned birth document. No doctor , no witness, not even a registered mid wife signed or helped her deliver archie on may 6th 2018. If this is the document she sent into the government for birth registry, I doubt they mailed her an official birth certificate wallet sized card. I doubt she has a passport for an archie either.

Can anyone do a search in the UK birth registry to see if this archie was even born and is registered as a human born May 6th 2018?'

Quiet said…

Couldn't cut it as a royal
Couldn't cut is as an actress even though in Hollywood now

Resorts to the oldest and easiest game in the 500 year old book.
Lay down and make a baby.

Hope we see a real birth certificate is she keeps showing us dolls.
Chick'sOpinion said…
The Daily Mail UK are claiming the headline tonight that 'Meghan is networking with L.A power players to build her brand.

I doubt very much The Daily Mail believes any of this crap they are writing about her.

I can't imagine their Journalist and editor I believe, Piers Morgan believes any of it.
He loathes Meghan Markle.
As we know.
So I'm surprised headlines like this about her even appear in The Daily Mail.
These days.
Anonymous said…
To Quiet,
Here is a link to Archie's BC along w/ the article explaining its features. Will this help?'s%20birth%20certificate,

From Anonymous-rch (I didn't feel like signing in)
T. W. said…

I skimmed the story but had not thought about Mercury being in retrograde right now. I thank you for pointing that out!


Meghan Markle, Prince Harry set to make up to $1M per speech
T. W. said…
My sister recently had a baby and the child looks like a doll. She is so precious and beautiful!
T. W. said…
Silly MeghaTron. Men can’t give birth.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Anononymous 6.33

I totally agree with you.

People lack integrity today.
Anonymous said…
WTF? Markle is not a man. Stop with the extreme weirdness. It's comments like that which hurt the blog.

MM was definitely pregnant and gave birth to Archie. Any mildly intelligent person, or one who has been a mother or even lived with someone pregnant would recognize that. Pregnant women gain weight in their bodies and especially their faces in a very particular way.

Maybe she will need to have a surrogate for the 2nd pregnancy. Those pregnancies don't always work out either. A loss of a baby doesn't always mean physical- many people lose viable, fertilized eggs. It still feels just as much a crushing loss for the parents.
Cayce21 said…
Anonymous - Meghan was not pregnant with Archie. Period.
T. W. said…
Anonymous June 29, 2020 at 2:00 AM

Stop telling people they can't share their thoughts and opinions. It's comments like that which hurt the blog.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous you're correct but their level of understanding is the issue a d boredom.
LovesBreadCarbs said…
I’m in the no-child-of-the-body camp myself. Too many weird photos with the bump.

What amazes me is that Just Harry has had the shadow of his paternity his entire life. And he’s okay with all this super secrecy (not privacy) regarding Archie? 100 times worse for Achie. Who is his, Archie, father? Who is his birth mother? Whose egg was fertilized?

If there even is an Archie and not a rent-a-baby?

It has been suggested by some that the reason M does not want “Archie” near the BRF is because she does not want them secretly obtaining DNA for testing.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I agree with everything you said.
You raise good points.
Morgan said…
The public and media already know about Archie's birth circumstances.
Firstly, K.Palace posted a notice on the K.Royal IG page to the effect that the Sussex pregnancy was by surrogacy. That was quite early in the saga when I and many others saw that notice before it was removed. I wouldn't think that could be passed off as a slick prank and if denied by any source, they're engaging in a conspiracy.

Secondly, I know of at least 2 people who, independently of each other, rang the hospital where the birth reportedly occurred. Both were separately told by different staff that 'no special births happened there on or around Archie's publicised birth date.' Why, unless staff were under royal orders to issue denials, after that detail was plastered all over every conceivable news source?

Mainstream media must certainly be aware of all this and, unless the reasoning is tied to the strict Laws of Succession, it's beyond me why they'd bother to spin Archie's arrival as a natural birth AFTER the cat was well and truly let out of the bag by KP.

It's also been reported in mainstream sources that neither Harry nor Meghan can have children, according to their own personal and separate admissions aired in past interviews.
Another problematic issue is the birth certificate that seems to contain quite a bit of misinformation and administrative anomalies to which Harry, as Informant, signed his name.

As a Brit, CD, I'm sure you know that very strict laws apply for Succession to the UK throne and I'm wondering if you can clarify whether Harry - and any other potential co-conspirators - will be brought to account for what appears to be a premeditated Fraud played on the global citizenry. Thanking you in advance.

(I apologise if you've already addressed this matter as I'm new to this site. Cheers!)
Unknown said…
@ Anonymous,
There are lactation hormones that can be given that produce a 'puffed-up' appearance of weight gain, as a side effect. All the available clinical evidence points to it being highly unlikely, if not impossible for Meghan and Harry - both as individuals and as a couple - to be capable of conceiving and carrying a child by natural means.

Chick'sOpinion said…
And has Meghan been messing with Harry's ears?
There's every indication.
That since Harry has been with Meghan, he's has his ears pinned back.

Cause they stuck before like 2 cauliflowers.

And now they are in a normal position.

If she talked him into surgery. Can you imagine the conversation.

'You need to think of your image Harry'

'The better you look in pics the more money we can make from pics, so seriously those ears have to go'
Anonymous said…
All you Anons make interesting points about Meghan's pregnancy.

This forum had hashed this topic out months prior. I was one of the few people who initially believed that she was pregnant, but as time went on it certainly seemed to prove otherwise. TW and Quiet were adamant from the beginning that Meghan was never pregnant and raised excellent points as well.

CD finally confirmed that Meghan was never pregnant, so things got real quiet around here after that.

Throughout her supposed pregnancy, she gained no weight. None!

The only area that showed various degrees of change were her tummy.

All thanks to silicone fake belly props. She got the one with the belly button.

If you were to look at photos during her pregnancy term, right up until the 8th month (she disappeared in the "ninth month" until after Archie was born), she appeared to look the same, except for her protruding belly.

BIG belly on this small framed woman. No other apparent weight gain. Does not compute.

Her professional makeup artist even gave her a faux pregnancy "glow."

After baby Archikins was born and Harry and Meghan showed him to the world and started stepping out again in public to attend events, Meghan had gained a great deal of weight -- all over.

Meghan publicly expressed her struggles with mental health during early motherhood.

I suggested that perhaps the reason why she gained so much weight so quickly is because she went on antidepressants. The weight she might have gained during her pregnancy term, but never did.

Chick's Opinion, I always thought Meghan would push Harry to get veneers for his teeth!

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
Unknown, Morgan


Prince Harry and MegaTron are on record saying they can’t naturally conceive if at all!

Information is missing from the birth certificate.

MeghaTron gained weight AFTER the child was born.

There is a photograph of MeghaTron stooping, bending, and kneeling while wearing stiletto heels at 8 MONTHS pregnant.

There are a multitude of photographic and video evidence showing MeghaTron shifting, lifting, and unfolding her cheap Moon Bump.

MeghaTron & the press kept changing Archie’s due date. How can a human female be pregnant for an entire year or more?!
T. W. said…

I’m glad you said this. A while back Danja Zone said as baby Archie gets older he looks more like the man who had the threesome with Prince Harry & MeghaTron.

A while back I said it’s too early to judge paternity based on looks but the baby’s eyes were almond shaped. This means the child either has Asian ancestry, he has astigmatism or both. Even if the child has Asian ancestry that does not mean Prince Harry did not create the child.

Going back to the ears. I forget the name of the threesome partner but you all know him. Danja Zone said baby Archie has that man’s ears, lips, and other physical features! Could this be why Prince Harry had his ears surgically altered?
Chick'sOpinion said…

Christian did post that Archie was born by surrogate. In a way.
By stating that you can't get a live baby into the backdoor of the hospital Meghan Markle was then claimed to be having Archie.
The hospital in Paddinton.

Anyway Christian said words to that effect.

Remember at the last minute. The Palace claimed Meghan and Harry had switched their choice to have Archie at home at their cottage.
That was immediately suspicious.
Birth plans don't work like that for a start.

As for whether Meghan Markle or Prince Harry will ever face justice for deceiving the world. Christian has never commented to my knowledge.
But would be interesting to know.
I agree.
And fairer on the public if they were told the truth officially.

To what degree anyway, do the English, Scotland and Welsh public actually believe Meghan actually gave birth?

I'd be interested to know.

And that puffy face she displayed after supposedly having Archie?

You can get that effect quite easily with cosmetic filler injections in your face.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah, even so called Archie's features are suspicious to me.
The whole thing just reeks.
Of deception.
writestuff said…
Congrats on your new niece, T.W.!
Don't know when and if all MM's web of lies will be exposed: her real age, how she really met Harry, the partying, was she helped in this caper, the baby mess, etc...
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous


That will be the next thing. She'll insist Prince Harry gets veneers.

I just hate alot of these veneers.

Alot of people just look so...well...toothy with them.
They just don't look right on some people.
And then there's when they are an unatural white.

I think Prince Harry has nice teeth.
With a gap in the middle.

But are they Hollywood worthy?
Probably not.
T. W. said…
Nice House And Fake Tears
T. W. said…
writestuff — Thank you!
T. W. said…

I never noticed Prince Harry’s teeth. So in my mind his teeth are fine.

I agree with your assessment about veneers.
Jules said…
HRH TW ... Congratulations to you and your family on the birth of your precious niece, much love to you all.
T. W. said…
Thank you Jules!
Anonymous said…
Christian, Meghan has just announced that she has had a miscarriage.

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