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TOLD YA.. Brad Pitt & Alia Shawkat.. JUST FRIENDS...

Brad Pitt & Alia Shawkat .... Dating ?


Hollywood is all a buzz.
Busting at the seams to know.
 Brad Pitt  & Alia Shawkat.

As Old Hollywood would say.
Mind you after 
A walking Stick would be.
More Soulful.


T. W. said…
They won’t be friends much longer.

She’s a person of color but she’s made racist statements about blacks in the past. She’s sorry she got caught.
CyndiTx123 said…
It's ok CD, to let everyone know, I am dating Brad P....
Just didn't want any publicity or be to known as she is "Riding on the back of Brad P."... hey wait a minute ... hahahahaah.. I like piggy back rides!! hehehe. love me some B.P. :):) Happy Friday FOlks!
You said it CD... Texas is having major outbreaks of the covid.... stupid people who are trump supporters don't believe in wearing the masks... Now starting tonight in my county and Dallas COunty.. Facemasks anywhere-everywhere when your in public or face a fine.... Heard about a co workers friend was on a business meeting in Dallas, keep in mind- he doesn't live in Dallas- but was given a ticket for $180.00 for not wearing his face mask in public..... WEAR YOUR FACE MASKS TEXANS!!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Jeez that sounds awful in Texas.
Where I live there's not even any new outbreaks.
And no one wears masks.
We are very lucky it's been contained in my district. In Australia.

Sounds like Texas is as bad as was the Lombardy area of Italy. How the Police have controlled mask wearing and movement strictly.
Even dividing walk ways.

But generally Covid19 has ravaged all over America in the same way.
I guess it seems that way to me. And not very contained.

Like Lombardy in Italy. It is now considered the 'Wuhan of The West'.
People died like flies there.
From February onwards.
Bergamo hospital was completely overwhelmed.

Church Masses resumed in Italy in late May.
But God knows they needed to.
For their people to cope.
Because alot of survivors in Italy have emotional issues... about the fact that their loved one had to die of Covid19 alone.

The Italians do dying big. As a family.
So dying alone is inconceivable for them.
Their funerals are big too.
But not even that could happen.

But a wonderful thing started in Italy I noticed when I saw them on TV or read articles about them.

Solidarity started.

People helping eachother with food. Just as they did in WW2.
Because the fact is, when food got scarce in Italy. The Italian government did NOT provide.
The State didn't care.

Ppersonally, I don't know why Italians are so devoted to their country.
It's not devoted to them.
Not at the moment.

Remember when we used to see these crazy Dooms Day Preppers on TV.
And people thought they were mad. Especially the American ones.
Well people will no longer see them as quite so mad I don't think. Now this Pandemic affected us globally.
The Covid19 Pandemic will have created 1000's of new Doomsday Preppers.
And younger ones I think.
With even better ideas.
Pity there wasn't alot of Doomsday Preppers in Naples in Italy.
During Covid 19.
It's a very poor area. With lots of poverty as it is.
They desperately needed back up food and medicine to survive there.
But they didn't have it.

Scampia in Italy is an area where crime soared far worse than usual.
Even the young kids there have started selling drugs. For money.

Let's hope the Italian economy can recover. At least for next Tourist season.

They have reopened their borders, bars, restaurants.
That's a good start.
As alot of Italy is dependent on tourism.
Chick'sOpinion said…

You need to share Brad Pitt.
With the world.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD Can you do a prediction about Hawk Newsome.
He is a highly visible Black Lives Matter activist for the New York area.
And is regularly, 'in the news'.

And he has made some very contraversial statements lately.
I'd say as far as the current government are concerned. He's their public enemy no. 1.

But lately I've noticed Hawk Newsome is using quotes direct from the 1960's Civil Rights activist, Malcom X.

Especially when he said 'we will bring change by any means necessary '
That's a famous quote of Malcom X.

You will recall Malcom X was murdered in the end. In 1965.
And there was a confession from the shooter, a member of The Nation Of Islam. That they mudered Malcom X.
Not disputing the facts that are known.
But my money is on the government at the time too...
And white supremicists group. They would have murdered Malcom X anyway.
Malcom X was continually spied on by the FBI. And Malcom X's family home was firebombed a week before he was murdered.

And this is my worry about black activist Hawk Newsome. That he's at risk of being murdered.

And is Hawk Newsome currently being spied on heavily by the FBI too?

Actually I feel we need to do a protection prayer circle for this tough talkin fearless activist from the Bronx, Hawk Newsome.

Another thing...he's been claiming that black people sbould not vote until they get change.
I for one have to say, I don't agree with that advice he's givin the black community in the U.S.

Voting is the one way you can have huge influence.
Especially on a local level.
So on that he's wrong in my veiw.
But other than that, Hawk Newsome is completely amazeballs.

They'll make a movie about him one day I feel.
CyndiTx123 said…
Hi CHic's Opinion :) I am super happy that it is safe for you and your family in the area you live in of Australia. I saw a show "dojo hero's" and it was a show about wombats and the sanctuary that saves them. I pray that they survived the fires. I told my hubby that I want a wombat for my 50th... of course it came and went.... no wombat. They are such lil'rascals. I love them and of course Koala Bears too!
Texas is a red state...... A lot of deniers of the covid.... and are Trump Supporters... which I am gagging while I am typing this... Can't wait till Texas is Blue again....
PS. CD will they every change the 20 dollar bill of "Trail of Tears" Prez Andrew Jackson??? That guy destroyed sooo many Native American Indians Lives.... When I did my dna... had a lot of native american indian in my dna.... from my mom and great grand ma.....
T. W. said…
CyndiTx123 — Well then...

Don’t tell my mom you’re dating Brad!

As for the masks, North Carolina has had over 100,000 outbreaks since our state opened up. The Governor has ordered people to wear masks, etc. In my opinion the damage is already done.
T. W. said…

1) The Black Lives Matter movement is funded by George Soros, yet they always ask for donations.

2) Any organization connected to George Soros is part of the Elite Machine (THEY).

3) While not all people involved in BLM movement have nefarious intentions, I do not trust the BLM movement.

4) Malcolm X was correct about many things. Watch him on YouTube.

5) This Hawk Newsome person is taking Malcolm’s “By any means necessary” comment out of its socio-political context.

6) The fact he is telling Black people not to vote is further evidence he is part of the Elite Machine.

7) Part of the reason Trump got into the White House is because many Black people did not bother to vote. Some black people told me they won’t vote this year either because it’s rigged. I told them the local elections are on the same ballot & I doubt they are rigged. I also told them if Hillary had won by a larger margin she would not have conceded, she would have asked for a recount or a runoff election. People turned their heads & stuck their noses up when I said these things. But they are the first to complain about the government and the first to have their hands out for a check. If you want a check then get off your ass and vote for Democrats.

8) Hawk Newsome does not speak for all Black people.

9) Chattel Slavery in America was abolished over 100 years ago. Hawk Newsome can’t tell me what to do.

10) I bet Newsome is going to vote.

11) Why are THEY so desperate to have Black people not vote? Oh. That’s right. Black people tend to vote for Democrats. THEY are preparing us for a one world government. Can’t vote if you have a one world government!

12) As for Malcolm X murder, here is the tea I can neither confirm nor debunk as my primary source has departed the Earthly Realm — As you know from the film or his biography, Malcolm X made hajj. It changed him. If I remember right he saw that Muslims overseas were peaceful people and got along with people who practiced other faiths. As you know, Elijah Muhammad was in charge of the Nation of Islam in America. I’m too tired to research if Elijah Muhammad is still alive.

Okay. Malcolm X saw that Elijah M. was violent & jealous of him. Elijah M. saw that the people followed Malcolm X and wanted him to be their leader. Also, if I remember correctly The Nation of Islam is a hateful group not above violence. I will say this good thing about them: If you need private security personnel you need to call them. Forget the Mussaud. Don’t believe me? Ask Michael Jackson.

Now here is the part you have been waiting for. Malcolm X wanted to work with Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Malcolm X wanted to use peaceful means to bring change. Elijah M. Did not like this, but that’s not what got him killed.

Here is the juiciest part that I can neither safely confirm nor debunk. But I trust my primary source as s/he was alive at the time. Malcolm X believed Christianity was the only way. He was prepared to publicly state this and go back to Christianity. Elijah M. knew if Malcolm X declared this in public Elijah M. would lose followers and the money they gave him, uh, I meant the money they donated to the organization. This is what got Malcolm X killed. Allegedly.
T. W. said…
Is Australia still in drought?

CyndiTx123 — According to DNA analysis I have more Asian ancestry than Native American. That is wild!

I think Andrew Jackson was from my state. Yeah, he shouldn’t be on the money. I say put Martin Luther King, Jr. on the $20 bill.

One day it won’t matter because THEY are preparing us for digital currency. I don’t like this. What will we do when the power goes out? What will we do when the internet goes down?

Some places in America are designated internet free zones because the US Government is conducting wildlife research in those areas. See. That is evidence they know cellular towers and such are harmful to human and animal life. Look at all the people going sick & “crazy” since 5G rolled out. We’ve known for years it’s deadly to live near electric power substations, in the flight path of aircraft, etc.

Back to money.

According to The National Enquirer, China intentionally contaminated US currency with the corona & sent Chinese citizens overseas to spend the money, thereby spreading the virus. They also report China burned much of its paper money because that is the only way to get rid of the virus. The paper money could not be disinfected. Now imagine cardboard & paper packaging having corona on them...

If science can prove paper currency helped to spread the corona then THEY will have a reason to scare society into accepting digital currency.
T. W. said…
1) Alia Shawkat Swears She’s Not Dating Brad Pitt

2) Alia Shawkat finally addresses Brad Pitt dating rumors
Chick'sOpinion said…

Lol. Australian Wombats are protected native species.
You can't keep them as pets.
Also, I doubt you could get one. Because they'd have to be trafficked out of Australia.
And that would be near impossible.

As you know they are quite large.
We never see them hardly even in the country. Cause they are nocturnal animals. And live deep in bushland.

In Australia. We are getting ready for next summer. And the next bushfire season.

Last summer, as you know, it was bad in my district. But fortunately I was far enough away from the different fires. To only smoke me out. All summer. Not evacuate.
I considered going to stay at my stepfather's place to get some fresh breathing air though.
The smoke was all summmer.

Since I moved here last year, the locals told me, the bushland on 2 sides to me burned really bad the previous summer.
It looked that way to me too when I drove up here to check out a rental.
So burning the previous summer meant we were safe from it burning again last year.

But not this coming summer. It can catch and burn. It's grown back.

The reality is, Australian country people are not concerned about Covid19.
They are worried about bushfire season.
Their livestock, outbuildings, farm equipment.
Vineyards, crops etc.
And access, roads to their farms/properties being closed by the fire service.
They shut down access to whole districts.
I guess it becomes a practical nightmare.
In the country areas.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I can well believe the first hand story you were told about the assassination of Malcom X.
People talk.
And that old era of people would have talked among themselves about what happened.
What they learned.
But kept it mainly among the black community.

Yes. I have to agree. I find it bizarre that American black activist, Hawk Newsome is promoting a key non participation agenda By advocating the Black community not to vote.

I find it rather silly.
And totally counterproductive.
I hope CD does a reading on him.
Cause he's either what you claim.
Or a well meaning fool.

About digitised money.
Agree. On every level.
And when we go into a total cashless society.
And there is a financial crisis in the stockmarket.
And they don't want you to use/transfer your money.
They just disable your banking app.
And you have NO power over YOUR money.

There are big advantages to digitised money.
But some some very strong disadvantages.
In terms of power and control.
Of your money.
In my view, they already acting like it's THEIR money.
T. W. said…

I think you said something without outright saying it.

It is THEIR money.

Besides. THEY have to condition society to take the Mark of the Beast. You won’t be able to buy or sell without the Mark. I do t know about you all but I will be with the Lord before it is implemented so I’m not going to worry about it.

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