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Irish Dancer Morgan Bullock from Richmond, Virginia. 
Who has been dancing for 10 years.
She was spotted on Tik Tok. 
Padraic Moyles the director of Riverdance.

Who invited her to join Riverdance.
Next year when they tour the USA.
Great right?

Well, then the internet trolls.
Started to say Morgan isn't 
Racially Appropriate.


Being part Irish.
I find that completely out of order.

Don't worry Morgan you are going to have a wonderful career...


Cordelia said…
Surely there is only one question. Is she good enough? Yes she is! Enough said.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I know it’s probably just me. But I have always found Riverdance hilarious.
All that pointy jumping and kicking your heels up to Irish music. Is very amusing.

Did the Irish have more normal ways of dancing? In their history?
But I guess it would have been forgotten. Cause Irish dancing is its own kind of weird. It’s very different.

I watched this girl do her step dancing. Or Irish dancing as it’s called. And she’s very nifty with her feet.

If there’s one thing I like about Irish dancing is the costumes. They are often very pretty.
But the music sends me insane.
gfbcpa said…
Thankfully the internet wasn't around when Phil Lynott gave the world the passionate rock and roll of Thin Lizzy.
Apple Monkey said…
That’s crazy. Such a shame Morgan has to deal with this kind of attitude. Wishing her a successful career. Hope she has an amazing tour to shut those bullies up.

Demi Levato has announced her engagement after dating her fiancé for 5 months. I haven’t got good vibes about it - what about you CD?

Anonymous said…
Apple monkey rumor has it he got her into using again.
T. W. said…

I wonder if tap dance comes from Irish dancing?

Tap is not as popular but it was common in both the black & white people here in America. No one accused the other of cultural appropriation then.
T. W. said…
Dear white people who believe this girl is appropriating your culture:

Please stop making jazz music. It is 100% African-American in origin.

Please stop making rock music. Even Elvis Presley admitted rock music is based on music played in BLACK CHURCHES.

Even your drum rhythms don’t sound great unless they are based on African, Asian, or Middle Eastern rhythms. Yes. I said it because it’s true. Don’t believe me? Ask the Rolling Stone drummer who was warned not to record African drum rhythms for personal use. Oh. You can’t. He died under mysterious circumstances shortly thereafter...

I guess you have to stop using corn. The maize plant comes from the Americas.

Oh, stop with the pizza, noodles and the ice cream. All three of these are Chinese on origin.

You can keep your blonde hair, blue eyed Jesus. Common sense & basic knowledge of history tells us Jesus Christ did not look like that.
T. W. said…

I don’t know Thin Lizzy’s music. But I do know for a fact rick music is based on the music played in African American churches. Elvis Presley & other white rockers are on record saying this & even admit they went to Black churches to get ideas for their music. A lot of the older British rockers are in record saying they were influenced by Aretha Franklin, Jimmy Hendrix and other African Americans.
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey & Kaitlyn

I’m glad you mentioned Demi Lovato. I have a bad feeling too.

Demi Lovato Got Engaged To Max Ehrich


Congratulations to Demi Lovato and actor/singer Max Ehrich. The first real coronavirus celebrity engagement! Ah, love in total isolation. I’m sure it’ll translate seamlessly to the hustle and bustle of the real world.

These two quarantined together and went public with their relationship in late March. Just three months before that, Demi ended things with model Austin Wilson. So yeah, it’s fast. But I guess when ya know, ya know! And, in her Instagram engagement announcement, Demi says she knew she loved Max the moment she met him. Max apparently once tweeted that he wanted to marry Selena Gomez. So….close?
T. W. said…
The engagement ring is worth at least $250,000. Where did he get that kind of money?

Who is Max Ehrich? Meet the soap opera star engaged to Demi Lovato
T. W. said…
More gossip today:

Cop who killed George Floyd facing felony tax evasion charges after he and his wife underreported $400K in income


According to CBS Minnesota, Derek and his wife Kellie - who are in the midst of divorce proceedings - were charged with nine counts of felony tax evasion.

The Chauvins reportedly worked multiple side jobs over the years - and earned over $400,000 between them. But their side hustle income was not reported according to the feds.

Kellie filed for divorce following Chauvin's arrest on murder charges in May. The action was likely taken to protect the couple's assets.

Investigators began looking into the Chauvins in June, 2020 for failing to file Minnesota individual income tax returns on time from 2016 to 2019, and for fraudulently filing tax returns from 2014 to 2019.

The investigation began after the feds overheard recorded jail phone calls between the two.

In one call, Derek was overheard telling Kellie someone was looking into their tax returns. He suggested she contact the person who handled their taxes. That person turned out to be his father.

According to the complaint, the Chauvins failed to file income tax returns or pay state income taxes. They also allegedly underreported and underpaid taxes on income from various employments each year.

The Chauvins own homes in Minnesota and Florida. They also own a 2019 BMW that was registered in Florida - where there are no state taxes - but the car was serviced 10 times in Minnesota.

The felony tax evasion charges are the result of an investigation conducted by the Minnesota Department of Revenue and the Oakdale Police Department. The couple faces a maximum sentence of 45 years in prison and/or a $90,000 fine each.
T. W. said…
The real question is why is his hair red? All I can remember about red is that it can symbolize initiation, occult elite bloodlines, & going up a level in THEIR hierarchy.

My guess is his humiliation ritual worked (fake presidential run & real outrageous comments) and he’s being rewarded with higher status among the occult elite.

Kanye West spotted shopping for kids’ clothes at Wyoming Walmart
T. W. said…
How dumb can you be to fail geography?!

In today’s episode of “No $h!+ Sherlock”

Prince Harry isn’t as smart as Meghan claims Lady Colin Campbell


The red-headed royal, 35, struggled academically as a youngster. He spent an extra year at Ludgrove to improve his grades before applying to Eton.

He graduated from Eton College with two A- Levels, a B in art and a D in geography. One of his former teachers alleged that he was a “weak student” and that staff at the prestigious school had conspired to help him cheat on exams.

A tribunal found that “the prince had received help in preparing his A-level ‘expressive’ project, which he needed to pass in order to attend Sandhurst but didn’t rule that it was cheating.”

Both Eton and the royal family strongly denied the cheating claims.

Unlike his brother William, Harry did not attend college but did complete 10 months of officer commissioning training at Royal Military Academy Sandhurst.

Markle, 38, attended Northwestern University graduating with a double degree in theater and international relations. She also speaks fluent Spanish.
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “Don’t Worry, the Witch Got Her Karma”

Did billionaire tobacco heiress get away with murder? Former gardener tells how Doris Duke had a row with her interior designer over him quitting just hours before he died when her car crashed into him at her Rhode Island mansion in 1966

As for the karma, Doris Duke’s death by natural causes/illness was “helped along.” Her “servants” and other members of the occult elite feasted on her cooked flesh.

T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “What’s Wrong With Florida People?”

1) Two brothers and a woman are arrested for 'massacre' of three best friends over 'truck deal gone wrong' after following them to their remote fishing spot and shooting each of them multiple times - before gorging on McDonald's

2) Moment suspect in truck-deal massacre casually exchanged words with one of the victims in a Dollar General - shortly before he 'tailed him to fishing spot and murdered him and two others'
T. W. said…
Christian, are we related? I’m serious.
Chick'sOpinion said…

My ex husband loved that band Thin Lizzy.

Didn't their lead singer die early of heroin.

Just like the Pretenders. Most of them gone on heroin.
Before they experienced long term success.

Speaking of older music.

If I had to sit through a performance of Riverdance. I'd prefer they do the whole thing to the music of Creedence Clearwater Revival.

If you think about it. The beat would match the moves.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I knew you would be familiar with the soap star Demi Lovato's engaged to.

You know your Soap Stars.

I only know one...Ridge from The Young and The Restless I think.

Johnny Depp probably has a name for his head too.

Love how Johnny Depp calls Leo Di Caprio, Pumpkin Head.

Ridge would be Weetabix box head.

According to Johnny Depp. Elon Musk is called Mollusk.

Johnny Depp is funny.

Good sense of humour.

Oh and Tatum Channing is potato head according to Johnny Depp.
T. W. said…
T. W. said…
Hi Chick'sOpinion!

Oh my God, Ridge. Yeah, his face is perfectly square. The man is too handsome & I wonder if his face is real. Did you know he played keyboards for the band Player?

As for Johnny Depp, I think he is funny too & I agree with him, those men do have big heads. Literally.

I like his humor so I did some digging. He is Gemini Sun/Leo Rising, just like Donald Trump. As you know, I am Leo Sun/Gemini Rising. Us Gemini/Leo's & Leo/Gemini's love outrageous comments & jokes.

And just like Johnny, I have moon in Capricorn as well.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I never knew he was in that band Player.
Player was a little bit before my time.

But their song called Baby Come Back
Is iconic.

I love the words to that song,

'Baby come back, you can blame it all on me'

People in the 70's loved that song.
It was like a Hall And Oats song.

Well Ridge with the box shaped perfect head should be happy.

Because apparently younger generations have discovered Baby Come Back.
And they love it.

I'm gonna watch the old video of the song and see if I can see Ridge and his cereal box shaped head.
Chick'sOpinion said…
From what I recall. All the guys in Player were good looking.

In that 70's way that was popular. Long hair etc.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Prince Harry struggled to pass the exam to get into the British Sandhurst elite Military college too.
He wanted to fly helicopters.
He eventually got through into Sandhurst.

Scraped through.

But he ended up performing as an outstanding Soldier. That’s well known.

And it’s in the military he should have stayed.
And where he should return to.
He’s not cut out for the celebrity hoopla Meghan has moved him into.

He’s great with people apparently. But for causes and specific events.

But not superficial Hollywood stuff.

I hope William, his brother has a plan for Harry. When William is King. To give Harry a key high ranking purposeful role in the British army.
When Harry finally returns.
And divorces that silly B grade Hollywood idiot Meghan.

That has caused utter chaos in his life.
And I think actively encouraged him to make stupid life defining mistakes.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Speaking of heiresses.
Paris Hilton has always claimed to not be an heiress.
That she will not inherit one cent of the Hilton Hotels Empire from her parents or any other family member.

Well, why is it today I saw in a pharmacy.... her new perfume?

It’s called Heiress.

Rather telling huh.

So I think she’s a liar.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Don't know about the cooked flesh bit.
That sounds a bit too weird.
But I totally believe Doris Duke murdered her interior designer.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Did anyone see Lady Colin Campbell screaming at her builder at her castle she's renovating in the UK?
Screaming at a fellow Jamaican man.

What a bitch.

See the thing is. The rich elite believe they own staff. Including Interior Designers.

And Lady Colin Campbell grew up rich.
Very rich.
In Jamaica.

I find it hilarious. She kept Colin Campbell's Title after he divorced her after a year.

Well played.

Anyway. Like she said....her rich Jamaican family had more more money than the Campbells.

Like alot of these British aristocracy. They are actually quite broke.

They live on their ancient noble Titles.
For their ticket in the world.

But most have sold all their lands decades ago.
So no rent revenue from lands anymore.

And they are now subject to punative British taxes.
Inheritance tax for a start.

Anyone who knows British Tax Laws way better than me.
Can explain the financial predicament of British aristocrats far better than me.

I'm a goose when it comes to numbers.

I have to hire an accountant to do my tax return.

My accountant is one of my favourite people. And she does it all.
While being pregnant regulary.
I swear God sent her to me.
She really helped me when my dad died.
And all the tax shit I had to deal with.
At that time. It was proved.....
I could trust her way more than my corrupt greedy brother.
T. W. said…

Player was definitely before my time!

I agree with what you said about Harry.

As for Parasite Hilton, you are correct. She was cut out of the inheritance for “disgracing the family name.” Well, she’s a racist who spread herpes through Hollywood so I would disinherit her too.

About Doria Duke, my sources will remain unidentified.

I’m glad you have an accountant you can trust. I say she’s worth her weight in gold!
Chick'sOpinion said…

LoL Yes and my accountant is quite weighty.
Quite often.

Chubby. Cause she always seems to be pregnant.

Is there such a thing called Perma-pregnant.

Like those Victorian women, who squeezed baby's out like shelling peas, every year and a half.

Yes. Those who worked for Doris Duke.
Are in the know.

Do rich people think the help are blind.

And deaf.

Sometimes I wonder if they believe that.
T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion!

Some women who look permanently pregnant have a condition called diastasis recti. I have a relative with this. Physical therapy & surgery are needed.

As for the help, some of them are part of the occult elite. Some of them enjoy the work they do. Others are handlers assigned as the help so ask not to tip off certain people. Think about Ghislaine’s & Jeffrey’s hired help. No normal human being who wasn’t being forced to work for them would stay there long.

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