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Auntie Em not working ha ha...


T. W. said…
Please Lord...
Sana said…
Hallelujer that it took this long...
Chick'sOpinion said…
From now on. We should call him Ponce Harry.

Not Prince Harry.
T. W. said…
Lol Chick’sOpinion opinion! I think you’re right!
Chick'sOpinion said…
Yeah Prince Charles would have went scitz when he heard Prince Harry saying yesterday that Commonwealth countries need to acknowledge their wrongs to native people.

That comment would immediately piss off dozens of Commonwealth nations.
Nations...That have been acknowledging past wrongs for decades.

Prince Charles must be ready to strangle Prince Harry.

It's becoming essential that Prince Harry stops on this pathway. Before he makes anymore mistakes.

So cutting off him and Meghan's money supply.
Will help in that. I think.

And when there's no money.
What do alot of couples do?
They fight.
Louis said…
Oh well, less money for Megxit to cliam as a regular income stream when they divorce.

Even better, after their comment about the Commonwealth ....cut off by their own mouths....I bet "the firm" is dissappointed with that!!

Bet they know what way the wind is blowing.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Is that why they did it?
So the Royal family have to pay her less of an income. As part of the terms of the divorce.

If so. It's a smart move.
Louis said…
From my experience, yes it affects child support. That said I was in a different jurisdiction, but still common law.
T. W. said…

This is juicy & I had not thought of that! Since they are not working royals I thought any income they received from The Crown or Prince Charles is a gift.

Oh! If the funds are considered gifts then MeghaTron will have to pay a ton of money because gifts above a certain amount are taxable in America. She received the income as an American citizen & after she returned to US soil. I bet Ponce Harry didn’t know that!

Also, if Ponce Harry earned income giving speeches while here in America a portion of it will be taxed by the US. I hope he has a good Certified Public Accountant and tax attorney competent in both British & American tax law. He’s about to see firsthand why Americans complain & overthrew the British Crown...

As for child support, I don’t see how MeghaTron will collect because Baby Archie was born on English soil. Yes, he is a citizen of 2 countries but my gut tells me the American courts will allow England to have legal jurisdiction over the divorce & child custody proceedings. In that case, the reigning monarch is the legal guardian of Baby Archie.

Christian is right. The fallout will be juicy!

Louis said…
Hi TW,
My understanding of California divorce law and US Tax law is at 183 days Harry become subject to Californian divorce law and simultaneously a US tax resident, which is sometime in September i believe.

Meghan probably never ceased being a US tax resident, she wasn't in the UK long enough, nor have I heard anything about her renouncing US citizenship.

Currently any divorce would occur under UK law, given the UK has extensive banning laws of the reporting of cases, it would be unlikely any details of a royal divorce would be ever made public. A divorce in California on the other hand would be a no holes barred affair. Public and Painful. So Meghan must have something up her sleeve.

For Harry, there's probably no going back after September.

But, it was extraordinary stupid of Harry and Meghan to equate the British Empire with the Commonwealth of Nations.
Chick'sOpinion said…

All this is juicy.

And clearly the devil is in the detail for Meghan's future.

And Ponce Harry's.

By what you're saying is, Meghan will be on a losing streak if her divorce comes under British jurisdiction.
Mmmmm interesting.

And you know, Ponce Harry is too stupid to check his tax status etc or anything practical to do with going to live in another country.

He is the sort that thinks rules are for fools.
And he is too important to have to worry about all the minor details.

Cause in his life someone else has always done that. When hes travelling.
Living abroad.

I know he has big problems with reading and writing.
He is dyslexic.
But thats isn't the issue.

He's just not that bright.
I recall reading a biography on him.
When he needed to go to Sandhurst Military College.
The biggest barrier to him getting in. Was him passing the entrance exam.
It's claimed he eventually passed it.
On his 2nd go.
I have never believed this.

But anyway. He made an outstanding soldier.
There isn't any doubt about that.
And had he remained a soldier.
And the entire world media had participated in the media blockout of his location on deployment.
Then he would have been able to do more deployment tours as a soldier.

But. No. The Australian New Idea magazine irresponsibly blew his location.
And he had to come home.

Harry is a target for the Taliban.
No question.
And he is therefore a risk to his fellow soldiers. If his identity and location during warfare becomes known to the Taliban.

Anyway. He should have remained in the army in some capacity.
His life was stable when in the Military.
Not anymore.
Chick'sOpinion said…

It will be interesting to see what happens in September. If Harry leaves the U.S before then.

For tax purposes.
T. W. said…

I thank you for your reply and for connecting some dots for me. I agree, what the former Sussex Royals did was stupid beyond belief.

MeghaTron doesn’t know The Firm is playing her like a fiddle.
T. W. said…

I totally agree with your assessment of Ponce Harry. I hope he goes back home to grandma & he takes the baby with him. Even if the baby isn’t his biological child the baby will be better off with The Firm than with MegaTron the Psychopathic Narcissist.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And for anyone who doesn't know.

To an old London word. For exploiting money off someone. Borrowing. Taking.

As in 'poncing money'.

It also has another meaning.
A Ponce is a London word for sex offender.
But i haven't used it in this comment about Harry.
And I am in no way suggesting he is a sex offender.
Because he isn't.

He just prefers being a ponce. About money.
T. W. said…
Thank you Chick’sOpinion!

I didn’t know any of this. I thought “Ponce” meant stupid or foolish person.

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