Closer & Closer Iran v Israel... WAR ??? April 13, 2024 You asked........ November 17, 2012 I have been asked by many of you what I think, about the current Israel/Palestine troubles. Well the pic above should be a clue. If you think it's bad now. Just wait till you see what the idiots in Israel, Palestine Hamas & Iran get up to in a decade or so. Sad they can't all grow up. War on the horizon. STAY TUNED... ************** Iran 'to launch revenge strike within 48 hours' as state media releases vid of missile launch & mocked-up Israel blitz | The Sun
With a selection of black people from around the world. Discussing racism.
And historical racism.
Basically preaching.
To us.
Well apart from the fact Meghan wouldn't shut up and allow the participants to talk long enough.
Prince Harry was bleating from behind her about the racist history of the Commonwealth countries.
And that 'Commonwealth countries can't move on and progress until they acknowledge their history.'
Well I live in a Commonwealth country. Australia.
And we have been working towards and have acknowledged completely long ago. Any past wrongs to indigenous Australians. Or Aboriginal people as they are known as here.
And that started in the 1980's.
And has been a huge undertaking by each government since.
Actually it started in a big way in 1967.
I personally have been paying and supporting Indigenous Australians through my taxation.
For years. And so does everyone else here in Australia. Welfare as taxation represents a huge proportion of the Tax we pay each year.
Welfare that goes to Aboriginal Australians and Torres Strait Islanders.
So Meghan and Harry need to get their facts right.
Cause what Prince Harry is claiming ignores the huge amount of work that's been achieved already.
In many Commonwealth countries.
I imagine Canada has been doing the same thing.
For decades.
So Harry, we don't need to acknowledge anything.
We started that long ago.
From my personal recall it started in a big way too in Australia. With the aboriginal workers srike of 1950.
Then Australia had a landmark referendum. The establishment of the Aboriginal Land Rights commission.
And many policy changes after that.
Then the Native Title Act of 1993. Or Mabo as we know it. Then the Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Commission was established.
Then Reconciliation.
And in 2008 the Australian government said publically 'sorry' officially to the Aboriginal people for successive laws and policies that oppressed Aboriginal Australians.
And that was a historical day for all Australians who watched that happen in Sydney.
And at Parliament House.
And a public saying sorry for 'the stolen generation'.
Then the issue of Native peoples being recognised in our constitution in the Uluru Statement of The Heart, the Makarrata Commission, which is still under consideration.
And let's not forget the 2018 Closing The Gap Campaign...which focusses 100 per cent on indigenous healthcare. Which is free health care and dental care for all aboriginals.
And Torres Strait Islander.
And will always exist.
But according to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Australia has some work to do. In acknowledging racial inequalities.
And recompensing for them.
What needs to happen. Is Prince Harry and Meghan Markle need to read a few books on subjects.
Before they decide to preach to others...inaccurate versions of political history.
And they all went on a Black Lives Matter demonstrations over it. Here in Australia.
Well that claim of theirs is actually totally inaccurate.
And I will explain how they are just bandwagon bullsh..ters. who just want to make trouble in Australia.
If there have been any deaths at all in custody. Since 1991. Of aboriginals in Australia.
The facts don't support their claim.
Let's start with how deaths in Custody is recorded here.
It is defined from our 1991 Australian Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody.
That we have to include, not only foul play. But death from disease, hanging, other external trauma, alcohol or drug use.
Of the deaths in custody of Aboriginal Australians since 1991. They have been the result of motor vehicle pursuits by the police, natural causes or self inflicted deaths.
Are any of those deaths, shooting deaths? Murder?
So the bandwagon demonstrators, that carried on and claimed Aboriginal Australians were being murdered, shot by Police here. Were outright lying.
I'll support anything if it's true.
But if it's an outright lie and/or a total distortion of the facts.
I will not support it.
The extremist demonstrators wanted to convey the lie that Australian Police are murdering Aboriginal Australians. Like how the American police are currently murdering African Americans. And white Americans too.
That is just not what's happening in Australia.
And what annoys me the most. Is them claiming that falsely it is.
It annoys me....Because it diminishes the real life serious struggle. That's going on in America right now.
Where American police ARE in real life, shooting dead unarmed African Americans.
And white Americans.
And getting away with it.
What should be happening. Is the American government look to Australia as a model and guide.
As a country that stopped that kind of blatent murder happening long ago.
To some extent....With the Wood Inquiry.
And definately with the Australian 1991 Royal Commission Into Aboriginal Deaths In Custody.
Perhaps most of the bandwagon demonstrators on those recent 'deaths in Custody' protests around Australia. Are not old enough to remember all the work that been done on this issue. In terms of policy. And laws.
And active improvement.
After all, the changes were made around the time these young protesters were born.
However the older demonstrators know full well they are lying.
So my question is... why are they protesting?
My veiw is they love drama. And want to cause disharmony.
In Australia.
The FBI concluded the rope had been in the garage since last year. Both Bubba Wallace & NASCAR admit the drivers are randomly assigned garages when they show up at the race track.
So Fuhrer Trump wants me to believe the FBI is incompetent?
We know who’s incompetent here.
I was so disgusted by the article I read about this I couldn’t finish it. Here are my thoughts:
1) Who are these people to be preaching to me & telling me & all humanity what I ought to do?
2) Commonwealth nations and others are addressing racism & other forms of bigotry.
3) Prince Harry has spent a large amount of time in Africa throughout the years. Why does he care about racism all of a sudden?
4) MeghaTron is controlling the Puppet Prince who will never be king.
5) If MeghaTron & Prince Harry really care about social justice issues they would have remained working royals. Then their words would have had more weight and influence.
[In case you aren’t American, Douglass was a former slave who worked towards abolition]
Yes. You can imagine what Australians think of Prince Harry's patronising veiws on how we have managed our history of racial inequality.
If he was going to say something like that.
He should of got advice or researched. The Commonwealth nations who are actually guilty of not addressing racial inequalities.
Cause Australia isn't one of them.
Regardless what the international media may claim at times.
And I must say...his grandmother the Queen ....being the head of all these Commonwealth nations. Will be absolutely furious he has made these off the cuff comments.
With very little thought to content and context of what he's saying.
And just as little effort.
My advice to Prince Harry and Meghan.
Stop talking.
And start reading.
And current efforts that are ongoing in Commonwealth countries.
They are often slow changes. Yes.
Because they are done in full consultation with the Aboriginal community. And Torres Strait Islanders.
Or whatever native peoples.
And I agree. Meghan is driving this PR bull that her and Harry are doing on the Black Lives Matter movement.
And has Melania participated in the writing of this book on her.
I think so.
What do you think?
I wouldn’t be surprised if she did! I think Christian said their “marriage” is over. A Blind Gossip blind item claims Melania was all set to leave him until he won the election in 2016. They claim she renegotiated a deal to protect herself & their child in exchange for agreeing to stay married.
Of the 400 deaths in custody (actually the figure is slightly higher than that) some of these deaths are white Australians. That represent the overall figure.
Unfortunately deaths of indigenous Australians represent 18% of deaths in custody
There are a number of reasons why.
First of all they are 17 times more likely to be in police custody.
And begin offending far younger than white Australians.
But overall the deaths of aboriginal/indigenous persons in a Australia is relatively low now.
Compared to the past.
Unfortunately a great majority of them have occured with death by hanging in correctional centres.
And...This is very concerning.
But alot die of natural causes in jail.
But the fact is, aboriginal deaths have been declining for a long time. Not increasing.
Another reason is maybe the increase in Police Operations.
But the fact is...White Australians die in custody too
But the whole issue is NOT a huge problem in Australia. As being claimed.
This really saddens me. Either the Aboriginals spend the rest of their lives in jail or they died young & the death was marked as natural causes.