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Liar Liar, Pants on fire MEGHAN MARKLE, Alexandra Grant, Lauren Snachez. the Con..

Well, well, seems five of 
Meghan Markle's 
Have been named in the
 Court Documents.
Regarding her father.

The Fake Duchess.
Has declared that she.
Had nothing to do with it.

Yeah right...
She planned the whole thing...

When you tell your 

To leak things...
You are still are doing the leaking..

Remember Dear...
You are the company you keep... 

"Blaming them still makes you look bad"

But don't worry Meghan be exposed...
For the fraud the she is...

She better start 
remembering how to cry...
Her fake tears...

Two more members of 
 to come... 

Adding to this group of
Fine Ladies...

With the...




It's going to be fun... 
Stay tuned... 

This is how these
3 leak things...
All 3 will be caught...
Plus publicly shamed...


Letty said…
Some say she has joined the Illuminati
If she has she will be protected
Morgan said…
@ Letty
Apparently, she is related to the Dupont (Illuminati) family on her father's side.
Anonymous said…
Dear CD,
Could you please tell us more about hie she will get exposed? Please? I can’t stand the deception
T. W. said…
2020 is not disappointing in the karma department!

I pray all of us reap good things.
Psychic Gossip said…
Dear Anon Oh I will very soon...CDX
T. W. said…
Sometimes I think Samantha Markle reads this blog.

Here are some blind items that reveal juicy information and display interesting photographic evidence:

1) The Five Friends Of Meghan Markle

2) Her Circle Of Friends May Not Hold

3) Nice House And Fake Tears
Chocmint33 said…
CD saw how fake Meghan was from the very beginning, back in late 2016!
Psychic Gossip said…
Dear Anon At least two of the three will be publicly caught...CDX
Chocmint33 said…
CD do you think it was one of Meghan's party that hacked this site?

Interesting because the thread that was hacked was the answer to the question about Meg's fake pregnancy.
Psychic Gossip said…
Dear Chocomint33 Wouldn't be surprised CDX
Anonymous said…
Thank you, CD! May the truth come out! And, your blog does not disappoint :))
Anonymous said…
Does Keanu or his PR team have anything wrong to do with this narrative involving A.G? Thanks!
Chick'sOpinion said…
And this crazy cow, Meghan Markle has said to the UK media today, that

'The UK made a profit out of my 32 million wedding there to Prince Harry. Because it made 1 billion pounds in tourism'

Is there no end to the undignified ingratitude of this woman?
If someone...and not just someone, the Queen, paid 32 million for an amazing public wedding for you.
Would you have the hide to make such an ingracious spiteful comment?
She has married a British subjuct.
A Royal family member.
Part of her job and duty as a Royal was to make money for the UK.

In fact any business interests of the UK.

Nah. I don't care what the Royal family do to Meghan Markle.

She's a selfish ignorant twat.
And deserves all she gets.
Cayce21 said…
CD - will Meghan EVER go away completely?
T. W. said…

The Daily Mail says MeghaTron’s legal team’s estimate is grossly exaggerated:

Meghan Markle’s legal team says royal wedding brought in £1 billion


The Mail’s dissenting opinion comes from a consulting firm, Brand Finance, which estimates that the overall shot in the arm to UK tourism provided by the wedding was a scant £300 million ($374 million) and that the billion-pound valuation takes into account other, tangential economic factors such as retail and fashion.
T. W. said…
MeghaTron’s legal defense admits she experienced mental problems!

Meghan Markle felt ‘unprotected’ by royals during stressful pregnancy


Meghan Markle felt “unprotected” by the monarchy while suffering “tremendous emotional distress” and mental health problems while pregnant with baby Archie, according to court papers.

Markle, 38, says her plight was ignored while she was the victim of “false” media reports while carrying Prince Harry’s son — and her then-new royal role meant she was “prohibited from defending herself,” court docs say, according to the BBC.
Anonymous said…
I really hope so... because for the moment, apparently she’s in Berlin and she’s not ready to Go... unfortunately, unfortunately
Chocmint33 said…
Megs is alluding that she is responsible for the 32 million profit and 1 billion pounds in tourism because of her wedding.

Whoever Harry married, the profits would have been the same as the public was there for Harry because they had a very soft spot for Diana's younger son.

How ungrateful she is. The Royal family bent over backwards to please and welcome her. She was even invited to Christmas festivities which other Royal fiancés weren't invited to, not even Kate Middleton.

She is trying to play the victim, similar to Diana in the book Diana Her True Story. She even had that book according to a friend.

But Diana had reason to complain with Charles having an affair with Camilla.

Narcissist Meghan is nothing like the emphatic Diana, so she should stop trying to compare herself with her.

T. W. said…
Chocmint33 — I thank you for pointing out these important facts. God bless you!
Quiet said…
Oh My Lord... AG? is her friend ?
Chick'sOpinion said…

I'm glad you mentioned that Meghan Markle was given special treatment other Royal fiancee's never got the opportunities for, in the past.

She was indulged in alot of ways......indulged and at the same tolerated by the Queen.

Did she deserve this special treatment.?
Clearly not.

Personally I hope the Queen cancels Meghan's British passport once she divorces Harry.
Does Meghan know that the Queen actually has the final say at HM Passport Office UK?
(Her Majesty's Passport Office).

And the Queen can revoke Meghan's British passport with the flick of an eye lid.


Ban Meghan Markle ever getting a Visa to enter the UK on her American passport.
Or any other passport for that matter.

The Queen is not using her power yet with Meghan in my view.
But she will eventually I think.

If not, Prince William will eventually have the Queen's level of power as King.

And he won't be in the slightest tolerant of Meghan Markle.
And the bad mouthing ungrateful position she is taking against the Royal family.
T. W. said…
Quiet — That’s the first I heard of it. There’s no proof online either.
T. W. said…

Lauren Sanchez is going down soon, just as you said:

... Toss His Lawsuit!!!
Jules said…
Letty and Morgan ... I too have seen blog posts and heard podcasts that state the Duchess is in the illuminate. (links down below)

Chicks Opinion .. hopefully, the following information will shine a light on the reasons why the Duchess was granted so many extra favours, please remember nothing in this world is what you think it is ..

The following information comes from Jessie Czebotar, top-level Illuminati whistleblower, who is now a chaplain, she states that God told her to tell her story.
You can follow her on Twitter @CzebotarJessie
and you can also contact her via her website

According to Jesse, the Duchess of Sussex is a high ranking witch within the illuminate, in fact, she has been described as a High Priestesses in the US East Quadrant, controlled by the Van Duyn Dragon family.

Following the death of Gloria Vanderbilt in 2019, who Jessie described as being the Grand High Priestess, (top witch) in the East Quadrant, a witches battle was held beneath Chateau des Amerois Castle between several candidates to find her successor, Jesse named a world-famous female pop star and the Duchess of Sussex amongst those battling for the position. The winner was according to Jesse the world-famous pop star.

The above information on the duchess is contained in the following blog post on Gloria Vanderbilt you will need to scroll down a little way, but I urge you all to read the entire blog post, and warn you it's horrific reading.

Illuminati Sacrifices, Magik, Rituals and Gloria Vanderbilt

Another blog post on Vanderbilt

Gloria Vanderbilt and the Rising of the antiChrist

Chick'sOpinion said…

I remember Christian posting that Meghan Markle was a Scientologist.

And her aim is to get Prince Harry into the Church of Scientology.

So the church can get access to his money.

T. W. said…
Jules — Thank you! I heard MeghaTron was a witch too. Jennifer Aniston admits you being one. Michelle Pfeiffer is a witch too. Almost all the A-listers are in league with The Dark One.
Chick'sOpinion said…

And a few tarot readers have picked up that Prince William is reasonably cold and distant with his staff.

And does not allow them to get too close.
I wonder if he decided that his mother's relationship ...big friendship with her personal Butler, Paul Burrell was unwise.
And he's not going to allow that in his life.

Paul Burrell was gay so he didn't represent a sexual risk to Diana. And he was a great devoted friend to Diana. When the Royal family iced her out.
But he probably learned way too much personal staff. In Prince William's view.

I just feel Prince William is very different in that way.
Readers pick up he's quite ruthless.
Good. He needs to be.
And he changes his staff on a regular basis.
For this reason.

But also, they claim, he changes them around for the sake of their mental health.
Because their roles as servants gets repetitive.

If Prince William is as ruthless as these readers are picking up.
Then he will have the courage to take on Meghan Markle.
And control her. In future.

He's sitting back watching how she manipulates the media.
He's been studying her style.
And I think he will take advice. Off the brightest and most experienced, on how to control her in future.
I think he's doing it now.
He has a cool head.
But very little tolerance of those who aim to harm his family.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion .. I recall Christian revealing that tidbit of information, and I applaud Christian for doing so. It revealed a lot, a connection with Scientology is enough to send alarm bells ringing. You only have to look at the countless ex-members testimonies that document the gross mistreatment of its members and in particular, the abuse suffered by children to realise that there is something very sinister indeed about the whole organisation.

In simplistic terms, Scientology at its lowest levels is a very sophisticated highly organised brainwashing cult. Scientology is just rebranded Sataiinisim. The whole ethos of Scientology is based in the occult, It is a well-documented fact that the religion of Hubbard was Satanism. Hubbard's mentor was, in fact, the infamous English black magician Aleister Crowley so its no real surprise to discover many of Crowley's beliefs have been incorporated into Scientology, especially in the secret upper levels of Scientology, called the "OT levels. I would also say it would be a safe bet to state that today it is run by the Illuminati.

Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I agree with you.

And as the Church of Scientology Cult is struggling to get members today. They would see getting access to Prince Harry and his income as a prize.
Highly lucrative.

I always try and remind myself that Christian mentioned that Meghan is indeed a Scientologist.

And deliberately moved Prince Harry to L.A so as they are closer to the Church (cult) she is working for.
We shouldn't be surprised Meghan is a Scientologist.
Scientologists are very ambitious.
Want money.
Alot of it.
And power within structures.
So it actually doesn't surprise me in the least.

The old reputation the Church of Scientology had. As a powerful key player in Hollywood for getting you acting jobs and power would have been a big attraction for the highly ambitious Meghan Markle.

Hope the media finally reveal her membership of that 'Church' Scientology.
Jules said…
Chick's Opinion ... I honestly feel Prince William has a lot of unresolved issues with Paul Burrell.
Jules said…
HRH TW ... There is no denying that prior to the allegations made by Jessie Czebotar, top-level Illuminati whistleblower, there are a plethora of readings readily available on the internet on the Sussex's and the vast majority of the reader's have picked up on the Duchess of Sussex use of Black Magick. Following Jessie's allegations, a number of readers have actually looked into what was said and incredulously their readings confirm what Jessie said.

T. W. said…
Jules, I’m glad this information is being confirmed. I remember Tarot by Andie confirmed it a while back. Joseph Magi might have too.

I thank you for reminding us Hubbard was Crowley’s devotee. That information is easily found, no one is trying to hide it.

Did you know Crowley contributed to Alfred Kinsey’s research on sex & sex practices? Kinsey was sick & depraved beyond belief. Did you know he intentionally used sex offenders to help him conduct his “research”? The infamous Kinsey Report didn’t hide the fact he used INFANTS as test subjects. I will not go into detail. I’ll just say Ghislaine Maxwell would be sick & Jeffrey Epstein would turn in his grave if they found out what was done to the infants.

The psychology books need to be updated about that sick, demonic, unethical, and unreliable “research.”

By the way, Kinsey’s official cause of death is pneumonia. But he really died of orchitis. Men might not want to Google that. Don’t tie your nut sack & stick things inside your pee hole...
Archi said…
Alexandra Grant is in Berlin it will never stop he can’t take distance we are done with them...
Unknown said…
Please. We shouldn't give up. We are Keanu Reeves fans. Please we have to help him. We should still praying for him . I beeg, we have to help him.

Jules said…
HRH TW .. Psychology books need to be updated with a forward that states the information contained herein is sick, demonic, unethical and is the product of Satanism.

Prayers for the children who are being kept in 'nests' in underground tunnels
The illuminati’s whole philosophy demands the use, abuse, sacrifice and consumption of children. May they be freed and healed and surrounded by love.
Archi said…
@unknown i understand, but personally I’m really done, cause finally it’s his choices he’s adult if he wants her around it’s his choices, I don’t like her, she has the darkest personality I’ve ever seen but it’s his choices, we can’t fight for him and save him if he doesn’t want to be saved. It’s sad because look at his face, he looks depressed or drunk or both it’s sad, it makes me sad either but it’s his choices. It will never stop because he doesn’t want to stop anything. Once again It’s his choices... and it’s sad very sad I wish him to be madly loved for who he is... perhaps, one day or not...
T. W. said…
I saw that People article online a few days ago. Here are my thoughts:

1) Keanu looks miserable!

2) hAG’s clothing is see-through & inappropriate for a group outing at that time of day.

3) The article conveniently glosses over the fact this was a dinner with cast mates etc. & most likely a business meal.

4) Enty calls People Magazine “Knee Pads” for a reason. If you kiss their a$$ or suck their d!€ks they will print anything.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Knee pads.
What a sorry state some sections of the media are in.

And I totally believe that about People magazine.
T. W. said…

I used to subscribe to it. You know there’s a problem when People magazine contains less true stories than this magazine:

Weekly World News
Archi said…
Breaking news : Grant is a part of Matrix 4 ! In Art department ! I’m speechless !
Anonymous said…
In this case a friend helps another friend, Keanu seems to feel sorry for Grant, her art is shit, she doesn't have a stable job, without MARFA, without a good reputation, without anything, at least now she has a job
Anne M
Archi said…
@anne M
You’re probably right but... for me no it’s going too far if he feels sorry it’s going too far ! It will never end, she’s everywhere, in LA in Berlin etc what’s next ? It will never end he’s in this situation cause he wants to be in this, I deeply trust Christian but something has changed. He wants to be in this... he doesn’t want to escape he’s agreed with the situation.
Girlygirl said…
CD, what are your views on AGs lawsuit with stalker. Be good to get your perspective on this around AG. Weird she talks to press about it if I am honest.

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