The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Christian, the book will come out as you predicted. We are almost there!
Court sides with publisher of tell-all book by Trump's niece
The appellate court also noted that "while parties are free to enter into confidentiality agreements, courts are not necessarily obligated to specifically enforce them" and said that such agreements are "alternatively enforceable through the impassion of money damages." The suggestion that money damages might be a way to resolve the legal dispute, instead of an injunction, also doesn't appear to bode well for Robert Trump's case...
Iran has placed a bounty on Trumps head!!
They have also issued an arrest warrant on him!
And clearly the judge who decided the publisher had the right to go ahead and publish Trump's niece's book.
Is agreeing to it.
Because he's one judge who not only wants Trump gone.
But wants the world to know as much as possible him. And his family.
I wonder if the Judge got to read the book.
Before the hearing.
He is the most dangerous risk to Europe at the moment. And has been for a long time.
This latest ...about Putin paying The Taliban. Is just the last straw.
But the sad fact is. Russia is not the only country involved in 'paying extremists'. To do their dirty work.
What I'd like to see. Is the other countries doing it exposed too.
The thing is, The Taliban talk.
They even talked to The New York Times.
Talked to investigators into this paying 'The Taliban' long ago.
Seems it's taken a ridiculous amount of time for the general media to start making it headlines.
Yeah well hopefully it will be his people who force Putin out.
That would be far better... because that would mean they are really wanting a new Russia.
Everything about Putin is 'old Soviet' style oppression.
Nothings changed in so many ways. In Russia. And their outlook and behaviour. That I can see.
And Russia cannot change until all these 'old Communist Soviet' leaders, KGB cronies from the past ....are removed.
And denied any sort of power in Russia's future.
It often makes me feel. That the hopes of the ending of the Iron Curtain back in the ewrly 90's were naive.
Yes Russians could finally leave Russia. And Westerners could enter Russia.
But the old Communist Soviet mentality was never removed.
And Putin has done everything to maintain it.
And maintained an iron fist control of the Russian people ever since.
All Putin's complete dishonesty with the West has never ended.
He absolutely refuses to partner with the West in an authentic way.
Instead Putin just covertly attacks the West.
What Russia has suffered from for decades under Putin is this.
Putin has tried everything to bring back the old Soviet empire. Where they ruled over so many small or smaller Communist countries.
And this political agenda of trying to bring that power back.
Has held Russia back.
In the past.
In Russia they have an expression.
It's 'Russian World'
Which really exemplifies this. A Russian empire that no longer exists.
Trying to take Ukraine forcibly is part of this trying to bring back their perceived glorious empire.
Cause in actual fact, Russia see Ukraine as theirs.
It's not.
Not anymore. And it hasn't been since 1991.
When Ukraine voted 92% in favour of independence.
Putin and his old cronies hunger for the past.
And hate the Post Soviet era.
Because they see it as weak compared to the past. When they yielded total oppressive power over so many little countries. And stole their natural resources.
And it's due to this hunger for the past. That motivates Putin to continally try to cause problems in Europe.
And troublemake any alliances with America.
Because the U.S have powerful alliances with lots of countries.
Putin hates that.
And he works hard at convincing the Russians, his fight against the U.S and rest of Europe is justified.
With so many troll factories outside St Petersberg. Dedicated to everyday, smearing Russia's social media with outright lies. And misinformation.
To convince ordinary Russians of whatever is Putin's current geopolitical agenda.
When Putin is gone. For years after, Russians are gonna find out just how much they were fooled and manipulated by Putin's government.
For decades.
Russia's political agenda totally shifts.
And all this 'soviet style' empire agenda just ends.
And Russia finally gets a modern Russia.
That is aligned with normal modern Western values.
We know it's what young Russians want.
And over the years, the young Russians haven't heard many good news or happy memory stories about their parent's lives under the old Soviet Communist system.
And alot of young Russians today will have grandparents and great grandparents who werr jailed for life under communism back then. For basically nothing.
Arrested tortured and interrotgated.
Or murdered or jailed for life under their war time leader, Stalin.
Stalin as we know, was a mass murderer.
Young Russians are hardly going to want a return to a system of government that caused so much suffering.
And complete alienation from the West.
I remember in the late 1980's. Russia statrted to allow a few tourists to enter Russia in a controlled way.
How novel we thought.
It was slightly popular in this period. For some 1980's young people to want to go visit Russia. Particularly in Europe.
It was very curious.
Because we knew even then. It was the last days of the real Soviet Communist era. And that the Iron Curtain would be coming down.
And they would be abandoning their isolated closed status.
So people wanted to see what Russia had been like in all these decades of separation from the world.
I had no interest in going there.
But I remember friends going there. For a short holiday when I was living in London.
They told me 'oh we are taking lots of toilet paper. To trade. Cause apparently Russians have alot of trouble getting toilet paper'.
Well that's a good example of what the old Soviet Era presented under old Communist rule. For Russians.
Not even a supply of toilet paper.
They couldn't get anything.
They didn't trade with most of the world.
They faced far far worse sanctions than today.
They couldn't even buy brand name jeans. (An 80's staple) and had to hopefully buy them on the Black Market.
But most Russians were desperately poor.
And couldn't afford to do this.
They didn't even hear modern music.
Are Russians going to want to return to this?
Or stay close to this old way of living.
The way they currently are.
I doubt it.
Be sure to send a truckload of toilet paper to
The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500