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Cordelia said…
The evil that men do live after them; the good is often interred in their bones.
Lovely Libra said…
Praying that parents have enough common sense to ignore Trump’s ish and do the right thing ....that’s the REAL revolution - we stop listening & obeying to those in power and just ALL do the right things for ourselves
Apple Monkey said…
CD Brooklyn Beckham has announced his engagement to Nicola Peltz. Do you think they will get to the altar. He also said he promises to be the Best Daddy in the future which makes me wonder if she’s pregnant. Her Dad was a business associate of Epstein!!
Thanks as always CD and please stay safe.
T. W. said…


Can we please have a reading about Ghislaine Maxwell, Wayfair, & child trafficking? The story broke yesterday. Tarot by Andie says Ghislaine is singing like a canary so she can get forgiveness & so people won’t hate her. Tarot by Andie also said Ghislaine told the authorities about Wayfair. Wayfair’s public statement has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.

I believe Andie. Here are links:

1) Twitter is buzzing wayfair. Let’s take a look.

2) Side by side pics of missing children & Wayfair products with same name as the child. Notice that the children have ethnic or highly unusual names. No coincidence.

3) Link to Reddit post

4) What are the Wayfair conspiracy theories about child trafficking circulating on Twitter and Reddit?

5) Wayfair denies Reddit human sex trafficking conspiracy theory [Notice that a human child can fit inside the cabinets]

6) Wayfair product listings spark child trafficking conspiracy theory


A conspiracy theory emerged Friday that the Wayfair online store was using the sale of storage cabinets as a cover for child trafficking — which the home decor company immediately denounced as false.

A post on the social media website Reddit noted the high cost of the furniture — along with the fact that each item was identified by a female name — as potential evidence of the purported scandal, Newsweek reported.

The prices for the cabinets — called Alyvia, Neriah, Samiyah and Yaritza — ranged from $12,699.99 to $14,499.99 each, according to a screenshot posted in the “r/conspiracy” subreddit.
T. W. said…
Please know he cannot legally help the DACAs with an executive order:

Trump to sign order giving ‘road to citizenship’ to DACA recipients
T. W. said…
Maybe she can hide with B’Linda Gates:

Chinese virologist in hiding after accusing Beijing of coronavirus cover-up
T. W. said…
It's Way Fair
Chick'sOpinion said…

The good thing about the story finally coming out internationally, about Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell's sex trafficking ring. Is how huge the story is..... globally.

And that because of this, the world has woken up to the fact that this is going on.
It's hard to believe. But some people couldn't even conceive of this kind of crime before.
And did not know of it.

And how many pedos are involved in this kind of thing. And...How organised they are.

So from here on, the public are going to want to know and see more stories of these sex trafficking rings in the news. Cases of them being discovered, investigated.
And...see the sex traffickers arrested.

Finally the world wants to to protect minors and women and young boys from these dangerous maggotts who do this.

Well the world needs to start looking at South East Asia too. In regards to this.

The Australian and New Zealand governments have been trying to rescue people from sex trafficking in those regions for decades.

Two thirds of the people who become victims of sex trafficking or forced servitude come from South East Asia or the Pacicic regions.


Well it's just so lucrative there for Asian sex traffickers.

And here's a shocking fact. If the South East Asian family attempt to rescue an exceptionally pretty daughter of theirs from this.
The sex traffickers murder her.
And hide the body.

Cause they don't like the girls/minors they lured to sex work either in Malaysia, Indonesia or Thailand, to be looked for.
Too contraversial.
So they make pretty daughters disappear.
If they have to.

Huge numbers are trafficked to Australia too.
At least ones who they have managed to get through our tough border controls.
The Australian Police do regular raids here on Brothels.
Because sex Traffickers make their victims work in the brothels they own by night.
And in Australian nail bars by day.

Cambodia is the biggest sex trafficking country in the region.
They traffic the girls mainly to Thailand from there.
And from Mayanmar. And Laos.

51% of all of them are women and children.

And sex trafficker criminals are always looking for victims to force into forced labour bondage situations they cannot escape.
Or, the sex traffickers use natural disasters in South East Asia.
To identify and lure victims.

They do this, by using Typhoons or armed conflict events to find vulnerable people, orphaned children.
Or children separated from their parents.
And lure or abduct them during that chaos.

And because of climate change.
These weather disasters are becoming more common.
Alot of countries are trying to control sex trafficking in the region with anti Trafficking procedures.
Specifically with things like Article 11 from the Palermo Protocol. Which focusses on border controls.
But the problem they always have. Is corrupt officials in South East Asia.

Sex traffickers enlist corrupt officials. And pay them well.
And probably assist the sex traffickers in hiding the mass graves of victims too.
Mass graves of victims, traffickers have preferred to murder. Because they beleived they were under surveillance.
And about to be arrested
No. Now the world has woken up to Sex Trafficking crime in the U.S, the Carribean and Europe.
They now need to look at South East Asia.
In a big way.
Quiet said…
Thats a creative cartoon. Dont send your kids to school.

CD, I see T.W. requested already but can you look at WAYFAIR trafficking kids and if ghislaine maxwell set it up for the wayfair company? and if ghislaine ratted out the wayfair company from her list?? PS I saw you at andies T.W.

Appreciate in advance
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - Interesting you mention Australian nail bars and some of the victims working there.

Those nail bars that I have passed on my shopping always have young Asian women there. You never see a Caucasian. I'll be more observant next time I'm in the shops.
Chocmint33 said…
About Madness and America - the last time they dealt with major madness was when they were dealing with the Mad King George 111.

That was when America was going through its Pluto Return.

Now 247 years later, they have another Pluto Return, this time with the Mad Babyfart.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Pluto returns.

Love it.
Chick'sOpinion said…

You may or may not kmow. The cops raid those Nail bars regularly. They are looking for sex trafficked Asian girls who are in prostitution servitude, have had their passports taken from them.
And are half asleep when doing nails.
Because they work part or all of the night in forced prostitution as well.

The Australian cops know this and how the sex traffickers operate.
The good news is, the cops regularly rescue these girls. During planned raids.
Jules said…
Chicks Opinion ... from my own research and I haven't even scratched the surface, I would not say that 2/3rds of all trafficked individuals come from South East Asia or the Pacific regions. This is a global problem and no country is spared this heartache, the number of children who simply just disappear into thin air every year is jaw-dropping. In the United States, for example, an estimated 800,000 children go missing every single year. In the United Kingdom, an estimated 112,853 children are reported missing, in India, an estimated 96,000 children disappear, in Germany, an estimated 100,000 children have never seen again whereas Australia reports an estimated 20,000 children are reported missing every year. Please keep in mind these government released figures do not include the children that go missing whilst they are in care or who have been taken from their parents by Child protection services or put up for adoption, or those who 'vanish' from orphanages.

This is a global problem and no country is spared this heartache, the number of babies, toddlers, infants, children and teenagers currently being trafficked across the world, or held in underground tunnels is unbelievable. Children are trafficked not only for perverse sexual gratification but also for snuff movies, porn industry, used to breed from, eltie 'hunting', the harvesting of their adrenochrome, blood, organs, ritualistic sacrifices, and cannibalism. The revenue generated from human trafficking is billions.

The reason why we don't hear about this is simple, the media is complicit in these Horrific Crimes on our Children, why because the media outlets are owned and therefore controlled by the very people who created the system in the first place.

ere is a link to the testimony of a woman who was traffiked
T. W. said…
Hi Quiet!

I haven’t seen all her videos. Friends here recommended her YouTube channel. She’s very good.

Tarot still creeps me & I don’t agree with using, owning, and/or touching them. But I’m glad she doesn’t use the Raider Waite deck. That’s the real tarot deck. Do NOT touch them.
T. W. said…

You are right about nail bars. Trafficked humans are often forced to work in the restaurant & hospitality industries too.

General Clues to Help Identify Victims of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking may occur in the following situations:

Prostitution and escort services;

Pornography, stripping, or exotic dancing;

Massage parlors;

Sexual services publicized on the Internet or in newspapers;

Agricultural or ranch work;

Factory work or sweatshops;

Businesses like hotels, nail salons or home-cleaning services;

Domestic labor (cleaning, childcare, eldercare, etc. within a home);

Restaurants, bars, or cantinas; or

Begging, street peddling, or door-to-door sales.
T. W. said…
Victims of human trafficking may exhibit any of the following:

Evidence of being controlled either physically or psychologically;

Inability to leave home or place of work;

Inability to speak for oneself or share one’s own information;

Information is provided by someone accompanying the individual;

Loss of control of one’s own identification documents (ID or passport);

Have few or no personal possessions;

Owe a large debt that the individual is unable to pay off; or

Loss of sense of time or space, not knowing where they are or what city or state they are in.
T. W. said…
Psychological and Behavioral Clues

Being able to recognize the psychological and emotional consequences of human trafficking can also be helpful in identifying victims. Victims often:

Develop general feelings of helplessness, shame, guilt, self-blame, and humiliation;

Suffer from shock and denial, or display symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, phobias, panic attacks, anxiety, and depression;

Suffer from sleep or eating disorders;

Become addicted to drugs and/or alcohol as a way to cope with or “escape” their situation, or as a method of control used by their traffickers;

Become emotionally numb, detached, and disassociated from the physical and psychological trauma and display “flat affect”; or

Experience “trauma bonding” with the trafficker, positively identifying with the trafficker and believing that, despite repeated abuse, the trafficker is a loving boyfriend, spouse, or parent.
T. W. said…
Physical Effects of Human Trafficking

While not all victims of trafficking have physical indicators that aid identification, many victims suffer serious health issues, some of which may include the following:

Signs of physical abuse, such as bruises, broken bones, burns, and scarring;

Chronic back, visual, or hearing problems from work in agriculture, construction, or manufacturing;

Skin or respiratory problems caused by exposure to agricultural or other chemicals;

Infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis and hepatitis, which are spread in overcrowded, unsanitary environments with limited ventilation;

Untreated chronic illnesses, such as diabetes or cardiovascular disease; or
Reproductive health problems, including sexually transmitted diseases, urinary tract infections, pelvic pain and injuries from sexual assault, or forced abortions.

If you think you have come into contact with a victim of human trafficking, call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1.888.373.7888. The NHTRC can help you identify and coordinate with local organizations that protect and serve trafficking victims.
T. W. said…
Project No Rest
T. W. said…
Thank you Jules!

This is so true & is much needed information.

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