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What a week ahead for Amber Heard...

Remeber to get your
 Soda & Popcorn ready.
This is the week.
That Domestic Abuser.
Amber Heard is exposed
as the con-woman she is...


Chick'sOpinion said…
I thought the revelation that Amber Heard pooped in Johnny Depp's bed on purpose, was the highlight.

But anyway.

I guess when liars are exposed in a big's far more important.
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD you have a Told Ya
Megan Fox, the girl with a restless heart. Is having a relationship with Machine Gun Kelly.

What on ewrth do these 2 have in common?

He's on drugs for a start.

And why has she left Brian Austin Green?
In the first place.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Has anyone noticed the saturation of Meghan Markle articles in The Daily Mail today?

It's just ridiculous. About 10 articles, one after another.

Clearly Meghan is spending alot on getting those media stories in there. To promote her stupid book.

Most of stories centre around quotes from the stupid book Finding Freedom, she paid her friend, Omid Scobie to write about her and Harry.

And can I say, Omid Scobie could get the award for the biggest liar in global journalism and writing for 2020.
When he keeps claiming that Meghan and Harry in no way participated in the writing of the book.
This lying little toad keeps claiming in his conceited little way to journalists. That he learned everything he wrote.
By spending time with Harry and Meghan. And they are not behind it.
Horse sh..t.

Omid Scobie needs to go back to High School if he thinks the public are gonna beleive that claptrap.
I know he's young. But he's woefully naive.

Instead of calling this book he co-wrote with Carolyn Durrand, Finding Freedom.

It should have been called Finding Omid Scobie's Brain.

From the quotes I read. There are numerous personal insults at Kate and Prince William in the book.
And the whole book is a depiction of Meghan and Harry as victims.
Well I'm not buyin it. Nor the book.

Omid Scobie is trying to claim over and over, that he's written this book. As part of his friendship with Meghan and he's finally revealing the truth about her time as a Royal.

No he ain't.

It is a big money making venture for Omid Scobie.
And...He's a long term fame whore too.

And off topic. But the same....lies.
Meghan Markle was ordered by the Queen to stop using the trade name, Sussex Royal a long time ago.
Well according to Yankee Wally's research, Meghan is continuing to use the trade name Sussex Royal.

She is also by British law supposed to stop calling herself HRH Her Royal Highness The Duchess Of Sussex.
According to Yankee Wally's research. Meghan continues to call herself that on her official websites.

I knew this would happen. That Meghsn Markle would try anything possible. To retain a Royal Title, when she no longer has one.

And is in fact at war with the British Royal family. And trying to destroy everything for them.
Meghan Markle tried very hard on the day of Beatrice's wedding to Eduardo Mapelli Mozzi. To take the media headlines off that girl's wedding.
And onto her. With some stupid staged photo op.

Sorry but I can't stand Meghan Markle.
And the recent pic of supposedly Archie in a push along baby car, with Doria pushing it.
Ummm already proved.
Photoshoped. It's an old pic of Meghan as a baby.
And it's also been proved. Those push along big plastic baby cars haven't been manufactured for 30 years.
Anyone who was a mother or a baby in the 80's or 90's will recognise them immediately.

The lies never end with this woman.
Chick'sOpinion said…
I hope when this is all over. We are gonna see the last of this Honky Tonk angel's behaviour.

Or will Amber Heard just find someone else to assault in relationships?
And will forever be in the news. With her drama.
T. W. said…

Brian Austin Green was Meghan Fox’s handler. Machine Gun Kelly is her new handler. Meghan underwent Marilyn Monroe programming before she married Brian. This is evidenced by the large Marilyn Monroe tattoo she used to have. I used to subscribe to Rolling Stone magazine. She told them she was having that tattoo removed because she had bad luck ever since she got it. I found it odd that the tattoo was front & center on the cover photograph.

I talked about Monroe programming before, most recently under the Tyra Banks prediction. These are presidential models. If you still don’t understand this please visit

As for why she left Brian, either THEY are punishing Brian & took his reward (Meghan) from him, she broke free so THEY gave him other victims, or her programming from him was complete. So now she can get a different type of programming from Machine Gun Kelly.

I do not know if you took the Red Pill or follow Conspiracy Theories. It doesn’t matter if you believe all the stories. What matters is handlers are easy to spot.

I’ll say it again:

1) Ever wonder why celebrities marry their agent, manager, personal physician, plastic/cosmetic surgeon, musicians, producers, etc.? I’ll tell you. The spouse is a handler. Some are high level handlers, some are not. Ask Charlie Sheen to explain it...

2) Low level handlers handle one victim at a time. Low level handlers have a handler assigned to them. Some high level handlers appear to be low level. Ask Michael Jackson, Gloria Estefan, & Mariah Carey about Tommy Mottola...

3) Oftentimes a person’s first handler is their parent/legal guardian. Ask Kim Kardashian-West about it...

4) Brian Austin Green acts more like a pimp than a spouse. That’s a dead giveaway. He’s now dating Courtney Stodden & some other girl. He’s pimping them out. If you don’t know who Courtney Stodden is please research this & pray for her.

5) Machine Gun Kelly is a ting like he’s Meghan Fox’s pimp & drug dealers instead of her boyfriend. See the pattern?

6) The victim often appears dependent/co-dependent on their handler. Ask Bee Yawn Say why she is terrified to perform onstage until she looks at her “husband” Jay-Z. Also ask her why the entity known as Sasha Fierce takes over Bee Yawn Say so she can yodel, strip, and thrust her crotch on stage...

7) Here’s another giveaway — Fashion models who are married to politicians, other celebrities or people who work in other parts of show business. Ask Melania...

T. W. said…

Thanks for the MeghaTron update. I’ve seen a bunch of articles online today but some of them put her & Ponce Harry in a bad light. No links from me this time. There’s a lot of other gossip & I’ve got links coming.

Prepare yourselves.
T. W. said…
Sara Morrison

There’s no such thing as Deep State Democrats.

Someone has misinformed you.

The Deep State/Shadow Government/The Powers that Be do not belong to any political party. They are united and they laugh at the masses because we allow ourselves to be divided. THEY cause the division.



You’ll watch a 34 minute “documentary” that claims only church leaders know the meaning of ancient biblical prophecies. I don’t know what Bible these people are reading. The Tanakh (Old Testament) and the New Testament are clear and interpret themselves. Revelation is a continuation of Daniel & the first 6 chapters of Genesis.

God wants us to know the prophecies so why are these so called church leaders the only one to know their meanings?

The documentary is a promotional tool for the book “After the Fall.”

It opens with a clip from Feaux News, uh, I meant Fox News. Trump declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel & said he will move the US Embassy to Jerusalem.

This has political implications & might play into the hands of prophecy However:

1) The book of Ezekiel shows the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqua Mosque will remain on the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount is the holiest location in Jerusalem.

2) Ezekiel & Revelation tell us they will share the Temple Mount with the Jews.

3) The Jews will build the Third Temple. When you hear this announced prepare yourselves for The End & the final phase of The Program. Christians should make preparations for those who will be Left Behind. I am serious. You do not want to be left. You can avoid this if you accept Jesus Christ.

4) Records show King David did in fact purchase the land known as the Temple Mount & intended to have the Jewish Temple built on the land. His son King Solomon built the first Temple.

5) The Book of Revelation tells us the city of Jerusalem will be given to “The Nations.” Some people interpret this to mean the United Nations. However, Jews call non-Jews gentiles - The Nations.

6) The AntiChrist will prevent the Jews from performing the animal sacrifices. He will declare the Temple is his & set up headquarters. This is what is meant by “The Abomination that makes desolate.”

7) The AntiChrist will declare he is The Buddha, The latest incarnation of the Dali Lahma, The 12th Imam, Jesus Christ, the Ascended Master AND every other religious deity. The AntiChrist will demand worship. You will be beheaded if you refuse to worship him, his image (could be a holographic image), and you will DEFINITELY lose your head if you refuse to take the Mark of the Beast. Duncan MacLeod cannot dave your head. Even if you didn’t accept Jesus you can avoid damnation by refusing to take the Mark. You gain eternal life by losing your Earthly one.

8) Laugh if you want. I don’t know everything but time will reveal all.

9) Muslims & Jews can fight all they want over who owns the Temple Mount. My Bible says all of Jerusalem belongs to GOD.
T. W. said…

I had a thought about Kanye. I shared it in another forum.

I said people fail to realize that even if a Kanye wins the election he will never be able to take office because he has a bipolar disorder diagnosis.

You told us the truth — He’s being used to divide the black vote.

I told someone that the Kanye Krisis is being used to distract the public from the kids in cages, the Wayfair child trafficking scandal, MeghaTron, and Ghislaine Maxwell.
T. W. said…
The Kanye Krisis Kontinues...

1) Kanye West visits hospital ER after suffering panic attack and apologizing to wife Kim Kardashian

[I posted some comments in the forum.]

2) Kanye West Spotted Entering Wyoming Hospital Emergency Room!!

3) Kanye West Reportedly Treated For Anxiety Following Hospital Visit!!

T. W. said…

It’s happening in America too:

Virginia, Utah residents report receiving unsolicited packets of seeds in the mail reportedly from China
Officials have advised residents not to plant the seeds
T. W. said…
‘What does Ghislaine Maxwell have on Trump,’ asks new attack ad by Lincoln Project

‘Just what does Maxwell have on Donald Trump? Why does he demean other women but treat the head of an alleged sex slave ring with respect?’
T. W. said…
Rapper Kanye West Has An Epic Meltdown On Twitter Exposing Wife Kim Kardashian As A White Supremacist And Adulterer Who Had Sex With Meek Mill And Refers To Mother-In-Law Kris Jenner As Kris Jong-Un (Video)
T. W. said…
Christian warned us about the Plandemic.

1) Los Angeles Is Now The Coronavirus Epicenter Of America With A Record Number Of New Cases (Videos)

2) America Hits Record Number Of Daily Coronavirus Cases Pushing National Total To 4,110,000 (Video)

3) U.S. Economy Struggling Under Unprecedented Damage Due To The Coronavirus Which Has Shuttered 50% Of Restaurants In The Nation

T. W. said…
Hurricane Douglas could become just the third one in modern history to make landfall in Hawaii
T. W. said…

Courtiers Considered Meghan Markle To Be A Cable Actress, And Other Excerpts From “Finding Freedom”
T. W. said…
For the history buffs:

Secret passageways and freedom roads: Remnants of the Underground Railroad in NC
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “Only in America”

Man Is Crushed By Subway; NYers Line Up To Take 'Selfies' w/ His Dead Body!!
T. W. said…
Bee Yawn Say strikes again. No excerpts this time due to amount of links.

1) Beyonce Steals From 'Black Panther' Movie For Her New Documentary And Album 'Black Is King'

2) Tina Knowles delivers hard-hitting response to critics who claim Beyonce's visual album Black Is King appropriates African culture: 'She has a right to her heritage'

3) Beyonce releases the new Black Is King visual album trailer... after facing accusations of appropriating African culture in new project

4) Beyonce And Jay Z Steal From Another Jamaican Artist Resulting In A Lawsuit

5) Beyonce Sued Again For Copyright Infringement This Time For Stealing From Deceased Rapper Messy Mya

6) Beyonce Faces $20m Copyright Suit From Late YouTuber Messy Mya's Estate

7) Beyoncé Hit with $20M Lawsuit for Alleged ‘Willful Copyright Infringement’

8) Beyonce Steals From the legendary artists Sam Cooke and En Vogue

9) Beyoncé and Jay-Z sued by Jamaican artist over 'Black Effect'

10) Bee Yawn Say stoke from this dead man:

Tenor Saw — Ring the Alarm
T. W. said…

Johnny Depp’s libel trial over Amber Heard assault claims set to end with cliff-hanger


No matter the outcome of the case, many insiders believe it could halt similar libel claims from celebrities who will be horrified at the graphic details being aired.

“I think the legal action has backfired in many ways,” celebrity journalist Sandro Monetti said. “Win or lose the case, I think Johnny is damaged in his career. And I don’t think Amber Heard has come out of it smelling of roses either.”

Crisis PR expert Evan Nierman also said Depp has not “done himself any favors” with the court action.

“I’m not sure the juice is worth the squeeze,” he said. “I’m not sure putting himself through the wringer like this accomplishes his goal.”

Still, he believes Depp could bounce back easier than his ex-wife.

“People have known Johnny Depp and thought that he’s a wild man for a long time,” Nierman said.

“Whereas now, our introduction on a grand scale to Amber Heard doesn’t paint a particularly pretty picture.

“So I think it’s actually likely to have more damage to her career than his, because he’s already on the tail end of a great run.”
T. W. said…
If this is how she felt 3 years before she married him then why did she marry him:

Amber Heard reads scathing, unsent email about Depp during closing arguments


Amber Heard accused Johnny Depp of being a “needy man-child” who soiled himself during benders — while others had to clean up his “s–t, vomit and piss” like “a baby,” a UK court heard Monday.

Heard, 34, detailed how Depp has “embarrassed” himself “countless times” in an angry email that she drafted in 2013 — two years before their wedding — but never ended up sending, London’s High Court heard.

“I have put up with so much. I have cleaned s–t, vomit and piss up both literally and figuratively,” Heard allegedly wrote in the email, which was partly read during closing arguments in Depp’s libel trial.

“A real man doesn’t need to be cared for like a baby … I watch as other grown men have to wipe you, basically,” she wrote of the “enablers” she claimed Depp paid to help cover up the aftermath, the court heard.

“Yesterday, I saw you pass out, amongst vomiting, three times,” she allegedly wrote, with the star’s late security chief having to pick him up each time.

Another staffer also complained about “how many times he’s had to break into locked doors to wake you up, after passing out on the toilet,” Heard wrote in the email.

“If someone filmed you while you were in this state you would be mortified,” she complained. “It’s embarrassing just watching it happen.”

“You can’t know because people (friends?) keep smiling to your face and then turning their heads and rolling their eyes at how ridiculous they feel and look picking a grown man up from his piss and vomit, knowing he’ll never be able to realize how bad he looks,” she allegedly wrote.

“If they left you, on the floor in your own s–t, locked in the bathroom while you missed work – then you might have to actually learn. Learn to take care of yourself,” she wrote, the court was told.

“What I saw last night was a child,” she added. “What I saw yesterday, and many times before, is a needy man-child.”

“Many times you have hurt me. Physically and emotionally from the things you say and did while f—ed up,” Heard wrote, Wass said.

“You have hit me repeated [sic]. Something you should Never have done. What a f—ing man you are,” Heard said.

“I just don’t know if I can do this anymore. It’s like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Half of you, I love. Madly. The other half scares me. I can’t take him. I wish I could, but I can’t,” she wrote, the court heard.

“Both you, the love of my life, and the monster look the same. How f—ing confused I feel.”

Heard felt that she had been “sold false goods” because she fell for the star while he was sober.

“How could I know this lay in store for me? How dare you make me fall in love with you, present this other self – your good half – only to rip the mask off once I was in?!” she allegedly complained.

“I feel like the biggest idiot in the world.”
T. W. said…
Johnny Depp stays away from closing stages of bombshell libel trial as Sun lawyer says his violence towards women is based on 'deep misogyny' and reads texts calling Amber Heard a 'slut' and 'whore'
T. W. said…
Virus Crisis Updates

1) Lewis Hamilton insists he has been 'misinterpreted' after he sparked backlash by sharing anti-vaxxer post accusing Bill Gates of lying about Covid-19 trials

2) 'The second wave of coronavirus is already in Germany', senior Merkel ally says, as he admits 'we have new clusters of infections every day'

3) Earlier lockdown could have saved bus drivers' lives, claim doctors after 29 London drivers died from coronavirus

4) Pet cat becomes first animal in the UK to get Covid-19 after catching the virus from its owners

5) Google will keep its 200,000 employees working from home until at least July NEXT YEAR amid coronavirus pandemic
T. W. said…
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'bring out the worst in each other' because she's 'a mega-watt attention grabber' while the Duke has 'faded in her shadow', royal biographer claims
T. W. said…
Kate Middleton 'attempted to rectify relationship' with Meghan Markle by sending flowers as a 'peace offering' but the Duchess of Sussex told her 'in no uncertain terms' it 'wasn't enough', Vanity Fair reports
T. W. said…
'No way back': Prince Harry and Meghan Markle 'will NEVER resume official roles with the Royal Family' after 'hurtful' bombshell book laid bare couple's bitter rift with The Firm 'seemingly with their blessing'
T. W. said…
PIERS MORGAN: Meghan and Harry's new book only confirms they're the world's most tone-deaf, hypocritical, narcissistic, deluded, whiny brats - AND that most of the stories the 'lying' press wrote about them were 100 percent true!
T. W. said…
Meghan Markle 'set up photo opportunities with paparazzi when she worked on Suits' - so did the royal couple cooperate with their new biography's authors?
T. W. said…
REVEALED: Prince Harry's secretive Instagram account with a pseudonym inspired by one of his favourite DJs and his nickname at Scotland Yard that Meghan Markle followed after their first date
T. W. said…
Prince Harry's ex gets her happy ever after: Cressida Bonas marries Harry Wentworth-Stanley in private before 'riding off into the sunset' on horseback as storm rages over the Duke's bombshell biography
T. W. said…
My theory was correct:

Elton John’s Ex-Wife Is Suing Him For Blabbing About Their Marriage


Renate’s lawyer argues that when she split from Elton in 1988, Elton agreed that he wouldn’t go breaking her heart by publicly discussing their marriage. By talking about it in his memoirs and recreating it in Rocketman, she argues that he breached their agreement. Her lawyer writes:

“The case is about restoring the privacy that she felt was agreed to be protected when she and Mr. John entered into a divorce in 1988. This was the only option she had left…She wants to ensure her privacy going forward, that in turn has a big impact on her mental health issues.”

The part about Elton’s memoirs impacting Renate’s mental health might feel like a lawyer throwing in a little extra drama for drama’s sake, but Renate is serious about her privacy. Legal documents claim that Renate really didn’t want to be famous for being Elton’s ex-wife, and she had been living in the UK under a different name. Renate doesn’t love that Elton brought up the marriage in Me, but he did so in a respectful way. Like, it wasn’t in a chapter called, “Remember When I Married A Woman? Gross!”. In fact, he wrote about her desire to be left alone.

“I’d broken the heart of someone I loved and who loved me unconditionally, someone I couldn’t fault in any way. Despite all the pain, there was no acrimony involved at all. For years afterwards, whenever something happened to me, the press would turn up on her doorstep, looking for her to dish the dirt, and she never, ever has: she told them to leave her alone.”

Her lawyer states that while she’s pissed Elton mentioned the divorce in the book, the part that really stings was her portrayal in Rocketman. Her lawyer writes:

“In her mind, the film seeks to portray their marriage as a sham, which she wholeheartedly disputes and considers a false and disrespectful portrayal of their time together.”
T. W. said…
This is what happens when your parent is dumb & is your first handler:


Kylie Jenner Threw Daughter Stormi An Over The Top 2nd Birthday Party

2) Kylie Jenner Bought Her 2-Year-Old Daughter A $200K Pony


“Self-made” billionaire millionaire Kylie Jenner obviously ain’t the type of parent who worries about spoiling her kids. For daughter Stormi Webster’s second birthday this past winter, the new PMK (Pimp Mama Kylie) constructed an extravagant carnival of nightmares called “Stormi’s World” (featuring a bunch of creepy blow-up Stormi heads, a Frozen-themed ice room, and a custom-redesigned private jet interior to match). Girl doesn’t know the meaning of the word “ostentatious”. Because girl didn’t pay attention in school.

Last week Cardi B and Offset declared WAR when they presented little Kulture with a $20,000 Birkin bag for her second birthday. NO ONE threatens Stormi’s title of “Baby Veruca Salt”, so Kylie bought her daughter a $200,000 white pony from the Netherlands named “Frozen” (like the movie!). Shipping was, of course, not included. That cost Kylie an extra $7,000-$10,000.

The pony’s breeder, Stal Wilten, confirmed the sale with a picture of Frozen and a little Dutch girl who’s not Stormi [.]

Stal’s original caption also included, “We can’t wait to see pictures of Stormi and Frozen”, but he’s since deleted that part. Hmm, you’d think he’d be a little better at discretion, considering he’s the go-to pony guy for celebs like Kaley Cuoco, Jennifer Gates (Bill’s daughter), and Jessica Springsteen (Bruce’s daughter).

Frozen’s a showjumping “gelding”, a fancy name for a castrated horse. He measures 12 hands (huh?), which is large for a beginner’s “first pony” (um, Kylie, watch Gone with the Wind, then get educated on pony safety!). He is 17 years old. The internet says ponies usually live well into their thirties, with many making it to the big 4-0. So Frozen will be around long enough for Stormi to get sick of his equine ass, be replaced by expensive shit like cars, diamonds, and designer bags, and then eventually get passed down to Stormi’s own daughter twenty years from now

T. W. said…
Who buys their 2-year old child a $200,000 purse?!

Cardi B Defends Offset For Buying Their 2-Year-Old Daughter A Birkin Bag
Anonymous said…
Ooohh this is gonna be beautiful and fun hahahahaha. We’re feeling much better.
T. W. said…
Hi Katelyn!

Is Kanye microdsing?
T. W. said…
Ex-MANOWAR Guitarist Karl Logan Faces Minimum of 25 Years in Prison Over Child Porn Charges
T. W. said…
Tory Lanez Shot Megan Thee Stallion Over Kylie Jenner Fight, Says Adam22
T. W. said…
Funny how the fact Don Lemon & CNN promote pedophilia didn’t make the news...

CNN Weekend Shows - Psychologist discusses treatment of pedophiles.
T. W. said…
FaceTime in the bath, personal voicemails and private conversations between brothers: Intimate details the Finding Freedom authors included raise questions as to Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's involvement
Chick'sOpinion said…

Cardi B

Is gonna end up broke.

Because she's particularly stupid with money.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I hope Kanye keeps the Kanye Krisis going.

It's very entertaining.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah the articles that don't exactly talk about Meghan and Harry's book.
Are not very flattering.
People are tired of them.
And Piers Morgan's article nails it.
She made a big mistake falling out with him.

T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion!

1) I know very little about Cardi B. I do know Nikki Minaj is pregnant by her pedophile husband. Her brother is a pedophile too. We much pray for the child.

2) I know Kanye has mental illness but I agree, I hope a lot of the things he’s doing is performance art. Just because a person is “crazy” doesn’t mean they don’t know what time it is. If you need lottery numbers see if you can find a person with schizophrenia who’s willing to tell you. But be sure to share your winnings with them because that is fair.

3) MeghaTron played herself. She can’t play chess the way THEY can.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think Elton John's ex wife Renate is just doing it all so she can get 3 million or more out of him.
Before he dies.

I saw Rocketman. It didn't portray her in a bad light at all. Nor their marriage as a sham.
It was portrayed as a marriage that wasn't working.
Nothing new in that.
Actually I beleive it portrayed more the opposite.
That he did love her.
And she loved him.

She's not very convincing in her legal argument .... so what if he mentioned her in his autobiography.
It's just ridiculous. He was married to her.
He can't cut that life experience out of his life.
His true story.
He has never said a bad word against her.... ever.
Never has.

Unlike usual ex's. Some of whom never stop running you down. To friends, family, their new victim ....sorry new partner.
They are usually possessed with revenge. And tellin stories about you. Negative ones.

Elton John has never chosen that way.

No Renate just wants money.
And she's seen her chance.

She would have got a really good financial settlement as it is from Elton John. When they divorced in the mid 80's.
Rather good for being married for such a short time.

How much more f..ckin money does this cow want?
Hope she loses the court case.
For being greedy.
T. W. said…

Your opinion was really harsh & I don’t understand why you called Elton’s ex-wife a f****** cow who has no legal argument. Have you read the articles? Are you having a bad day? I’m serious. I care about you.

1) As per legal agreement neither Renate nor Elton are to speak on the marriage. He’s in breach of a legally binding contract & she is right to sue whether she needs the money or not.

2) Renate said she’s fallen on hard times due to ongoing medical issues. Reading between the lines it appears Elton contributed to her poor physical health. Take a wild guess as to what disease he may have infected her with.

3) American healthcare does not work the same way as Australian healthcare. One hospital stay can cause a person or a family to go into financial ruin in America. I am not exaggerating when I say financial ruin. Very few people recover from catastrophic medical bills. Don’t believe me? Look at all the celebrities who have had to ask their trade union & the public for financial assistance due to medical bills.

4) Renate has been in dire straights for a while. Renate has kept her mouth shut. Elton has been running his mouth for years. If Renate was suing out of greed she would have done it a long time ago. Not only that, she stated she didn’t ask Elton for help with her medical expenses until the situation became dire. A greedy person would not have done that.

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