The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Do the Aliens look like us (human being)?
What unfortunately isn't a movie. Is Katy Perry having a baby with Orlando Bloom.
Why is this not good?
Well as CD posted a long time ago. These pair of celebrity twits. Are on cocaine. Alot.
So they may have a baby that feels alien when he/she arrives. Due to feeling very high.
Another thing. If I have to see another obscene pic in media of Katy Perry's pregnant stomach. I'm gonna be sick.
It's just getting ridiculous.
I wonder if the routine blood tests at the hospital have detected all the cocaine yet.
And/or Katy Perry's PR people are workin overtime. To stop the blood test results coming out in the media.
Well PR people can't stop CD and his blog revealing the truth.
And. If the baby remains in hospital long after it's born. We'll know the poor little thing was born high.
I really don't care about them other than they should help us.
Are they here to hurt us? No.
Are they very aware of how much humans treat each other badly including this planet? Yes.
Are they here to help us? Yes.
This is going to be very crass and blunt, but humans are already doing the job of hurting themselves.
There was a huge violent demonstation in Beirut today.
Because this tragedy has empowered the Lebanese revolt. And they are very angry.
And what are they revolting over?
Well not just the poor substandard quality of life.
But the corruption. In all facets of government office in Lebanon. But they are also furious with the ruling classes of Lebanon. The ruling elite are living well.
While the ordinary Lebanese suffer alot of deprivation.
The demonstrating Lebanese are even bringing out cardboard pics of the Hezbollah leader, Hassan Nasrallah. And hanging his pic from a gallows.
So they are really pointing the finger at all leadership there. As a blame for this huge explosion. Whether it was due to government neglience. Or a terrorist attack.
And it looks like this may turn into a revolution in Lebanon. And may succeed.
Because some retired army officers have stormed the Foreign Ministry in Beirut. And set it up as the revolution's headquarters.
To understand the Lebanese peoole's anger with Hezbollah. You have to understand who they are.
Hezbollah is a paramilitary wing of an Islamist political party. And they are based in Lebanon.
They have a horrifying past. Of violence.
And are rather good at it.
Set up by Muslim clerics. They got their ideas for this group, Hezbollah from that arsehole Iranian Ayatollah Khomeini.
But they mainly initially established themselves to resist Israeli occupation.
Fair enough.
But part of their manifesto. Was unfortunately to get Americans and their allies out of Lebanon.
And you can imagine how that went down.
Hezbollah were front and centre in the Civil War in Lebanon from 1982 to 1983. When they fought a violent war against American forces.
They also were fully involed in the South Lebanon Conflict 1985 to 2000, the Syrian Civil War and the Iraqi Civil War 2014 to 2017.
But today their main aim is to defend Lebanon and Syria from Sunni Islamist forces.
Funny how Hezbollah can do all this. But can't stop a major Port in their country from being blown to bits.
That's why I'm of the opinion. That that Port explosion in Beirut was a Terrorist attack.
So clearly the Lebanese people don't feel protected by Hezbollah.
Because right now, there is any number of terrorist orgs, militia, governments that could have deliberately attacked the Port in Beirut.
And got away with it.
And Hezbollah has failed to protected the Lebanese people.
And so has the Lebanese government.
They also want Lebanese President, Michel Aoun's head on a stick.
they support us
unlike we’ve lived it
so everything is in
growth and development
My mom refuses to come babysit my fur babies because she has said she said weird lights flashing around my home and said its at my brothers where she stays till she can get into an senior living arrangement. I joked and said well mom, the reason they showed up at my home is because they wanted to check up on you since they know your one of the oldest ones that they experimented on..... hehehehehe . Mom didn't think it was funny.... but she still will not babysit my fur babies that know her as "grandma"...... :):):)
In the meantime, Zuckerberg’s net worth is $100 billion. He does not look human to me.
Zuckerberg is a reptile, as some conspiracy theorists say. Shape shifter. I think it's all crazy and I can't believe in it. But I believe there is something beneath the surface of Antarctica that is hidden from us..
Does the bible mention Alien Beings?
Simon Cowell recovering from six-hour surgery after scary bike crash
Simon Cowell was in surgery for six hours on Saturday after breaking his back in a horrible bike crash.
Sources told Page Six that the “America’s Got Talent” star, 60, is now in “recovery and asleep.”
“He had to have a big surgery, he’s got a number of breaks and has had to have a metal rod put into his back,” a source told us.
“When he fell off the bike he landed right on his back which broke in a number of places,” noting it “was six-hour surgery overnight on Saturday.”
I've appreciated your posts on spiritual topics and CD: how awesome your continued openness is.
Also love the calls I've seen to pray for Keanu's future love. He has pure joy in his future, I'm sure of it. She will be someone that everyone can't help but adore. XA books by AG show extremely disturbing and dark material. Also note that KR's sweet collaborations are no longer on the site.
Aliens & ghosts who knows, but seems that they are manifestations of spirits. I believe that people plagued by aliens or ghosts are immediately freed when they invoke Christ's name.
Regardless of denomination of faith my favorite verses speak of a direct dial tone, and unconditional forgiveness: Rev 3:20, John 11:26, Matt 6.6, Psalm 103:12. They help me have courage, be kind, choose faith over fear, and peace over panic. Blessings all- and stay encouraged!
I don't kmow much about Simon Cowell.
Cause I don't watch those kinda shows.
But I do realise he has created alot of opportunities for people. They never thought they'd achieve.
He is definately the Merlin Of Music in our time.
Though he started out very early in life as a Talent Scout.
He is the reason we got Westlife back in the day, And Leona Lewis, 5th Harmony, Susan Boyle, One Direction. So many.
Why is Simon Cowel riding motorbikes at his age anyway?
He should recall quite clearly, cause he'd remember it well.
That British 80's singer, Billy Idol completely screwed up his career. Because at the height of his career and popularity. He was riding like a maniac on his motorcycle in Hollywood. Not wearing a helmet.
Ran a stop sign. Collided with a car.
Broke his arm. And underwent a 7 hour surgery to try and save his right leg.
Not only did Billy Idol lose that important moment in his singing career. Cause he took so long to recover. He lost his major role in the movie, Terminator 2:Judgment Day.
I think he was in it. But in a very limited way.
Simon Cowell might find a more safer way to relax in his downtime after surviving this accident.
He's 60 years old.
Why is he ordering electric motorbikes?
And. He may not recover well with this back injury.
And it's possible he'll become addicted to pain medication.
For the rest of his life.
I believe your mum.
I have always believed in aliens.
And I can understand why she's terrified to be at your place alone.
You know....Even when people used to laugh about these first hand accounts of alien abduction in the 80s.
And people thought it was crazy.
I always believed them.
It appears the aliens are no longer interested in abducting humans.
Perhaps they now know what they wanted to know.
Heres some famous people who claim they have seen aliens or a UFO.
Fran Drescher, actress in the old show, The Nanny.
She swears her and husband were abducted separately by aliens.
And implants were placed on their hands.
They both have the same scar in same place to prove it.
David Bowie claimed many times he had seen UFO's many times as a child.
He said he saw one hovering over a field when he was an adult too.
Boxer Muhummad Ali. Claimed he saw UFO's 16 times.
Australian singer, Olivia Newton-John saw a UFO in the Cambridge countryside.
Katy Perry believes in aliens.
It's why she wrote the song, E.T.
She also believes in Ghosts.
Funny how the name you go by. Is a complete contradiction to what you claim.
But you know. Here ....we are used to commenting about liars.
So rather than being part of these blog comments here.
You are someone we discuss.
At the end of day. You are just a desperate troll.
But what I find amusing is how willing you are to continue to make yourself look a fool.
By continuing to return.
I recall your abusive comments directed at CD some time ago.
I’m only mentioning it. Because I want others, who are nice people who comment here.
To know just how destructive you are attempting to be.
I’d call it a big fail.
Alien abductions have not stopped.
The testimonials of abductions that I have read and heard are absolutely truly terrifying. It is also true to say that many people believe that ET's are demonic beings.
Below is a link to a podcast with MUFON Investigator Joe Jordan, in this podcast he discusses Alien abductions that were abruptly stopped by invoking the name of Jesus.
If the 50 years of abductions is continuing. Then there's hope for us that you will be abducted by aliens.
And therefore you won't be able to write nasty troublemakin comments on this earthly blog anymore.
Truth isn't claiming he/she was abducted by aliens.
Truth is claiming CD is wrong.
Truth visits this blog on occasion.
To try and discredit CD's predictions.
I have been observing it for quite some time.
I rarely comment on it.
Because Truth is a troll.
But as it's rather rude to go onto a psychic's blog. And try to discredit them in such a public way.
I have decided to discredit Truth.
To discourage the troll called Truth.
Unfortunately trolls love being talked about.
So it may be ineffective.
CD blocking the person called Truth would be better.
If you define “alien” as a sentient life form that is not from planet Earth then yes, the Bible mentions aliens. With that definition the angels and the entire heavenly host are aliens. Fallen angels too.
Some teach that fallen angels & evil spirits are not the same. They say evil spirits are the spirits of the deceased offspring of fallen angels & human females. They are Earth bound & seek living human bodies to inhabit. Another reason not to hang out at cemeteries & graveyards.
Romans 8:18-21
I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
When people say “reptilian” I think “demon possessed.”
I will explain.
As you might know, Princess Diana told people she saw the Queen shape-shift. This is not urban legend or a conspiracy theory. It is fact. I asked God about it. The answer I got was Diana saw the evil spirit inside the Queen.
This tells me these people that are called reptilians have evil spirits inside them. In some cases, these people were born that way because they are human hybrids. Before people laugh, my Bible says this happened before and will happen during the “last days.” Don’t worry, the world will not end, that is not what “last days” means.
God sent the flood waters to start over because there were hardly any full humans upon the Earth.
In my opinion, some of these gods and goddesses were these human-fallen angel hybrids.
We do know many, if not all of them were giants.
We also know that humans continued to have sex with fallen angels after the flood.
Don’t believe me?
Research why some people enjoy astral projection. Then research why some of them beg people not to do it. I’ll give you a hint: ANAL PROBES...
Astral Projection Exposed: Sleep Paralysis & The Demonic Realm
You are welcome!
I thank you for sharing those Scriptures with us!
We should pray for people regardless of how we feel about them. That’s the loving thing to do. God is love & if we belong to God then we love and share that love. I think Psalm 103:12 fits here.
As for ghosts, the word “ghost” is an Old English word that means “spirit.” You might hear Christians talk about the “Holy Ghost.” Holy Ghost is Holy Spirit.
I hope this helps.
I think the e-bike belonged to Simin’s child & he wanted to make sure it worked okay. I might be wrong.
As for the back surgery. I can relate. I have issues with my spine & they will get worse without divine intervention. My heart went out to Simon and I immediately said a prayer for him when I got the news he broke his back.
I’ll say this about back pain: Is rather have menstrual cramps. And mine cause me to be bedridden for several days.
Thank you for making me laugh out loud!
I do not understand what you are trying to tell us. Are you saying you were abducted by aliens?
Are you saying we have no right to talk about these things because we have not been abducted?
Are you making fun of us for believing?
Help me understand what you are saying.
Wise words.
Sorry, I thought Simon Cowell had been riding a motocycle.
And I discover from what you wrote, it's an E Bike.
That's not even his. It's his kid's.
What is this twatty man Simon Cowell doin on a bike at his age?
And I think he's going in for some plastic surgery on a regular basis. His looks morph from the sublime to the ridiculous these days.
Yes. And there's nothing worse than severe back pain.
I've had it.
All caused by my car seat being too close and my knee regularly bumping.
Yup. Something so simple.
And I was in agony for months not knowing whats whats wrong.
My psychic stepdad said months before,
'It's your bloody car seat'
And I said, 'oh no, it can't be that'
Yes it was.
As soon as I adjusted the car seat, pain disappeared.
Also...I don't know how people get through spinal surgery. My heart goes out to these people.
They are very brave.
I would believe Diana saw shape shifting. I think she saw alot of things.
She was so binded by the rules of the monarchy.
She literally couldnt talk about anything.
Let alone spiritual matters.
Thank you : )
I think Simon wanted to make sure the e bike was safe for his child.
As for his looks, I do know he tried to quit smoking or he did quit. He’s also been on a diet. He might have had some Botox but I don’t know.
As for Princess Diana, people consider her a saint. But I tell you what. She was one of THEM by blood. If she weren’t THEY would not have allowed her to marry Prince Charles. From what I “feel” about Diana & Prince William, they want out of The Program. So I cut them slack.
Please keep Prince William, his family, & their staff in your prayers.
Chicks Opinion .. oh dear, I thought they were replying to a comment, not denigrating CD.
hRh TW. People see what they wish to see, and ignore what they want to ignore. For instance, they think she wanted to leave the Royal Family, she absolutely did NOT. People truly believe Mother Teresa was a saint, in reality, she was the complete opposite and part of 'them'. If rumours are to believed she was also responsible for the trafficking of babies.
If Princess Diana was NOT of the right bloodline she would most definitely not have been hand-picked to become the mother of the future heir. Interestingly Cathy fox wrote in an article on her blog on child abuse, "Although Princess Diana was from the aristocratic Spencers, it appears that she would not have brought up her children in the ways of the satanic Illuminati cult. She was in many ways the antithesis of the royal family – compassionate, caring, kind, emotional, open. She hugged AIDS victims and campaigned against land mines and against controlling interests." She then went on to write "It is interesting that Diana is also said to have had derogatory nicknames for the royal family and suggested they were not human, but that is perhaps for another time. However as Jessie’s story shows, even a parent can be unaware what is happening to their child, and since Diana’s death the children will have been brought up in the system. So it is unclear when Harry chose his satanic ways, since Meghan or before. However, there appear to be no suspicious hand signals before meeting Illuminati High Priestess of the East Quadrant, Meghan. Harry appears to have outed himself as an illuminati supporter/member."
There are many royal articles on her blog
I absolutely agree with you that William wants out, or at least wants to change the system. Te Royal family have their own system. There is something very different about him. Tarot by Janine did an interesting reading on William and Kate, she believes that William and Kate, especially Kate, have not subjected their children to all the rituals
Please forgive me for the late reply.
You are always welcome!