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Fingers Crossed...

Trump & Twitter 
 will be busy...
Let's hope this is enough...
To unseat the occupant of the Whitehouse...



Letty said…
I pray it’s enough but there are many astrologers
Saying Trump will win
T. W. said…
I will say it.



I’m glad you asked.

She claims to be black when it conveniences her.

As the State Attorney General of California she had black people incarcerated & punished with the maximum penalty. More blacks went to prison under her than others. Meanwhile, white celebrities literally got away with murder during her term.

Kamala called Biden racist on live television during the Democratic debates. That’s not even the worst thing she said about him. You know what? She’s right.

So why did she agree to be his running mate?

I’ll tell you.

Joe Biden has dementia & he’ll be lucky to finish 1 year in office as president let alone 1 term. Kamala sees this as her chance to become president.


Some of you want to know who I will vote for.

I truly don’t know. Do I vote for the demon or do I vote for the evil spirit?

Do I vote for the intellectually challenged person or do I vote for the guy with Alzheimer’s Disease?

Before you call me out on that, Biden has sundowned on live television. Don’t ask, just Google it.

Do I vote for the racist or do I vote for the racist?

No, that is not a typo. They are both racist.

I know, I know. “But T. W. Anyone is better than Trump!”

Okay then.

Do I vote for the Pussy Grabber or do I vote for the man who molested babies and children on LIVE TELEVISION?

Before you call me out, I have sent links to videos to support my claim. I know what I saw.

If people watched C-SPAN instead of Keeping Up With the Kardashians & Real Housewives who aren’t even married then they would have seen this as it happened live.

“But T. W. Don’t you know Kamala will be running the show because Biden won’t be able to handle the full load, let alone finish his term?”

Yes. I know. I repeat.


The urban (black) gossip sites are all upset that Biden chose Harris.

Now I know why a lot of psychics have predicted Trump will win again.

Now I know why other psychics have said it depends on voter turnout.

I’ll tell you a secret. In general, black voters would rather not vote than vote for someone they don’t like.

I shall continue to pray about it and watch what all these people say & do.

But I will vote.

God will reveal.
T. W. said…
‘They’ve had enough of everything’: Record numbers of Americans are giving up their US citizenship

Handling of coronavirus pandemic, Donald Trump, and onerous tax filing requirements cited as reasons
T. W. said…

1) Avoid wearing coronavirus face masks with vents, valves, CDC says in updated guidance
Valves make masks a bit more breathable but 'don’t do anything in terms of filtering'

2) Wearing a neck gaiter may be worse than no mask at all, researchers find
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “Only in America”

A woman is stunned when her new driver's license came back with a picture of an empty chair
T. W. said…
I need to process this announcement.

Y’all might not see me tomorrow.
Jemele said…
-Susan Rice has too much proximity to the Obama Administration and Benghazi which both white republican and progressives would have been all over Rice for.
-Kamala never called Biden racist. Go back and watch the clip, she said "I don't think you are a racist, but..."
-Mpst of the progressives (Black and white liberals) who wrote about and created the narrative that Kamala was this super regressive prosecutor have walked back their comments over her record? If her record is suddenly okay? What does that say about their intention with their criticism in the first place...they want to exaggerate her record so that they're preferred candidate can win.
-Since this is a psychic gossip site and you're so convinced that Biden molests babies? Why don't you ask Christian if this is true?
-Thank God, the world doesn't revolve around TW, because there a lot of of Black people that do like Kamala. We're not a monolith.

Sarah said…
I don’t always agree with everything you say TW but on this occasion you are 100% correct
Kristy said…
I think Kamala was an interesting pick because like TW said a lot of black people don't like her but a lot of black people don't like Obama either. Doesn't mean either of them are bad or that they won't win.

We just need them to unseat the orange cheeto.
CyndiTx123 said…
Thank you Jemele for your comments and You do have true and good points.....which I agree with.
Nothing hysterical just facts that you know.
Don't always believe what is on you tube, etc.
Happy that Biden chosen a women for his VP.
I have faith that Biden/Kamala will improve with the destruction of American that Trump has created with his stupidity and more stupidity and hate....also being a racist and allowing a lot of negatives to go on with this country because of Trump-telling of secrets to Russia and other horrible countries.
If you don't get out and vote for Biden/Harris ticket, then your wanting more hate from Trump and his hateful family running our country into the ground-more than what it already is.....
God BLess America and its people. We all need to be positive in our thoughts and suggestions. Prayers -meditation works wonders and does help. Let's all have faith that Trump will be gone in a couple of months... along with his cronies....
Odin said…
I do not like Trump, he is bribed by Russia.
I do not like Biden either, he is very dark.

I hope Trump beats the communist China, then resigns.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Well I was going to ask people's opinion tonight on Kamala Harris. I open the comments section. And all across the board the info is there.

Regardless of what she's like, if I were an American. I'd vote for anyone else...just to get Trump and his crime family out of the Whitehouse.
And out of all the U.S money he and his family are stealing.
And the destruction he's wreaked on the country.
And relationships with other countries.
But that's just me.

I wonder if alot of the stolen money can be re couped through litigation later on?

I guess it's all a very emotive subject, Biden and Kamala.
Personally I was hoping Stacey Abrams would have been chosen.
She seems a way better choice than Kamala.

Well let's hope CD does a prediction on Kamala Harris.
And he looks deep into her heart.
And sees if it's sittin in the right place.
Chocmint33 said…
TW – How do you know that Biden has Alzheimer’s Disease? Have you spoken to his doctor, seen his medical records? You should really do fact checking before you make such claims.

About Biden being a pedo who messes with babies and children – where is your evidence there apart from videos which would have been doctored or deceptively manipulated to look like him through clever video editing?

I remember a video doing the rounds once which had a lady who looked exactly like Princess Diana sitting on a man and horse whipping him. That was proven to be fake and that was in the 90s!

With the advances of technology since then, remarkable editing can be achieved with filming and videos.

The latest is deep fake manipulation. Deep fake manipulation is a “form of human image synthesis where an existing picture or image is superimposed into a video to change the identity of those depicted in the video. The technology relies on machine learning or artificial intelligence to map an existing image, usually a photo of a person's face, to transfer that image to an existing video image.” (Taylor & Francis Online: 2020.)

There is so much crap and disinformation on the internet that you need to scrutinize the sources where you get your information from. There are too many fakes and frauds which look so credible when they are not.

Like I said on the other post, this Biden pedo stuff is doing the rounds on FaceBook. I have no doubt that Babyfart and his workers are behind it and pouring millions into rubbishing Joe.

I wouldn’t put it past Babyfart to get his people to make those videos. He’s certainly got the millions to pay for fake video manipulation of Joe Biden.

The orange man is desperate to win and as his niece Mary said, he has a track record of doing whatever it takes to win which includes lying and cheating.

I don’t mean to pick on you TW, but really there is too much at stake with this election. Many people go to Christian’s website and I just don’t think it is necessary to post such unsubstantiated claims on the site.

Taylor & Francis Online: 2020, Deepfakes and image manipulation: criminalization and control, Information & Communications Technology Law.

Anonymous said…
I am Black. I love Kamala Harris. I hope they win.
writestuff said…
Almost like an insider set up.
Anonymous said…
TW i agree that Kamala Harris claims herself to be black when it is convenient for her. Most black people do not think she is black. She is Jamaican and East Indian. Also most people in California hate Kamals Harris for what she has done to San Francisco and California. Between her, Willie Brown, Jerry Brown and Gavin Newsom they have ruined California. This will not help and I still think they will lose.
Anonymous said…
Is there now a measure of blackness beyond which it will be acceptable and beneath which one is just not black enough? I am mixed and lighter skinned than Kamala. Does that make me not black enough for y'all? Kamala is smart, well-spoken, she knows the law, and she is a woman of color. Isn't it time for someone like that in a position of authority? Don't you think that she will bring other women, and women of color, along with her if she can?
Chick'sOpinion said…
Pyschicmediumray Guzman has done a whole reading on Kamala Harris. On his You Tube site.
Very interesting.
He's very I guess I know he isn't influenced one way or the other when he reads.
I'm waiting too for Linda G psychic to put up a video discussing Kamala.
I always look for a consensus in drawing a conclusion myself.
I don't do Facebook so I don't see the crap that does the rounds on it.

I just think anything is better than Trump running America.
My own feeling is...whatever candidates it takes to get Trump out.
Then so be it.
We all know it has to happen.
If we are lucky. CD might post about Biden and Kamala.
I think...Even if Biden isn't the greatest guy out. At least he's stepping foward to remove Trump from the world.
That's to be applauded.
And he's a brave soul to take this on at his age.
And Kamala probably has a soul contract to help him do it.

I don't believe any stories that Biden is a pedo. In fact, this is the first I've of heard of it.
It's a typical obvious attempt to destroy his reputation through social media..
If anyone knew about Pedos. They are actually more common in a much younger age group.
But that's another story.
I don't like discussing the subject at all to be honest.
T. W. said…
As for Jemele’s comments:

1) Jemele is right about Susan Rice. Rice is guilty by association.

2) Jemele is correct in her Kamala Harris quote. Kamala did tell Biden she didn’t think he was racist but in the next breath she brought up multiple things he has done that prove otherwise.

3) I can’t speak on Jemele’s next claim about people walking back their comments on Kampala’s term as Attorney General. I do know this: They can change their minds but they can’t change the fact that Kamala Harris sent more place people to prison for non violent crimes than any of her predecessors & she was proud of it.

4) Why would I ask Christian if it’s true that Biden molests babies when I saw Biden do it? I posted links months ago. Videos exist. I don’t need to ask Christian.

5) Yes. This is a GOSSIP site. Did you know gossip may or may not be true. We’re you absent that day in English class? By the way, I never said ALL black people do not like Kamala Harris. Please go back to elementary school to learn context clues & how to read English. Then go back and read my comments.

T. W. said…

God bless you.

I thank you for your respectful response. My opinions are based on observable facts. I do not expect everyone to agree with me but I do expect kindness.

I don’t like playing tit for tat but I can do it.
T. W. said…

Thank you for understanding. I don’t know what to make if this election but I will vote. I will not tell others how to vote. Especially since I’m on the fence.
T. W. said…

Biden definitely has dementia. Whether or not it is Alzheimer’s I do not know but I do know sundowning is associated with Alzheimer’s disease.

If you go back to my comment you will see a had a list of questions. One of those questions was “ Do I vote for the intellectually challenged person or do I vote for the guy with Alzheimer’s Disease?”

I find it telling no one is asking me, “ TW – How do you know that Trump has intellectual challenges? Have you spoken to his doctor, seen his medical records? You should really do fact checking before you make such claims.”

Why is okay to dump on Trump but not dump on Biden? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

You asked about my evidence & said the videos were doctored/edited. As I stated before many times, this happened on LIVE TELEVISION. Do you think that was doctored & manipulated?

I realize our non-American Friends do not know why I keep referencing C-SPAN. From Wikipedia:

Cable-Satellite Public Affairs Network is an American cable and satellite television network that was created in 1979 by the cable television industry as a nonprofit public service. It televises many proceedings of the United States federal government, as well as other public affairs programming. The C-SPAN network includes the television channels C-SPAN (focusing on the U.S. House of Representatives), C-SPAN2 (focusing on the U.S. Senate), and C-SPAN3 (airing other government hearings and related programming), the radio station WCSP-FM, and a group of websites which provide streaming media and archives of C-SPAN programs. C-SPAN's television channels are available to approximately 100 million cable and satellite households within the United States, while WCSP-FM is broadcast on FM radio in Washington, D.C. and is available throughout the U.S. on SiriusXM via Internet streaming, and globally through apps for iOS and Android devices.

I wonder how they faked all those videos. By the way, the CSPAN videos are on YouTube and you can see them for yourself.

My claim is not unsubstantiated. Biden has done this on live television when he was a member of Congress, when he was Vice President, & when he was running for president on the campaign trail.

Please tell me how all those LIVE videos were faked? I’m serious. Someone has some really great technical skills.

As for my evidence, I’ve posted links multiply times in thus site & no one has complained about it until now.

You cannot have your cake and eat it too.

You want the proof then go find it.

I’m not doing it. You want it so you go get it.

Please stop telling me I am spreading misinformation.

If I’m spreading misinformation then according to your logic any link I provide is misinformation.

I’m falling for that trap.

I’m done.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Anonymous @10.30

I agree wholeheartedly with you.
All this discussion about Kamala Harris and her level of 'blackness' is just wrong.

Also I agree. Let's just be happy that a woman has been chosen to run for the Vice President of America.
And a black women at that.

It's a great move forward.

It should be celebrated.

Imagine guys how amazed and happy the Civil Rights activists of the 1960's and 1970's in spirit will be about this acheivement.
I'm talkin about the ones who died trying to bring this level of change and improvment to African Americans.
And America.

And a quick research into how mamy of those black activists were murdered back then. Makes for shocking reading.
And for the most part, the people who murdered those black activists got away with it.

Kamala is Kama.
Their Karma. For murdering those brave people.
And Karms for those still living today. That tried everything they could to destroy the Civil Rights movement back then.

And Kamala is the Karma on those who oppose the Bkack Lives Matter Movement right now.
T. W. said…
Anonymous August 12, 2020 at 7:23 PM


Some of us remember what Kamala Harris did. The woman flip-flops but according to everyone else I am spreading misinformation.

The truth always comes out.

I don’t care who is in office because whomever becomes President after Trump is screwed from Day 1. I don’t care how good they are.

No matter who wins I will pray for them.

I always pray for people who hold government/political office.
T. W. said…
One reason SOME black people do not like Kamala is because she put black people in prison at maximum sentences for non-violent crimes while whites people got slapped in the wrists.

Another reason SOME black people do not like Kamala is because Kamala always claimed she was Indian. She rarely, if ever, claimed she was bi-racial until she ran for president despite the fact her father was a noted economist who happened to be a black man from Jamaica.

I hope this clears up some confusion.
T. W. said…

Now I know you don’t read all my comments because I’ve said for a long time that Biden is a pedo & I have provided links.

I would post them again but I tell lies & the information is all fake you know.

As for Psychic Ray Guzman, I saw that reading. He said Kamala was being paid to be Biden’s running mate & she will be sorry in the long run. He said it didn’t matter if she got to the White House she will be sorry either way & if she makes it to the White House she is in over her head. Psychic Ray also said THEY are using Kamala to court the black vote.

Psychic Ray also gave his personal opinion & said he’d rather have Trump over Biden & gave his reasons for his opinion.

Oh wait!

I tell lies.

I spread misinformation.

I had better post the link.

Oh wait!

That video might be a deep fake!

I better not post the link then.
CyndiTx123 said…
Chic's Opinion I do agree girly that I was hopin for Stacey Abrams....I agree with ChocoMint33 as well.... I am just happy that Biden has chosen a Women to run for VP we all know will become president when and if Biden has to step down.....
We all know that Trump is No Good..He is destroying our America.... I don't understand the spewing of negativity towards some kind of hope for the American people... a new leader Biden and his running mate. Who cares some people do not like Kamala...or what race she is or how she acts..... WE now have HOPE!!
BIden/Harris will have the White house positions filled with all good staff and ones that are stealing from us now in the White House. But honest ones.
Trump is what the Easter Island character from Night of the Museum movie...always called Larry ..."Dum DUm... TRUMP IS A DUM DUM!! not just any Dum Dum but a Huge DUM DUM!! hahahahaha!! We need hope and Biden /Harris has it for America... HOPE!! Gosh, can't believe we have a woman VP!!! YEs! She is A Woman and I want to hear her ROAR!!! Just like Helen Reddy song...jI am woman, hear me roar

In numbers too big to ignore
And I know too much to go back an' pretend
'Cause I've heard it all before
And I've been down there on the floor
No one's ever gonna keep me down again
Oh yes, I am wise
But it's wisdom born of pain
Yes, I've paid the price
But look how much I gained
If I have to, I can do anything
I am strong
I am invincible
I am woman
shamaro said…
@ChicksOpinion, are we watching the same Raymond Guzman?! He is such a Trumpster! So blatant no matter how much he claims to be impartial. I was completely disgusted by his video on Kamala. The way he laughed in derision for several minutes is classic gaslighting. So cruel from someone who has made his motto, Rays of Light and Positivity.

I thought we weren’t going to have anonymous comments any more?

Your headline seems to express doubt that Biden/Harris can win CD? Trump is obviously worried he may lose. Biden is running a better campaign than Hillary did so this may put Biden in the winning circle. It would truly be shocking if Trump still wins with everything going on. But racism ion America is stunningly prolific.

I know people who have been in meetings with Biden in the recent past with a small group of people and say he was sharp as a tack. It is more when he is in public he seems fuzzy. Maybe more public speaking nerves than dementia.
Jules said…
I will freely admit seeing hRh TW verbally attacked for things she did not state is upsetting,

hRh TW is a very much loved and well-respected contributor to CD's blog, she has worked tirelessly day in day out, year after year, continually ministering to everyone trying her utmost to wake you up, so you fully understand the truth of this world.

TW has given up so much of her time to provide everyone with all the information anyone would ever need to clearly see how the world is run, and by whom, make no mistake we have all been lied too, we really are in a spiritual war. So great is TW's desire to save you all, even when she is ill, or recovering from major operations she is still ministering and still providing everyone with factual reputable and indisputable evidence to wake you up.

I would very much like to take this opportunity to personally thank TW, I very much deeply appreciate the time and effort she has taken over the years to research and post CREDIBLE and well-researched links for us. They acted very much as a springboard for my own research. I will be forever grateful.

Chocmint 33 made a valid point when she stated "There is so much crap and disinformation" and warned us to " scrutinize the sources where you get your information from. There are too many fakes and frauds which look so credible when they are not." Although she was directly referring to the internet, and not the mainstream media, I would like to suggest everyone applies the exact same caution in regards to the information given to us via the mainstream media.

Research who owns that particular news outlet, who is their financial backer and you will soon learn they have an agenda. They are beyond transparent.

Do NOT blindly believe what are you being shown, nor take at face value the information you are given, I, like everyone else was shocked at the corruption and fraudulent manipulation of a lot of fake news reports. You could have knocked me down with a feather when I saw indisputable evidence thanks to the internet, that news companies were using the same actors and actresses used over and over again. For anyone interested in seeing indisputable evidence to this I strongly suggest you watch the first parts of the documentary called the fall of the cabal, link below.

The fall of the Cabal documentary
Jules said…
Australia Sky News host Rita Panahi says of Biden “no matter how hard the Democrats and their allies in the media try, Biden’s cognitive issues can no longer be ignored”. She further goes on to state, “We’ve seen Biden appear confused about key facts, policies, dates and names, even forgetting Barack Obama’s name, there is simply too much footage of his muddled rants, inexplicably bizarre outbursts and Charlie Sheen levels of confusion to try and gaslight the American public.” It's perplexing to me how anyone can view Biden publically speaking and NOT question if xe is mentally able to be a President.

This is a link to the Australian sky News report, please watch
Biden's cognitive issues can no longer be ignored

I've viewed footage of Biden interacting with what appears to be Democratic supporters and its jaw-dropping. Not only does he kiss women directly on the mouth, which is outrageous behaviour of a future would be President and shows a complete lack of decorum, but more shocking, Biden literally cannot keep his hands to himself around children he gropes, strokes, sniffs, kisses, and plays with young girls hair. It is extremely uncomfortable viewing made worse by the clear distress felt by the children (mostly females) who stand frozen on the spot as they are being touched. This is alarming, deeply concerning.

There is a lot of footage available online of Biden interacting with the public, however, I found this footage to be interesting
Chocmint33 said…
Dear TW,

Firstly, the post I did a couple of days ago was not a personal attack on you. I was merely criticizing and questioning sources on the internet that cannot be relied upon by themselves. I also never said that you were a liar, nor did I say you were fake. So please don’t take it personally and make it all about you.

I was commenting on two statements that you made about Biden. The first was about saying he had Alzheimer’s disease and the second saying that he molested children and babies live on television.

About the allegations that Biden is a molester and did such acts on live television on that C-SPAN network – well I went to YouTube to watch a couple of Joe videos from that network – the ones that say that Joe is creepy and gropes children live on television.

I watched them carefully and I didn’t see any signs of molestation. He is an emphatic guy, tactile and is openly affectionate. He hugged, kissed, and patted the back of young women, older ladies and children in the videos. And he didn’t grope the small girls either. He touched their hair, kissed one or two on the side of their head, put his hand on their shoulders, and in one photographic pose, he put his hand on one’s girl’s ribcage. But he did those tactile gestures with old women, young women and girls. To me it seemed like he was just trying to make those kids, and everyone feel welcome for they were in a governmental environment which some may find intimidating.

At worst he invades people’s personal space, but I recall last year he acknowledged that he is going to pull back and change how he will navigate people’s personal space in the future.

You see that is the real issue, Joe is an old-school politician and the social mores have changed. He is from the era where kissing babies and women, children, patting people on the back including men, was considered the norm and gentlemanly way of showing warmth in the political arena. But times have changed, and that behaviour is seen as too personal and invasive now, but at least he acknowledges that. Moreover, those videos were made before 2019, and he’s changed his greeting style since then.

Again, from what I observed from C-SPAN, there was no molestation. Molestation is sexual assault and there is a huge distinction between being affectionate and tactile, and sexually assaulting.

If he did the crime you said he did on live television, especially a political orientated network, the Republicans would have demanded immediate arrest and the Democratic power brokers would have booted him out of the party.

There are highly intelligent women and women with integrity in the Democrat Party including Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Susan Rice, Stacey Abrams, Amy Klobuchar, Val Demings and Kirsten Gillibrand. Do you really think they would support and stand by a man in their party who was standing for President if he were a child molester? Those women deserve more credit than that, especially since some of them have worked in criminal law and some are mothers.

Furthermore, I did not say you were spreading misinformation either, just making two unsubstantiated claims. The word I wrote was disinformation and that related to organizations that create false or misleading information or propaganda. It wasn’t about you.

In fact, I do not read many of your comments or the links that you post. I don’t have the time. Every now and then, I do click on a blind gossip link usually related to a royal scandal which I love reading about. Thanks for those.

I have an interest in Trump because he is a terrible POTUS. I think he is a blight on America and the world. It would be terrible for humanity if he were re-elected. That is why I felt the need to defend the person who is going against him at the election. I am sure Joe is no saint, but he certainly is not a criminal and does not deserve those accusations. He needs all the good energy to beat the orange man in November.

Gee it has been draining writing this. The topic is ghastly.
Chick'sOpinion said…


I agree with your comments Chocmint33.

And TW please consider the points Chocmint33 has made.
You have in past often taken very personally and attacked me here also ....over the smallest things. That you basically disagree with. And I have ventured to ignore it... the rudeness.
Hoping you will stop personalising things at some stage.
It hurt my feelings when you attacked me that way. Just because you disagreed. But for the sake of good will and the good feeling that usually presides here on this blog. I ignored it.

There is nothing wrong with people disagreeing with you. People having a differing opinion to yours. Accept that.
That's democracy. To debate an issue in a respectful way.
Or not at all. Just let it be.
And know that we don't all want to believe in what you beleive in. And that is Okay.
It is just a point of veiw.
I have noticed too, that you continuously turn difference in opinion into a war of words.
Try and learn to accept that people not agreeing with you is Okay.
And they have a perfect right to not agree.
If they want.

You have alot of extreme views, about many people you claim are child molesters and Pedos.
For most people, this is an odd obsession. And an unpleasant one.
Not for you. But it is for alot of peoole.
And from my observation over time, people don't like it.
And may I say, neither do I.
And alot of the claims you make about people being Pedos are very unlikely. Or just plain not true.

You have alot of legal knowledge. So it has often made me wonder how you are not aware how serious an allegation of child sex abuse is. Without absolute proof. Not hearsay. Or videos that convey a small debatable suggestion of that.
It's not a allegation to be thrown around lightly. At anyone. In any public arena.

I don't take seriously your allegations that all these people you claim are Pedos.
Because it's just not true. But it does alarm me.

There is a Karmic penalty for making false accusations of that nature to perfectly innocent people.
And it's just wrong. From an ethical point of veiw.
And I'm begging you as a friend to stop it.
It's disturbing people.
And I believe upsetting people.
It would definitely disturb people who come here. Who have been genuine victims of child sex abuse.
I know that, because I have a degree in Social Work.
I know what triggers vicarious trauma in people.

Also try and end the claims here, that all these celebrities are transgender. They are not.
Transgender in the population is not prolific.
It happens. But it is not as you claim or believe.

I'm assuming that me making a stand finally on this will mean you will not communicate with me again here.
And I've decided that's okay with me. Disappointing but OK.
Because you have attacked me here many times in the past. So I can deal with the hostility I guess.
Even though it will greatly disappoint me.
And not contribute well to the friendly space we try and make this blog.

I don't expect everyone here to agree with me.
I don't expect everyone here to like me either.
But there has to be respect and tolerance of others.
And highly contraversial unproven sexual assault stuff. And people's Transgender journeys.
Are not up for discussion or ridicule here.

You can claim that what I have said is just my opinion.
And not like it, be very angry with it.
Or not agree with it.
Or return with a character assasination on me.
I'm OK with that.
I'm expecting that.
But I want you for your own clear very good research skills. And other more normal interests. And opinion on other things. To shine through.

As a friend I'm suggesting to you, to let the other stuff go. Forever.
And you will see. It will make alot of people who visit, comment on this blog happier.
T. W. said…

I thank you for sharing that information, that helps a lot.

If Biden has been consistently sharp after 2 pm then he most likely does not have Alzheimer’s Disease. This is good. I do not wish that disease on anyone. I’ve known people that have had it and it makes me cry.

Biden did have another facelift this year. Anesthesia can cause temporary cognitive declines and temporary personality changes. The elderly are more susceptible. I’m not elderly but I’ve experienced those things as a result of anesthesia. It’s not fun & I don’t wish that on anyone either.

It doesn’t matter who I like. What matters is can they properly govern.

That is why I said I needed time to process the announcement & why I will watch what these people do.
T. W. said…
Thank you Jules for your kindness and understanding.

You & Chocmint33 are correct about the media manipulating & fabricating information. Having said that, a lot of what I say comes from what I see & hear with my own eyes & ears so I don’t understand how things I saw & heard while in the real world are fabricated. By the way, I was not joking about holographic projections. These things exist. But maybe those news reports about holographic Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston & Prince going onto tour were made up stories.
T. W. said…
Jules, haven’t you heard? Sky News is mainstream therefore it cannot be trusted!
T. W. said…
This comment is directed towards those who think Joe Biden never molested anyone. Here are the dictionary definitions of the word “molest”

SOURCE # 1 — Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Definition of molest

transitive verb
1 : to make unwanted or improper sexual advances towards (someone)
especially : to force physical and usually sexual contact on (someone)

2 somewhat old-fashioned : to annoy, disturb, or persecute (a person or animal) especially with hostile intent or injurious effect

SOURCE # 2 —

verb (used with object)

1. to bother, interfere with, or annoy.

2. to make indecent sexual advances to.

3. to assault sexually.

T. W. said…

You are forgiven.

I see that my comment appeared to be a personal attack on you & what you stated. This was not my intent. My intent was to attack the arguments, not just yours.

As for the videos, I made a comment giving the dictionary definition of the word “molest.” He clearly molested those people.

I should have listed both the legal & dictionary definitions of the words “assault” and “battery.” I’m going by memory here. The words mean “an unwanted touching” and “an attempt to touch” so legally Biden committed assault & battery. Those people clearly did not want Biden to touch them.

But T. W., they could have moved away!


Tell that to a rape victim & see what response you get. Especially when the perpetrator is in a position of power.

I’ll be back in a minute.
T. W. said…
I’m back.

Chocmint33, I want to address some of your recent comments.


“You see that is the real issue, Joe is an old-school politician and the social mores have changed. He is from the era where kissing babies and women, children, patting people on the back including men, was considered the norm and gentlemanly way of showing warmth in the political arena. But times have changed, and that behaviour is seen as too personal and invasive now, but at least he acknowledges that. Moreover, those videos were made before 2019, and he’s changed his greeting style since then.”


Okay. People have known for over 20 years this behavior is wrong.

Joe Biden has a law degree so he’s definitely known for over 20 years his behavior is wrong.

Funny how he didn’t decide to change until people slammed his behavior on the internet.


“Again, from what I observed from C-SPAN, there was no molestation. Molestation is sexual assault and there is a huge distinction between being affectionate and tactile, and sexually assaulting.”


That’s not 100% accurate. The word “molest” also means “to bother, to annoy, to pester.” I don’t know about you but I get bothered when a person I just met kisses me on the cheek, pats my head, etc. You said he invaded people’s personal space. I don’t know about you but I get annoyed when people do that to me. My rib cage, breasts & vagina is part of my personal space.

Last time I checked, kissing can be sexual. Please now I am not saying all kisses are sexual.

Biden needs to keep his hands to himself because he can trigger a flashback in people who were previously molested or raped.


“If he did the crime you said he did on live television, especially a political orientated network, the Republicans would have demanded immediate arrest and the Democratic power brokers would have booted him out of the party.”


By your own admission Biden invaded people’s personal space so...

I don’t know what the Republicans would have done, especially since some of them are guilty of doing the same things Biden have done. Some people have done worse.

In America, you can’t arrest someone without a complaining victim. If none of these people went to the police then the police can’t act. Congress creates laws so they would know that.

Also, the legal definitions of “assault” and “battery” include “attempt to harm, attempt to touch, to touch, to harm.” By your own admission the people in the video appeared uncomfortable & did not want Biden to touch them.


“Furthermore, I did not say you were spreading misinformation either, just making two unsubstantiated claims. The word I wrote was disinformation and that related to organizations that create false or misleading information or propaganda. It wasn’t about you.”


I believe my claims are valid. That is why I posted the links in the past.

I have been called a liar, etc. by others here before. Please know I am not saying you are one of these people.


“In fact, I do not read many of your comments or the links that you post. I don’t have the time. “


Oh for sure, I understand that!

My comment was in response to Chick’sOpinion who stated this is the first she has ever heard of a Biden being called a pedo & she believed the accusations are recent because of the election. I then said I’ve posted links about this for a while & that’s how I knew she didn’t read all my comments. Biden’s been doing this for years & people have written articles & posted videos about it for a while too. Just because we never saw, heard, or read something does not mean it did not happen.


“Every now and then, I do click on a blind gossip link usually related to a royal scandal which I love reading about. Thanks for those.”


You are welcome!
T. W. said…

“I am sure Joe is no saint, but he certainly is not a criminal and does not deserve those accusations.”


If you examine local, state & federal laws everyone is a criminal. Having said that I understand you are saying you do not believe Joe Biden molested and assaulted anyone.

In my opinion, Joe Biden is guilty and I posted links to support my claims. So in my mind he deserves those accusations.

To be fair, I don’t think I posted links to articles about women who claimed Biden raped them. Yes, some women are claiming this. I did not post those links because I did not get a good “feeling” about it. I have no way to know if those allegations are true. I did not feel good posting those links & saying those allegations are alleged & they may or may not be true.


“Gee it has been draining writing this. The topic is ghastly.”


I agree 100%. It’s not worth losing friends over.




God bless you Chocmint33!
T. W. said…

For the sake of happiness & comfort I will stop the comments.
Jules said…
hrh TW ... I sincerely hope you do not censor your comments.
Chocmint33 said…
I have more to say on this issue, but I will get back to it later as I have a very busy day ahead of me. I actually wrote over 1000 words, but I could not fit it all in here on Sunday morning, Australian time.

Thanks Chick's Opinion - I absolutely agree with what you have written.
Jules said…
Absolutely no one who comments on Christians blog has a right to tell anyone else who comments on Christians blog what they can or cannot post and what is up for discussion and what is not.

This is censorship.

It is NOT your blog.

It is up to Christian to set the boundaries for subject matter, and at the moment he permits freedom of speech.
Chick'sOpinion said…

That's right.

That's why it's OK for people who comment here.
To state, they don't want to hear here about unlikley unproven allegations of pedophilia.
Or transgender stories about people.
That are not true.
Or are a private matter anyway.

That's called free speech too.

I never claimed it was my blog.

And if you want to claim I'm asking for censorship.
You are wrong.
Censorship in actuality, is a suppresion that is far more broad.
Think how Hitler and the Nazis caused censorship.
They burned books. Lots of them.
Stopped the sales. Publishing.
Controlled all media.
Movies... everything.

All I'm requesting is, we keep the level of content here regarding unproven allegations of pedophilia to a minimum.
Or how about not at all.
Because, as I mentioned before.
Continued discussion of pedophilia crimes that just have no factual basis. Affect people who have experienced child sexual assault.
It's something victims take very seriously.
Had you experienced that yourself. You would know that.

And would know, that throwing around false allegations minimises the strength of it. In law.
And to a for those who are child sex assault survivors.
It's taken a long time, to get child sex abuse to be taken seriously. In law and in society.
This constant talk and totally unsubstantiated allegations of it here undermines that.

So when you talk about a claim to the right to throw around this subject.
Like it's talking about a light weight meaningless subject to people, you are wrong.

And I still uphold my veiw. That discussion of people's actual or alleged and or unlikely transgender experience.
Is not far and reasonable either.
Is that censorship?
No. It's just good manners.
And decency.
Jules said…
We are going to have to agree to disagree because as far as I am concerned requesting the discussion of certain topics (whatever they are and for whatever reasons ) be kept to a minimum, or not discussed at all, is a textbook example of censorship.

I also uphold my view that absolutely no one who comments on Christians blog has a right to tell anyone else who comments on Christians blog what they can or cannot post and what is up for discussion and what is not. It is up to Christian to set the boundaries for subject matters and what he will tolerate being discussed in the comment section of his blog, and at the moment he permits freedom of speech.
T. W. said…
Since my opinion is being censored, I will post something I learned from an etiquette site. Hopefully the site will meet other people’s definition of legitimate.

Gossiping is NOT considered good manners and decent. Following that logic anyone participating on this blog is not practicing good manners & is not being decent.

T. W. said…
What is censorship? Since I cannot comment, I will let dictionaries answer the question. I also found this information from Oklahoma State University in case dictionaries & Wikipedia are good enough sources:


Defining Censorship


"Supervision and control of the information and ideas that are circulated among the people within a society. In modern times, censorship refers to the examination of books, periodicals, plays, films, television and radio programs, news reports, and other communication media for the purpose of altering or suppressing parts thought to be objectionable or offensive."
-- Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia

"Official prohibition or restriction of any type of expression believed to threaten the political, social, or moral order. It may be imposed by governmental authority, local or national, by a religious body, or occasionally by a powerful private group."
-- The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001.

"The term censorship, however, as commonly understood, connotes any examination of thought or expression in order to prevent publication of 'objectionable' material."
-- U.S. Supreme Court, Farmers Educational & Coop. Union v. WDAY, Inc., 360 U.S. 525, 527 (1959)

"In its broadest sense [censorship] refers to suppression of information, ideas, or artistic expression by anyone, whether government officials, church authorities, private pressure groups, or speakers, writers, and artists themselves. . . . In its narrower, more legalistic sense, censorship means only the prevention by official government action of the circulation of messages already produced. Thus writers who 'censor' themselves before putting words on paper, for fear of failing to sell their work, are not engaging in censorship in this narrower sense, nor are those who boycott sponsors of disliked television shows. Yet all of these restraints have the effect of limiting the diversity that would otherwise be available in the marketplace of ideas and so may be considered censorship in its broadest sense."
-- Academic American Encyclopedia

"The cyclical suppression, banning, expurgation, or editing by an individual, institution, group or government that enforces or influences its decision against members of the public of any written or pictorial materials which that individual, institution, group or government deems obscene and 'utterly without redeeming social value' as determined by 'contemporary community standards.'"
-- professor Chuck Stone, UNC-Chapel Hill
T. W. said…

Preventive (exercised before the expression is made public)
Prior restraint by government

Punitive (exercised after the expression is made public)

Censorship vs. Taboos
"In primitive societies, censorship is ordinarily the work of taboo, traditional prohibitions upon certain acts and attitudes; and those taboos are so thoroughly imprinted upon the minds of the young by the tribal elders that they become almost a part of the nature of all members of the group, without much latter necessity for enforcing conformity to these commandments."
-- Collier's Encyclopedia
"Censorship is a conscious policy; it may be enforced without the assent of the greater part of society. A tabu enters intimately into the scheme of feelings of those who entertain it. The tabu is particularly effective in self-control; when it is applied by group action to those who do not entertain it, such action is generally spontaneous and unreflective."
-- Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences
Taboo becomes censorship when it is applied to outside members who do not hold that belief.

Periodicals (published with set frequency)
Television programs
Radio programs
Internet (Web sites and e-mail)
News reports

Private Pressure Groups
Speakers, Writers and Artists (self-censorship)

Types of government/societies most likely to censor
Societies most confident of their principles and of the loyalty of their members have allowed the greatest freedom from censorship. "In societies whose values have not been fully accepted by their people or whose leadership rests on shaky foundations, the heaviest hand of censorship has fallen. The relative prevalence of censorship is one of the features that has most distinguished autocratic from democratic societies."
-- American Academic Encyclopedia

T. W. said…
Part 3

SELF-CENSORSHIP: A form of preventive censorship
Why? To avoid:
Offending the audience
Economic boycotts
Lawsuits (e.g., libel, invasion of privacy torts, etc.)
Official censorship (self-imposed ratings to avoid government ratings)

"The fact that this censorship may have a laudable ulterior purpose cannot mean that censorship is not censorship."
-- U.S. Supreme Court, City of Erie v. Pap's A.M., 529 U.S. 277, 322 (2000)

"Censorship operates on the assumption that the thoughts, feelings, opinions, beliefs and fantasies of human beings ought to be a subject of moral judgment and ultimately social and government action."
-- Harry White, "Anatomy of Censorship: Why the Censors Have It Wrong," p. xvii

Censorship is a necessary obligation of the authority to protect the moral and social order.
-- Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

"The objectionable material may be considered immoral or obscene, heretical or blasphemous, seditious or treasonable, or injurious to the national security. Thus, the rationale for censorship is that it is necessary for the protection of three basic social institutions: the family, the church, and the state."
-- New World Encyclopedia

Protect "the moral order upon which each and every citizen ... depends for his or her safety and well-being and upon which society as a whole depends for its very preservation."
-- White, p. xv

Root motivation for censorship is fear that "the expression, if not curtailed, will do harm to individuals in its audience or to society as a whole."
-- American Academic Encyclopedia

Three rationalizations for censorship:
Ideas are false or dangerous by the standards of the authorities;
The minds of those who would be subjected to the ideas to be censored are not capable of seeing the falsity and would be led astray; and
Ideas that lead to antisocial behavior may be censored.
-- International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

T. W. said…

Censors talk about "VIRTUE" -- really means "conform to the opinions, beliefs and values that they and theirs hold and which they would like to see enforced throughout the land."
-- White, p. vii

Censorship REALLY "serves to protect the predominant ideology from which those benefit most who have attained power, wealth, status, and control within society." Censors seek to protect the prevailing ideology not because society would collapse, "but because it serves to legitimize their eminence and the various social, political and economic arrangements they oversee."
-- White, xv

"More often than not, state action is not in defense of itself but in the form of a service to some influential members of the polity, in ridding the society of certain ideas that are considered offensive by these influential members."
-- International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences.

Cannot define with clarity what is "blasphemous, obscene, or seditious expression. Clear definitions and standards are rarely publicized prior to the arrest, prosecution and conviction of those accused of illicit expression."
-- White, p. xiv

Cannot demonstrate that the material "actually poses a danger to society."
Censors have to "forcibly suppress" because they cannot "convincingly demonstrate" that the material is false or harmful.
"Censorship arises when and precisely because someone cannot convincingly demonstrate to others that the opinions which offend him or her are indeed truly false or dangerous. If they could, there would after all be little or no need for censorship."
-- White, p. xiv

T. W. said…

"The fact is that censorship always defeats its own purpose, for it creates, in the end, the kind of society that is incapable of exercising real discretion. ... In the long run it will create a generation incapable of appreciating the difference between independence of thought and subservience."
-- Henry Steel Commager, historian and educator

"Censorship that hinders peaceable opposition to the government in the short run creates the long-run danger of violent opposition."
-- Americana Encyclopedia

"By suppressing reform the censorship may transform it into a revolution."
-- Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

"Every censorship produces a technique of evasion as well as a technique of administration."
-- Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

"It is a notorious fact that censorship or the threat of censorship may make the fortune of a book or play which might otherwise have failed to win public attention."
-- Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences

Real issues are not racism or sexism, but racial and sexual discrimination. Emphasis on controlling racist and sexist thoughts diverts attention and resources from more substantive problems.
-- White, p. v

Getting government of the business of censorship and re-allocating the funds regularly spent on it would:
Unburden the legal system (legislative and judicial branches), and
Re-deploy law enforcement agents to better confront "the real dangers and serious crime citizens face."
-- White, p. xvii

"For the real evil in the world comes not from the disagreeable people, but from those so convinced of the absolute rightness of their opinions and beliefs that they would impose what they think and feel upon others. It is they who must account for their actions. For it is they who are most definitely in the wrong and from whom little good ever comes."
-- White, p. ix

T. W. said…

1) Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient."[2][3][4] Censorship can be conducted by governments,[5] private institutions, and other controlling bodies.

2) Censorship, the changing or the suppression or prohibition of speech or writing that is deemed subversive of the common good. It occurs in all manifestations of authority to some degree, but in modern times it has been of special importance in its relation to government and the rule of law.

3) ACLU — American Civil Liberties Union



Censorship, the suppression of words, images, or ideas that are "offensive," happens whenever some people succeed in imposing their personal political or moral values on others. Censorship can be carried out by the government as well as private pressure groups. Censorship by the government is unconstitutional.
Jules said…
The energy of this blog has changed ....

hrh TW please do not self censor yourself due to the personal opinions of others who are attempting to police and impose their own moral values and censor what they wish should and should not be discussed in the comment section of a blog that is not their own.
T. W. said…
Dear Jules,

I thank you for standing by me regardless of whether or not you agree with my comments.

I have said many times all comments have value & we are stronger together. No one person knows everything. I still learn from comments I do not agree with. My policy is to do my best to separate the comments from the person.

I do not reply to everyone but I do read the comments.

As for transgendered celebrities I have not said anything about that for several weeks so I don’t know why that is coming up now.

Most importantly, I want to thank Christian for allowing free speech here.
Jules said…
You are welcome TW
Keep bringing what's been kept hidden in darkness into the light

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