The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Was it just an accident or terrorism act???
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Then we can know, that at any given time there would have been quite alot of corruption going on at the Port Of Beirut.
Ports are also used by militia for their own political goals. In countries where political and religious affiliation is extreme.
Drug traffickers pay off Port employees or Port Managers. To keep their drug exported. Or imported, human trafficker runs through Port. And Bondaged Slavery is common at Ports around the world.
Cargo is also stolen. Despite the sealed metal containers today.
Not as easily as it used to be though.
When part of the imports would be removed during unloading off the ship. And given to Port/wharfe and dockside workers. Their friends and managment.
But apart from all the organized crime that goes on all the time at Ports. Maybe the reason for this explosion is that they were storing all that amonium nitrate for terrorists.
For a very big fee.
Who knows.
It had been there nearly 7 years.
The reason for this prayer circle could expand to the Lebanese people too generally I think.
Because....There's the long term problem Lebanon faces now.
The explosion blew up the grain silos there.
Further...with no working Port, ships are not going to be able to dock there to bring food imports.
Which Lebanon usually relies heavily on.
From my reading, Beirut is weighed down with continual disputes in regards to local services anyway.
So this will bring further struggle. For the people.
Also, the economy in Lebanon is really bad.
The media are already discussing the fact that Lebanon is going to need Food Aid because they are now going to end up with critical food shortages.
The Port at Beirut had a long history of corruption.
For a start, years ago, they apparently resisted digitisation because it would reveal too much of their financial corruption.
Did Karma bring an end to their Port?
Quite possibly.
But how does that explain the loss of innocent lives of people living near it.
May Beruit find peace over the events that have just occurred,
May they have enough food, water, medical supplies and housing to support those currently in detrimental need.
I pray they receive healing at this time.
In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen
I thank you for giving us the opportunity to pray for the people in Beirut, Lebanon, and the entire Middle East.
I pray the cause of the explosion in Beirut comes to light.
I speak life, peace, healing, recovery, and restoration into all those who are sick, hurting, and in need.
I pray the missing are found.
I pray the dead receive proper burials.
I pray humanity comes together as one and that our race, color, creed, religion, gender, etc. no longer gives us an excuse to hate others.
I pray that You work this situation out so that the survivors can have a better life.
I pray for peace in the entire Middle East and all Holy Lands.
I don’t know what else to say, so I ask Jesus (Yahshua Ha Mashiach) to make intercession for the land and the people.
In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.
Please bless everyone in Lebanon particularly in Beirut at this time. Please allow more people to be found and look after those who injured. Please ensure the perps will get justice and help is given to all who need it.
...Our Lady of Lebanon is the Church next to the homeless/helping hand community center where I serve. Praise in all things Be to Jesus Christ in God's Holy Name.
...and Thank You all for taking care of Keanu. I love you.
We love you too. And care about the people of Lebanon.
We are very inter-faith here. I'm glad you noticed.
We are thinking of you all in Lebanon. Particularly the people of Beirut. As you all heal from this catastrophe. And survive.
I watched a video that caught the whole explosion. It was truly shocking.
I hope that even more Food Aid arrives soon. And they find a way to unload it. Seems part of the Port is still intact. But I may be wrong.
Though I imagine Food Aid to Beirut will mainly come to Lebanon via planes.
So many people now homeless there. So sad. Clearly you guys need donations for immediate reconstruction.
I noticed from my reading, that Lebanon has already been caring for large numbers of Syrian and Iraqi refugees....most Christian.
And also Palistinian refugees. For a long time.
It's time for the rest of the world to care for Lebanon.
I noticed too, Kuwait sent Food Aid as early as last Friday. And the Carrefour Foundation sent 40 tons of Food Aid yesterday.
Keep us informed how things progress. We are all thinking of you guys.
This explosion brough back memories for me of the Bali Bombing in 2002. That killed 202 people. Alot of them Australians. On an ordinary holiday for them.
A survivor of that lived in my district years ago.
He committed suicide years later. Because he was the one who had to go to a morgue in Bali to identify all his mates who died in that bombing.
He was the only survivor of his friends.
It's important to pray for the survivors.
They struggle to move past the horror they saw.
He couldn't cope with it.
God, I pray for comfort to those who mourn, healing to those who are injured,
shelter to those who are homeless and sustenance to those who hunger. I pray for strength for those who are working to rebuild the community and shattered lives and protection for those who are vulnerable especially in a time of coronavirus.
Please heal Beruit. Heal the families and everyone. Heal the land.
Thank you.