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CODES... British to American...

Sometimes my British Humour.
May not be clear.
So here's the code for the ones.
That are not clear enough.

                    THE CODE.

OH DEAR          SHIT
WOW                 WTF


Sana said…
🤣🤣😂😭 Gotta love the brits
Jules said…
There are rumours floating around stating that Trump has had a series of mini-strokes.
T. W. said…
Thank you Christian.

I hope the rumors are false. Strokes are no joke. If Trump had a mini stroke then that means a big one is on the way.
Girlygirl said…
Really bad times for AG. Oh dear. I wonder if
it is connected to this silly stalker case. Why is she going for someone with serious mental health issues. Says more about AG if you ask me.
Girlygirl said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
T. W. said…

I'm replying here instead of where the original comment was made because I do not want this to get buried.

What you guys said to me was hateful and hurtful.

Chick's -- You asked me to censor my comments. When Jules stood up for me you got into an argument with her. I posted the dictionary definition of censorship to prove that you did indeed ask me to censor my comments. You got nasty and attacked Jules in the comments. Jules was calm and rational.

You got mad about some comments I made about Kamala Harris. Well guess what. YOU LIVE IN AUSTRALIA, WHAT'S MY OPINION ABOUT THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES GOT YOUR PANTIES IN A BUNCH FOR???

Did I ever ask you to stop commenting on American politics? NO I HAVE NOT.

You responded to JoJo elsewhere and praised his opinion that he made in a nasty reply to me. Not one time did you ask me what I meant when I made certain comments. This tells me all I need to know about you. Consider our friendship over. It has run its course and I wish you the best.

JoJo -- I hope you are happy now.

T. W. said…

I have emotions and they do get hurt. I'm very upset right now and I'm tired of people putting words into my mouth on this site. I'm tired of people ranting about a comment I made instead of asking what I meant.

I see this for what it is. Some people no longer want me on this site.

I'm also going to say something I shared privately with Christian: some of the Anonymous Trolls who posted here are actually long-time readers who don't have the guts to post their true thoughts under their screen names.

Well guess what.

At least I say what I think and if you ask me to clarify I am more than happy to do so.

Everyone have a nice day.


Chick'sOpinion said…

Speaking of British. Can you do a reading on Ed Sheeran and his childhood sweetheart, wife Cherry Seaborn.

I know I know...I think you have indicated before.... that Cherry Seaborn isn't the right partner for him. Or something like that.
But they have just had their first child.
Is he going to be a successful parent?

And is Ed Sheeran's drinking going to slow down. Or stop now he's a dad?
LovesBreadCarbs said…
My attendance here is a bit spotty these days, hit or miss. Don’t k;ow what the muck I have missed.

Nevertheless, HRH TW, this one’s for you....

Chick'sOpinion said…
Also Ed Sheeran has chosen an unusual middle name for his baby, Antarctica. Because she was conceived in Antarctica.
I like the first name, Lyra.
Mariefass said…
Love to you TW. Walk strong.
Talkgirl12 said…
Hi TW I enjoy reading your comments please don't stop and if people don't like it well tell them to take a hike (its an Australian saying). All the best
CyndiTx123 said…
CD you crack me up!!!T.W. please do not be upset, but we all love you as a commenter on CD's website. If you feel others are censoring you on CD's website, have you ever thought of your own gossip sight? You have so much info to share that you add on to CD's site, that you might make money with a website or something with your name on it. You have so much knowledge on world strangeness and just about everything. You have opened my eyes to a lot that I never would have thought of. I thank you for that. We all need to forgive and move on. life is too short , we need to be positive for everyone even if we disagree with each others comments. I love reading CD's comments/statement of the day and the reply's he gets from his peeps. I love all of CD's peeps, because I am one of his peeps. :):)
T. W. said…
Mariefass - Thank You!


Thank you for the meme! I love the Golden Girls and I think that show has held up over time. Very few things do. I think this is the funniest show ever!

God bless you.

If you want to know why I'm upset, I can provide links to 2 separate posts. Some people might want to read the posts from August for more context. Some people only need those 2 links for an idea.

I'm upset about things so I don't think I should put the links up right now.


Some people do not like the topics I write about. When I make an on-topic comment some people don't like what I have to say either. People also put words into my mouth, claim I said things I didn't say, and they twist what I did say. Apparently these people can read minds. But it's okay for others to go off-topic.

Chick'sOpinion asked me to censor myself because she didn't like me talking about "unsubstantiated" pedophilia and she didn't like me talking about transgenderism. Mind you I had not talked about anything to do with transgenderism for maybe 2 months or so. She and others then said I am obsessed with certain topics and wondered why I frequently write about them. I view this as an attack on my character because they did not bother to ask me why I wrote about those things. As you know, if people ask me a question I will answer it provided I see the question.

People get mad when I post links about certain topics and claim my sources are not credible but some of those same people ask me to find information about certain things.

Jules did stick up for me and flat out told Chick'sOpinion that what she asked for was censorship and that Christian lets us have our say here. Other people stated this is Christian's blog.

Chick'sOpinion also told a flat-out lie about Jesus Christ, saying the Bible says that Jesus turned some person into an owl because she refused to give him food. THAT IS NOT IN THE BIBLE AND I TOLD CHICK'SOPINION A SIMPLE INTERNET SEARCH SHOWS THE STORY IS A LEGEND, NOT SCRIPTURE. I also said if she had told a lie about the Prophet Mohammed radical Muslims would issue a death threat on her. She never replied to that but in the same post JoJo made hurtful comments and she replied to him and said she agreed with him.
This is the short story.

I'm upset writing about this.

I might post the links.
Jules said…
HRH TW, YOU are wanted here. hugs sending you much love. Keep shining brightly.

For the record, I visit CD's blog to read TW's comments, just as much as I visit to see CD's latest predictions.

T. W. said…
I am under censorship for the sake of other people's comfort and happiness.


Fingers Crossed...

August 12, 2020

September Predictions around the corner...

August 29, 2020
T. W. said…
Talkgirl12 you are kind.

CyndiTx123 a gossip blog is too much for me. That is a 24/7 job. I barely keep up with my personal blog! Besides, there's already good gossip blogs out there! Maybe one day I will share information in a different platform. I need more education.

Everyone - I am very emotional right now but I will be visiting daily. So if you don't see a comment from me it is because I am trying not to say bad things.

I hope things get better here. I feel like someone or something wants us all to fight among ourselves.
Blackbird said…
@ T.W.

Hugs for you, buddy. Don't let others get you down. We all have our moments where we say things we don't mean; just let it slide and don't let it affect your friendship with Chick's Opinion.

I enjoy your comments also, and it was through you that I learned about Eric @ WP and the white lady who loves doves. Your, as well as everyone else's, contributions here are important, valid and appreciated (except for the meanies, who CD won't let post).

AnnieMouse said…
I’m one of those longtime readers you mentioned, though not a troll �� I’ve never posted because you all seem like such a close knit group, and by posting I would feel like I was intruding. There is also something about commenting on a blog which reminds me of “write in a book where critics look” - we open ourselves up for the criticism which society is so happy to share these days ��

Today when I read your recent comments I really felt for you. Please don’t feel hurt! Your contribution is valued - CD wouldn’t post your comments and links if he didn’t think they were worth posting.

If you know in your heart you have acted in kindness, authenticity, and love, you have no need to feel hurt or unwanted. You should feel proud (and not in a vain way). So, hold your head high, smile, and turn up the music and wiggle your hips until you get your ‘happy’ back �� x
AnnieMouse said…
I’m one of those longtime readers you mentioned, though not a troll 😊 I’ve never posted because you all seem like such a close knit group, and by posting I would feel like I was intruding. There is also something about commenting on a blog which reminds me of “write in a book where critics look” - we open ourselves up for the criticism which society is so happy to share these days 😊

Today when I read your recent comments I really felt for you. Please don’t feel hurt! Your contribution is valued - CD wouldn’t post your comments and links if he didn’t think they were worth posting.

If you know in your heart you have acted in kindness, authenticity, and love, you have no need to feel hurt or unwanted. You should feel proud (and not in a vain way). So, hold your head high, smile, and turn up the music and wiggle your hips until you get your ‘happy’ back 😊 x
Mariposa said…
Stay strong T.W. I enjoy reading your comments. Bless you. :-)
Archi said…
@TW, stay who you are, We love you because of who you are, we love your sense of humour, your analysis and reflexion, And we love your humanity, we are a community, we are Christian’s Gang all together ! I send you god vibes and much much love from where I am ! ♥️♥️♥️
Cordelia said…

This is a strange time for everyone especially sensitive souls. I feel lucky that we can all come to this blog and share opinions and experiences, because it would be a boring world if everyone was the same. I think anyone who gets through this year should have a survivor's medal with a rainbow on one side and a unicorn on the other.

Take care and know you are loved x

LovesBreadCarbs said…
Current moon is 99%. Put me down as a firm believer in the full moon tales. Weather and earth out of sorts which surely cannot help.
Jules said…
Anniemouse .. Well said!!!

hRh TW .. as Anniemouse said, "Your contribution is valued - CD wouldn’t post your comments and links if he didn’t think they were worth posting."

Now stop self-censoring your posts, you are supported and loved. Your comments are read and valued.

Much love to you.
Anonymous said…

Your firm belief in Jesus Christ and the Bible were strange to me at first. Although I've been reading the blog (following you) since May ...

Do you believe that you touched me deeply with your comments and encouraged me to think about Christianity? I'm just thinking of taking a Bible to read.

Your words meant a lot to me and you are not even aware of it. I thought I wouldn't comment anymore but here it is .. I had to :)

There are much worse things in life.. Head up!
T. W. said…
Blackbird — Thank you. I’m taking time to cool off. I may have been harsh to Chick’sOpinion.

AnnieMouse — Welcome! I’m so sorry you thought you would be intruding if you began commenting here. We are Friends here, the more the merrier! I thank you for your advice to me : ) Please do not be a stranger!

Mariposa — I thank you. God bless you!

Archi — I thank you and bless you. I receive your good vibes : )

Cordelia — You always know the right thing to say. I wish I had that ability. I thank you and bless you too.

LovesBreadCarbs&NetfluxBingeing — Yeah, something is off. I think the New will be in Pisces. I have been emotional lately & my monthly visitor is here.

Jules — Thank you so much! I do need to be careful this week & next due to the “monthly visitor.” I tend to be more emotional & more likely to stick my feet into my mouth.

Chick’sOpinion — I’m so sorry I have hurt you. I do not know how to make it right. I am open to suggestions.

All Friends — Thank you and God bless you.

LovesBreadCarbs said…
There has been a good deal of weirdness here at times that I directly associate with the hAG and her flying monkeys. I may be wrong, but that’s what my gut says.

And it has been an awful year in so many ways.
Psychic Gossip said…
AnnieMouse Thank you for your lovely comment..YOU ARE NEVER AN INTRUDER... your comments are very welcome are those of all who visit the blog in good Spirits...Please keep on commenting as well as all that visit us Luv CDX
T. W. said…

Hi! You are right, I have no idea how I affect people. I'm glad I have helped you and not hurt you.

Don't worry, everyone thinks I am strange. I don't like being strange so I call myself "mentally interesting." You all benefit from my boredom and strangeness so I guess it's okay.

I am happy you are reading a Bible. I advise starting with The Gospel of John because you can feel the Love. I also advise reading the Proverb for the day. There are 31 Proverbs. So if today is September 3 then you read Proverbs 3.

Don't be afraid with Revelation. I advise reading Genesis Chapters 1-6, then the book of Daniel before reading Revelation. Those who read Revelation are blessed.

As always, ask God to give you wisdom, knowledge, and understanding before you begin reading.

God bless you and all the Friends.

Anonymous said…
Hi everyone hi Christian, we, fans would like to be as optimistic as you about Keanu and AG but we are not,
unfortunately she won we lost, checkmate.
Story closed case finish !
We are exhausted we stop fighting.

Take care of you everyone, stay safe !

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