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This is "Q ANON"...


                   The eyes say it ALL...


CAT said…
Omg. Of course. The sad part is he's infiltrated almost every community whether Christian's, new age, doesn't even matter he's got his tentacles everywhere 😐
Chick'sOpinion said…
Can’t say I’m surprised.
But I sincerely hope. That those who have been fooled by QAnon.
And so many other online so called, conspiracy theorist websites.
Start to look at them with serious doubt about their authenticity.
Or not at all.
Because a lot of them. It’s just trouble making for the sake of it.
And just endless fear based sh..t.
Who wants to live in a ‘fear based’ reality?
Not me.
Well I’ll be interested in how the millions of followers of conspiracy theory websites like QAnon are going to cope.
Or just get better.
And abandon this past time. Of following them. With blind ‘cult like ‘ devotion.
Basically, most of the hardcore conspiracy theorist sites......accounts no longer exist anyway now.
At least the ones that were operating on Twitter or Facebook.
Because as we know, Twitter and Facebook have recently just banned their accounts.
Most of them.
And as far as I’m concerned. I think that’s far healthier.
For well the being of the planet.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And what does this QAnon guy and those like him specialise in?
Undermining your trust anything he decides he wants to undermine your trust in.
Manipulate your mind.
Get you to manipulate your friends with his beliefs.....and bizarre claims. Feed your fears.
And turn you into a paranoid fearful person.
With a negative outlook. To all government.
All institutions. And maybe certain people.
That HE chooses.
Basically anything.
Quite a lot of power there.
Is that any way for us to live?
To not veiw what’s possible in the world? To ignore the positive.
Yeah some conspiracy theories turn out to be true.
But has anyone noticed we have had a huge surge in the popularity of people following and believing blindly in Conspiracy Theorists.
My argument has always been, Who the are they, these conspiracy theorists. .... behind that screen?
Were they elected? No
What are is their expertise?
Who do they actually represent? Their own bizarre opinion?
Are they taking their meds?
Are they just someone with psychological traits towards wanting to lead a cult?
It’s easy for those who want to lead a cult to get online and do it.
Because it’s far easier and safer than setting a cult up in the physical world. In the psychical world it’s loaded with problems.
For a start your identity is revealed, your face. Where you are located. Some cult followers may stop believing, break free and go to the police.
In the physical world, your crazy cult will come under surveillance of the government.
You could go to jail.
So where’s a far safer home, for the insane ideas and aims of cult leader.
Their own website.

Chick'sOpinion said…
Instead of reading Conspiracy theory websites.
Go plant sunflower seeds, roses, beans.
Actually ring a friend and ask how they are.
Do art
Play with your dog/cat
Play old/new songs you love. Dance to them if you want to.
Go hiking or walking in nature.
Look at old photos. Of happy times.
Clean out your wardrobe.
Read that 'non fear based' book you have wanted to read for ages. Start writing a book of your own.
Enrol in a course you've wanted to for ages.
There are so many other things to do.
And if it's night time, go to bed.
If you can't sleep, go for a walk to see the moon.

Today I'm gardening. Re-potting.
Because for some reason the Potting soil I bought causes mushrooms to grow in all my pots.
And the plants, flowers don't like it.
I don't know.
Don't care.
It's not a Mushroom Conspiracy. Lol.
And I'd rather think about the earth's soil. And flowers.
Than the nonsense over middle aged guy's put online as 'conspiracy facts'. That just cause division, hate, unhappiness and distrust.
In everything.
In the world.
Chocmint33 said…
Sadly they have infiltrated the community, even in Australia. One of my childhood friends Kerri has been sucked into it. One her page she is wearing a Q T shirt. On a big gold stature, which she is standing next to, it has their words 'Where we go one we go all'.

Thanks heavens I haven't seen her for years and years, and we went our separate ways. My mother thought she was a bad influence in those days - mothers are always right aren't they!

I recall she wasn't the most sharpest tool in the shed. When she tried to teach me a ball game she said, "I'm just trying to learn you how to play it."

Chick's Opinion - On her page she also has the sentence, "Conspiracy Theorist: Nothing more than a derogatory title used to dismiss a critical thinker."

WTF - They wouldn't know what a critical thinker is, otherwise they would not have been sucked into it.
Chocmint33 said…
Ooops typo - On her page
T. W. said…
I will go to conspiracy sites and watch their videos if I want to. I have enough personal knowledge & insight to know a disinformation agent or a nut job when I see one.

QAnon is both.
T. W. said…
Disinformation Agents are making those who are awake & aware appear crazy.

Those of us who no what time it is do not call ourselves conspiracy theorists & do not follow those who call themselves that.

We belong to the Truther Community and even then that is slowly being infiltrated & corrupted.

Ask David Icke...
T. W. said…
Netflix is a money laundering operation used to promote occult practices and pedophilia. More evidence:

Netflix’s “Cuties” is About Normalizing the Sexualization of Children. And Nothing Else.
“Cuties” was praised and defended by countless pundits in mass media. Here’s exactly what they’re praising.


When the promotional poster of Cuties was released, it was met with varying degrees of shock and horror. Proudly promoted by Netflix, the image featured four 11-year-old girls in skimpy outfits posing in all kinds of sexual positions. The fact that the word “Cuties” was printed in large letters underneath the picture did not help.

Netflix also provided a brief summary of the movie … and it sounded like the description of a cable softcore p*rn movie.

“Amy, 11, becomes fascinated with a twerking dance crew. Hoping to join them, she starts to explore her femininity, defying her family’s traditions.”


In Conclusion
Some might ask why I had to post so many screenshots and engage in such graphic descriptions. Well, that’s because this movie is on Netflix for everyone to watch. And millions watched it. Not only that, but it is also actually being praised by mass media and it has won prestigious awards. The aim of this article was to put on display exactly the kind of content these people are praising and defending. This is what mass media is championing right now. They’re fighting tooth and nails to keep this movie on Netflix (despite massive petitions against it) and they want it to remain part of popular culture.

For years, this site has been documenting the clear agenda of sexualizing children. Well, this is where we are today. Cuties represents yet another incremental step in normalizing it.

Why does this agenda exist? Simply put, the occult elite is full of pedophiles. They want their “lifestyle” normalized. They want to see sexualized children in mass media. And, to bridge that gap, they’re also encouraging children to sexualize themselves. The reward: Looking cool and gaining attention. This is what Tik Tok is all about.

In short, Cuties is on Netflix because it caters to the elite’s agenda. If it didn’t, you wouldn’t even know it exists.
CAT said…

And how true is that! I got tricked by the jerks even after spending so much time with and around them. My mom however warned me about every single one of them. It's like she had a radar in her or something she could tell in a 2 minute interaction what kind of person they were.

Good for you listened to your mother. I wish I had listened to mine too but I had just started my teens and rebellion was basically a way of life for me lol. If anyone tried to tell me what to do I felt like they were calling me stupid. I guess in a way I chose to learn the hard way.
Chocmint33 said…
Ooops 'stature' should have been 'statue'.
T. W. said…
I bet QAnon is one of THEY.

I never had a good feeling about QAnon but I withheld judgment until I could find out more. I did some digging & he is scary.

Links coming shortly.
T. W. said…
Folie à deux

Folie à deux ('madness for two'), also known as shared psychosis or shared delusional disorder (SDD), is a psychiatric syndrome in which symptoms of a delusional belief, and sometimes hallucinations, are transmitted from one individual to another. The same syndrome shared by more than two people may be called folie à... trois ('three') or quatre ('four'); and further, folie en famille ('family madness') or even folie à plusieurs ('madness of several').,from%20one%20individual%20to%20another.
T. W. said…
Could Q really be a pig farmer named Jim Watkins?


Until a 2016 profile in Splinter, there was little publicly known about Watkins. At the age of 18, Watkins, who was raised in Washington state, joined the United States Army. He served as a helicopter mechanic and recruiter before, in 1987, the military sent him to learn about computing at a school in Virginia.

Watkins remained in the Army even as he launched his first website, a porn site by the name of “The Asian Bikini Bar” (as of November 2019, Watkins still owned the domain, though it is inactive). Watkins’ career has been tied to the sharing of pornographic and offensive content ever since.


Watkins was one of the earliest to get into the online pornography industry – a former associate referred to him as the “king of porn” – and that helped him turn some of his earliest sites into profitable endeavors.

Watkins left the Army in 1998 to focus all of his attention on growing his online empire in the so-called dot-com bubble of the late 90s. After that bubble burst, Watkins moved his operations to the Philippines, where he currently lives.


By 2016, Watkins was a pig farmer and the moneyman for 8chan, the anything-goes imageboard Splinter dubbed “the world’s most vile website.” This site, which has since been shut down, was associated with a host of reprehensible content, including child pornography and content that has been connected to multiple mass shootings by white supremacists.
T. W. said…
Meet the man keeping 8chan, the world's most vile website, alive


You may not have heard of 8chan, but you've almost definitely been exposed to their actions. When something horrifying happens online that leads people to say, "the internet is a terrible place," they are often talking about something that was planned on 8chan. This is the group that made Microsoft's teen-loving bot Tay turn racist and start praising Hitler. It got a hashtag trending that suggested boycotting Star Wars because it had black and female lead actors. It was delisted from Google's search results after users posted child pornography. It has a board called /baph/ dedicated to doxing people and attacking other websites. (Disclosure: earlier this year someone tried to sic /baph/ on me for writing about 8chan.)

It's a cesspool that helps make the rest of the internet a scary place. Almost no one posting on 8chan would hand over their credit card and let their identity be known. Posters thrive on anonymity and the things it enables them to say, endorse, and do. Because it doesn't have paying users, it would have collapsed under its own weight and died out years ago if it wasn't bankrolled by a man named Jim Watkins, a 52-year old U.S. Army veteran who has a pig farm in the Philippines.

Jim Watkins first heard about 8chan from his 28-year old son, who had watched a short Al Jazeera America documentary about its founder, Fredrick Brennan. Brennan had been a 4chan user for years and says he came up with the idea for 8chan while on mushrooms. The documentary followed Brennan for a few days and focused on how he deals with osteogenesis imperfecta, a genetic condition that's characterized by brittle, deformed bones.
T. W. said…
Journalist Enters The World Of QAnon: 'It's Almost Like A Bad Spy Novel'


[...] Crowds at rallies for President Trump, when they happen, always include some people wearing T-shirts or holding placards featuring the letter Q. They're adherents of QAnon, a conspiracy theory that holds that a secret cabal of deep state actors connected to Democrats and celebrities are manipulating the government and controlling the media in pursuit of dark ends including child sex trafficking.

QAnon adherents regard Trump as their champion fighting the deep state, anticipating an apocalyptic victory in which there are mass arrests of Democrats. QAnon draws its name from Q, a self-professed government insider who posts messages on obscure Internet chat boards. President Trump has retweeted some pro-QAnon tweets. And he praised Marjorie Taylor Greene, a QAnon believer who won a Republican congressional primary in Georgia last week and is expected to win a House seat in November.

After we recorded this interview yesterday, President Trump was asked during a White House press briefing what he thinks about QAnon and what he has to say to people who are following the movement. He replied, quote, "I don't know much about the movement other than that I understand they like me very much, which I appreciate." And he added, I've heard these are people that love our country. After his remarks, QAnon followers posted on Facebook and Twitter that Trump's comments were a validation of their movement. [...]
T. W. said…
The Prophecies of Q

American conspiracy theories are entering a dangerous new phase.
T. W. said…
Meet the Man Behind QAnon—America's Fastest Growing Cult

8chan founder Fredrick Brennan believes his former business partner, Jim Watkins, is behind the dangerous conspiracy theory.


There is a growing belief system in the US that is beginning to spread around the world.

Tied to a mystical struggle between ancient forces of good and evil that are secretly operating beneath the surface of our society, adherents believe they have been given the key to understanding the world.

They believe that their mysterious prophet has awakened them to a reality that you and I will soon be forced to face: that global elites from Washington DC to Hollywood are part of a Satanic (possibly Jewish) cabal of murderous, cannibalistic pedophiles who torture children in order to harvest their adrenaline-rich blood and oxidize it into the addictive drug adrenocrhome.

They believe that our civilization must be torn down to the foundations in order to be rebuilt—or perhaps just to bring on the apocalypse. And, as it turns out, the only politician heroically selfless enough to bring the whole system crashing down is the alleged peeping tom of Miss Teen USA and well-wisher of Ghislane Maxwell, President Donald J. Trump.

The billionaire accused of sexually predatory behavior by dozens of women—who is on tape saying he can grab women "by the pu**y," who used to hang out with "terrific guy" Jeffrey Epstein and joke about the financier's preference for women "on the younger side," who is refusing to provide DNA in the case of a woman accusing him of rape—that same man is secretly a crusader against elite sexual predators.

T. W. said…
Jim Watkins
T. W. said…
The Owner of 8chan Is Super Sorry About All the Shootings. He Still Won’t Take It Down.

The website is a hate-filled rabbit hole, but Jim Watkins would have you believe it's just "a peacefully assembled group of people talking."


[...] The latest came on Saturday morning, when the man who killed 22 people and wounded dozens more in a Walmart in El Paso posted a racist screed to the site just 45 minutes before opening fire with an assault-style weapon.

But Watkins dismissed the allegation, claiming someone else had posted the document, without offering any proof of who that accomplice might be.

“It was not uploaded by the murderer. That is clear,” Watkins said.

That claim flies in the face of open-source evidence that strongly indicates that the gunman was the only person who could have posted the four-page rant.
T. W. said…
Jim Watkins Video --

I'm not gonna watch it because I don't want to end up on the government watchlist.
T. W. said…
Congress Wants to Talk to 8chan's Owner About Extremism. He Says He's Too Busy.

This year, three suspected mass shooters have posted white supremacist screeds to 8chan before carrying out their attacks.
T. W. said…
Inside the War to Kill Off 8chan — and Crush QAnon

The founder of the hate-filled message board 8chan Fredrick Brennan now wants to take it down, to stop the pro-Trump conspiracy QAnon.
Chick'sOpinion said…


Thank god when mothers intervene. Successfuly. Thankfully none of my kids ever got into this conspiracy crap. They have far too active lives to be bothered reading nonsense like that. And I guess like you mentioned, a high enough education.
To be able to reject most conspiracy theorists as crackpot uneducated idiots. With nothing else to do.
The 5G conspiracy theory makes one of my kids laugh hysterically. At least it did until 5G conspiracy theorists started to burn down mobile phone towers all over the UK.
And in Australia they started harassing Energy Australia, electricians, workers in the course of their work, repairing mobile phone towers. Abusing them. Interfering with their work.
That's when conspiracy theory syndrome has lapsed into a complete disconnection from reality.

I guess it's easy to laugh at Conspiracy Theorists.
But as you guys know. I see the dark side of it. It's socially isolating side, it's ability to make mild paranoia into something very unmanageable without medication. The negativity of it causing depression and lack of hope in people.
Yeah they are social, the conspiracy theorists, but it's only online. Usually.
Is that fully social? No.
And who are conspiracy theorists friends with ? Well as you pointed out Chocmint33, only other conspiracy theorists in the end. Or friends, they are in the process of trying to convert to conspiracy theory syndrome.
Because as you described well, people distance themselves from them. And think 'thank heavens I'm no longer friends with or in contact with that crazy person'

And it is a mental illness.
Conspiracy Theorist Syndrome. The psychologists have been studying it for a while now. And what has emerged from a more recent study. Is that conspiracy theorists commonly have high levels of narcissism. And paranoia.
So as for the high levels of narcissism in them...that means....they are not particularly interested in other people's needs. And will do alot of things to get the point across. Without empathy. Or very little of it.
And with no empathy or insight into how that affects the people they are trying to convince of this nonsense. Or those who don't believe it. And never will.

No. I'm so glad Twitter and Facebook have banned their accounts. Because conspiracy theorists who have accounts like the one Chocmint33's friend has... that she mentioned. And Qanon... They prey on the vulnerable.
They prey on people who are already experiencing a social disconnection, maybe very disillusioned with life at some point. Have Drinking problems, drug problems. Had a bad experience with an institution, government. Lost a family member, lost their health, lost a lot of money, bad divorce, dumped by a girlfriend, dropped out of university or failed a year at college.
Any one of these things or similar life events could make you susceptible to conspiracy theory obsession I think.
Because we know enough about conspiracy theorists to know that they are more than often, those who experience social disconnection. Or choose that.

The thing is. If people can recognise that. What makes you susceptible, attracted to, vulnerable to Conspiracy Theory obsession. It can make you NOT susceptible that nonsense of conspiracy theory obsession.
Because you can see it for what it really is.
And you can avoid quite easily, the sad, lonely, socially self limiting isolating life that tends to go with it.
T. W. said…
I want to know how 5G Towers caused the pandemic. Pandemics have been happening since recorded history. 5G towers are recent.
T. W. said…
Obsession with conspiracy theories are a SYMPTOM of mental illness. It is not a mental illness in and of itself.

In my personal opinion, obsession with the theories, even the ones that are true can cause mental illness.
T. W. said…
Conspiracy Theory Disorder is not an officially recognized disorder. It is being proposed as one.

Good luck with that because if it becomes official recognized the conspiracy theorists will be given more credibility.

Conspiracy Theory Disorder: Understanding Why People Believe
Jules said…
Interesting .. And the plot thickens. Watching to see how this unfolds and plays out .

Jules said…
I've watched what could easily be classed as conspiracy theory videos, so does that suddenly make me an anti social paranoid narcissist suffering from mental illness?

Interestingly a lot of the vitriolic statements on this thread can easily be attributed to people who follow psychics.

Interesting fact in the United States, a variety of local and state laws restrict fortune telling,and some require the licensing or bonding of fortune tellers, or make necessary the use of terminology that avoids the term "fortune teller" in favor of terms such as "spiritual advisor" or "psychic consultant." There are also laws that outright forbid the practice in certain districts such as New York.
Anonymous said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jules said…
MMJ - Exactly, what would the world be like if no one ever thought outside of the box, or never questioned anything.

Thank you so much, much love to you.
T. W. said…


Please forgive me for my late reply.

Jules, thank you for using your brain to make an intelligent argument instead of dislike for me & my comments to throw shade at me.

No, I'm not saying Julea dislikes me. Others here do and they make it plain.

Those comments are probably directed at me.

Those people ignore me when I ask them for clarification.

They continue to throw shade at me, my comments & my beliefs.

They can **** themselves.

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