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Closer & Closer Donald did Pay China taxes why not the USA...


Only $750 PAID.. by Donald Trump


If the revelation that  

Trump paid $750 in taxes.
In 2016/17.

The fact that he had Russia help him win by cheating.
The fact he had a Hooker suck his dick.
While his Wife was in the hospital with his son Barron.
The fact that he believes that is is OK to grab a woman’s pussy.
The fact that he’s a Xenophobe.
The fact that he’s a Racist.
That he’s a Homophobe.
The fact he’s an Ego Driven Liar.

The fact that he and his bunch of Grifters.
Will if re-elected.

He will make what.
Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini. In the last century
As well as what Kim Jon Un & Putin are doing now.
Look like a Garden Party at Buckingham Palace.



Chocmint33 said…
I really hope Biden wins. Hey guys raise the vibrations and pray for a Biden victory. TW thanks for voting for Biden. :)
Chocmint33 said…
I heard today that famous skeptic and magician James Randi died at the age of 92. He challenged many, many psychics and those who claimed to have paranormal powers.

He appeared on many shows and travelled the world debunking anything paranormal. I wonder what happens when disbelievers and agnostics like him pass? Do they disbelieve it when they see the other side or do they remain earthbound thinking they haven’t died because they still see people, well spirits, I mean? I sent him white light in case he gets lost up there thinking he hasn’t died.

Anyway, many years ago James Randi appeared on an Australian television show The Don Lane Show, and he went on there to debunk a few psychics. Host Don Lane got into a verbal fight with him for calling respected medium Doris Stokes a fraud and a liar. He kicks him off set and tells him to piss off. Here is a link. Watch it as it is so funny.
Jendevivre said…
YES- I’m tired of trump era, it’s harming everyone.
T. W. said…
If he gets a second term he will not finish. America will suffer no matter who wins but Trump is the cause of it.

Earlier today I had the thought that in the future we will consider 2020 to be one of the good years. I fear what is to come.

Jesus, please come back for us soon. We can’t bear anymore.
T. W. said…
Quibi To Shut Down, Ending $2B Streaming Experiment – Update

Quibi’s Jeffrey Katzenberg & Meg Whitman Detail “Clear-Eyed” Decision To Shut It Down

Quibi is shutting down, just months after launching

The short-form video streaming service from Jeffrey Katzenberg and Meg Whitman failed to win over consumers in the numbers needed to thrive.

Short-form video app Quibi is shutting down after just six months
Quiet said…
wow.. what an education we are all going to get for months after the elections as all this unfolds with this family.
Cap Anonymous said…
Chocomint33, I watched the video! But I didn't find it funny. I felt the host was really unprofessional and taking it much too personal (which was interesting). Maybe I needed to see the whole thing to get a better idea. One thing's for sure, the host was a true fan of Doris Stokes!

Today on the American news, it showed past President Obama at one of Biden's rally's trying to get votes for him and urging folks to vote right away.

You know things are really serious when President Obama comes out of retirement.
CyndiTx123 said…
T.W. is true what ChocMint33 said that you voted for Biden/Harris ticket? If so, thanks for the support of Biden/Harris. Trump era is a lesson learned for the USA not to ever vote a crazy in. I pray that Biden will when and it will be tough, but will start re building America from which Trump and his grifters has torn down....... Prayers for safety and a win for Biden. God Bless America and it's people of all kinds that make us who we are... Americans!
Lovely Libra said…

Voted on the first day of early voting in FL - 10/19. Although I don’t think he’s the right guy, I voted for BIDEN (I’d love to see a Katie Porter/Pete Buttegieg ticket) rather than cast any vote for Trump.

I was thrilled to see people of all ages, colors, shapes & sizes queue up to vote - each of us masked and socially distancing — without being asked to do so.

Best T-shirt I saw was worn by a guy with a silver ponytail rocking an acid-green T-shirt that read: I LIKE BIG BLUNTS AND I CANNOT LIE.

May God be with us and help us through.
Tricklem said…
Let's hope Trump doesn't win.....
T. W. said…

Yeah, it's really a vote for Harris.

I could not with good conscience stay home or do a write in vote.

I could not vote for a person who locked children in cages

I could not vote for a person who gased a church full of people and then stood outside that same church holding a Bible so he could be photographed.
T. W. said…

Yes. Here is the proof:

Great Idea from T.W. I VOTED ...
T. W. said…
Some psychics who were on the fence are saying Trump will win. Even the DOVE is saying it.

People, even most of the psychics who see Trump winning are predicting he should not be in office.

Several years ago one psychic said Trump would get 2 terms but he would not finish term 2.

Worldwide Predictions is saying Trump is in bed with China, it will come out, & that will be his undoing.
T. W. said…
I thought Trump was a Christian who read his Bible? Maybe he only uses it for photo ops.

Non-Christian Friends, God does provide quarantine measures & commands the unclean & those with communicable diseases to cover their face with a veil. You can read more details in the first 5 books of the Bible. Another option is to ask a Rabbi or an observant Jew.

Trump Urges Faith in God, Not Masks
T. W. said…
Trump Storms Out Of '60 Minutes' Interview - Then Threatens To Leak It
T. W. said…
T. W. said…
T. W. said…
Amber Rose: Kanye West & Trump Are Literally The Same Person!!
Chocmint33 said…
Hi Cap Anonymous,

I understand what you mean. The host Don Lane had Doris Stokes as a regular quest on his show, and he was defending her character more than her ability as a psychic medium. James Randi calling her a liar and a fraud annoyed him as he admired Doris.

That show was from 1979 and it did cause controversy at the time. No one found it funny back then and the host Don Lane apologized to the broadcasting authorities and the viewers the next day.

But as time has gone on, people in Australia find it funny. Don Lane and James Randi found it amusing as time passed. Randi even appeared on This is your life for Don and laughed about the incident. They both made up.

I find the sheer outrageousness of it funny – that someone could be kicked off a television show and told to piss off in front of a live audience. Imagine Oprah or Jimmy Fallon doing it. I am sure plenty of times they wanted an annoying guest to go away. But to act on it is another matter. So, it is the audaciousness of telling that annoying guest to go away is what I find amusing. But that is my Aussie humour.
T. W. said…
Man arrested in Kannapolis, N.C. with van full of guns and explosives, allegedly researched killing Joe Biden
Cap Anonymous said…
Hi Chocomint33, thank you for your response! Oh, now, that makes more sense. I now see why Don Lane got so upset because Doris was a regular guest on his show. She must have been the real deal.

Journalists are taught to not react or get emotional. There was a young journalist overeacting to Trump back in the summer and you never saw her again. I suppose it's a little different if you are Oprah or Jimmy, but yeah, I still think if they reacted like Don Lane, it would not be good! LOL

I once did this Grade 12 English essay on Richard Harris, the late actor. He portrayed Albus Dumbledore in the first two of the Harry Potter movies. I loved Harry Potter movies and Harris was magnificent in his role. When I did a deep dive into Richard Harris, I found his lifestory so fascinating. I watched him on many YouTubes being interviewed by many famous people. What a character! Talented. Actor. Singer. Alcoholic and drug addict. Shit disturber. Storyteller. Very intelligent and women loved him. And similar to Don Lane, he would walk off interviews (for different reasons), and even Shakespearean plays, where he would purposely mess up his lines to irritate a fellow actor. I mean, outrageous, right?

But I just loved the man. He had balls. They don't make men like him anymore. He lived his life to the fullest, unapologetically.

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