The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
You don’t seriously believe that.
CD has already revealed on this blog that, that guy is Quanon.
All by himself.
Livin on a pig farm in Phillipines.
It’s not difficult to accept.
He’s just a nutter. Who came up with an idea to fool all the conspiracy theorists.
And convert the vulnerable into followers.
Why would CD go to the trouble of finally confirming this, if it wasn’t true?
That, that Quanon guy is a manipulative fake.
And a fraud?
I would like to point out to you that QAnon is really this motherfucking child abuser that you see in the photograph.
I hate to burst your bubble, but groups of young people on 4Chan compete with each other to make the most outlandish conspiracy theories they can in an effort to out-psyche each other, and have done for the past 10 years. Many have been debunked, many have been proven by coincidence, and many are glaringly laughable and wrong.
This monster along with a few other dark shadows took these messages a little too seriously and have created a group of idiots such as yourself that are gullible, vulnerable, and sadly conditioned to helplessness because of the imaginary threats and signs that really are just coincidence in comparison to what's really happening. This is their main mission. Not to 'open the eyes of sheep,' but to subdue you into a state of helplessness and fear so that you believe and do anything you're told. Child's play, I'll admit, but paranoia is an easily malleable and easily induced condition, particularly in our current circumstances.
Please start doing some REAL research and stop being a sheep. QAnon is toddler-level infiltration of the public psyche compared to what's really going on.
I hope all Friends here are having as well of a time as they can, given the circumstances we are currently in. I've been lurking for a while now and having seen this idiots comment I had to respond.
That's because he is.
Hi & welcome!
Thank you so much for sharing your comment here.
If people bothered to read the original QAnon post they would have seen links & excerpts showing that what Christian said is correct.
Other psychics have said Q-Anon is not to be trusted.
Legitimate Truthers/Conspiracy Theorists have been warning the Community not to trust Q-Anon. Q infiltrated the Community to make us look insane. That's what we call a shill.
Alex Jones is a good example. The man publicly admitted he is a Freemason but some people still considered him trustworthy. Well, he's a nobody now.
Link to original post:
Certain people who were Friends have been throwing shade at me, calling me insane, saying I provide links & information from untrustworthy websites, etc.
Those people do not mention me by name but when you read the entire thread it is obvious I'm the only person they could be talking about.
Those same people, one of which who does not live in America & does not enjoy our Constitutional right to free speech asked me to censor my comments for her own comfort and peace.
Jules stepped up to defend me. Chick'sOpinion swore up and down she was not promoting censorship.
Jules and I posted the dictionary & legal definitions of censorship. Chick'sOpinion still said she was not asking me to censor myself. Well, she needs to get a refund from the university she went to.
I'm saying all this because:
1) Not all trolls hide their names.
2) If you don't like me or my comments and want to write bad things about me you had better tell the world you are talking about me. Guessing games are for children.
3) Your comments have been very hurtful to me. I have been nice to you since the censorship incident.
4) If you are going to attack my comments and my sources could you please read them in their entirety before you do so? You are embarrassing yourself because you can't get some of the details right.
5) If your intentions are to run me off this site, well. You are very close. Your comments are hurtful and hateful. I love Christian and the REAL Friends but reading your disturbing comments are not worth my peace and comfort.
6) Since you asked me to censor myself for YOUR peace and comfort, I ask you to do the same for me Chick'sOpinion. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
7) When you sling mud at other people you get dirty.
Totally agree with your comments. In fact I feel what you said, is very helpful to people who have been fooled by the content on conspiracy theory sites like that Q-Anon. And/Or any other that are similar.
Psychics have predicted that this current preoccupation with conspiracy theories and their sites... is actually going to start to disappear.
Obviously that has already started. With Twitter and Facebook banning the accounts of most of the worst of them.
But my feeling is they will disappear because once world politics settles down globally. And Trump is out of Office, people are going to have less fears. And be way less attracted to them. These conspiracy theory sites.
And yes, at the most basic level, as you clearly pointed out. An attraction to believe thoroughly in most of the extreme conspiracy theories..... is fear. Induced as easily as you said, with ‘child like’ level manipulation.
There’s no way I can be convinced of something that my practical mind refutes.
And my gut says , this is just total nonsense.
The good news is...People are going to start trusting again. When this current mania for conspiracy theories and their sites become less of an attraction.
They are going to start trusting life again.
And that’s a good thing.
Cause if you can’t trust life. How can you be happy.
If you have fear all the time, or on a regular basis, how can you experience true happiness.
And I like how you mentioned, not everything is a ‘sign’.
It’s just not.
And these ‘signs’ as you said, do not ALL have meaning.
It’s just life happening.
Why have people stopped believing that ‘life’ just happens?
Without any motive to anything negative. Or evil.
It’s blatantly obvious, that it is possible to turn everything into a ‘sign’ if you want. If you apply an over thinking to it. But that doesn’t mean it is a sign with negative connotation. Or interpretation.
Anyway. Enjoyed your comment.
And the points you raised.
The level of unhappiness and discontent, anger and division these conspiracy theory sites are causing among people.
And I don't need to post a dictionary definition of it.
I live it.
Anyway guys, I'm going to the beach.
Have a great day.
You want me to post links to your comments?
Better yet.
You can promote happiness by giving me a public apology.
Thank you for the encouragement.
I know I am sensitive & do not always understand some of the comments. I’m trying very hard to stay calm and keep the peace. I’m tired of so many things.
I hate that we are fighting here.
I truly believe the 2020 energy is affecting us.
I truly believe trolls have infiltrated this blog on purpose to cause division.
I will try harder.
God bless you.
As CD and many others have said YOU are an asset to his blog.
I thank you for encouraging me too. I will keep trying.
I saw some of your older posts very late & I did respond.
God bless you.