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As we head into the Festive month..


As we start December.
Lets put some Prayers out there.
For everyone...
We are ALL struggling.
We need to pull together.
We need to reach out.
We all need a hand.
A smile.
A giggle.
A thought.
A Prayer.

Put yours in the comments.


Grace said…
Please send some good vibes to my amazing mother, Linda. She’s one of the most wonderful, strong and beautiful women I know!

Thank you! ❤️🙏🏾
Please pray for my family and for a new job for me.
I need prayers for me and my husband, Kent and strength and improved health.
T. W. said…
Dear LORD,

Please help us receive the blessings that You want us to have. Thank You. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth I pray. Amen.
T. W. said…
Some encouragement:

Anonymous said…
This one is for you Christian. I know you get discouraged and wonder if it will ever get better. It will. Listen to your own advice. Listen to you heart AND your mind. Love you
I really like this song!!!
I love you Creator !!!
Divine Presence !!!
Consciousness of Light !!!


Light coming in through the window
Illuminates so beautiful, the house I'm in
It's a radiant light
So sparkling, from our Lord
Bring peace and harmony
The love and joy that Jesus sent
Father, that this sparkling light
Make me instantly worthy
Your love and support
Divine Patience, expansion of that love
Light that illuminates my mind
Make yourself present wherever I go
Light that illuminates my mind
Make yourself present where I am
Erika said…
Dear Spirit.
Thank you for never failing us. We pray for those that are in need right now to truly receive your love, healing and direction. May our souls find the path to true hope, alignment and surrender. Please hear our prayer.
Many we feel your guidance always.
In your name I pray.
In love. Erika
Kristy said…
I pray for healing for everyone in the world. It's the last month of this tumultuous year. I pray everyone is able to stay safe and healthy to see the new year for, hopefully, a brighter time.
teacher wendy said…
I pray for my dog Honey who is getting better, even though they never isolated the cause of her illness/toxin. For my 17 year old cat Noodles who is on hospice care. For David who is not well and my sister Karlyn who has dementia. And that I find more happiness and contentment in being an only caretaker without help. I also pray for all the animals, families and people in this world who need so much more than we do. I try to always to be Thankful for what we DO have.
Anonymous said…
If you’re reading this comment it’s because it’s for you. You are stronger, smarter, braver, kinder than you think you are. Your friends and family know, that’s why they love you. Be sure to share the gift of you with the rest of the world because the world needs it. Yes we do.
Ry Ry said…
Dear God and Universe,
Thank you for continuing to bless me and my family. Please continue to keep us healthy and safe. Thank you for all your blessings, even when I feel things are bleak. Please bring us nothing,but joy, happiness, prosperity and abundance. Please guide me to a job that I'll love soon and point me in all the right directions. Thank you to my fiance in heaven who's always watching over me. I miss you babe and it hasn't been easy without you. Thank you in advance God and Universe for all future blessings to come.
Love Ryry
Cordelia said…
May everyone be blessed with the spirit of the season which is peace; the gladness of the season which is hope, and the heart of the season which is love ♥️
Anonymous said…
I pray to the universal source, that you send your healing and love to CD and all the good people who are connected to this blog, all of those with immediate connection to myself and to person kind . I pray that we can wait out the turmoil of what we are facing and know we have better times coming. I also ask the angelic forces to protect us and our Mother Earth from the dark narcissism of the negative forces that have become made known. Amen

Apple Monkey said…
Dear God,

Please bless CD and surround him with light.
Please bless TW, Jules Sunshine, Cordelia, teacher Wendy, anon who sent me such lovely messages last week. Please also bless Cyndi, Choc, Chicks, cap and everyone here who reads here.
Please god bless my mum and I. We are utterly bereft without my dad. My mum is trying to be strong but she’s shattered. Please bless everyone who he knew loved and helped. Also bless everyone who is poorly, who is going through such a tough time. Please bless my darling dad. I just want him to send me a sign. He was unconscious so we didn’t get to hug him properly to say goodbye.

Sending love and prayers all round.
Also friends does loss get easier with time. I am completely numb and crying every so often.Xo
Archi said…
For now I’m just empty, but I pray for you all.
Mariefass said…
Thank you, T.W. for your prayers. The song, You Know My Name by Tasha Cobbs Leonard ft Jimi Cravity always lifts my heart when it is hurt. Here is the link:
T. W. said…
Artemisia - Thank you for the blessing!

Anonymous Friends - Thank you for your blessings and prayers. May you receive God's blessings now.

Apple Monkey - Please know your father could hear & feel you. It's okay to mourn and I hope you take comfort in God's perfect love and peace. God will bring joy to all of us in the morning.

Archi - I believe the best prayers are short prayers. I pray God fills you with gladness, peace, love and wholeness. I pray you are filled with God if you want God in you. May you have an overabundance so you can share.
T. W. said…

I thank you for sharing yourself with us. I did listen to the song and I I thank you for telling us about it and how much it means to you.
Anonymous said…
If we were sure of infinity, we would not fear death ...
we fear the unknown - which is not unknown, we just are not given the remembrance, so that we can be better people in this school paneta. God does not abandon a child - The universe does not abandon a being!
Everything is for our growth, our evolution !!!
We are part of the same original energy .... as long as there is a being in need of help - there will always be those who help them - there is no abandonment for the creatures of the FATHER, wherever they are .... we are doomed to perfection !!!
We will be beings of MORE Light !!!
We are light !!!
We are special in the eyes of the FATHER !!!
T. W. said…
For a special blessing please follow the link to have Rabbi Kurt A. Schneider sing the Aaronic Blessing over you in Hebrew and in English:

Aaronic Blessing from the Western Wall
Lovely Libra said…
Peace - Abundance - Love - for all living beings ... in all galaxies and dimensions ... across all space and time.
T. W. said…
The Aaronic Blessing:

May the LORD bless you and protect you

May the LORD shine His face to you and be gracious to you

May the LORD lift up His face to you and give you peace
it was like that ... not empty ... just uninspired because I think people deserve words that strengthen them right now. I include myself in that and I include you in that merit. We need
maintain a good pattern of vibrational energy.
Cordelia said…
Apple Monkey

I felt that my Dad's loss was unbearable and I shed many tears for a year. Yes, things will get easier in time and you will start having more good days than bad. When I have a problem I think what would my Dad be saying to me. Also songs he liked will often pop into my mind at random moments. Much love to you and your Mom x
Anonymous said…
LILIA FALL:ipray for forghivnes ,for peace ,to remember all forghotten once and most of all to be able to forghive (for my own good first than others) ,for safty ,to be able to learn and move on once for all (with the lection learned ,watever is it i hope),to become stronger,buth have mercy ,to have power to not repeat the old mistakes ( hey!is me , lets hope..)to become more wise and moore paciente ...falling of this karma ,for forghivnes peace health love hapiness and bless of the universe for my family,my friends; my inamies; for stranges; all of you werever all of you are, to learn accept my self for wath really i am, to not take nothing for granted;From all of you from this corner ofthis planet ,of this Universe or others .. for my losted ones not matter in wath dimension all of you are
Apple Monkey said…
TW thank you so much for your message. I do hope so ♥️♥️

Cordelia I am so sorry about your Dad. I do hope you have had plenty of support. Thanking you endlessly - it’s so raw at the minute but glad to know it will get easier with time. ♥️♥️

CD thank you so much for your blog - it has been so helpful on sunny and not so sunny days. ♥️♥️
MMJ said…
Apple Monkey

My condolences. I will not pray for you to be strong because this is the time to be vulnerable. Hug your mother and cry together. Until the last tear. And then, whenever it’s in a couple of weeks or months, sit together and take a shared picture album. And remind yourself of all the positive moments. Your father will always be present through your memories!

Everything will be fine!

T. W. said…
Apple Monkey

You are welcome!

I will be working on my blog tonight. So you will have something to read tomorrow. I have something special Planned for this month.
Trigunluver said…
Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael,

I ask that you protect our health care workers and essential workers who are on the front battling and dealing with COVID-19. Please put a protective bubble around them and keep all illnesses, sickness, viruses, and COVID-19 away from them. Please give them strength and healing during these times. Please also protect their families, friends and fur companions from any illnesses, sickness, viruses, and COVID-19. I also ask that you send healing angels to assist our health care workers and to everyone's recovery and healing.

I also ask that the vaccine for COVID-19 be 100% effective and that any discomfort that is experienced from the vaccine be healed immediately.

I also ask that anyone who denies the existence of COVID-19 have their minds illuminated and see that it is real and a health concern and to take the necessary precautions for themselves and everyone.

I also ask that you hold everyone in unconditional and unconditional acceptance during this holiday season and times. To remind people they are not alone. And to safely give joy to those who need it during these times. Please also help those who are struggling during this time and give them clear guidance and solutions.

Thank you for everything that you've done for us and all that you do.
teacher wendy said…
Apple Monkey, I buried half my family in a years time in 1995. Those I didnt bury I lost. Then my dad 5 years later in 2000. My sister with dementia is my only immediete family and when she is gone I will be alone in the world. I knew this time would come because of where my birth place was in my family but it is hard. You will always be sad. It will always be hard but as life goes on, other " living life things" go on top of those feelings and they are not as prominent. I know god needs me here for something....even though without my students and my work-a-holic career that path sometimes seems foggy. But its the path I must walk and soon I will walk it alone and that scares me. But yes you will go on and you are needed here on Earth. One moment at a time. Like I do. Yes you will be fine....some better days than others but work through them. I have faith in you. If your faith in you waivers you may borrow some of mine.
T. W. said…
Please enjoy this video and get your laugh for the day. I did not create the video.

Charlie Brown's Crunk Christmas
T. W. said…
A family friendly video for you:

10 hours of Charlie Brown Christmas Dance
Mother of an Angel said…
Sending light & love to all, especially those in need. The holidays can be hard enough for many even without the complications of a pandemic. My thanks to all who sent prayers before my cancer surgery. They were greatly appreciated.
T. W. said…
teacher wendy

Let us be your family.
A Soul Reborn said…

I am with people from certain culture online, who just sent me information about Amarres de amor, magia negra MAESTRA ARIANNA (Love moorings, black magic MAESTRA ARIANNA ); many people are using witchcraft and spells to get lovers or make others sick.

Problem is, very few people understand what I am talking about in today's world, as most people are material but not spiritual.

Pray for good and spiritual people.
Apple Monkey said…
MMJ - thank you so much for your lovely message. That’s such a lovely idea and I am looking at pictures daily to remember the time we had. So kind thank you.♥️

TW - thank you as always hugs my lovely friend and so glad to hear you are writing a new blog post.♥️

Teacher Wendy - you have gone through so much and I will pray daily for your sister. You sound an amazing soul and your students are lucky to have someone as kind as you. Thank you so much for your lovely messages. ♥️

T. W. said…
Apple Monkey

Thank you for the hugs! I love them!

I am posting new content this month. I am sad I have taken time away from my blog but I have today so I will post today.

God bless you always!
T. W. said…
Prayers for my mom. She is a healthcare worker and has developed a cough.
MMJ said…
Hey, TW.

Read "Good morning" from December 4th. If your mom thinks she has covid, she should start taking 500mg hemomycin(azitromicin) immediately. Even before she gets a positive result. A professor of internal medicine working in intensive care (covid) told me that hemomycin not only prevents bacterial superinfection, but at the first symptoms in some way prevents a greater invasion of covid virus into cells. If your mom is in health care, tell her that because I don’t know what the protocols are in the US.

Take care!

I'll pray for her!
T. W. said…

I thank you for your concern.

In America, no physician will prescribe an antibiotic unless they are trying to prevent infections before a dental or surgical procedure or they suspect or confirm a bacterial infection.

There is no scientific evidence antibiotics fight viruses. Antibiotics fight bacteria.
MMJ said…

Yes, I know what antibiotics do. In our country, hemomycin is given for covid pneumonia in order to prevent bacterial superinfection. What has yet to be found but the work has not been published is that hemomycin protects other cells from major invasion at the first symptoms(only first). In what way? Probably hemomycin in some way blocks the replication pathway of the covid virus in cells.

I told you that with the best of intentions.

Take care!
Apple Monkey said…
TW - sending you more hugs. Thank you for your messages. I will pray for your mum. Please keep us posted. ♥️ God bless you.

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