I had a dream about Alexandra Grant. (Which in it's self is disturbing) This is what I saw in the dream. I SAW... Alexandra Grant is married. Not to Keanu Reeves. T he marriage took place around 9/10 years ago on the East coast of America. (Not New York City) I Saw She was in a very close relationship with this "Person" I See she was paid to do this... The person she is married to is of dubious character... This person has been "Away" for quite a while... (If you know what I mean) This person is threatening to return.. She will... To expose the marriage & other criminal behaviors they both had a part in. As I write this. Keanu Reeves & his team. Do not know of this. Alexandra, knows is still legally married. Has her head in the sand. Hoping it will go away... STAY TUNED... MORE TO ...
my hair is falling out, my teeth are breaking and i sometimes get fatigued after 4 months of having covid WEAR A MASK!
Ventilators if not used at a lower pressure are proving catastrophic and killing patients. Infact some drs bypass the use of them altogether.
In Germany, lung specialist Voshaar stated that a mechanical ventilator itself can damage the lungs, he says. This means patients stay in intensive care longer, blocking specialist beds and creating a vicious circle in which ever more ventilators are needed.
Of the 36 acute COVID-19 patients on his ward in mid-April, Voshaar said, one had been intubated - a man with a serious neuro-muscular disorder - and he was the only patient to die. Another 31 had recovered.
In a paper published by the American Thoracic Society on March 30, Gattinoni and other Italian doctors wrote that COVID-19 does not lead to “typical” respiratory problems. Patients’ lungs were working better than they would expect for ARDS, they wrote - they were more elastic. So, he said, mechanical ventilation should be given “with a lower pressure than the one we are used to.”
Here is the article from which the above information came from it was taken from Reuters with regards to using ventilators, https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-ventilators-specia/special-report-as-virus-advances-doctors-rethink-rush-to-ventilate-idUKKCN2251ST
New York emergency room doctor Cameron Kyle-Sidell stepped down from working in the intensive care unit at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn because he didn't want to follow the hospital's ventilator protocol, he stated, 'I've talked to doctors all around the country and it is becoming increasingly clear that the pressure we're providing may be hurting their lungs.”
An article (link down below) from as far back as April by a whistle-blower known only as a frontline nurse working in New York on coronavirus patients raised the alarm with regards to ventilators, claiming the city is killing sufferers by putting them on ventilators. She said COVID-19 patients are placed on ventilators rather than less invasive CPAP or BiPAP machines due to fears about the virus spreading. The ventilators have high pressure, which then causes barotrauma, it causes trauma to the lungs',. Although the journalist who wrote the article found drs to rebuff what the whistleblower claimed, the nurses claims have been backed up by a New York emergency room doctor Cameron Kyle-Sidell who stepped down from working in the intensive care unit at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn because he didn't want to follow the hospital's ventilator protocol, he stated, 'I've talked to doctors all around the country and it is becoming increasingly clear that the pressure we're providing may be hurting their lungs.”
The same dr also tweeted ““We must always remember that COVID-19, an identical disease all over the world, has resulted in dramatically different outcomes (e.g., 20–80% mortality rates), in different ICUs. The ventilatory treatment may play a substantial role.”
Link to tweet,
Link to the article
The Mirror newspaper covered the same story,
'Life-saving' ventilators are destroying coronavirus patients' lungs, doctor says
Masks don't help, and they/ medical told you this. And if you vaccinate that's your choice most people know you can't vaccinate against, a virus and if it mutates. Natural cures work but big pharma rules. And why do dark skinned people have to take the vaccine first and not the elderly nor the makers of the vaccine.
Have you even asked what's in the vaccine? Medical already said it won't stop the virus. Nature never operates like this.
As we are all being distracted you will see what's behind this, but many won't and neither does... but then in order to be neutral you have to hear both sides.
The ascension has already happened and it's not fear based.
I am so sorry!
Please know we love you and are praying for you.
And people wonder why I like outrageous stories and celebrity gossip.
It's to balance out the horror of reality.
That poor boy and others did not deserve this
The people behind this Plandemic have a reserved spot in Hell.
Please CD, can you please tell us if Covid19 was a man made disease, who made it or was it just a freak incident that occurred in nature, please can you tell us.
Please God in Heaven, please help us find a cure, please protect us all and please let all of humanity come together to help one another. In the name of Jesus Christ I give thanks for the blessings you provide. Many blessings to all 💖🙏✝️
None of this is normal and and if you have a lung issue you can't lie on your back as most of the images showed previously. Why are the faces pixeled out? And only white patient, yet they claim high deaths amongst dark skinned people. They usually show the faces, this all so fake and there are different strains they released. Since the testing and the vaccine numbers increased. Two people from different countries said that the testing would test positive, to ensure you take the vaccine and it is also the vaccine the testing.
And Africans said their test kits were contaminated with the virus. I guess people don't want to see the truth.
Many hospitals were empty when people checked, now they won't allow you in. And only two out of 10 people when tested had symptoms but they said there where no symptoms. Masks can be tossed but aren't they hazardous, no homeless have masks were are the dead bodies on the street they aren't quarantined.
Use your common sense the newspapers/media are owned by corporations and individuals and a lot of what they feed us are lies. To hide the real issues/truth.
Have you seen how someone coughs up blood in real life?
Use your third eye/intuition to discern the truth from the lies they are feeding us. And remember we where offered a natural solution from Mauritius the West refused, why? That region has the lowest numbers and yet they are being told by Gates (computer tech) not a doctor and must be vaccinated. This game is still being played out '19 is when it began over a year later you're still here. The numbers are being fudged and medical staff resigned as they had to lie on the death certificate, when will you see? Only the awakened and truly spiritual see the BS!
They have to force this plandemic to hide the real issues and force in the plans that they want to implement. It's your body make the right choice, but know that many famous /politicians will most likely be given a placebo.
Why do you have to wear a mask after you've been vaccinated? If people were dying in the millions there would be fires and the smell of death would be horrific and bodies in the street and in housing properties and ambulances called. Why then are people being evicted? They cause the problem and now you trust them with the solution. Also when you take the flu shot you get the flu.
I have always heard people who end up on ventilators FOR ANY REASON risk not being able to breathe on their own ever again.
Some hospitals have treated COVID-19 patients by placing them into hyperbaric chambers.
That is all I know.
Word spread not to get tested for COVID-19. Rumor had it the kits are intentionally contaminated to spread The Plague for population control. I repeat, this is still considered to be a rumor.
If you have symptoms the word was to assume you had it, quarantine & care for yourself as best you can. Of course seek medical treatment if need be.
Unfortunately I will have to get tested as part of pre-operative care. They had better use that saliva test...