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Hi Gang...


Yesterday I drove past a gun shop.

In Long Beach Ca.

About the size of an average Dennys. 

The line for people to get in.

Was at least a hundred people.

This is madness.


Angel.monolith said…
For me it’s sad and scary...
Lovely Libra said…
I’ve never owned one - never touched one - and I’m living in gun-happy FL where every man, woman & child lives to shoot. Very sad.
Sana said…
When people need a touch of humanity, those lot buy a gun. Lost for words...pray that they'll never be used
cat lady said…
How sad and scary. Hope they were all wearing masks. What do they think is going to happen that they would need a gun?
Stay safe.
Jules said…
A clear indication of how threatened people must feel.
Apple Monkey said…
Guns do not solve anything. Utter madness.
teacher wendy said…
Saturday night specials in the hood $20. I taught there 27 years, pretty easy to get on the streets. My 2nd graders even had access to automatic military guns. Two of them shot up the back of one if their houses one Sunday afternoon playing around. That mom spanked both of them. Monday morning the other boy's mom ( one with the gun) was in my classroom filing a complaint to keep the mom " who touched my son" kept totally away from her son, as she had the nerve "to put hands on her son and had no right to do it!" Didn't care about automatic weapon shooting up the other boys house and that it came from HER house who filed the complaint and belonged to HER older son!! [I filed a social worker paper on both moms]. It is scarey out there for sure! Just now it is scarey for everyone. I am sorry about that. I have lived with violence so long I forget others see it differently. Maybe Walmart wil suspend gun/ammunition sales like the did during voting.

One the other hand ....2 lotteries OVER $400 MILLION HERE. C.D. Can you use you talents for personal gain? Go for it!
Ben said…
Blame your friend Sleepy Joe Biden and Camel Toe Harris. These are the Deep State scumbags wrecking havoc on humanity. Cheating bastards
Anonymous said…
CD trying to spread more hate and division me thinks 🤔
Psychic Gossip said…
Teacher Wendy Re Lottery I wiah ha ha CDX
T. W. said…
cat lady

I sense your question is rhetorical but to help some people who truly want to know I will answer.

There is a multitude of credible reports of organized “protests” scheduled to occur in every US state Capital and at the Biden-Harris inauguration.

Many Americans only intend to use the weapons for defense. I know we come across as trigger happy wackos but I assure you the average American is not.

Having said that, as many of you suspect, some people intend to cause harm to others.

I hope those same people understand the people who they are fighting for don’t give a damn about them. If they were LatinX they would be in cages right now. If they were black or African American they would have a knee or a foot on their neck, they would be shot in the back, they would be shot in their own homes.

The MAGAs know this because they are racist.

Please know I do not categorize all Trump supporters as MAGAs. Some Trump supporters actually care about others and can see the forest for the trees.

Going back to recuperate.
T. W. said…
Now I know Ben is a troll.

The Republican Party is the party of guns and ammo. They oppose any legislation that places restrictions on gun, rifle, and ammunition sales and ownership.

Last time I checked Biden & Harris are members of the Democrat Party.
Kristy said…
The line at the one by my house in Torrance has been long as well
Ev said…
I live down the street from it. It has been like that since the start of the pandemic.
Jules said…
I read Ben's comment as Biden /Harris are the reason why people are fearful and buying guns, not that Biden and Harris encourage people to protect themselves with guns.

Anonymous said…
I don't know why I've loved guns since I was little. I even trained with air guns but my parents never allowed me to train with firearms.

I would never shoot a living being. And in one discussion about that, an elderly person close to me tells me that - I've never been in a situation to defend myself or my family. He says, in that situation, you would shoot and you wouldn't miss ... I wouldn't want to know the answer to that question.

What I don't like is that you can easily get a weapon in the US. One bullet is enough to start a madness.

Beware people!
Cat Lady said…
Thanks TW. I hope your recovery is going well. My question was not rherorical. Other psychics have predicted civil war. I talked to some one else who also thinks there will be war. I have read about the FBI warning about potential violent protests at all state capitols in the U. S. I live in Jefferson City Missouri which is the capitol of Missouri and am very worried about violent protests. So CD, will there be civil war in the U. S.?
T. W. said…
Cat Lady

Thank you for your well wishes! I am okay but there have been strange complications. I have a follow up appointment with the surgeon.

I believe I will be okay.

As for the civil war & such, you are not wrong.

Many psychics have seen this, 2 psychics who shall remain nameless predicted Civil War several years ago.

They both say this tragedy can be averted.

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