Mar 21 - Apr 19
Change your mind, change your life.
It works.
Now is the time to make it happen.
You’ll love the results.
You will feel the changes in your home.
Everything will be lighter, happier and postive.
Make sure you take care of you too, though.
Pick up that pen, and write down your thoughts.
The answers are there.
Even if they seem a little odd.
They are the ones you need.
Apr 20 - May 20
If you can spend time near moving waters.
Your Psychic senses will tingle with the water.
The water will help you focus. Even watching a video.
Of moving waters will help.
Time for you to follow those ideas of change.
That have been spinning around your mind.
Emotionally the start of this month is bumpy.
But as it closes,all will be calmer..
Keep the faith it's what you want.
May 21 - Jun 20
Stuck in a rut ? Yep...
You have emotional decisions to make.
No more putting them off.
You know you can’t keep things as they are.
I know these decisions aren't easy to make, but you have to.
Follow your heart.
You can’t make people change.
You have to make the change.
HARD I know.
It will be diffficult and sad.
But once sorted all will be better.
Meditiaion will help settle your 4 minds..
Jun 21 - Jul 22
Changes abound all around you.
It’s going to be interesting. Very interesting.
No more pondering, time for doing...
Will it be easy? NO.
Will it work? YES.
A feeling of settlement depends upon you.
Very creative engeries are gathering.
Health issues improve.
A new opportunity arrives.
From an odd source.
With it comes in time success.
Jul 23 - Aug 22
So the good news is.
The money issues you have been worrying about.
Are beginning to settle down.
But that doesn’t mean you can go on a splurge.
Well, not yet...
Emotionally too, you will feel calmer around home.
Those of you thinking of a move, this is the time.
There’s a celebration to plan too.
Don’t forget to double check the invites.
Aug 23 - Sep 22
Don’t feel unsettled, feel excited.
Your mind is a buzz, which way and what.
Studying is all around you.
Hard studying too, lots to learn.
But, don’t fret you’ll cope, very well, in fact.
New people in, some old people out.
Think an early spring clean.
The recent bout of extreme stress is about to pass.
Sep 23 - Oct 22
You are tired and stressed.
It’s time to rest.
You are headed to many new things.
So make sure, it’s what you have wished for.
Ans it is what you want.
As it will be busy and bright.
Once you see the light.
Don’t let anyone, tell you no.
It is the right time.
Speak out loud.
Oct 23 - Nov 21
That feeling of been in a dark cloud.
Is about to lift.
Especially in regards.
To material matters.
New oppotunies are around the corner.
Allowing you to breathe a sigh of relief.
Always the one to help others.
Now it’s your turn to receive some help.
Accept it...
Emotionally the ups & downs of late.
Are coming to las end.
Nov 22 - Dec 21
Sometimes family can be so distant.
Remember though this is them not you.
You can’t make them change.
They need to do that for themselves.
Work is not good at the moment.
You can’t see an end to the stress.
But soon, a change will appear.
Helping you feel, less stressed.
Home is getting there, one step at a time.
Dec 22 - Jan 19
Recent health issues have had you depressed.
But these are now ending.
Getting you back to yourself.
Not, too fast though, you still need to rest.
Work is in flux, with new and bright things.
Slowly, slowly, is the way.
Even the romantic life is heading.
To a new and bright period.
At last I hear you say.
No looking to the past.
Eyes forward only.
Jan 20 - Feb 18
Ok, you creative things you.
No more need to block your abilities.
Time to take action.
Just take the jump and go.
Romance is blooming, but don’t rush too fast.
Dark times are ending, bet your glad to hear that.
But, remember to think bright.
So as to block the fear.
Feb 19 - Mar 20
Time to assess what you really want.
To stay, stop stuck, or to run for the change.
Put on your tracksuit and run.
Too, many around are holding you back.
Draining you, blocking you.
Oh so sad….
You know you get moody, when not feeling light.
So open the curtains, to let in the light.
Leading forward, to all that is right.
Love this !
I’m Hispanic here from Los Angeles but I remember when my mom used to watch this astrologist during the news but he would come out toward the end. Thank you for his tribute. Oh and thank you for my sign : PISCES
(Down the street from you Los Angeles)
Thank you for writing
that all are able
to understand 🎈
Sally X
Love the astrology very much. Thank you for sharing. Moocho gracias xx
I just realized after I clicked off, I was listening to Rick Levines Feb astrology while I was reading this with my morning coffee. Walter must have been Great. Nice of you to honor him.
Friends, I encourage you to read the horoscope for your Ascendant as well (rising sign).
You will need the exact date, location, & time to determine your ascendant.
Ask your parents & double check by reading your birth certificate.
Then, go here:
Kanye West Sued For $30 Million By Sunday Service Staff
I am a Leo/Sag and I don't see that fire in me.
So I read for Cap .. Lol
Thanks CD, it is very interesting!
You need to read your entire natal chart. I provided a link to an accurate site above.
If you do not know the time you were born then it will not be accurate.
Everyone tells me- fuck no way that you are Leo / Sag.. But yes I am.