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TOLD YA,, She's at it again Meghan Markle "PREGNANT" On Valentines Day ha ha PR PR PR..

LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE.. Meghan Markle ex HRH...



Meghan Markle.






PS I did mean to post this one.
But the send button and save button.
To my migraine dyslexic brain.
Look just the same.
Oh well.



Anonymous said…

this is a wonderful community about truth and light,
we shall try posting negative comments,
and support each other.
I felt down because I saw AG's photos and videos a lot recently,
it made me sick as AG is more than ugly,
AG is a demon like creature.
no wonder KR has been depressed.
that is why religion is important.

Anonymous said…
I believe when MM becomes older,
she will be as ugly as AG.
Mariefass said…
Shocked, said no one.
CyndiTx123 said…
So she is not really preggo's??? This pic looks sooo real? I was hoping that Harry would leave and move back home to his family in UK and get a new view on life w/o the constraints of Megs being his puppeteer....Oh well, blessings for the upcoming 2nd baby of Harry's.
mat said…
Harry should know pregnant or not having have scan test
Cordelia said…
When the apple is ripe, it will fall.
Anonymous said…
It doesn't say much about Harry's character if he has agreed to go along with the lie.
Beth said…

Anonymous said…

hope you are
well again 💫
Erika said…
Now a "tell all" with Oprah. Sigh......
Save us all because Harry is lost.
Mother of an Angel said…
CD, happy to see you posting. I could tell you didn't feel well, & figured migrane. Then a few days passed & I started to worry it was something more. Glad I was wrong & you're feeling better.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 6:16 PM

You can stop being sick if you stop looking at hAG & it’s videos.
T. W. said…

You know full well MeghaTron is not pregnant 😂

Actors fake being pregnant in movies & tv shows.

They wear these things called Moonbumps.

Several of us have spoken about these things before.

T. W. said…

I wanted to clarify I am not laughing at you. I understood what you meant.

I’m laughing at myself. I keep myself entertained.
Cap Anonymous said…
Most of you know that I do not like nor do I approve of Miss Meghan, but the one thing I have never done is comment on a woman's facial appearance in a negative light.

Although I do not approve of her behavior or comments, etc., I have often commented on how Meghan looked lovely or beautiful or her hair was lovely or beautiful, but never have I said anything nasty about her facial features -- ever. And that's probably because she is a very attractive woman.

I have commented on her supposed plastic surgery (lips?) and her fake hair (extensions) sincer her arrival in Los Angeles. She looked better (and prettier) without it (my opinion).

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I might add that Keanu, for whatever reasons, chose Miss AG and her looks don't seem to bother him, so why do they bother you so much?

There are countless beauties out there who have repulsive energy. It's all about a woman's essence.

Have you ever met an unattractive man who after 5 minutes talking with him, was extremely attractive? Or the flipside, gone out for lunch or dinner with a very good looking man only to be bored out of your mind or find him unattractive?

Keanu is a big boy and trust me he can handle Miss AG. Some of the movies I had seen over Christmas with Keanu, all show a dark side in his character.

We attract what we are. And he attracted Miss AG. Get over it.
anon said…

Cap Anon How do we even share a blog tag. What you say is off, i disagree with it all.
MM good looks? a woman? what? Look at it, MM is a male and very ugly too of any gender becasue it is a malicious fake. Anything else is all gloss and PR. They are made of nothing, of 'image', they are 2-D.
The K Entity you are right that its looks are off, It is also a male, trying to benefit off all things female, -by deception-, same as MM, at the expense of others. And it is as ugly inside as out.
Both cannot be themselves, as they are, becasue they have nothing to be, they are empty entities.

I agree that K is doomed by now, stuck with his choices or with a bad situation maybe not of his choice. And I have seen on this blog that his true one has free choice, away from any destiny. That she is loved and free, and fighting our wars. Winning.

TW- So preceptive as usual, yes they think their movie acts would pass muster in real life. Or conversely, they think life is a movie where wearing props and acting out pretend characters is to be believed and 'real'. Pretence is all they know of life. There is no real life to them.

It is pittiful those limbo entities.
T. W. said…

I thank you for being kind to me. I understand why you do not agree with CAP Anonymous but please cut them some slack. Not everyone believes that many people have been transgendered since childhood. Not everyone knows that the type of Satanism the Occult Elite who rule the world teaches that transgenderism is a form of perfection. They believe blending two opposites achieves perfection & helps them become a god.

Remember when the disciples asked Jesus when the end would come & what the signs would be?

Do you recall the first thing Jesus said?

He said deception would be at an all-time high and told us not to be deceived.

Think about why that was the first thing he said.

T. W. said…
Satan is the author of confusion.

Straight biological males become confused when they realize the women they list after are male to female transgendered people. They cannot believe the female celebrities & female porn stars they list for are truly men. They cannot afford to believe the truth.
Jules said…
Honestly, once you know what to look for the skull, shoulder-width arm length, hands etc you can't help but see it. In fact, I can't watch a movie without saying "that's not a woman, that's a man!", or 'he's a paedophile!" and "did you see that freemason symbol!"

I came across a post on Instagram which made me laugh out loud because it's exactly what it's like once you know what to look for.
T. W. said…

You are right. We’re in the same boat.

I see a lot of actresses and models with visible Adam’s Apples...
Anonymous said…

the "wife" of the former president Obama is a trans,
like AG,
"she" is too obvious to be a woman,
and "their" earlier photos show that they had large penises under their dresses.

women are in a disadvantaged situation,
GAYS and TRANS will make it the worst;

also, it will lead to the situation that,
machine will take place of humans,
so the anti-God group will rule the mankind forever.

it is NOT conspiracy,
I don't believe in conspiracy theory,
I do believe in stupidity of those who created stupid conspiracy theory.

the Jews are not a bad people,
but because they have been too successful due to Hitler's stupidity,
so far nobody has the gut to say no to them.

so Jews believe they can restore Genghis Khan's glory,

Jules said…
HRH TW - I don't understand why people get so offended when you mention that people are transgendered.
T. W. said…

I don’t know either. One person who no longer comes here has someone or some people close to them who are trans. That person & several others said the people were born in the wrong body.

I acknowledge that some people have genetic abnormalities and their genotype does not match their phenotype. I even went into scientific detail about that.

I also said most people in that situation were not born that way I also said trans people are being used to push an agenda.

The offended parties may have thought I was saying transgendered people are pushing an agenda. That is not what I said.

I’ve said many times that the Occult Elite are using the LGTBQIA+ community & I warned that community not to play into Satan’s hands. The occult elite worship Satan.

In addition, I have said The Community has been used as scapegoats for a longtime. God did not destroy Sodom & Gomorrah because of the gays. People need to read Genesis & Ezekiel 16:49-15.

If somebody wants to have gay sex oh well. They have free will. Not my business.

If an adult wants to mutilate their genitals oh well. They have free will. I feel sorry for them.

If an adult wants to destroy their mind & body with hormone treatments because they are trapped in the wrong body despite no genetic evidence proving this oh well. They have free will. I feel sorry for them.

The LGTBQIA+ community does not have to answer to me.

God loves the gays & the trans. Therefore I love them too.

Jesus would be more than happy to share a meal with the LGBTQIA+ community.

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