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Prince Harry, new "JOB" in San Fran. So he can give more dosh to Meghan Markle Ha Ha

Prince Harry new job as  

‘Chief Impact Officer’ ?

With a San Francisco Startup
Seems he won’t have much contact with employees.

He will meet special people in the 

“Back Office”.

So in other words it’s just a PR stunt for the company.
With cash for Harry to give to Meghan.


This is going to be a complete disaster…
Not only for Harry…

But, for the Start up also…

But just wait till he wades into USA politics...

Meghan is also planning a PR stunt with her"Baby Girl" to come

Name choices...



Letty said…
Disaster is right!!! Harry seems lost
Lucy said…
Fascinating! I This is clearly a BS hire, but it's hard to see how it could go so wrong! Oh dear...
T. W. said…
I was just going to ask you about this.

You must be psychic!

Prince Harry lands new job as a tech executive
Anonymous said…
This is about networking with the companies investors
Apple Monkey said…
Love reading your take on things CD.i wonder how much he is going to paid - surely a start up can not afford the salary he expects to receive?
Jules said…
I see another version of events regarding the bridesmaid tale and who made who cry has come to light, this time, it’s the staff from Givenchy themselves that have spoken out. This version, which is absolutely disgusting and involves the bullying of Charlotte and claims that Meghan even slapped one of the staff. I think this is as close to the truth as we are going to get.
Celt News covered it fully here …

Danja Zone also covered it here
Prince William Preps to Fight Harry

Sue Smith, compiled a video that also includes photographs of Harry in a Nazi uniform at a party he attended, incidentally, other costumes that were worn by Harry’s circle of friends was a Klu Klux Klan outfit and Harry calling. She also put clips in of Harry whilst in the army .. she also put together a video of Harry's abuse of animals.

Harry and animals and the lawsuit he lost

Lots of things
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey

The company declined to disclose his salary.

I wonder if Harry or MeghaTron or someone associated with them invested in the start up company?
T. W. said…

I thank you for providing more evidence about these disgusting entities.
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Magazine Cover Of The Queen Stepping On Meghan Markle's Neck Causes Offense

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T. W. said…
Dear Prince Charles, do you think my brown skin makes me unBritish?

Anita Sethi

The Prince of Wales told me I don’t look like I’m from Manchester. If this is how he thinks, he shouldn’t be the next head of the Commonwealth
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Princess Michael Of Kent Causes Outrage In Wearing Racist Slave Broach To Queen's Lunch Held To Meet Prince Harry's Black Fiancée Meghan Markle

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Princess Pushy's controversial past: How she 'told black diners to go back to the colonies', was 'shocked' to discover her father was a Nazi SS officer and accused the British of being racist
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The Top Black Television Network BET Slams Prince Charles Over Racist Comment In The Lead Up To Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Wedding

April 25. 2018
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Meghan Markle's Future Father-In-Law Slammed For Racist Comment
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Prince Charles Makes Racist Slur About Journalist And It Provokes Public Outrage

April 24. 2018
Jules said…
Believe me, racism is the least disgusting thing these people have ever done, wait until the public find out about the hunting parties.
T. W. said…

Oh yes, The Most Dangerous Game...
T. W. said…
How many people remember those Canadian children who mysteriously disappeared during a picnic with Queen Elizabeth 2 & Prince Phillip?
T. W. said…
The New Elon Musk
Apple Monkey said…
Hi TW - those two don’t seem to want to spend any of their own money! Harry must be expecting a large salary although start ups can’t surely offer that type of “large”!
Jules said…
HRH TW - Beautiful innocent Indigenous children, separated from their families by the most disgusting laws went missing all over Canada AND Australia etc whenever the couple visited on tour. I've mentioned the warrant out for the Queen's arrest many times for crimes against humanity and even provided links to documentaries on this, I honestly believe people don't believe it's true .. but it is. The Royal family is not what everyone thinks it is.

Here is a three-minute video that talks about the incident.
Proof Queen Elizabeth killed kids in Canada!

Here is a link to the article ..
Aboriginal Residential School Survivor Says The Queen of England Abducted Children In Canada

Here is a link to an article, its one in a series of articles taken from eyewitness testimony before the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels. The introduction to the testimony states .. "Five international judges are examining evidence of child rape, torture, murder and kidnapping allegedly done by global elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. Regular Ninth Circle child sacrifices were said to take place in the catacombs of Catholic Cathedrals, the Vatican, on private estates and groves and government military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and the US. At least 34 child mass grave sites were identified in Ireland, Spain and Canada – and refused excavation by the respective governments, Crown of England and Catholic Church. Named as present in Ninth Circle activities were Pope Francis, former Pope Ratzinger;Anglican, United Church of Canada and Catholic Church officials including Cardinals; members of European royalty including Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip; officials of the Canadian, Australian, UK and US military and governments including the USA’s CIA, plus prominent government ministers, judges, politicians and businessmen from the US, Belgium, Holland, Canada, Australia, France, Ireland and the UK."

European Royals Killing Naked Children For Fun At Human Hunting Parties

Here is a link to Human hunting from Cathy Foxes blog, it contains videos, articles drawings and photos ..
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey


I think either Harry is complicit or he is going along with MeghaTron as he plots his escape.

Either way his public image is trash.

Will he dress in full Nazi uniform to make an impact?
T. W. said…

Thank you so much!

Everything you shared is important. I think some people believe but are afraid to say it online.

Part of me thinks you are a royal historian!
Jules said…
HRH TW - At one point I would have described myself as a royalist .. but on reflection, although I would never have said we must abolish the royal family I really wasn't a royalist, I was ONLY drawn to Diana, upon her death my interest in the family waned considerably, in fact, it pretty much died a death.

There are a lot of rumours going around with regards to the Royal Family .. and they are fascinating .. there is still the rumour that the Queen and Phillip are no longer here, and given that they are faking photographs of the Queen and Phillip, and the papers are using images that were taken years ago, the Christmas speech was so obviously CGI and the Queen does not look like the Queen, (and Charles double is hilariously bad), I would not be surprised in the least if the rumours turned out to be true.

Something else I've noticed there is a sudden surge of credible psychics stating that Diana is alive. Apart from Diana being alive, there are growing rumours stating that both Michael Jackson and Elvis Presley are also alive. Moe Othman even mentioned Michael Jackson himself the other day .. he stated he doesn't understand why he hasn't shown himself yet. It absolutely would not surprise me if these rumours prove to be accurate. The truth they say is stranger than fiction.

Jules said…
I urge everyone to watch this video before it is purged of Youtube .. its called evergreen .. features the Clinton .. and the ship that is stuck in the Suez Canal.

T. W. said…
These people are demon possessed. That is why their alleged clones look bad.

No clones.

Just demon possessed people.

I’ll give a better reply tomorrow.
Jules said…
Of course for security reasons all members of the Royal family have and have used body doubles many times.
T. W. said…
Jules, you are funny!

Yes, I agree all heads of state and other very important politicians have body doubles.

I apologize if it seemed I was making fun of what you shared. The way you tell us tickles me.

I truly thought Prince Philip was already dead.

I went back to read Christian’s yearly predictions. One could interpret his Prince Philip prediction to mean the Prince will die this Spring.

Several psychics have stated the Queen will pass shortly after he does.

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