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LovesHoyas said…
Hello! Loving the blog and videos. Something different:
- is it true that Justin Trudeau (Prime Minister of Canada) is separated/divorced from Sophie?
- will Toronto's housing market crash within the next 5 years? By how much?

By the way, my dad is from Rotherham. I love your Yorkshire button on the side of the site

Take care,
Sara ♥️😷
Anonymous said…
Hi CD can you set subtitle in English?
T. W. said…
Thank you Christian!
T. W. said…
Dear Princess Charlene of Monaco,

I apologize for thinking you are addicted to cocaine. I am sorry you are suffering from health issues and I pray you heal and recover quickly. I ask that you please forgive me.

You are loved.


T. W. said…
Stress Releif ---

ぐでたまの部屋 / Gudetama LiveCam & Chill Out BGM Radio
HerBlog said…
How and when do we post questions for this? I always miss the Q part of the Q&A! Lol 😂
Anonymous said…
if the use of cocaine is not a problem for you, then there is no need to climb into other people's lives who whose girl will figure out idiotic compositions without you
Anonymous said…
Hi CD!

Wonderful new reading! Quite interesting too.

Thanks for answering my question, even if only the first one from several ;-)!

Now, you made me curious: You say, "Johnny Depp doesn't know her (his future love) YET."

Does that mean there was already some sort of communication, but he hasn't gotten to know her in person? Or there wasn't even some form of communication and so he doesn't know her yet? Or he hasn't been in the place where he will get to meet and know her? Which one is it? Or what exactly do you mean?

Which brings me to another question: Does Johnny already KNOW WHO his future love is?!?

Is Johnny Depp's future love his twin flame/soulmate or just someone entirely on this earth just for him alone?

And when will he get to meet her, know her? Soon, as in the next few weeks, months or in 2022?

Will he wait till the law case with AH is over to meet and get to know her or do you see him taking his future love with him to the Virginia defamation trial as support?

Do you see him marry her? Will they have a happy relationship/marriage?

And is she from America, Europe, one of the central European States or somewhere else? Can you SEE that and/or are you even allowed to say/clarify it???

How far EXACTLY (how many years) are you able to SEE Johnny's future, CD? And will he be able to quit using recreational & prescription drugs and alcohol and smoking? I mean, he surely will want to live a long, long life, right? Wouldn't want to make his future love a widow before marriage etc.?!

You really captivate the viewer with your funny attitude and yet wise words, Christian!

Can't wait for the next Video! And I really, really hope, that you'll be so gracious to answer the above questions! Or at least some of them. I'm sure many of Johnny Depp's fans, admirerers and supporters as well as his family and friends would love for him to have a REAL Happy End after all the disastrous circus with AH...

Wouldn't that be something... AH trying to spit venom and fire while pulling her hair out, when she finds out that Johnny has not only moved on, but is truly happy?

That reminds me of your prediction for AH. Christian, not only you don't like Shellfish - neither do I ;-) .

Have a wonderful Sunday, rest, SEE and stay healthy! You are truly an inspiration and an important person in this world! So look after yourself and your own happiness too!!

Anonymous said…
Hey christian, do you think, alexandra grant would ve in France right now? It seems her bogus charity had been caught by the California attorney general.
Anonymous said…
Hey CD!

Can you do a solo reading for Johnny Depp? All aspects of his current and future life?

Are Polina Glen, Sophie Hermann and other like-minded gold-digger, fame-seeking women finally out of the picture? Or hasn't he still learned his lesson after AH?
Anonymous said…
Chinese designer Alexander Wang was sued by many Hollywood celebrities for sexually harassing them:

"At the end of last year, reports that the designer Alexander Wang sexually assaulted and harassed men and trans women circulated on social media. In a post on TikTok, the model Owen Mooney accused Wang of groping him at a club in New York in 2017. Mooney told The Business of Fashion that he decided to name Wang in the post after he learned of similar allegations against the designer. “I was sickened and shocked I was not the only victim of his behavior,” Mooney told the outlet. “So I felt it was necessary to stand with these people and say his name out loud.” Four other men who remain anonymous told BoF that they’d had similar experiences with Wang at clubs or parties."

“I’m Not Anonymous Anymore”: Alexander Wang Accuser Goes on the Record
T. W. said…

For questions you want answered in an upcoming video, you post them in the comments section on Christian’s YouTube.
Anonymous said…
Anonymous at 2:37pm If by France you mean Jail
Anonymous said…
To change the language to English on a YouTube video, go to SETTINGS and click on Closed Caption. Then click on SUBTITLES - OPTIONS. Scroll down or up until you find English or other language of your choosing.

CAP Anonymous
Anonymous said…

more I Told Ya about AG?

there will be a lot of fun,
Keanu has been defending AG still,
Keanu is in Paris but will be back to Berlin again.

please help Keanu stay with AG so
Keanu will NOT harm other innocent women,
Keanu is an evil soul.
Anonymous said…
Anon, how do you know that keanu has been defending the Hag still and going back to Berlin? Are you one of her minions? Are you ag?
Anonymous said…

Anon of AG...
Get an enema and relax.
Anonymous said…
People who know, learn that the term "prostitute" is applicable to all those who for a payment betray the conscience, the trust, the friendship, the love, the professional ethics, agreements and contracts, etc;
the term "prostitute" is applicable to lawyers (not all), to politicians (not all), etc.
The words "dancer" and "prostitute" are not synonymous: not all nightclub dancers engage in prostitution, but it may happen that your neighbor, a "decent" woman or man, does prostitution.

What was the name of the tarot reader, who spread a rumor about Keanu aged 4 and the light off in the room? Was this reader happy in life?
There have been several tarot readers, sentenced to prison for fraud, abuse, etc.
There are tarot readers and psychics - jealous and envious.
I hope "C. Dion" doesn't make these mistakes.
I hope "C. Dion" follows professional ethics.
To those who wrote BS that the first abuse against Keanu was "made" by his mother, I answer:
1) You should study the law and read well What "abuse" means - you are abusing the Word, you are committing the crime of Defamation.
2) Those who offend a mother, must to know that hurt their mothers:
"Don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you!"

NO ONE who lives in 3D is saint.

Who are the stalkers, trolls, etc.? - They are narcissists, energy vampires, unable to get energy from their prey.
Who are the mentally and psychic diseased? - They are those who do not have / no longer have
a soul's connection to the divine source and / or to the natural universal energy source, so, they no longer have the possibility of psycho-physical and energetic self-balancing.

"... Psychopaths have no soul, they are organic portals ..."

How one lose a soul’s connection to the divine source and / or to the natural universal energy source? - Committing violence (physical and / or psychological) against a living being is punishable.
There are those who are born to do "dirty job": they have no connection to the divine source, they make their job like robots.
And there are those who are capable to do “dirty job”: they have a possibility to choose whether to do it or not. Those who choose NOT to do it, are saved and clean up themself.
Those who choose to DO it, slowly lose the divine and wonderful they had, they lose the soul's connection to the divine and universal energy source, lose the possibility of psycho-physical and energy self-balancing.

Those who allow themselves to be emptied or attacked by energy (psychic) vampires:
1) Are not helping them, it is on the contrary;
2) Harming themselves and those who love them and will not have a recognition from the Universe because a "masochist" generates a "sadist".
To save an addict from energetic vampirism, it need to proceed in the same way as in the case of drugs: Must no longer be given. Stop.

To those who are waving their diplomas, above all, to those who try to offend Keanu who has not it (yet), I answer:
the diploma is a certificate of instruction in certain subjects, it is NOT a certificate of intelligence or intellectual value.

Apologizing to those who have felt offended, I thank for reading.
Anonymous said…
It was just released that AG is joining Keanu for the filming in Berlin again. She has managed to get her paintings in a group exhibition in a prestigious gallery in Berlin, most possibly using Keanu’s name again. More paparazzi strolls. More paparazzi kisses to come. Keanu is completely supporting her, Christian. How about you update your readings? Keanu is AG’s willing accomplice and as bad as her. Two conartists and shameless self promoters.

This is my guess based on my experience.

I do believe Grant pretends to be related to Holocaust Survivors throughout her life to get everything in her favour.

And I further believe Keanu bought Grant’s FAKE Holocaust Survivor family history, so that he has been helping Grant keenly.

People who fake up Holocaust Survivor family history tend to be pro-Nazi, this is evidenced by Grant who imitated Hitler.

People like Grant always play victim cards to earn trust from good souls like Keanu Reeves and his family, then they take advantage of Keanu’s trust making him a victim.

Think about Johnny Depp and AH, Prince Harry and MM, after all, AH, MM and Grant are the very same.

Vampires never expose their true identity in order ot victimize their targets, snakes pretend to be harmless but they are poisonous and fatal.

AH, MM and Grant are deceptive, fraudulent and manipulative, Grant played the victim card so well that it won its RO case against Ms. Parker, but we all know its true colour except Keanu.

Have a nice day and I enjoy learning from all of you while sharing my thoughts. 🌹🌹🌹
AN EAGLE said…
Good morning:

Just saw some comments online about Keanu Reeves and his girlfriend A Grant. It is has been revealed that, both Keanu Reeves and A Grant are involved in secretive White Suprematists and Pro-Nazi groups who are known for anti-humanity and racists positions. A Grant has been collecting Black Lives Matter information and report to the secrets they belong to. There is a photo of A Grant who imitated Adolf Hitler at a church. Being racists, A Grant sued Ms. Parker, a poor, old, blind woman without mercy, and it is said that Ms. Parker has been very suicidal.

I will post A Grant’s photo showing she worships Hitler and Nazi. I think the world should be informed that, both Keanu Reeves and A Grant are likely to belonging to White Suprematists and Pro-Nazi groups, also Keanu Reeves supported Donald Trump, a known racist.

I will continue my comment later on.
Anonymous said…
Depp an alcoholic, a visitor to all LA brothels and Epstein Island is not worthy of anybody's love, but crazy people are thrown at such
Anonymous said…
all patricia taylor's facelifts will not make her a queen, she is born a cheap plebeian plebeian and will die, and even rich men with blue ticks on her instagram will not make her a person or a kind woman like her daughters, the same evil corrupt witches like their beloved grant

Keanu may return to Germany to continue Matrix 4 or John Wick 4, he has not broken up with AG I guess, so I think we need to be prepared to see Keanu and Grant together again in Berlin?

hahaha, I don't believe Keanu loves Grant, it seems to me Grant has been stalking Keanu everywhere over these years; perhaps Keanu was too good to say no to Grant, who plays victim cards too well.

have some fun.

"Warner Bros. originally had “The Matrix 4” on the release calendar for May 21, 2021 before the pandemic forced the studio to bump the sequel to April 1, 2022. “Matrix” fans got good news in October 2020 when the studio announced the release was moving forward to December 22, 2021. As a 2021 release, “The Matrix 4” will adhere to Warner Bros.’ controversial hybrid release strategy of opening in theaters on the same day it becomes available to stream on HBO Max for 31 days."
Anonymous said…
of course, I did)))under the gun he was taken to lacma broke into the house on his sofa and put a mask on his face in his bedroom with his illegitimate daughter from an ugly self-serving "classmate" did you see the picture from his bedroom?! two sucking chicks?!
Anonymous said…
Speaking of A. Grant and not only (?),

it seems she has all the characteristics of a stalker, troll, energy vampire, energy parasit, ecc. and that her choices of doing "dirty work" are leading her to become a mentally and psychic diseased person, so, a person which does not understand what she is doing.

Also 'IG account 'k..r..sisastalker' s runner has the same characteristics.

Do these 2 people have the same employer who pay them?
what if it's the SAME person? - A. Grant

Without FBA and INTERPOL investigations, RO, etc. it won't be possible to solve the problem and deliver the sick(s) to the right care.
Anonymous said…
Even the alcolists, drug addicts and smokers, poisoning their brains and pineal glands, loose a soul's connection to the divine source and/or to the natural universal energy source, so, they loose the possibility of psycho-physical and energetic self-balancing and after become sick.

So, pay attention.

Apologizing to those who have felt offended, I just want to help.
Anonymous said…
Ha! What’s if A. Grant runs the IG account “k…r…sisastalker” ? – Yeah:

- she hates Keanu
- she needs the proofs of stalking against her
- the IG “k..r..sisastalker” feeds of the energy of everyone who reads and comments there - of everyone, even of supporters energy !!!

Does everyone, listed on the Parker's RO, know each other?
Or are there the unidentified accounts?

If There Are the unidentified accounts, Why Is No One of them Asking For Investigations? - Do you like being listed on the RO?
Who are you waiting for? - Are you waiting for Keanu after offending him for so long? - So, you too have lost your brains.
Anonymous said…
So, IG "k...r...sisastalker" account is managed by A. Grant?

Otherwise, it's not explained Why this IG "k...r..sisastalker" so ardently promotes the idea about a couple!
No comment?
Lots of publicity free for A. Grant!

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