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TOLD YA It's Girl..Meghan Markle & Prince Harry, are they pregnant. or are they not??



T. W. said…
The child was allegedly born 3 days ago but the official Royal website says Prince Harry has one child. 🤔
Anonymous said…
Hey CD including you and many psychic and tarot readers said that they are not seeing baby Or pregnancy coming full term. I'm happy that baby is fine but still I can't shake of the feeling that something is still very much off what do you think?
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T. W. said…
Why was the child born at Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital? 🏥
T. W. said…
Did the real Lilibet die clutching her pearls when she heard the news?

Is that why the official British Royal website is not updated with the birth news?

I am serious.
CD! What do the Senior Royals really thinking about the child’s name? I mean, they trash the family but are trying to cash in
T. W. said…
The Original Sarah

You made an excellent point!
Jules said…
Lilbet Diana .. really? This dark noir, this Hitchcock-esque type psychological thriller takes yet another turn .. its just so sinisterly twisted. I wonder whose baby they are going to borrow?
Anonymous said…
Ugh, these two. Idiots. They think by naming the child after the queen that this makes up for all the strife and turbulence that they caused her, well it doesn't!

The queen is not a stupid woman. Under normal circumstances, a Great Grandmother would be thrilled to hear of such news of being named after her great grandchild, but not in this case! Ditto Grandpa Charles!

I'm afraid their OOPS interview with Oprah really put a nail in the coffin!

As Jules jokingly said in a recent previous post that the queen died while clutching her pearls when she heard this news, while I believe she still cares for Harry, this news does not bring the happiness that one would hope.

Oh yes, the palace will still send gifts and their congrats to the **cough** "happy" couple, but it's all just a formality.

Expect to see Meghan soon take over the front covers of most of the magazines.

It won't be good.

CAP Anonymous
Londongal said…
Whilst a birth should be for celebration this is Shameful buttering up attempt after the lies they’ve told. We all knew Diana would be in there somewhere
Londongal said…
Halarious. According to the DM they are taking parental leave. Thought that first most have to have an actual job to take leave from
T. W. said…
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Anonymous said…
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T. W. said…
These comments 😂 😆
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You have a Told Ya

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T. W. said…
It’s 9:33 pm eastern time US. Sunday night.

It’s 3:33 am in London. Monday morning.

The official BRF site still says Prince Harry has only one child. 🤔
Anonymous said…
LiLibeth, is actually one of Lilith (the queen of hell name).....lilithu..lilitah..lily...are all written down in different stones..lilibeth exist! This Goddess after story once queen of heaven and after fallen to hell it was called in some of stone close to her statue lilibeth ,or Lilith,lilithu,so on......much new in songs they use "lilya" for same difficult for me to believe that the royal family don't know that, when Elisabeth was small and they choose to ghive her this of masonic group is called lilibeth..and is older than the Elisabeth the queen....
T. W. said…

I thought the same thing!

I agree, the Duke & Duchess of SuckIt know who & what Lilith is.

I want to add there’s a story that Lilith was Adam’s first wife. If THEY say so…

Does “Lilith” remind you of “Cthulhu”?
Anonymous said…
Tw..doesn't no sorry ... still this fantasy make me think to the old books is described that the hier angels..the watchers... could transform in dragons.. on... inclusive description of God is fritening.... it's say that between interbreeding of human woman and the watchers appeared the giants...all this things are written down.. something accepted by the church ( facts!) But more you will find in gnostic... earlier than Judaism in mesopotamian kingdom appear that lilithu..she was queen of the both worlds... like Hades...she was queen of heaven and the beginning of Judaism and old testament she was a very positive and popular godess
Anonymous said…
the new appeared saints from old testament don't want her ..are inscription on a stone in a museum I think.. they said the scholars of antic time's that she needs to be removed because will determine the woman to not obey and be wild..... they convence the other scholar of this time to not talk about her positive or at all, and in less than 100 years is transformed into a monster (less say godess) ..I think not sure the name ( sorry)Aavram.? like this , with them will she became in shadow for ever.if you read the gnostic yes lilithu was after some stories created "once" with Adam (...the story say I don't believe).... from the same clay.. because him was made in to the light of day was white and because she was created in twilight she was green... her name was translated in many ways but still some interpretation was like the beautiful..the most unique..the one whidout kind... the only one!!! Well how can Adam be the kind of someone completely unique? Him was human..she was reptiles after look...her name resonance more with a good name that the half of Adam...I will told you a take of you leave it depends on you. Consider this a good story if you don't believe her.In heaven was 2 special tree the tree of Life and the tree of knowledge..
Anonymous said…
Adam and Eve they could eat from tree of life ( who only if you smell or touch his fruits become crazy...wat could ghive to someone was primarily animalistic instincts... but they was allowed to eat...if not you heard somewhere in books dot eat from him? ) the thee of knowledge make the human s to use the brain,to know magic.. after gnostic Adam was not repealed from heaven.. him run away...if you study religion maby should be interested for you.... you never realized why Grande make song's like good is a woman... Eilish all the good girl gets to he'll? The good girl was a gnostic story from the masonic point of who is lily and how started the fight... it's say that the trees was two sick god's...
(From a fight or something )dependingg how sick so the results of their own fruits...the tree of life haved a name..Mabae( read mabee) it's say that this lilith godes of heaven let's two different populations in her city's and because he's sister was to sick and was scared for Wat could happen she chose to move the tree far away in a forest and protected her self.. nobody can come in contact with the tree.. never her, because was her own sister whe will take the disease.. with the time this two population started to have misunderstooding about rulling of this says that her matrimony was already arranged with a very strong man the prince of one of the population... still the right hand of this prince could not support her, because she was nobody in his eyes not good for his own prince and she was green. his name after the masons was Michael... who wrote down the story is Joachim the pillars.. him was a alchemist and healer and a this time.. him was most of the time in the forest alowded by her lily for herbs.. this tree was closed to a river from a waterfall( tazana) one side of river grow up a small flower ( the mogabee. ) It's say that could heal almost everything if you know how.. but the flower could grow up because the orange tree was enough close.. was a relationship between.. flower and tree
Anonymous said…
.in one of Joachim visit to the forest him remember saw samhael there to compliment her for wedding and was odd for her and quite if she talks nice she doesn't have to many ideas about what talk samael.. it's say that Gabrielle ( she is twin with Michael born from same flame buth never accepted like twin flame .. they called one each other brother) she was in love with samael... but seems to be him not with her.. she was following him there...and everywhere..and she saw him talk with Lilith. she became gelous... she was hiding behind plants there and when samael was gone she listened one discussion when Joachim asked what was the meaning of the tree after him gone and was sure she could defend her self, from bad effect ,she chose to revenge whidout think.. she started beat the animals of the forest and direct all of them in tree direction..Lilith saw, whidout blinking she go to push more animal far away from tree... but was to late..some of animals already pushing it already in this thee and his flowers fall of Lilith...she became like a animal! She broke her clothes she pulled the heart out of animals and some of them quite eat it .. when Joachim realise that Gabrielle was there him asked her what she did and if she realised the consequences... she answered that she doesn't care because now she will not take her crush... Joachim explain that she Lilith was not wit samael( not in this moment...later will be).. Gabrielle realise how worse think gone and call her brother for helping... Joachim was depased by all so him believe calling Michael is going to be ok. When Michael come him think that him could not fix her and bring the queen Lilith in forest.... they don't know what to do.. but sure they not ask help.. Daniel the angel find out too and in beginning him believe Michael try to help... with the day's she became calmed and complete sweet but forgot who and what she is... she realised that they come and go from somewhere and asking them to be taken to.. they rejected.. she Started to complaint that she is alone and ( Joachim said that him not saw good creating Adam... but there in this forest appeared with Michael a man ,and Michael says that this is her man adam( Joachim think that was the fruit of this there..) she finished beated maltreated by this man humiliated and.. still they don't have clothing.. for Michael was not important the queen him was scared for his sister.. the punishment was definitely exile.. him was not about the queen .. never was.. in the same time in the city the few people who saw her in her castle periodic now taking that something is wierd... enough to make samael to put questions (the biggest rival of Michael because the both fight for the high position in the army and Michael saw always a problem) city they start to separe in two categories ( from the both population) someone who support samael in finding the truth and wat is about and Who support blindly Michael. Joachim who was busy trying to save the queen don't believe that will become this fight a big probleme... him described that Jesus was not there In this time to fix problems( and Joachim don't know why) is finish in complete woor ..after story Michael told to them to fight out of city for reduce the amount of risks and victim and samael accept.. but seems to be Michael cheat! Once out him assure him self that they can come back change some magic keys of the doors.
Anonymous said…
so they are in the earth.. still good guys for now.. but i supose will come other too later ( the watchers) the time in the garden Daniel don't support to see Lilith suffer any more and realise Michael will not help so him ghive her 4 magic permanent incantations... him say that this will bring her 4 winds who will bring her out of there.. and she should wait for him because him will come.. she use the permanents and when she fall to the earth she light the sky in a silver green light.. she realised why some of people say that she glows and some call her Lucie... because the light was very strong who goes to find her was samael and his team and find her after 44 day's.. ( in this moment this fallen was still ordinary "people") she refused to let this place because she hopes Daniel will come... but didn't.. with time she , she rejected from city she enjoys samael and because him was married with her ,the queen , him become ..not the lider... become the king of them. Him choose to use the titles of the light of heaven because him believe that him represent the time in heaven the think was very heavily.. and Adam asked to be bring back lilithu..michael was in agree with ,her back there because was scared by the heyrs children between her interbreeding with samael ,so him send 3 people to convince her .. she refused ( who will come back?!) it's say that Joachim find from I don't know where Jesus.and was not easy... when him saw asked Michael and him not said Wat happen , only parts of story.. from mercy it says that God split Adam in two (or they use I tree again..) but Adam still insist with the first one and asking Michael for the chance to talk with her... it's say that is happened.. but from the rage him killed one of Lilith dother.(2she have it 2 kids :wisdom and monarchy W&M).Lilith became crazy from rage and don't think logically any more in this 3dimension in this time Daniel who is eliberate come with God in the earth, because they heard already Wats happening, and the good is not happy at all.Samael asked two things to stop all there : the head of Gabrielle (good don't know nothing about her yet , Michael don't say nothing about her) and Adam life... it's say good refused because him make apeal to Sam correctitude... good asked to Adam to apologize and Adam says yes but him spit in the eyes samael... good choose to send Lilith in this time with Daniel and the girl too wath samael was not in agree.. it's happening very fast and samael could not defend his family than but swear him will continue looking for her and the girl's( inclusive the spirit of the losted in the 3 dimension one) will bring the queen back in her home and will rape kill destroy any Adam children if ever will have....after apear a snake who recommended them to eat..
Anonymous said…
they come in earth and make kids and samael is there to pay him bills till the queen will take his heaven.... it's was never about samael not obey to Adam...was about Lilith dauter killed... after they Lilith was the bride of Jesus.and the real queen of heaven. sorry if my story is boring... it's say good never allow Daniel fall in love with the queen... but Daniel was.. from heaven.. him not have it the wright to touch her.. because in her situation she could finish in love with him. a movie.. just for your fun....the fallen...the personage are lucie and the and angel Daniel. you are free to believe what want or take it like a good story.
Anonymous said…
T w .. I joke sorry.. don't take it to seriously.but the movie is great
Anonymous said…
I recommend you the movie "the fallen" don't take my story to seriously..I know you love religion.. so don't take it personally ..take it like..a joke.. nothing serious.ok?
T. W. said…
Hi Anonymous!

I had a difficult time reading but I think you are sharing with us what the Gnostics, Freemasons, & possibly others believe about Lilith and others.

I thank you for sharing what you know here!

I am not mad at you, I do appreciate you telling me about the joke you made.

Laughter is the best medicine and I definitely need it today!

God bless you!



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