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Unknown said…
Morning my daily sunshine. Just knowing you are here makes me smile. Love your heart CD
T. W. said…
Good morning! 🌞
teacher wendy said…
PRAYERS PLEASE FOR MY SISTER KARLYN ....My sister hurt her back Thursday night on the other side that doesnt hurt, just a knot. She was doing ok but in pain. Yesterday she had swollen feet so I talked to her cardiologist, better this morning but yesterday and today she was just acting goofy. So I thought maybe an infection bevause she is not moving around enough or using the bathroom as much because she was hurting? In an effort to not over medicate her I didnt give her the sleeping meds because she was taking muscle relaxers for her back. This afternoon we spent in the emergency room. Turns out no infection, no breaks, they really see no signs of a stroke....the medication I thought was a sleeping pill ( which at small doses they use that way is also an antipsychotic and you cant stop it cold turkey) no one told me that....I try so hopefully she will return to her "normal" crazy self but right now with little to no sleep because her back has been hurting for 4 days and me screwing up her meds, she is slurring her speech and confused. They said 24 hours she should be better as soon as the medication is back in her system and I wait.....I did this to her....DAM....I TRY SO HARD!
Starlight said…


we are with you
and your sister ❤️

T. W. said…

Help is on the way.

I suggest getting a private duty nurse or a medication aide. I would be afraid to put someone in a care facility.

But it sounds like you are too tired to read the medication labels.

If your sister’s doctors did not explain what the medication is for then that is malpractice. Please find another care provider for your sister.
LB said…
@Teacher Wendy

You are trying the best you can! Don’t be so hard on yourself!
Definitely on my prayer list!!
Lots of great advice here, medication can interact and cause side
effects, which you didn’t know about, not your fault.
Btw, talking to your doctor about your sisters Med list is best,
Also, your local pharmacist can help with the side effects with certain meds!
If she had a fall, dud she hit her head? Usually a MRI can rule out
Anything there . IMO 😊
Praying for you and your sister at this time!

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