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Even as little as $5 a month.
Would help me spend more time on the blog.
Lots A Luv
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCzuhlcxgDfceKHjCZW7V5aA
He does not make money from blogging.
He kindly answers our questions for free.
If you cannot afford it, please consider a one time financial gift? His birthday is this month!
How can I do that?
It takes time for the comments to show.
I thank you for showing your true colors to the world!
New International Reader's Version
God does not take back his gifts. He does not change his mind about those he has chosen.
At one time you did not obey God. But now you have received mercy because Israel did not obey.
In the same way, Israel has not been obeying God. But now they receive mercy because of God’s mercy to you.
Your empire will not fail...ever!
I will pledge monthly
Hope KR does also lol
C.Dion, try do not criticize VIPs publicly, try to say what you think privately, after payment, and you will see that you will have more customers and no one will take advantage...
It is WE who are able to have the skills or to lose the skills due to mistakes.
TW, sorry, but you are not the supreme judge. Do you “see” colours?
Sara, are you Sarah White, which has wrote the comments under the anonymous voice recordings of “Angel Letters”?
Anyway, under C. Dion videos you have wrote that you were conceived to be born under a sign of water, right?
You are free to think as you want, but have you ever read about the giving birth?
1) There are Caesarean sections, done in a few minutes, before the baby starts to move: so the planned date of birth comes changed.
2) There are natural travails that can last for days, so the planned date of birth comes changed.
3) There are "forced" travails because baby does not want to come out, so the planned date of birth comes changed.
4) There are premature births, as it is in your case, right?
What are all these cases?
Are they planned by the Soul?
Or are the Higher Forces intervening to change the way?
You are free to think as you want¬, but:
1. Keanu, like all human beings, has strengths and weaknesses - the saints stay in the “heaven”.
2. Do you “see”, as a clairvoyant, your future family with Keanu?
I am please you and your sister are doing better!
I never said your true colors are bad.
But your reply to me shows that they are.
By the way, I did not need to say you are a nasty piece of work.
Your reply to Christian says it all.
I bet you wish he never posted that comment!
vs Sara N.
“We don't judge you” … We, RO family…
Breathe before judging: It takes time to understand that here it is not a chat and messages need to be approved by C. Dion.
P.S. Dogs that bark are preferable to dogs that bite...
Those who tell the truth straight in face are preferable to the false gentiles, which gently poison...
Even in this comment you can't do it without provocations towards Keanu.
It really feels your "ssssh..." of the snakes!
Won't you really calm down without an RO for every one of you?
"I am not, I don't have, I never was, I never will be..."
You know, she did not know - leave the girl in peace, otherwise you too could end in RO,
"we...supporting tw in it"
you think you are not recognizable...
1) What of bad did Keanu to you? Why dare you say “I never know if this guy ever wash him self so far from rivality”?
Com’on, give “us” an explanation, what is your problem?
2) Your defendings of C. Dion is strange and on this topic I do not continue...
3) C. Dion does not publish all comments and he gives an impression that he "sympathizes" to the community “Stalker clown - Rosescented - Katharina 1967”.
I don't know if C. Dion has permission from Keanu to publish his pics, but I know that by pics of Keanu with A. Grant he won't attract the potential customers who pay: On the contrary.
4) Tell me, T.W., why I think that you are commenting (against Keanu and those who defends him) under the posts of Stalker clown on IG?