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TOLD YA Gavin Newsom WINS..


A2Qs Ep8 DiCaprio, Pitt. Chris Evans. Keanu.DC Comics Cavill.CD.Newsome.Pitt.

 A2Qs Ep8
Sat 8th April 2021

Marley London ASKS

Do you see Governor Gavin Newsom winning the recall election in California?


T. W. said…
Gruesome Newsome one because there were too many people in the race.

Good luck California!
T. W. said…
The MET 2021 Gala: Another Display of the Elite’s Insanity

The MET Gala 2021 was yet another bizarre event that was replete with powerful messages and symbolism. Here’s a look at the most insane costumes featured at this live-action puppet show.


After being canceled in 2020 due to COVID, the MET Gala picked up where it left off and provided yet another bizarre and grotesque spectacle for the world to witness. While most of the celebrities in attendance spent the last months spamming their social media accounts with posts urging people to wear masks at all times, nearly none of the guests wore masks. Only the help and employees were obligated to wear masks. This visual contrast between the elite and the non-elite was striking, yet representative of their true mindset.
Anonymous said…
Hey Christian!

My BFF lives in a great condo in West LA, a very upscale building, NOT child friendly at all. She told me that none other than Joe Elliott of Def Leppard is moving in there. Why would a happily married guy with 2 small children suddenly move into such a place? My BFF and her husband can't figure it out, do you know?
T. W. said…
Prince Harry And Meghan Markle Made The Cover Of TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People Of 2021 Issue
Kitt Med said…
Hey CD, do you see any babies for Megan Fox with MGK her boyfriend,?
Anonymous said…
Well psychic dion >Is singer Leona lewis in a real deal marriage or is Dennis as dodgy as Britney spears false love rung guy?
Jules said…
My commiserations to all who live in California. Rumour has it this was a move by those writing 'the movie' to wake people up.
Anonymous said…
We are stuck with Gruesome because it was stolen for him again. Stolen by his witch aunt and dominion (which is the name of a DEMON by the way) and the witch aunt is on the board of dominion voting systems. We got him to face a recall only to have it hijacked. You really think they are going to let the Joker lose and ruin his chance to be president???? Also there are too many dumb asleep people in California who want communism and want to be controlled! They line up to give away their freedom (which we will never be able to get back by the way)! These are the same morons wearing a mask and a face shield in their car alone with the windows rolled down because they think the big bad varient lives in the air and is coming to get them. They enjoy wearing their face masks and using their v passports and will be applauding when we are truly in the dystopian hunger games where we cannot leave our “districts”. Trust me its coming. Fraudci is already talking about it. Not letting people travel out of state. Its not a conspiracy theory if its true. The forced vaccines and v passport were a “conspiracy theory” and guess what??? Its here it’s happening. Wake the f up.
T. W. said…
I can’t speak for all the mask wearers.

I wear a mask while in my car because I have severe allergies.

My point is we do not always know why people do what they do.

They may be doing something we think is silly but for their specific situation it is necessary.

I understand Anonymous’s frustration.

We must be merciful & loving. If what someone else is doing is not causing harm then just leave it alone.

Better yet, why not ask God to show the right people the cure to COVID-19?
Jules said…
HRH TW - There are already existing cures for COVID-19 and front line Drs are curing patients they are doing this with legacy drugs. Unfortunately, every time Drs stood up and publically spoke about this to ease the fear, they were ridiculed in the press and their videos purged from all social media.

Here are some links ...




I pray for people to wake up.
T. W. said…
Thank you Jules!

My opinion is THEY want people to die.
Anonymous said…
Bingo T.W. This is about population control and they want people to die. THEY claim there are too many people on this prison planet (a lie there are too many for them to control). So they are actively culling people off the planet. Sorry just my opinion but this is an IQ test to see who is easily controlled and will do what they are told. This hijacks your immune system to attack itself. Please question why they are forcing this on people and why they want people to comply and consent to take it. That way the Karma is on them because they agreed to it of their own free will. This is a human experiment and i am not going to be a crash test dummy in someones human experiment.
T. W. said…
Anonymous September 17, 2021 at 8:34 PM


THEY have worse plans than this. Do not fear, for YHWH is our hiding place.
Jules said…
HRH TW - I am in absolute agreement with you.
Anonymous said…
California's population fell by 182000 last year. First population decline since 1850.
No suprise when property is a third of the price in Nevada and no state income tax in Nevada but California state income tax is approx 10 per cent!
T. W. said…
God bless you Jules! 😘
Anonymous said…
TW God bless you and God will save us. The great awakening is upon us. I highly encourage people who don’t believe what THEY have in store for us to look up Agenda 21 (we are in it) Event 201 (which was the test for the scamdemic) Agenda 2030 (where THEY are taking us). agenda 2030 is “you will own nothing and be happy” NLP programming telling you that the masses will be completely controlled own nothing and have to deal with it. The 1% will own everything and we will be in communism. China will the the super power (because they are already used to communism and being completely controlled ) the Us will be a 3rd world country.

Just look around. You will find that thEy are building complexes that are hybrid housing with stores/shops on the ground floor. Why? Because you will not be able to go anywhere or travel outside your area.
T. W. said…

Thank you for the heads up!

Agenda 2030 is frightening.

Funny how THEY own multiple homes and private islands.

But we aren’t allowed to do the same.
Anonymous said…
TW you and I are on the same page. I have great respect fot you here providing links in these comments. I am asking people to please think critically (something they dont want only braindead zombies allowed apparently). Question everything and exit the matrix. Everything you have been taught or conditioned to believe is a lie:

Global warming does not exist in reality. They are creating it with weather modification. This is real. Investigate for yourself.
Carbon emissions is a lie you have been told to get you to give up automobiles and gasoline. Why? Because they are conditioning you to accept public transport (which they control - you will not be able to go wherever you choose).

Its a slow progression the programming FIRST they get you to accept this is a real thing. SECOND move you to electric vehicles ( which only elites can own since they are far more expensive also run on power so if power grid is taken out no way to charge them)

What was the FIRST thing done in new admin? CANCEL Trumps oil pipline! Why? So we would not have our own oil supply thus making gasoline costs run sky high. How can regular normies afford to fill up their gas tanks with such prices? THEY CAN’T!

Waking up is hard and it is brutal to come to grips with the knowledge thar everything you have been told is a lie. Those of us awake will be here for you and we will fight for ourselves and YOU until you do.

GODSPEED to you all.
Jules said…
I am in absolute agreement with annoymous.

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