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TOLD YA.. Katie Price & Carl Woods SPLIT... Then she gets TURNED DOWN. FOR BEING TOO OLD..


Stinks like three day old fish..PHEW 

There is something very "Fishy".

About this whole thing...

Oh Well... 


All will come out in the wash...
LEGAL LEGAL LEGAL issues to come…


Canadian Jen said…
Buy what do you think of Britney getting engaged today??
Anonymous said…
More interested in the Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse situation. She’s back living with him & friends showing off his home. Rumors of a new appearance soon. Maybe the Met Gala?
Doesn’t look like a break up by summer so far. Any update?
T. W. said…
I had to research this person again. She’s the British version of Kim Kardashian.
T. W. said…
New research might help someone here.

Multiple sclerosis linked to infection in adolescence – new study


Yin Xu, Kelsi A Smith, Ayako Hiyoshi, Fredrik Piehl, Tomas Olsson, Scott Montgomery, Hospital-diagnosed infections before age 20 and risk of a subsequent multiple sclerosis diagnosis, Brain, Volume 144, Issue 8, August 2021, Pages 2390–2400,
Anonymous said…
Hi CD, will Megan fox and her boyfriend mgk relationship last? If so, will they get married? If so, will they have kids?
Please tell us about MGK and Megan Fox.
T. W. said…

CDC Quietly Changes Definition of ‘Vaccination’


The Centers for Disease Control quietly changed the definition of "vaccination" earlier this month. Congressman Thomas Massie tweeted the change last week.

Here is the old definition of "vaccination" from the CDC's website (2012):

"Vaccination: Injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent the disease."
In August 2021, the CDC updated the definition of "vaccination" to align with the new mRNA spike protein vaccine program:

"Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease."
However, the word "immunity" was problematic because studies out of Israel show that God-given natural immunity provides 27 times more protection than mRNA vaccines.

The CDC removed the word "immunity" and replaced it with "protection", since immunity conferred by mRNA "vaccines" fades in 3-6 months.

Here is the new definition of "vaccination" from (updated on Sept. 1):

Vaccination: The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease.
Twitter users accused the CDC of moving the goalposts yet again.

Expect Dr. Anthony Fauci and CNN to downplay and minimize natural immunity as trivial since mRNA spike protein shots provide better "protection."

Dr. Fauci couldn't answer a basic question about immunity when CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta went off-script last week. See video below.


Dr Fauci doesn't know how you make the case for vaccines over protection from natural immunity

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