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Morning.. As Requested a CHECK IN POST

 T.W. Has requested we have a Blog Post Check in.

So here it is.

Just add your name, location & a few words.

In the comment section.

Thank You



MBMOM said…
MBmom - South Bay - praying for peace. Sending ❤️
T. W. said…
HRH TW North Carolina I am blessed and loved. I got good news from the allergist. I have other things that need to be fixed in my life but things are much better than they have been for the last few years. I pray all of you enjoy a beautiful weekend and I pray you receive and enjoy all the blessings God gives to you. ❤️
Kitt Med said…
Good morning from Chicago.
I got good news today, from my doctor.
Let's all pray for peace! Pray for love!
Kitt Med said…
Hi TW! Happy you got good news too! Hugs! Kitt
Anonymous said…
Let’s pray for peace, love and harmony in the world. I pray for all that are hurting, god give them strength, love and protection.

MH said…
Hello everyone, Melinda from Vancouver, Canada. I have lots of questions Christian, that I’m trying to find answers for. I’m curious yet still scared. Knowledge is power. Sometimes I wish to live in a new Earth (come on Elon) where sickness & evil doesn’t exist.. With all the devastation around, is hard to stay positive and I escape into my daydreams where I feel understood, accepted, safe, protected, cared for & loved. Thank you Christian for being you and all of you warm hearted souls. ♥️♥️♥️
Mother of an Angel said…
Good morning from North Carolina! Still sending prayers, love & angels to CD & family, as well as to all in Ukraine.
Tricklem said…
TrickleM - Alberta Canada. Praying for peace and an end to the violence.
Starlight said…

I follow intuitively ✨
the signs on my way

I‘m glad that you’re
feeling better TW ❣️

Lovely Libra said…
From NW FL, I’m sending love to all beings - in all galaxies - across all space and time. I stand for Ukraine…peace…love…equality…cats & dogs…chocolate…and chocolate martini’s.
T. W. said…
MBMOM - I’m praying with you!

KittMed - I am thrilled you received great news as well! Thank you for the hugs. I’m hugging you right back!

MH - We love you too! Jesus Christ can help you. He will if you ask. If you have already asked, ask God to help you receive help. That is my prayer for all of us.

Mother of An Angel - Howdy neighbor! You are not alone.

Tricklem - Amen.

Starlight 💫 - Thank you do much! Your beautiful words bless me and I’m glad you are part of our community!

Everyone - We will continue to love and we will get through this together.
Beth said…
Inhabitant of the looniverse.
Just muddling through.
Cat Lady said…
Cat Lady from Jefferson City Missouri USA. Glad everyone is alright. I am a Math professor at a small university. Many colleges and universities are receiving bomb threats. We had to take the FEMA online training on what to do if there is an active shooter. Please pray for the safety of all colleges and universitie.
gfbcpa said…
gfbcpa from Long Island, NY - 25 miles east of NYC. It has been a tough decade for me. My only child passed away two years ago last week from a glioblastoma which is the deadliest type of brain tumor... John McCain, Ted Kennedy, Beau Biden and Neil Peart... a club you never want to join. I am surviving with the help of a bereavement group and my husband and my work. I am looking into either becoming an end-of-life doula or starting a chapter of NODA (No One Dies Alone) when I retire. This blog has enriched my life. Christian...I can tell by looking at the photos of your Mom and Dad that they were both very special people. I am sure that they were both very proud of you.
gfbcpa said…
That is my son and his cat Hammie in my avatar. Hammie never left his side and passed away two months later.
T. W. said…
Hello Lovely Libra!

Beth - I understand completely.

Cat Lady - You are in my prayers. Can you please share your thoughts on Common Core Mathematics?

gfbcpa - Please accept my condolences and hugs. We are always here for you. I agree with you, no one should die alone.
Blackbird said…
Good afternoon to precious CD and this wonderful community :-)

TW - you are so kind and thoughtful, a true friend to all X

I'm checking in from New Zealand, where it's a lovely fine summer's day - albeit quite windy.

I am extremely anxious and worried about so much that is happening. I will keep all that need help in my prayers and hope that the atrocities that are playing out, will soon be over.

Letty said…
Letty from chicago praying and sending light!
Anonymous said…
Kate Upstate New York. Starting brand new soon.
teacher wendy said…
Hello my friends from Wisconsin. I chose a non profit hospice that has both in home & residential with good references for my sister. I talked to the doctors for referrals. My sister's new meds have helped some and I have her back upstairs in her apartment. I have to give the doctor's the referral numbers and take a step at a time. I am calling someone to see if they will help me clean and try not to let David get me too discouraged. Honey is ok as are my other 4 dogs. The last 6 weeks have seemed almost impossible with caretaking, nursing amd friends have stepped up and have sent me some wonderful things, called, texted, messaged...and kept me going. Life seems to be lightening up and I need to find some balance and healing for awhile, until the next round. Oh and in a few weeks I can start up my greenhouse.
T. W. said…
Blackbird - Hello! You are precious! We are having an early spring in North Carolina. The daffodils are out. Please do not be anxious. Tell God what you are worried about and ask Jesus to permanently remove your worries. Ask God to replace the troubles with His wisdom, love, care, and ideas. Ask God to help you receive those blessings.

Letty - I pray you are warm in Chicago!

Katelyn - I am happy you are getting a new start. I pray you receive and enjoy many blessings!

Teacher Wendy - I am happy you, your sister and Honey are getting help! God is great! Enjoy your greenhouse!
Anonymous said…
Thx CD for your kindness and good idea HRH TW. It’s Caz from Melbourne Australia ( aka Girl from Oz without the handle). I pray for us all as everyone is having significant challenges. I am so horrified with what is occurring in Ukraine right now and where it might end up. When will human kind learn from the past. Mother Earth is suffering and human kind are suffering from what could potentially be devastation. Take care all.
Anonymous said…
I stay curious. I want to send more consideration I regard to your mom. May God protect everyone. This is Charlene Reeves. Hello everyone.
T. W. said…
Caz/Girl from Oz - Long time, no hear! I'm asking God for divine intervention because we humans aren't learning & can't help each other the way we should.

Charlene Reeves - Welcome! Don't be a stranger!
Olá a todos!!! Meu nome é Bianca
(Artemisia). Sou Fonoaudióloga!
Moro no Brasil, no estado do Rio de Janeiro.
Desejo que tenhamos mais equilíbrio em nossas escolhas, principalmente os líderes de cada nação!!!
T. W. said…
From Google Translate:

Hello everyone!!! My name is Bianca
(Artemia). I'm a speech therapist!
I live in Brazil, in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
I wish that we have more balance in our choices, especially the leaders of each nation!!!
T. W. said…
Olá Artemísia! Estou tão feliz em ouvir de você!
Unknown said…
Oi Tw!!! 😘🌻⚘
Sempre que posso leio alguns comentários aqui!!!

Bom dia Tw eu que escrevi o comentário
Oi Tw!!! ����⚘
Sempre que posso leio alguns comentários aqui!!!
T. W. said…
Bom dia Artemísia! Nós te amamos e sentimos sua falta. Por favor, não seja um estranho!
Sahilah said…
Sahilah, MY

Lost my dad due to COVID-19. Appointed as Research Fellow in International Politics in UNHR. Bound to move into Austria by April.

I hope everyone is well, safe & sound.
T. W. said…
Sahilah, please accept my condolences. Losing a parent is difficult and many of us here have experienced this, myself included.

I am glad you are alive. I recall someone told you that you would die soon. I declared that was a lie. Sahilah, you shall not die. You shall live and declare the works if the LORD.

I am also excited for you! Congratulations on your fellowship and I pray your transition to Austria is smooth and joyful!
Starlight said…


I know sorrow

take your time
to heal

don’t lose faith
that it goes on

those who have
passed over
are with us ✨

the bond of Love
no one can tear it !

and sometime
you can transform
your pain - into
helping others ❤️

cats are wonderful
soul companions

Starlight said…


I’m sad that you’ve
lost your father

I hope you can feel
the connection to him

how he accompanies
you in your new
stage of life ✨

do you remember
how you wanted
to change your life

now it is happening ❤️

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