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TOLD YA.. TOOK A WHILE…Broken Prince Andrew… One is NOT Amused…

2015 Predictions 

Composed between 

Nov 14th  noon & Dec 1st 7pm 2014

In Hermosa Beach Ca, USA.


Queen Elizabeth II

 A rough one, 

health is the big question of this year. 

Plus a scandal in the ranks,

 that will rock her house.

 There's a divorce close to home too


Anonymous said…
I know you have a lot going on.
And I’m very sorry for your loss of your beautiful mother.
I was just wondering if you posted your prediction for 2022?
Thank you
Sally said…
Please tell us more this is very intriguing.

Thank you X
Anonymous said…
The divorce being Harry's and Meghan's?

CD, you shining light in the rainy darkness, could you please, please, please do an updated prediction of the Johnny Depp versus Amber Heard Virginia lawsuits and on JD's love life? Has he met the One? Or will this happen before his birthday this year? Many think the battle between JD and AH will be fought out in court, but is it coming to this? Or will there be a settlement? What is going on behind the scenes? DO TELL!
Anonymous said…
I never pray indeed whatever karma brings good or bad its all to do with past lives and this life, who saved the guy from dying in the car when the Russian tank ran over his car ? The angels in fact no need to pray and Jesus dying did not take away anyone's sins and some people win lottery and think about themselfs and not others
T. W. said…

For the second night in a row I dreamt Prince William was crowned King. I will send an email to give you more details.
T. W. said…

T. W. said…
Why are some people still feeling sorry for this pile of 💩?

He settled even though he claimed he was ready & willing to be questioned.

He got the woman to sign a non-disclosure agreement. Why? He could have told her she could talk all she wanted but could not receive compensation if any kind in exchange for her story. He could have told her she had to use wording such as “This is my recollection of events” as the Duke has not been found guilty in a court of law.

Is there something more damaging that she has not revealed to the public? Perhaps that was her ace in the hole to trap him.

I truly hope more people come forward.

Where is Koo Stark? You know she has juicy dirt on the entity known as the Duke of York.

Why does England still have a monarchy?

Y’all can’t own firearms but your monarchy can go on hunting trips with their rifles.

Why do y’all Briton’s put up with “Rules for thee but none for me?”

Y’all make sure your butter knives are sharp so you can defend yourselves against Russian tanks and bullets.
Kitt Med said…
Word on the street is that he wants to come to US and live like Harry and Megan.
Wonder if he would ho to USA?
Jules said…
Why do we still have a monarchy? Generation after generation, for literally hundreds and hundreds of centuries, the peoples of the United Kingdom have been unwittingly subjected to indoctrination, we have been manipulated and deceived. and lied to and I dare say spell cast over, using the darkest of magick.

Koo Stark, who has been described as Andrew's only serious love affair, was hit by a taxi in the early ’90s and lost two teeth and suffered a deep wound to her head, in 2002, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and endured a double mastectomy and chemotherapy.

Members of the public in the United Kingdom CAN own guns, it's just access the public have to guns is very tightly controlled by UK law. Members of the British public may be allowed to own sporting rifles and shotguns, subject to these licensing laws and conditions. Additionally, the use of firearms such as for clay pigeon shooting and sporting purposes is treated differently to ‘personal possession’ of firearms in the UK. In the UK, single, double and tripled-barrelled shotguns as well as those which have a lever-action, pump-action, semiautomatic and fixed magazine capacity of no more than three cartridges are legal with a valid Shotgun certificate and meeting the basic safety requirements for firearm possession in the UK. Types of shotgun ammunition, such a solid slug, can only be bought following the granting of a Firearm Certificate (FAC).

According to UK law, there is no actual limit on the number of guns or the total amount of ammunition that a Shotgun Certificate (SGC) holder can possess at any one time. You must be aware though, that each shotgun must be recorded on the certificates.

As for Andrew relocating to the United States, I sincerely doubt Andrew will ever be allowed to step foot in the United States ever again. Non-guilty people do NOT settle and more women have come forward.
T. W. said…

I thank you for this thorough answer! Why should one family lord over another? When the children of Israel left Egypt, God was their king. They did not annihilate all the people God told them to. Time passed and the people begged for a king because they wanted to be like all the nations around them. God used the prophet to warn them what would happen if they rejected God as king in exchange for a man as king.

I feel bad for Koo Stark. Sounds like she's been stalked and such.

As for firearms, I'm glad y'all can have something. The government is wise to make firearm use training mandatory as part of ownership. Rifles & handguns are different. More kickback (recoil) with a handgun. There are guns specifically designed to have less recoil, & for people with arthritis, carpul tunnel, etc.


People say the God of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament was violent, hateful, etc. God told the children of Israel to annihilate the other people for the following reasons:

1. They were demon possessed.

2. They were human-fallen angel hybrids (giants, deformed, superhuman powers). Fallen angels are evil spirits. One could consider them to be extraterrestrials 👾 because they are not of this Earth.

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