The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
we need to listen
sometimes is the
answer in ourselves
not in the mind in
our heart and soul
This is for T.W., its a follow-up to something you posted a while back and I thought you might find it interesting. (I hope it's ok to post this here). It's a short article about the Killing Stone in Nasu, Japan and a ceremony that was held last week.
I love all the interesting tidbits you find and post, btw!
let’s help him
Keanu Reeves
let’s build a
healing circle
like Christian has done
it since June, 2019
for this deeply
sincere human
that the truth comes out
in the light of day✨
Good morning!
I am glad you reached out and shared the link. I did read the article and I think it is important. I thank you and I pray God repays you for your kindness!
You are a precious blessing!
I almost believe you intentions are good,
but he doesn’t need a healing circle..
Visitors in this blog needs healing circle ,
they need understand what they are doing wrong.
If intention is wrong and not matching with mind they will have punishment day front of them especially when you using someone name .
Or I redirect my saying
Do you know what kind of healing he need or what do you think why he needs healing?!
What kind of truth you like to find?
I can see so many tricks behind so many mind that’s why all the circle outside blog are ridiculous ..
(If CD directing circle then he is making with own energy and intentions the circle and protecting same time but if anyone else is doing that ,
you don’t know intentions I’m right?
You can block him not intentionally and this means he feels pain in he’s back or cramp in your legs or hands mostly in the back in place what shamans calling
“witch arrow” and if you have that you whole body can hurts for 5 second sometimes more..
And if intentions are bad pain is so bad you can’t stand up from your bed.
It’s only my opinion / he needs walk his own steps and own journey by himself without any distraction’s.
If he wants be where he is, let him live he’s life ,
do not take any responsibility from him or he’s free will by praying about something he doesn’t want.
you’re right
we all have
our journey ✨
we help differently
than we thought
of course we help
we are humans