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Will Smith..... You ask I answer...


I SEE...

Will Smith will receive a suspension...

For his Oscar behaviour.

As I write this there's a 75% expulsion...

He will be banned from many Global Awards.


The BAFTA's.


The problem you have as you know is.....



Mariposa said…
Thanks for sharing CD. Happy to read this, just what he deserves!

I've been a fan of his since 1996 and I'm shocked at what he did at the Oscars - awful behaviour!

I've heard rumours about his 'truth' over the years and I hope he does something about it before it's too late.

LF x
T. W. said…
Additional info here:

TOLD YA... Whilst surfing ..... WILL SMITH OSCARS...
T. W. said…
Please allow me to break this down:

Hollywood has the nerve to beg for money to help Ukraine but did nothing when a physical assault and battery took place right in front of them.

Will Smith needs to have his Award revoked. He needs to be expelled from AMPAS. He needs his SAG/AFTRA membership revoked as well.

Both Will, Jada, Willow, & Jaden are LGBTQIA+.

Jada slept with one of her son’s friends. There are multiple reports she has slept with underage boys as well.

Rumor has it she practices witchcraft. I believe it. Some of y’all have seen the show “A Different World.” Good show by the way. Debbie Allen was one of the directors. Rumor has it she is a practicing witch and member of the LGBTQIA+. This is relevant because rumor has it she turned out many of the actresses and had them join coven. One of the actresses is Jada Pinkett.

Back to the slap.

Will Smith laughed at Chris Rock’s joke about his wife. He stopped when he looked at his wife & she rolled her eyes. Chris Rick saw his mistake & apologized. He tried to move in but Will Smith would not let it go. He even told Rock TWICE to “keep my wife’s f*cling name out of your mouth.”

This is curious because Will Smith started out as a rapper. He refused to use profanity & all his songs were child friendly. How the mighty have fallen.

Jada laughed when Will slapped Chris. But I thought woke Hollywood took a stand against violence?

Will Smith knew in advance he won the Oscar, that’s why he didn’t leave. He gave a speech saying he is loving, is all about love, and “we must learn to take pain.” I did not see anything loving about the way he treated Chris Rock.

Will did not apologize to Chris during his Oscar acceptance speech. A loving person would have apologized.

The slap took place on Sunday. Will Smith’s team, uh, I meant Will apologized via social media on TUESDAY.

Chris Rock has kept mum about the slap during his comedy tour. He said he is still processing this. Rumor has it he has attorneys and is asking for several million dollars. GOOD.

I will tell you a secret about the joke. Everyone is focusing on the bald head. I have actually seen the film “G. I. Jane.” It is good. Demi Moore’s character is training to become a Navy SEAL (special forces). My sister pointed out the men kept calling Demi’s character a lesbian. She was not, she was happily married to a man. Perhaps Jada was thinking about this and all the gay rumors swirling around her (pun intended).

As for the Oscar producers, they claim LAPD told them they were ready to arrest Will Smith and told Chris Rock his options. They claim Rock declined to press charges and allegedly said he did not want Smith removed.

I believe this is a lie. I have never lived in California and I don’t know the laws there. Where I live, an on duty police officer must arrest someone if they (the officer) witnessed a crime. They do not need the victim’s permission. Also, Chris Rock has said NOTHING so far.

Had Will Smith assaulted a white woman you can beat believe LAPD would have arrested him on stage. Don’t believe me? Ask your American friends what life is like for black people here. The George Floyd murder should have been a major clue for you.

In addition SandraRose blog reported the Oscar producers were afraid Smith was having a bipolar moment. If this is true, I hope Chris Rock & his legal team see this & confirm it so they can sue AMPAS/the producers. Why? Because they put other people at risk. Will Smith just assaulted someone what makes them think he would keep his hands to himself the rest of the night if this was a bipolar moment?

Also, an active bipolar episode is a medical emergency. The producers should have escorted Will Smith to an emergency room.

Furthermore, this Oscar’s broadcast was the first and most likely last production to be produced by an all black production team. Now everyone will remember the Black Gorilla Coon Ni**er who slapped another ni**er. That is how racists talk & think.
T. W. said…
This comedy video reveals several truths:

Will Smith & Chris Rock Oscars slap memes
Anonymous said…

Ukraine is perhaps the poorest country in Europe, where child trafficking and sex trafficking are normal.
it is said, poor Ukraine women do subrogation for rich non-white to have mixed babies, it is horrifying indeed.

Ukraine war is apparently about the 500 surrogate pregnancies
Anonymous said…
Hi,Christian. Here is Lilia. Is true that Will and his wife are twin flame? They ever loved one each other?If yes, Maby because of it is a difficult relationship. For example Harry and his one. It's said that they are TF...and is a known desastre...
jele6 said…
While I agree that Will should be banned from award shows, his Oscar should not be revoked. If Harvey Weinstein, Mel Gibson, Polanksi, and Spacey can keep theirs, he should be able to keep his.
Malek said…
Will you do Youtube again, your 2022 prediction? And who is winner of last clip?
T. W. said…

I hear you. AMPAS did not create a code of conduct until after MeToo & the race riots. Polanski, Weinstein & many others received their awards before the code of conduct was passed. Even then, their activities were not done at the venue during the awards show.
Anonymous said…
Hi cd, are you implying what I think you’re implying? 🌈
Anonymous said…
Ooooh he just quit being an academy person, whatever that means.

Now can you do an ask all/tell all for Rob Pattinson? 🤣
Letty said…
He is Gay as the day is long!!!
Rumors Jada us bisexual.
Anonymous said…
Have Rob Pattinson & Suki Waterhouse decided to make their agreement a real relationship? She’s flying to see him every weekend from New Orleans to LA. They met with an agent last week as well. He’s driving her car, wearing her show’s cap and is taking the instagram pics she’s posting. It feels a bit extra but again. I’m not sure. Will you please see if you can the future for them? Do you still see an end date or has it changed? Much thanks.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 2:09 am

1) Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

2) Academy Membership
Dogeatcat said…
Anonymous 5:44

CD does a lot of wrong predictions:

Harry and Meg still not divorced. Johnson still not off duty. Keanu still no slip up with Alex. And luckily still no russian bombs on Europe- this predictions is wreckless and fatal, CD is irresponsible👎

CD just gets his wisdom from internet and taibloids and not from spirit😇 Sorry
T. W. said…
Anyone and everyone who insults Christian on HIS blog must reveal their true identities, addresses, phone numbers, and occupations. That way we know they are not a bot.
Cathy said…
TW😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 You are so naive
Anonymous said…
Is there any rumors on Keanu recently, CD?
Just wondering.
T. W. said…
Christian has a Told Ya, I posted links here:
Anonymous said…
Dogeatcat !+++++she doesn't need Erope. that's a lie. it is a self-sufficient country. don't believe the propaganda. most of the video is staged

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