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In  September 26, 2020

I  saw/posted the following on my blog.
                                                                BIRDS OF A FEATHER. ALEXANDRA GRANT. AMBER HEARD & MEGHAN MARKLE.

"Birds of a Feather"

In my YOU TUBE video

                                           2021/2022 Annual Predictions…
 Depp, Keanu, Ellen, Markle, Bezos, Grant, Jlo, Affleck, Putin, Harry, Styles, Heard….
                                                                                          MAY 9th 2022

I gave an explanation of how timing was affected by Covid.


I now see these predictions happening in real time …
I still see these
 “Ladies” going down in the same order..

Here’s what I am going to do.
On each “LADY”

I will first read you the original prediction.

Then I will give you commentary on what I SEE now.
As well as the near Future…


Amber Heard.
Switch & Bait. Amber Heard said donated her settlement to charity?
No she didn’t…
I still see that money in her bank account...
Someone else paid those donations...
Elon, Amber wasn't the charity.
Oh, more legal woes.
Loser, Loser, Loser…

Well that was a big old TOLD YA…
Did you see the trial headlines.
She admitted, she did not donate the money to Charity.
She was caught having lied about donating the money.
She admitted Elon Musk paid some money on her behalf.
“ Sometimes, I’m proud of myself”

I see,  more of her lies being exposed.
In the trial.
I have predicted from the beginning she will loose…
I see, because she admitted. On the stand, that  she had lied under oath,
to the UK court, about donating the money
I see, her being prosecuted in the UK…
More trials to come…
She will loose there too…


Alexandra Grant.

This happening right after Amber Heards demise.

In my 2020 reading  I said
Alexandra Grant claims to run a Charity.
But the donations went into her personal bank account.                              
Looks like she thought she was the charity...
Claims to be a Philanthropist.    
( Ermm I think you use your own money for that)

Will be publicly exposed...                           
Will not get away with this legally...
Plus more legal problems...                           
More Legal paper work, lawsuits to come...

All the Grifting, the Conning, the lies.
Will come to light.
Up until now she has been to “Wheezle” out of it.
By playing the victim…
No more smoke & mirrors…
I see lawsuits, investigations, & exposure.
None of which will go her way…
She is a very dark energy.
She & Amber Heard.
Are going to share a similar future…
Public disgrace…
Oh the shame…
Time to pay the Piper…

Keanu, will break up with her…


Meghan Markle.  

Here’s the original prediction.
Seems that since the split of Harry & William's charity.
Things are getting worse…
Why did they do this?
Well, matters on the Meghan side have been less than LIGIT... 
With many oddities. 
A charitable donation to get a job...?         

She is going to loose all her “Projects” known & unknown…
Including the Netflix deals…
I See Meghan being sued twice…
She will loose both times…
One for dodgy charity practices.
The second surrounding her lies…
Meghan uses the of Guise of Philanthropy
for personal financial gain.

Harry will divorce her…
He will return to the UK.
She will remain in the USA…

Meghan & Harry breaking up, about 6 months after
Alexandra & Keanu break up…  

OH …….
There, is so much involved in Meghan's  Shitshow.
I will be constantly giving you commentary on her charity fraud,  bad business practices,  break ups.. LIES AGHHH!  all of it…

So, as I said in the original prediction.
Ladies a Charitable Donation.                    
Is to help people & Organizations in need. Not to make you money and bring you fame.

      Lessons to be learned Ladies.
             Pipers to be paid..
You Are all going down ladies…
One right after the other…

As I was preparing this reading. I saw a comment from

It says….

“Hi Christian, I found you on YouTube last year, you truly lightened up my Covid monotony. I Recently I found the link to your blog on your channel  and I read all of your posts. WOW, it’s amazing how accurate you are….TOLD YA!!
I have a few questions about Johnny, Keanu & Harry… How did these men end up with these women? How did this happen are they just insecure or is it something else? What makes them change? Thank you for the entertainment and insight, I’m hooked!!
Mwah 💋”

Great question.
I will be doing a full reading to answer these questions.

A Birds of A Feather.
On Johnny, Keanu & Harry..

Are the insecure?
Johnny with the drinking & the drugs?
Keanu , well with the “Kenny Rogers” like bad plastic surgery?
Harry? Well that’s just obvious…

I will be answering all these questions, About these men in reading very soon

As a Thank you

For reading my whole blog ,
(Bet that gave you a headache)
leaving a great question. &
Also, being a new loyal follower.
I am giving you the free zoom reading.

You Guys helped me get through the covid monotony.

Please respond on your comment.
You left on the 2021/22 prediction
With the first few letters of your email.
Then send  me your details to
To arrange your reading.



LB said…
Congratulations to OneOfAKind2380 😃🙌🥳

You won the Free Zoom meeting!!!

Welcome to CD’s awesome channel!

Welcome new subscriber!!

T. W. said…
Congratulations OneOfAKind2380!

Welcome to our precious community. I hope you had lots of fun reading!
Anonymous said…
Keanu will marry either Markle or Amber to have some free sex,
he deserves some good sex like Harry and Depp once had.
Grant is too old and too ugly for an ordinary man,
with his money,
Keanu should really marry Amber Heard or MM.
Anonymous said…
Keanu deserves someone better than Alexandra Grant,
he better marry any ex
Grant is 70 years old or older,
too ugly to even look at.

hopefully Keanu will marry someone like China Chow or Autumn,
at least Chow and Autumn are prettier and have more money than Grant,
hopefully Keanu will finally get married
once Grant gets caught.

Keanu deserves someone younger and prettier.
China Chow is the best option for Keanu.
Chose is prettier, educated and richer than Grant,
it is hard to believe why Keanu would choose Grant over Chow.
Anonymous said…
Keanu does not deserve happiness
he deserves Grant and stillborn baby.

no human would want someone who was fucked by a donkey for 11 years
Keanu better marry Grant and retires from Hollywood
nobody cares about Keanu or Grant.
Keanu Reeves is a SNAKE said…
we do not worry about Depp and Prince Harry

Depp is suing Heard
Harry's grandma is the Queen

Keanu Reeves sued his own fans
and he has been harming us all

Keanu Reeves can NOT be trusted

we want Depp to continue to fight for TRUTH
Harry is not our concern

Keanu Reeves will continue to harm us all
Keanu Reeves is a SNAKE

Keanu Reeves uses Grant to harm us
while pretending to be a victim

NEVER trust a snake
Keanu Reeves is a SNAKE

Anonymous said…
My GOAL is for Keanu Reeves to get married with Alexandra Grant,
then we will put them in jail together for their fraudulent charities and other criminal deeds.

if you are a former fan of Keanu Reeves
or you were harmed by Keanu Reeves in any ways
let's us work together

Karma works
Keanu Reeves and Alexandra Grant will be exposed
in the same way Keanu Reeves's father was sentenced to 10 years in jail for drug trafficking

like father like son
Keanu Reeves will go to jail for his crimes

Keanu Reeves has used Grant to harm us
now it is our turn
we will use Grant to send Reeves to jail

it is necessary to kick criminals like Keanu Reeves out of Hollywood for good
so the Natives and Chinese may have room for development


I love CD's predictions
so much funs.

Anonymous said…
dear CD,

I was prepared to have a normal weekend
but it was ruined by your video

I don't want to hear anything about Keanu Reeves

I iike your blog
still try to have some fun,.

Keanu Reeves is a snake, aka a parasite
whether you agree or not

I don't trust a snake
I will never trust Keanu Reeves and his people.
LB said…
I really wish people here would stop bashing Keanu Reeves!
This community is a respectful one, and with CD’s predictions
So if you don’t have anything to say nice about anyone
Please keep your thoughts to the weather!
Thank you
the entire cancel culture against men, specifically Depp said…

"the entire cancel culture against men, specifically Depp, is based on one accusation spreading like wildfire on the internet and destroying a career but when the truth comes out in court they want context, nuance and the public to withhold judgment."
T. W. said…
China's leader Xi Jinping is suffering from brain aneurysm and wants to be treated with traditional medicine, reports claim
T. W. said…
World has just ten weeks' worth of wheat left after Ukraine war

Food supplies are being rocked by Russia's invasion of the 'breadbasket of Europe'
realmente o keanu reeves anda de sapatos gastos 🤔👟👟.
Ah mas se todos tivessem a inteligência dele, a disposição dele....tudo que ele resolve colocar em prática na área profissional dá super certo!!! Ou pelo menos é visto!!! Hahaha
O cara é muito bom!!!
Além de ser um coroa bem bonitão!!!

Ótimo domingo a todos!!!
Anonymous said…
if you hate KR, AG, AH and MM
then you should support Johnny Depp:
it is NOT a good idea to cancel culture of Johnny Depp
world will be in dark if JD's culture to be replaced by the culture of KR, AG, AH and MM!

ignore KR AG AH and MM
don't pay attention to them

support JD
support TRUTH.
T. W. said…
Bom domingo para você também!
Anonymous said…
I hate KR for his wrongdoings, and I hope he will change.

KR needs to be told he is being hated unless he starts to change. he needs that.

AH, AG and MM will be punished by law for charity fraud.

I will NOT pay attention to KR and AG in the future; do I get paid to say things about KR? no, so why bother?

JD and AH said…

this is a great news, and hopefully, media will support Johnny Depp and pay attention to Amber Heard's baby daughter, who should be taken away by the government to avoid being abused by Amber Heard.

Anonymous said…
it will be great to see KR and AG to go to jail.
I hate fraud and cheating,
they stole public money, deserve punishment.

Lucy said…
Hi Christian, you mention in this post that Meghan will be sued twice - once for her lies.
Is this lawsuit the current one from Samantha Markle, do you think?

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