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Everyone needs to listen to Matthew McConaughey


LB said…
I was so excited listening to him!

Thank you CD for this post!

He was brilliant!
Letty said…
He was really good but those Republicans could care less
About the victims!
Starlight said…

you have to see

the humans

to understand ⭐️

Anonymous said…
Will Johnny Depp really WAIVE the 8,35 Million Dollars Amber Heard has to pay him?! If he does THAT, she will NEVER learn her lesson!

Is there something romantic going on between Johnny Depp and Camille Vasquez?

Has he already met his future love? When will he meet her?

Tomorrow is Johnny's 59th birthday! You are making this REALLY exciting with all the waiting one has to do, till you post your YouTube Video of Johnny's future and AH's future online!

Do you know where he will buy his new home? Is he already clean and sober? When will he start dating this new love?
LB said…
I truly understand your point of view, I personally don’t like guns!
I can barely watch my fav actor in the JW movies!
But, I do stand behind our constitution with the
Freedom to bare arms…

The state I live in is ramping up more school securities and the reconstruction
and construction of 4 new elementary schools and middle schools opening
Up this fall with architectural designs designed with the highest level of school
building there is to date!

Fighting back to keep our most innocent and valuable of our society
Is so promising to read about!
I’m more at ease with fighting the good fight here!

Anonymous said…
Amber Heard is obsessively focusing on Johnny Depp. She thinks, if she shows that she has changed that he will take her back!?! How stupid can a woman be???!!!?? I think she can get very dangerous for Johnny. Will he order a restraining order against her for him and his future wife and his children?
Beth said…
Sick of hearing the constitutional right argument. It is no one's right to have access to a gun and take someone's life.
There'd be many gun deaths in any country that let people own guns willy nilly. Nothing accounts for the fact that people just lose the plot sometimes.
Lovely Libra said…
LB -

I respect your position on gun ownership — I support the 2nd amendment. BUT - I do NOT support the ease with which 18 yr olds can purchase AR’s - for that matter, anyone. I support stricter gun laws - raise the age to purchase, longer background checks, etc. To me, these are common-sense regulations every developed country has in place — you know; all the countries that don’t have repeated school shootings. To me, this is NOT a political issue — it’s a HUMAN issue. If the US thinks no 18-yr old is responsible enough to buy or drink beer - or rent a car - how in God’s name can they be responsible enough to own a high-powered assault rifle? No — Im not a Democrat - Im an Independent because I believe in voting based on issues and performance. Please know - Im wishing you well and praying that no one in your immediate family is ever personally affected by this. But LB - we are ALL family — we are One.
teacher wendy said…
I worked in the jood for 26 years. Guns and weapons are all over. Yoh can make it harder to get the weapons but if someone really wants a gun or. Weapon or explosive THEY WILL GET IT. THEY NEED TO MAKE THE SCHOOLS SAFER, THEY NEED TO BULLET PROOF EVERY CLASSROOM DOOR AND WINDOW, THEY NEED TO PUT A SAFE ROOM IN EVERY CLASSROOM, THEY NEED TO MAKE THE HAPPY " OPEN SCHOOLS" A THING OF THE PAST. SCHOOLS NEED TO BE PROTECTED! And the " it wont happen here " mentality needs to be stopped. I am sorry but because I worked in some dangerous places some of my schools were the safest to try and get inside of.....but violence can happen anywhere. But making schools safers is the ONLY WAY. SPEND BILLIONS ON THE UKRANE, spend one billion on you USA school safety people.
LB said…
Lovely Libra

Loved your comment! Very strong points to bring up to our countries
Legislation and I’m a strong believer in writing letters to our senators!
All this makes a difference in our world!
I made notes 📝 on your comment. They were very strong
key elements for changes to be made for laws to go into effect!

Yes, thank you, for your prayers and you will and your family will be
In mine…yes again…we are all family!! 😊
LB said…
Teacher Wendy
Amen to that about spending money on what counts most!
T. W. said…
I went to 2 elementary schools when I was a kid. Every room had 2 doors - one that led to the hallway, another leading outside. The buildings were old so ain’t no way anyone could escape out an open window. Those windows are a nightmare to open & shut!

They don’t construct school buildings like this anymore.

If only that school building had another door for each room so people could escape outside.
T. W. said…
Teacher Wendy is correct. The weapon is not the problem. The person in possession of the weapon is as well as those who illegally sell firearms. If someone wants a firearm in USA they will find a way. I was in the military. I have no desire to own or operate a firearm. I pray I will never need one. Consider these:

NYC authorities arrest NC man who brought 'bags full of guns,' sold them in Harlem


Suspect accused of selling $40K worth of guns in NYC: DA Bragg
T. W. said…
Teacher Wendy is correct about something else.

USA sent more money to Ukraine than it spends to help its own citizens.

USA using taxpayer money & resources to help another nation fight a war while a war is happening on our own soil. Now we have dead children.

USA got a baby formula shortage but the people in cages at the border got an over abundant supply of the formula & other resources.

Illegal immigrants get access to better food & healthcare than native born citizens.

No further comment.
Jendevivre said…
Raising the age limit helps I’m sure, but complete removal of guns would be better.
VA Tech killer was 23 and Orlando night club killer 29.
LB said…

I come from a family of staunch Democrats! I’m not, my brother is isn’t also!
I discussed this with them! The shortage came from the major factory shutdown because of bacteria
Outbreak within the factory and formula!
That is what caused all the problems! The formula with the refugees were just a certain amount of supply their babies! It wasn’t the main reason!
I don’t hv a problem with that! Children are our priorities!
The major factory opened back up this week! Thank God , also United airlines is offering free shipments to all states!
Which I thought was great of them to do that! So finally! The ball is rolling again
Only to find out yesterday a new caravan of immigrants is heading to the USA 🇺🇸

Ten steps forward …20 steps back 🤷🏻‍♀️

The billions of dollars being dish out for other countries, when the USA is such in a state of crisis, it look like
an embarrassment to other countries!
Yet, The USA is suppose to be the most powerful country in the world!

Not anymore….

China 🇨🇳 played that set of cards beautifully!!
Jules said…
If anyone believes the ludicrous amount of money that has been 'gifted' or loaned to Ukraine from other nations will actually go to help the innocent people of Ukraine, the ancestral home of the Khazarian Mafia, and the most corrupt country on the planet, known for child trafficking, child organ harvesting, bio labs and money laundering, I have a bridge to sell them.
teacher wendy said…
I taught in the hood, my third graders had access to semi automatic weapons. We dont need to teach the kids to " hide under their desks". We showed them how to be slaughtered. My 10 year olds may have been shot but we could have least gone down fighting or running away. Not laying under a cardboard desk and letting someone shoot us. Children need tactical training. Whats masdive shooter training.....Run, hide, confront/fight. Thats the shooter traing everyone else gets. Safe classrooms pods are already developed and they are safe from storms ,tornadoes ,flash fires, and gun proof....they need to be in very classroom and double as reading centers. Every classrom door, window and lock needs to be bullet proof. Do you realize how many Texas families did not get their children back? They got chuncks of their children back. One got a head. One got in tact pink shoes! They were not just shot once and move on like in the John Wick Movie...the children were shot to pieces! I will stand with the teacher who survived I was assaulted in a school and no one helped. I will stand with him to change people's attitudes to IT CAN HAPPEN HERE! WHAT CAN WE DO TO KEEP OUR KIDS SAFE?
T. W. said…

You are misinformed.

1) Abbott laboratories baby formula factory did shut down for safety reasons. However, it is not the only company in America that manufactures formulas for children & adults.

2) The FDA knew about the unsafe conditions at that particular factory MONTHS before they forced it to close. Several babies died after consuming tainted formula. This problem could have been fixed BEFORE the pandemic.

3) Many factories shut down during the Plague Lockdown. Almost everything is in short supply.

4) There is photo & video evidence of formula at the migrant facilities at the border. They have more formula than they know what to do with. Why not get some of that formula & give it to AMERICAN CITIZENS who are starving? If the ILLEGALS don’t like this they can go back to their home country and get fed FOR FREE there.

5) Abbott Laboratories is not the only manufacturer of baby formula in the US.

6) Why didn’t the Biden Administration import formula several months ago?

7) American citizens who live close to Mexico say they drive their to get formula for their babies. Mexico does not have a formula shortage.

8) From where I sit, is Americans need to immigrate to Mexico. They have food. They had toilet paper during the Plague Lockdowns. Mexico is the real land of plenty!
T. W. said…

You wondered the following:

“I think it's intersting nobody is wanting to ban sales of tanks, missiles, military sat services, all sorts of amo, to anyone.”

I will answer your question.

Those things are not sold to the public in the US.

Have a good day.
T. W. said…

Funny how no one talks about the Biden connection to the Ukraine that was well known before he ran for President.

Funny how no one talks about the Bidens being caught doing corrupt things in the Ukraine.

Funny how no one talks about we did not have a war when Trump was in office.

Funny how no one talks about the fact Biden did not choose Harris to be his running mate. OBAMA selected her.

Funny how no one talks about the fact USA tends to fight wars when a Republican is President, yet the last Republican to hold office (Trump) kept us out of war while our current Democrat President has been giving all our resources to help a country he has financial ties to fight their war.

Funny how no one talks about the fact inflation in the USA has gone up from 1.4% to 7% in one year’s time.

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