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"Birds of a Feather"

      CHARITY FRAUD!!!    

      Amber Heard. 

Switch & Bait. Amber Heard donated her settlement to charity?
I still see that money in her bank account...
Someone else paid those donations...
Elon, Amber wasn't the charity.

Oh more legal woes.


Enigma said…
is the uk and australia going after Amber?
Erika said…
Always right CD. What a journey for Johnny. Wish we all had a chance to tell our story, the truth like he did.
you are GREAT, CD.

I like your readings,
I like your community,
I thank Keanu Reeves for bringing here express my "hatred" towards him, hahaha.
I did not hate Keanu but I had much anger in me so I needed him as a imaginary scapegoat, hahaha.

Letty said…
You got it right CD!!!👍⭐️⭐️
So happy for Johnny and Amber should not have
Been awarded a dime!!
T. W. said…
God is good. I’m glad someone who deserved Justice in this life finally received it.
Anonymous said…
God bless you every night and every day.
I want to express to the Universe that you use your gift carefully, wisely, fairly & thank you Universe for supporting Christian lovingly , & who offers support to us. This in a chaotic world, is a great light. It’s also our gift.
From the Healing Circles I receive the healing ❤️‍🩹 strongly that it is miracle. It is. I am as much amazed , and immeasurable is my thanks because I literally felt the uplifting & healing on my stresses on my mind & body. It would be brill to know how others get on from healing circle. I wanted to share that since last few healing circles & this ‘Told ya’ inspires me.

I didn’t understand the fascination of the Depp/Heard case, watched live many of the long sittings in background , & now I understand, it is about light & dark & people were concerned to raise the light up higher than the dark. I hope & pray both will heal.

Christian, a good man. I recommend , encourage any & all readers who feel they need a reading, to help them along , to know a little more of their options & healings, to book with CD, use his specials offer too!!

Christian, stay well, thanks for all you do and share with us generously. Exceptional soul with talent for mischief (in the best possible way as Kenny Everett used to say - reference for us UK 50yr+ xxxx) . You’re the best & you keep it real. The best. From UK, happy happy Platinum jubilee Hols - join in Christian, put bunting up where you are 🎊, eat Victoria sponge cake 🍰 & sip Yorkshire tea 🫖 ☕️ & reminisce wonderful times with your Ma & Pa growing up with our Queen Elizabeth always there, symbolic head (of the long history of Great Britain & her people ) in our lifetime. God Save the Queen ⚔️⚜️ , God bless Christian 🔮and all Readers here🙏🏽. Love from LH, London 💖xx

Anonymous said…
God bless you every night and every day.
I want to express to the Universe that you use your gift carefully, wisely, fairly & thank you Universe for supporting Christian lovingly , & who offers support to us. This in a chaotic world, is a great light. It’s also our gift.
From the Healing Circles I receive the healing ❤️‍🩹 strongly that it is miracle. It is. I am as much amazed , and immeasurable is my thanks because I literally felt the uplifting & healing on my stresses on my mind & body. It would be brill to know how others get on from healing circle. I wanted to share that since last few healing circles & this ‘Told ya’ inspires me.

I didn’t understand the fascination of the Depp/Heard case, watched live many of the long sittings in background , & now I understand, it is about light & dark & people were concerned to raise the light up higher than the dark. I hope & pray both will heal.

Christian, a good man. I recommend , encourage any & all readers who feel they need a reading, to help them along , to know a little more of their options & healings, to book with CD, use his specials offer too!!

Christian, stay well, thanks for all you do and share with us generously. Exceptional soul with talent for mischief (in the best possible way as Kenny Everett used to say - reference for us UK 50yr+ xxxx) . You’re the best & you keep it real. The best. From UK, happy happy Platinum jubilee Hols - join in Christian, put bunting up where you are 🎊, eat Victoria sponge cake 🍰 & sip Yorkshire tea 🫖 ☕️ & reminisce wonderful times with your Ma & Pa growing up with our Queen Elizabeth always there, symbolic head (of the long history of Great Britain & her people ) in our lifetime. God Save the Queen ⚔️⚜️ , God bless Christian 🔮and all Readers here🙏🏽. Love from LH, London 💖xx

Apple Monkey said…
Well done CD.Always knew you would be right. Lots of love xo
Tea said…
Well psychic dion it's now June and the lottery is on another lottery rollover week so if I'm moving house in 2022 as you predict then I have to win fated lottery jackpot in June July aug sept Oct or Nov 2022 🏠🌲🎵,☀️🚶📺⛅
chris said…
You called this one years ago CD! All I could think about was you this entire trial. Good day for everyone. Congrats!
T. W. said…

Amber was awarded $2 million in compensatory damages.

However, she has to pay Johnny $15 million.

15 - 2 = 13

In the end, Johnny gets $13 million, Amber gets zilch.

T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “Only in America”

California court rules that bees are a type of fish in order to protect them under the state's endangered species act
Sparky said…
Wonderful news for Johnny Depp 💖🥳🙏!
Blackbird said…
Christian, you are AMAZING and the REAL DEAL ... you know that, I know that, many other people know that, but this should prove to the doubters that you are the real thing! <3 (Of course it's not the first time you've been right and most certainly won't be the last!).

Anonymous said…
Dear Christian, you did well with Depp, tell us about keanu, good or bad. 😇
T. W. said…
I want to know how Amber Heard wrote notes during the trial because her ink pen never touched the paper!


Amber Heard gets caught taking notes, but her pen doesn't touch the paper
Anonymous said…
Ding dong! CD you hit the nail on the head. The wicked witch has been exposed and she’s done. I knew it XD
LB said…
Hi CD! 😀 Congratulations on a great prediction for Johnny Depp!
So happy justice was done for him!
Thank you God 🙏✝️💗

btw, there is only one JACk SPARROW and that is

We need to ramp up the petition to Walt Disney to
Reinstate Johnny Depp for his role of Jack Sparrow!!

kat said…
You said you saw a 7 and a 2 on money 💰- maybe you saw the 2million she wins but it still cancelled out to what she owes him. I wonder if the 7 is the 7 that she pledged to charity that maybe he’ll give to them instead?

I hope she doesn’t claim bankruptcy to get out of paying.
Any idea if Australia or UK will put her on trial for perjury next?
Sally said…
Who will pay Johnny’s legal fees?
Beth said…
next Told Ya:
Anonymous said…

the case is a racial war, is about Canceling Depp's culture,
it was a war between Depp's people (him and fans) and Heard's people (her family, Elon Musk and the media)
but the legal system in the US is the best,
and Depp got honest and able lawyers who helped him,
and Depp fought for TRUTH
so he won.

Anonymous said…
Hi CD,

I am worried about Keanu Reeves,
when will he wake up?

will he continue to fool all of us hiding the dark witch like he did in the past?
are you sure that he will be free?
does he have the clear mind and the free will to leave that dark witch?

our energy is limited
our time is limited
Keanu has been fooling the world for many years with AG
and he seemed to enjoy it

it is risky for us to spend more time on him
it is anxious for all of us,
I think.

we know he will break up with AG once he dies
but if he is not honest with himself
nobody can help him.

from now on,
I will not say negative thing about Keanu Reeves
I want to give him courage and support to leave AG
that is the only thing I can do.

wish Keanu Reeves happiness
it is sad to see him like someone just came out of a tomb
full of dark aura surrounding his body.

I believe AG has been harvesting energy from good people by using Keanu Reeves
in the same way AG has been using Keanu to get money

if we send love energy to Keanu Reeves
he will forward these energy to AG immediately
in the end, we will be harmed with AG being the winner.

I hope you make more predictions on him,
to help him wake up but not to help him cover up,
he is very creepy and shady how,
but I want him to change.

MH said…
Justice! At last!

I believed in you; nonetheless, congratulations Christian, on this (and many other) epic predictions coming true!
Anonymous said…
does kr have a good heart? from his youth on all the photos he shows the signs of a Satanist. sold his soul to Satan! Satan does not let go so easily! the witch is his wife! a mediocre artist
Anonymous said…
cd how do you know about kr? from the same gay club? his recent photo with the boys?how much does he pay for lying ? american wife ag! old hollywood

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