The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
Thank you for post! I’m so happy they got pregnant again!
She had a terrible breakdown with the miscarriage from her
ladt pregnancy!
Praying 🙏 they have a healthy safe delivery
👶🏻 👼🏻
She's got nothing to lose. Harry has everything to lose.
Harry's going to lose anyway, whether or not he publishes his stupid biography.
Meghan has everything to gain (or so she thinks).
While I was thankful she was exposed and called out for her vicious tormenting of Courtney Stodden (only one of many young girls that Chrissy tormented), I never understood how people were not up in arms about the THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of pea-dough-feel-ya tweets Chrissy posted through the years. A few months into the pandemic, Chrissy's heinous pea-dough tweets were all being unearthed. Both her and her team worked furiously to scrub the net of them. After all the effort about 50 or 60 thousand of those tweets were still there. For those of us who really knew from before and are aware of the SICK and TWISTED world that is Hollywood/entertainment, it seemed like it was going to reach mainstream news. Nope. Shortly after this, Chrissy had a "miscarriage".
She just narrowly escaped this story breaking mainstream. Then the situation with her and Courtney Stodden was exposed....
She is evil. Plus her and John have been listed on Epstein flight logs. SICK people. I pray these people are exposed in my lifetime. I pray for the children.
I pray the child is never bullied. His mom likes to bully people on social media…
Sad to say, bullying would be better than the child being sexually abused &/or passed around to elites. Praying it never happens.
This "woMAN" is, at best
pea-dough adjacent & at worst an actual pea-dough and pedovore (don't look up that last word!)
Her bullying on social media is nothing compared to her THOUSANDS of sick sexual tweets about children.
Praying, praying, praying!
Uncovering Chrissy Teigen's Disturbing Deleted Tweets
Let's also not forget that she has tweeted she was en route to dine at the Hollydale restaurant, owned by Karina Belleoff who is closely related to the British Royal Family. I don't know how genuine this archived Hollydale Restaurant website is, but I.. given that it mentions it is accessible via high-speed underground rail .. and Jessie Czebator always mentions the high-speed underground trains used by the Luciferian Brotherhood, so, in my humble opinion it could be real. Here is the link
Regarding the miscarriage,
I do believe this will be revealed in our lifetime. It's all slowly being revealed. Of course the gatekeepers & the elites are doing all they can to stop it, but God Wins...and it can not be stopped. Time the world knew!!
People see film & entertainment stars & see glamour, beauty & flawless faces & bodies, while I just see rotten pea-dough Satan worshipping demons. Nearly all. You can not reach a certain level of fame without pledging allegiance. An experiment to try: google your favourite celebrity (film, tv, music, sports, politicians, religious leaders, titans of industry etc) PLUS + the word ILLUMINATI & you'll find where their allegiance is.
Ex Morrissey + Illuminati (even the ones who tell you they are anti-industry/establishment are just puppets sadly) prepared to be let down.
Regarding the miscarriage, I recall prior to it happening a furore over a video that John Teigan put up, I cant recall if it was on tik tok or Instagram, but I clearly recall that everyone was commenting saying that Chrissy who could be seen in the background did not look pregnant at all, then there were claims that her pregnancy was fake.
We shouldn't be discussing who should be the best politician .. because the whole political system is easily corruptable, and is set up to be corrupt. It is wrong that we gave 'power' and permission to a tiny ensemble to literally rule over us without getting our consent on their decisions. We have all been blissfully ignorant and naive. The whole system needs completely changing .. we are sovereign beings and we have forgotten this.
I posted the message below to you on another thread, and thought I would repost it here in case you missed it as it's well worth watching the video!!!
"Hope all is well with you and your loved ones.
Did you manage to catch the blatant alleged satanic ritual shown live on TV during the Jubilee? I didn't watch any of the Jubilee, but the ritual caused an uproar, so watched that.
LIVE report discussing The QUEENS RITUAL!!! (with Jessie Czebotar)
The Queen's SATANIC Jubilee RITUAL (2022)
I highly recommend watching the reveal report with Jessie as she drops a whopper of a truth bomb regarding the 'Queen' well she drops a lot of truth bombs .. but this one is a whopper... start watching around the 20 min mark, you will not be disappointed."
Wisan TV
I thank you so much Jules!
It’s great to hear from you & Wisan TV. It’s great to know one is not the only person who is awake. Too many people still on the soma. I think that for some people God allows this because if they were to awaken they would reject the truth & be lost forever. Some people would lose their minds.
I agree, God did not intend for humans to rule over each other.
Did you all see the clip of the Kelly Clarkson show? She was saying that when she first got to Hollywood she was offered a lot of money to do things she did not want to do (Illuminati puppet). Kelly realized THEY were in the room. Kevin Heart kept making the shhh signal but she kept talking. Then he told her he was trying to warn her to stay quiet.
The original I l l u m I n a T I is the Bavarian Order of the Illuminati. It was not an evil group. As I have said here before, every group, order, religion, organization & institution has been infiltrated. “Good” people infiltrated evil groups. Evil people infiltrated “good” groups.
The Illuminati as we know it today believes they are saving humanity. I suggest watching the film “The Cabin in the Woods” to learn what this organization believes.
Also, do you like Marvel Comics? Guess what. The superheroes are in the Illuminati!
I will post a links to article/summary.
1) “The Cabin in the Woods”: A Movie Celebrating the Elite’s Ritual Sacrifices
2) Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness: Who Are the Illuminati?
The Illuminati are a secret society that Doctor Strange will meet during his trip across the multiverse, but who will be joining Professor X on their roster?
3) Madonna Hears Your Illuminati Claims, Takes Them As a Compliment
Madonna's wants people to know the real truth behind the Illuminati (no, seriously).
4) The Order of the Illuminati: Its Origins, Its Methods and Its Influence on the World Events
I agree, the veil is down and things are being revealed, there is nothing the gatekeepers or so any of the Khaszrian Mafia can do now it's over.
I am waiting for everyone to learn that everything that they know is a lie. Everyone needs to familiarise themselves with the Baron David Ward Affidavit and learn how we have all been played.
There are no governments on this planet, FACT. It has been a massive deception spanning the last 800 years but there are no governments on this planet, absolutely NONE. So what is it we do have? Well, it certainly is not a Government representing the people in any way, shape or form, so what we do have is a well-organised deception for what is nothing more than extortionists and terrorists who are wilfully gutting this country economically, and the same can be said for just every other country on the planet. It is the most complicated web of deception you will ever see
Link to the Baron David Ward affidavit .. it is 65 pages long .. read it .. read it again .. it is applicable in every country in the world ... and then you will learn how the system has enslaved you, and lied to you .. and begin to take back your God given sovereignty.
The affidavit
Jules has been awake for a long time. I have been awake since I was little but Jules knows more than I do!
I saw a Ewe T00b video that claims the USA is not a country, it is a corporation. When I tried to find the specific video because it contained screenshots of documents to prove the claims, a ton of videos popped up saying the same. One video claims USA is still a British Colony! This makes sense because every time a new President takes office they ALWAYS go to visit QE2. They always visit the POPE at the Vatican too. Why is that?
Trump had the guts to move our US Embassy to Jerusalem. I’m tired of people bowing down to Palestine. The “Palestinians” are counting on people to not know history. They are counting on Christians to be biblically illiterate.
1) Before World War 2, Great Britain had a colony in Africa called Palestine.
2) Then President Harry Truman played such a large role in this that he declared, “I am Cyrus!” If one is a Christian or a Jew & does not know why that statement is significant then one needs to re-examine oneself, get a Bible, and read it. The answer is in the Jewish Bible also known as the Christian Old Testament.
3) After WW2, Great Britain have up the colony and gave land/received payment for the land so that Jews could have their own country. The modern state of Israel was born (as predicted in Biblical prophecy).
4) Great Britain & others knew what THEY were doing when they carved that land. We have the West Bank, also known as The Disputed Territories and Palestine. Depends on whom you ask.
5) The area known as The Middle East did not exist until this land was carved up. Notice earlier I stated that Great Britain had a colony in Africa. The Middle East is a geopolitical designation. Africa & Africans are abhorred by all. No one wants to call the area known as The Middle East part of Asia. To solve that problem Europeans created the area & the term Middle East. Depending on what map you use, you will see the words “West Bank,” “Gaza Strip,” or “Palestine.”
6) I will share this point because I know that not everyone here is Jewish or Christian: When the children of Israel left Egypt God told them He gave them the land between the Nile River to the Euphrates river. They were to rid that area of all the inhabitants. They were not to befriend those people. They were not to take the women as wives. They were not even to take those people’s possessions. Look at a map. If Israel had followed God’s instructions (a) We would not be fighting in that area after hundreds of years and (b) Israel would be significantly larger!
7) Point 6 begs the question, “If God is a God of love then why did he order the children to destroy those people?” Great question! The short answer is that this was an act of mercy.
A) A lot of those people are inbred. This is not a secret, read a history book. Generational incest causes offspring to have bizarre genetic mutations, one of which causes INTERSEX individuals. Those people were suffering from horrible diseases and would pass them on if they were fertile & lived long enough to procreate. By the way, according to David Icke and others, every royal family claims to trace their ancestry back to NIMROD. He was black. Just like me. These “royals” believe they have Royal blood & the right to rule over humanity because of this. They call themselves BLUE BLOODS. Their blood is not normal as it proves they are human hybrids. Now you know why they eat LONG PIG and drink melaninated blood, which can only come from people of African ancestry…
B) According to Scripture, two of Lot’s daughters escaped with him when Sodom & Gomorrah were destroyed by fire. Lot is Abraham’s nephew. The women thought they were the only people left on Earth, so they got their father drunk & became pregnant as a result. Scripture tells us that their offspring & descendants are the people/nation of Moab. Today, that country is called JORDAN. I bring this story up to tie some threads. God told the Children of Israel not to trust the Moabites and to have no dealings with them.
C) A lot of the people in the land that the Children of Israel were to possess were HYBRIDS. Meaning that they were the offspring and descendants of human females & fallen angels. Even though God removed these individuals from Earth by flooding it, the practice still continues. If you read the Septuagint, it says that Opah is the mother of the giants. Israel was still fighting those people once they became a kingdom ruled by men. They are still fighting those people today. Christian Dion told us to read The Books of Enoch. The New Testament portion of the Bible says these entities exist in our time. Christian said the same. In one video he stated that one way to tell is that they have rH NEGATIVE blood.
D) God warned the Children of Israel that the people in the land would lead them astray to worship foreign gods. God also said they would continually fight each other. God did not lie. History proves this.
E) The people of the land were demon possessed. Before Jesus Christ of Nazareth (Yeshua ha-Meshiach) came to the Earth, the only way to rid a person of a demon was to kill them. The community could be merciful & send the person on their way as an exile. Demons and fallen angels are NOT the same! Remember the human hybrids? When they died, their souls remained on Earth as demons. They need a flesh body if they are to operate in the physical realm, hence Demonic possession.
I thank everyone who read this far for doing so. Please do your own research so that you can see for yourself. May you and your understanding be blessed.