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Christian Dion September Horoscopes..


Star 19v said…

A litlte of topic but for all Keenuu Reeves fans he was in England.

Thank you Christian for all your predictions
Kitt Med said…
This was a good one!
LB said…
Thank you for the readings CD!
Hugs to Lady GaGa 🤗🐱

Hope all is well with you and yours 😊🫶
T. W. said…
This Leo thanks you!
T. W. said…
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Letty said…
Thank you CD! ❤️❤️❤️
Anonymous said…
kr has no real friend who would wean him off large doses of whiskey!family is no better! the witch is getting drunk!
Beth said…
Isn't Christian working so hard. Clearly much more going on than just the publication of the videos. I hope it will begin to pay off xx
Anonymous said…
kr, why work so hard? what is the meaning of your work? why do you need money? to meet the end of life in a hospice? my friend drank and died of throat cancer! do you want to leave millions of dollars to the crowd of your "relatives?" they will be glad of a freebie! you are a chicken with golden eggs for them!@@
Lovely Libra said…
Happy Birthday HRH TW — I love all the Leo’s in my life - best wishes for a great year ⭐️✨❤️🌟💙💛🌻
LB said…
@anonymous 9/1/22 @6:50pm @8:05pm

I know, that you are very concerned about KR, and btw, you seem
like a good friend enough to bring his whiskey 🥃 with a cherry 🍒
on top no less!! 😳 excess to attention!!!

The only person that can change his choices are KR & KR alone!
If addiction is the problem , then HE needs to fix it!
When a fully recovered “addict” is with family & friends celebrating anything!
It’s not “Their” whiskey 🥃 problem, it’s his!!!
One day , if fully recovered, KR can sit around a table of whiskey 🥃
drinkers and not be effected by it! Because he isn’t drinking!
Doesn’t surprise me that on a major Birthday weekend leading into
a holiday weekend, kR would not drink!! 🤷🏻‍♀️

The real difference in the same scenario would be him choosing
a 1-3 month recovery retreat away, and undisclosed, then your above mentioned!

What I hv learned coming from an alcoholic home is it’s not my problem
It’s my family members problem!
But, it is my responsibility not to enable that person nor be around
the person that has a problem !

They have a program for friends & family members that have family members or friends that are
addicted it’s called Al-Anon (it’s nationwide if not worldwide organization

It’s classes that help us change, not to enable our loved ones
and to make “The Addicted” family member “responsible” for his actions
Learn more about the disease of addiction etc and how to cope and handle situations that are not good for us!
during his/her “active” disease!

I know you care, and us loyal fans care!
We can only pray 🙏 and ask God to intercede ✝️🙏💗💗💗🦋

“Never give up on a friend or a loved ones sobriety, ever! 🦋💗

Anonymous said…
LB ..
Really like Really??
Next time to not say anything..
Anonymous said…
LB ,I correct my self ..
First ,today is one person BDay and second…did he have any problems with work ,did he ever cost you any problem , or anyone else than some obsessive human being? If no then I don’t see problem.. he is 58 ? Yes ? Human with own right’s? Then give you and all others humans with same rights… give the f him peace..
Anonymous said…
Non posso stare zitto quando viene attaccata una persona che NON sta sbagliando @LB

Il compleanno è il INIZIO di un NUOVO “giro intorno al sole”: è un momento magico. Si deve meditare – non si può ubbriacarsi!
Si dice: “Come Inizi, Così prosegui!”

LB ha augurato salute a Keanu!
Keanu NON sta augurando salute a se stesso – Keanu non si augura né salute, né lunga vita.

E’ triste quando una persona, per sorridere, ha bisogno di bere alcol – è un segnale forte e chiaro!

Alcol non scarica lo stress psichico, alcol uccide le cellule del sistema nervoso, alcol uccide le cellule del cervello, alcol uccide le cellule degli organi interni.
Lo stesso fa la nicotina!
Alcol, nicotina, psicofarmaci – sono DEPRESSANTI.

E’ molto triste quando una persona non perde nessuna occasione per bere alcol (è vergognoso).
E’ MOLTO TRISTE e vergognoso quando una persona pubblica si ubbriaca!
E’ molto triste quando una persona è alcolista!
Un alcolista cancella il suo passato, in suo presente e il suo futuro – un alcolista è un idiota senza nome e senza onore!

Con alcol non si costruisce la PACE!
Il tossico-dipendente è un dramma!
Il tossico-dipendente è una porta aperta per gli esseri inter-dimensionali predatori!

GUARDA in FACCIA della VERITA’: con alcol non togli lo stress - dopo le tue bevute ti svegli molto più triste e con gli occhi da pazzo – è QUESTA la verità!
Dopo la MOCA eri svegliato come un pazzo, ti sei spaventato (!) – non credo che c’era solo alcol e non credo che a MOCA eri stressato per lavoro: non sai più frenare!
E’ bello ospitare rettili nella propria forma?

Impara a meditare quando sei stressato! Quando sei stressato - sei già avvelenato! Non si aggiunge altro veleno, si deve bere molta acqua, sdraiare e meditare!
LB said…

Anonymous 9/3/22 @6:57pm
Thank you 🙏 for sticking up for me when I’m only trying to help!😔

I’m not a know it all and I’m sorry if I come off that way
It’s just my know of what I learned about in my years!

I will not comment anymore , it doesn’t matter anyway right? 🤷🏻‍♀️

It’s nice to know that people have your back when you are trying to
help others
Another sign of alcoholism is sarcasm, and not appreciating help!
They mock people,…
KR Father had a serious drug addiction
KR has the genetic gene from his father, he can’t escape that

Thank you again for sticking up for me 🙏💗🫶😊
Anonymous said…


You are so ignorant!! You know nothing about the truth!!

It is SAD and SHAMEFUL that YOU judge another human being who has an ADDICTION and then post FALSE information regarding alcohol and alcoholism.

A complex combination of genetic and environmental factors influences the risk of the development of alcoholism.

To call an alcoholic an idiot shows how ignorant you really are.

Nobody wakes up in the morning and says to themself, "I think I'm going to drink today and destroy my marriage, my health, my career, my children's lives, my finances, my life!"

No one, especially someone with an addiction!!

Anne Heche, a well-known actor living in Los Angeles recently died tragically in an automobile accident. She apparently had an addiction for many years and was driving impaired at the time she crashed her vehicle.

Do you really think she wanted to die? Leave her two young boys and end her beautiful life? Do you really think she didn't want an addiction-free life and to just be "normal?"

Her death was a tragic end to a lifetime marred by mental illness, drug abuse, and sexual assault.

I will tell you something else about some people who have addictions. These people are some of the most sensitive, interesting, intelligent, vibrant, and talented human beings on the planet.

And yes, they can also be selfish, narcisstic, obstinate, argumentive, difficult, ungrateful, manipulative, etc.


You lived with an alcoholic. You know the good, the bad, and the ugly.

You've been very hurt by this experience. I am very sorry that you have suffered. I think you are a very kind good person.

You do not need to be silent on these matters. I think you are very courageous and brave to post here about your personal experience.

Some (most) alcoholics are sarcastic. Some are really mean and nasty when they drink. Some even when they don't drink (Dry Drunk). They will not change until they are willing to change. You cannot force a person with an addiction to not indulge.

That's not how it works. As you know, some people are forced by the courts to go to these treatment centers. Most come out after 3 months and start drinking or doing drugs all over again. Some of these individuals go back several times until sobriety sticks. And some never stop until it kills them.

I have a cousin who is an alcoholic. She used to call me up at 10:00 o'clock at night, drunk, wanting to cry in her beer. I had to get up early and go to work the next day. I eventually stopped answering the phone. This might seem cruel to some but it did no good to listen to her drunk rants. I soon learned that anything I said or did for her was never ever going to be enough.

I can't fix her. She has to want to stop drinking. I can't do that for her, no one can. Until that time comes, she continues to drink daily and destroys her health, her life. She has an addiction. Her husband is an enabler. She started drinking very young with her Dad and it was probably fun times. Someone with a parent or sibling with an alcohol addiction is three to four times more likely to develop an alcohol problem themselves.

An addiction to drugs or alcohol is a terrible thing to happen to a person.
Anonymous said…
Are you “Researcher in molecular genetics?”
And how you help him or someone else by speaking in this blog how sick he is by knowing
( I guess)nothing about ..

You have past experience with alcoholic,
and you think because of your personal experience with alcoholism /addiction you are knowing
something about his personal genetics systems ?

I’m agree with you,don’t comment about his problems if you not sure about.

Your experience is coming from yours.

And not from his genes..

Good G-d

Anonymous said…
OH FUCK, Anon Sept 3 at 11:54 PM
You are so ignorant! You know nothing about the truth!

Nella vita TUTTO dipende dalla COSCIENZA.
E’ vergognoso essere incosciente.

Conosco le persone, figli biologici degli alcolisti e dei fumatori, che vedevano e sapevano fin da piccoli che alcol e il fumo è un male – non si tratta dei geni, non raccontate le balle, si tratta delle SCELTE (!)

TUTTI SANNO che ALCOL, FUMO e DROGA è il MALE, è il PECCATO (il karma) ed è brutto da vedere (!)
Sia all’ inizio che in seguito dipende solo dalla COSCIENZA.
Chi inizia è uno stupido, chi continua è uno stupido, chi perde il nome, lavoro e la vita per questo motivo è un suicida = un peccatore = uno stupido idiota (!)
I tossico-dipendenti NON sono le vittime – sono colpevoli di suicidio a causa di loro egoismo (menefreghismo), di narcisismo, di vittimismo e, infine, di loro odio verso se stessi.
E’ molto triste per chi li ama, ma NON è triste per i parassiti e concorrenti (!)

Se i medici fossero più coscienti…
“Il SIGNORE ha fatto ogni cosa per uno scopo; anche l’empio, per il giorno del giudizio”.

Ho parlato di Keanu, quale ha sempre difeso questo peccato e ora:
-Sorride solo quando beve (quando beve sorride a tutti senza esclusione, poi si giustifica che qualcuno si sta trascinando dietro).
-Non perde NESSUNA occasione di una bevuta - è già un alcolista cronico? – per questo non capisce che fa le figuracce? (si unisce ai tavoli nel pubblico).
-Sta facendo anti-pubblicità alla sua carriera e ai film.
-E’ manipolato da chi gli versa da bere.
-Sta rovinando il suo viso.
-Essendo diventato vegetariano – si sta letteralmente bruciando gli organi interni

E’ MOLTO TRISTE e vergognoso quando una persona pubblica si ubbriaca – cancella il suo onore e la sua dignità - se hai questa malattia bevi solo A CASA (!)
Un alcolista cancella il suo passato, il suo presente e il suo futuro. E’ la verità.
Il tossico-dipendente è un suicida, è un dramma! E’ la verità.
Il tossico-dipendente è una porta aperta DA LUI STESSO per gli esseri inter-dimensionali predatori – chi altro è se non idiota?

Anonymous said…
Doctor LB
I only saying what I saying now ,
based your understanding of genes ..

“Your BS coming I think from your mom side genes , because you are carry feminine energy I guess.
But don’t worry I want help you understand yours at the moment .

Do not take time comment my gene..
Yes I know,I’m not perfect, I have my own gene cells ..
and they have own understanding
about things..
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 🇮🇹
KARMA bites your ass soon so bad that you understand meaning of idiotism/ maronism/ egoism & wordsatanism…
Anonymous said…
Anon, continui ancora con il tuo bla-bla…? - Sei un rettile che rischia di finire arrostito dalla potente Luce Divina - Impara da LB che sta facendo un salto quantico!

ॐ ॐ ॐ
Anonymous said…
Absolutely my blaa blaa rhymes flying with my breathing.

🇮🇹your blaa blaa falling you into darkness( obsessiveness & impulsiveness) leading you to the # ( I think you know what I talking about)
also things what you are doing 😉

Can you see differences…

Now you don’t need complain about my blaa blaa ..

Anonymous said…
🇮🇹Now listen to me and listen really well to what I say,
If you calling me out then be sure what you are doing ,
not only in this blog..

You can write your understanding about divine light and your so called my blaa blaa -
But before you doing so take responsibility to your out callings, do you really think your words “Bigitery “affecting or I afraid your jumping..
think again …
T. W. said…
Lovely Libra

Thank you! I love Libras, you all are beautiful and lovely!

I also wish a joyful, relaxing birthday to all the Virgo people!
Anonymous said…
Anon, “ora ascoltami e ascolta molto bene quello che ti dico”.

Scrivi DA SOBRIO e in modo INTELLIGENTE: respira, pensa, scrivi, correggi (più volte possibile) e solo dopo invia, perché STAI SPORCANDO LO SPAZIO e ENERGIE - e come anonimo qui NON puoi cancellare o correggere.
Il tuo aggredire e poi scusarsi qui, perché qui non puoi bloccare - NON sta dimostrando la Luce.
E’ un consiglio: non lasciare lo sporco dietro di te (!)

Non so se il tuo blaa-blaa faccia rima con il tuo respiro – dici che lo fa? – hai detto una cosa che abbia un senso? – No, è un altro bla-bla.
Cosa sto facendo “non solo in questo blog”?
Cosa significa “Bigitery”?

Sto chiamando ALLA TUA ATTENZIONE, perché ANCORA POTRESTI essere salvato! -Quali responsabilità dovrei assumermi per aver detto le verità? - La verità c’è e ci sarà (detta o non detta).
La ‘verità detta’ è la Luce, ci cura – può essere dolorosa – si deve cercar di non finire arrostiti quando arriva il momento della Luce Potente.
I tossico-dipendenti, alcolisti, fumatori, ecc.- insieme ai rettili che ospitano nelle loro forme - finiranno arrostite.

Chi dice la Verità – innalza le sue frequenze vibrazionali energetiche + innalza le frequenze vibrazionali energetiche terrestri. Chi dice la Veriità, sarà salvato.

Se vedi nelle mie parole la prepotenza – è quella che “hai nel tuo sangue” a livello di borderline, perciò lo vedi in rosso.
E si, si legge proprio questo nei testi su psicoanalisi.

Dovresti aver già capito: o non parlo proprio, o dico la verità (quando sono costretta).
Ti sei divertito a fare questa discussione? - Non puoi chiudere la bocca alla Verità: c’è e ci sarà.
E se “non ci sei online”, allora non mostrare di esserci (!)

ॐ ॐ ॐ
Anonymous said…
Per aggiungere,
Anon, se bere alcol (pesante) e fumare (come fabbrica) è la tua vita - lo fai e lo farai - te ne fregherai degli altri e di ciò che pensano, ospiterai i rettili nella tua forma, nella tua casa, nella tua vita, ecc. e nessuno potrà convincerti di non fare,
ma non pretendere che la Terra ti ringrazia (soprattutto per i rettili ospitati) e che la gente ti rispetta…
e soprattutto, attenzione alla Potenza che sta arrivando.


Ieri su Lipstick fu scritto che sorella di Keanu è caduta dal cavallo e ha dovuto andare in ospedale.
Che guarisca presto!

ॐ ॐ ॐ
N said…
I'll tell you something else about some people suffering from addictions. These people are some of the most sensitive, interesting, intelligent, energetic and talented people on the planet. an alcoholic is a person with a destroyed brain. he stops watching his appearance!he is aggressive, cruel, kindness and humanity are erased in him!and if he is not forcibly treated, then he himself will not see the light!with money, you can treat many things! addiction is successfully treated in China!and if you surround yourself with people who pour into a glass, then there will never be a recovery! for many, being a whore, a drug addict or an alcoholic is easier than working on yourself! it's easier to manage an alcoholic to pump money out of him! big money!
N said…
unlike poor people, rich people have a lot of opportunities to change their lives! but it's easier to surround yourself with nonentities like drug addict Amanda and other fake "friends", smear drunken snot about the past! is money the most important thing? Then I don't feel sorry for the woman who died in the accident!it's her personal choice to drink and inject!
Anonymous said…
unlike poor people, rich people have a lot of opportunities to change their lives! but it's easier to surround yourself with nonentities like drug addict Amanda and other fake "friends", smear drunken snot about the past! is money the most important thing? Then I don't feel sorry for the woman who died in the accident!it's her personal choice to drink and inject!
Anonymous said…
Anonymous 🇮🇹

Anonymous said…
N and ANONYMOUS @ 8:52 PM

I appreciate what you both are saying; however, it's not that simple. Addiction does not occur because of moral weakness, an unwillingness to stop, or a lack of willpower.

Addiction does not discriminate based on socioeconomic status, but someone with a stable income is less likely to have an addiction than someone who does not.

Anne Heche, the actor, who recently tragically died in the accident --- "It is easy to conflate material wealth with mental wellbeing. There is a stereotype and stigma of being wealthy, that if you have wealth you should be happy and have nothing to worry about, but this myth is far from true. There is a hidden cost of affluence that surfaces in mental health and addiction related issues. Although wealthy individuals enjoy many conveniences in life, people of extreme wealth are greatly impacted by alcohol and drug addiction, as well as mental health issues such as anxiety and depression."

Even Elvis Presley suffered from the extreme highs and lows of an addiction where people are screaming your name, women are throwing their bras and panties on stage at your concerts, and then riding in a silent, lonely limousine back to the hotel. He apparently took uppers to wake him in the morning, and downers to go to sleep. He abused other pills but nothing illegal, but it still was enough to kill him at age 42.

Let me ask you all something? Could you stop having tea or coffee? How about chocolate? Cigarettes? Gummies? Soda Pop?

Now imagine an addict who drinks or does drugs how difficult their challenge is to quit their addiction. Just as cardiovascular disease damages the heart and changes its healthy functioning, addiction also changes the brain and impairs the healthy way it works.

This is why addicts are usually very abusive, angry, argumentive, manipulative, even crazy at times.

It's the brain. The brain becomes damaged from the alcohol and or drugs.

And quitting is not always a case of when you know better you do better.

A parent who drinks usually had a parent who drank. And so on. History repeats again and again until the abusive cycle stops (someone in the family ends the cycle).
Anonymous said…
Italian Poster

You are NOT Italian.

Can you try to post anything without YELLING or being so dam RIGHTEOUS all the time?

And I will tell you something else.

MY GOD is kind and loving towards ALL especially those people who have addictions (and there are millions and millions). Also the smokers, the tokers, the sinners, the liars, the homeless, the idiots, the ignorant, the dishonourable, the righteous, the unrighteous, the rich and the poor, the reptiles, the LGBTQ, Keanu Reeves, Alexandra Grant, The Kardashians, Justin Bieber, the fake Italians, the Russians....etc, etc.

Except for maybe Putin.

Look, I jest, but I'm quite serious too. 🙏
Anonymous said…
I am not sure if I understand what you trying to lecture here,
but I definitely trying..

All mentioned in your lectures ,
my happen without drugs and alcohol .

And NO I’m not agree with you about many things you writing

it’s not so that your parent drinking and now you are alcoholic ..

You parent maybe never drink and next generation my drink and abuse drugs like crazy …

Anne Heche , Elvis Presley so many others and nothing to do with drugs/alcohol ..

🤔?The brain becomes damaged from the
alcohol and or drugs?

Brain damage is a possibility,
depending upon situation .

What's the joke about whom ?
Or jest ?
And now I am quite serious about…
Anonymous said…
How long more you trying to explain here that K.Reeves
has alcohol/drugs problems ?

And because of his father?

And how long you trying solve he’s life in this site?

I think it’s time pull your fingers out of his ass already..

Anonymous lecturer I think time take care of your own detox .

(And I am sure he’s ok 🤭…)

with it said ,
have a wonderful rest of the week each and all .

🤔The narcissist's fantasy

The sole reason the narcissistic
or toxic person is to fulfill
their delusional fantasy


•at this point it’s him•KR

Is the one who created
all the problems in your life...
and that you all are still perfect.

Anonymous said…
I didn't write the last post. but I agree!yes, alcohol damages the brain and causes personality degradation! and brain change! read famous psychologists!or look at alcoholics!they are sloppy, their facial skin, pores are dilated. the son will get drunk faster than the father. the grandson is even faster. and the sick children who are born from alcoholics??!! have you seen them?!

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