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TOLD Ya King Charles Kicks Meghan & Harry out of Frogmore….


Tea said…
Well psychic dion with your
98.5% hat on will I
move house in 2023
T. W. said…
I just saw the news & thought of Christian.
Edgy said…
Was it Prince Williams or Camilla idea to kick them out! World wide Privacy Tour!! Lol
Mr. Dion, how do the harkels feel about South Park
Cartoon that mocked h&m?? Would love to know
If they were upset.
anon said…
Didnt H&M spend millions of the taxpayers money 'to renovate' FC. Then they claimed to have repaid the funds. But there is no evidence of that. If they had, there would be no eviction. If they did repay it, they lose that together with the place.
jele6 said…
Do you think Harry and Meghan care about that home? It was just a place to stay if they visited the UK. They're probably thrilled that they can use the eviction as an excuse not to visit. Even Andrew doesn't want to live there.
Jules said…
Calling what happened an Eviction is misleading. Charles just took away the option for the couple to renew the lease on a property that they do not reside in. They were told the day after Spare was released in January the grace and favour home was no longer an option for them and they would not be able to renew the lease on the property. Let us also not forget that Eugenie and her family had recently resided in the home, and taken over the lease prior to their relocation abroad.

Regarding the couple paying back the extortionate cost of the renovations that they wanted to do to the property, it was Charles who paid back the public monies used on the renovation, not the couple, they were supposed to be making payments to Charles. Charles also gave Harry 4 million to help him relocate to the states.

The loss of the use of this property is problematic for the couple, well Harry, as it dramatically changes Harry's USA visa status.

Arrogant Andrew does not wish to stay there because he wants to remain in his current ten-bedroom grace and favour home, which he also leases from the crown.

T. W. said…
I need a grace & favor home with staff. I’m transitioning myself to become a British Royal.

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