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Botox & Fillers....


Chick'sOpinion said…
He's always been a full out weirdo.

He studied different religious leaflets on the aircraft carrier he was staying on.

When he was young...makin the movie Top Gun.

At that time he felt he had to pick a religion.

So he did.

If Scientology is the answer. It must have been a very silly question.

He can't be too bright if he believes in the nonsense of Scientology.

Nicole Kidman divorced him because he left her.

I would have divorced him cause he's dumb.
T. W. said…

Did you know Tom was studying to be a priest before he left for Hollywood? Brad Pitt hoped to go into ministry. He was almost done with college and decided to give Hollywood one last try.

Mimi Rogers was Tom Cruise's first wife. Her father was one of the original leaders of $scientology. I don't remember if he joined before or after he met her.

The story goes that he suffered from dyslexia, which was cured after he practiced some kind of Scientiligy treatments.
T. W. said…
People are trolling Top Gun 2 online. I have never seen the original film but I read that the occult symbolism is heavy.
T. W. said…
Has anyone else seen the Cats preview?

It is going to be $hiteous!!!

Them cats ain't dancing, they are twirling! You know it's gonna be bad when the gays want to boycott a musical.

I would make some pussy cat jokes but I want to see what you all can come up with.

Who am I kidding, I can't help myself. Taylor Swift is in the Cats film. She can't resist pussy...

If You’re A Freak Ass Furry Who Loves To Drop Acid, The “Cats” Movie Is For You!
T. W. said…
I pray the blind item claiming Usher is HIV positive is not true. If it is, I wonder what Puff Daddy thinks. I would ask Kim Porter but she died of pneumonia...

Usher Petitions For Private Medical Records to Be Sealed In Herpes Case

Blind Item #6 Friday, July 19, 2019
Chick'sOpinion said…

Brad Pitt in the Ministy. OMG what a waste of the hottest guy of his generation that would have been!

Yes. I read that Tom Cruise was Dyslexic.

I wonder if he can read this.

Dear Tom

Scientology is not a Religion. It's a cult. The bizarre beliefs they have are not true.

And Boy George nailed it back in your day, for you.

Scientology is 'the Church Of The Poisoned Mind'.

There is nothing factual in Scientology claims.

There is no Scientific proof/evidence behind what you have learned from Scientology.

You are a Dickhead. And an old one.

Lay off the botox. Its affecting your brain.

You didn't have a bright one in 1st place.

So stop poisoning it further.
T. W. said…
Brad Pitt is already a waste. He left his wife to be with Angelina " Anorexia sufferer,I passionately kiss my brother on the lips, killed my pet snake in an occult ritual, use heroin, traffick humans, hire kids to have sex with my kids" Jolie.
T. W. said…
Dear Tom Cruise,

By definition, a "church" is the body of Christ, the Christian's. A church is not a building. A church is not a religious organization.

With love,

T. W.
T. W. said…

The Roman Catholic cult, uh, Church took it upon themselves to forbid priests to marry. The Bible says this is the teaching of demons.

The rule includes females. Yes, women functioned as priests during the early days of Christianity.

Ministers can get married. Just ask Jimmy Swaggert and Jim Bakker...

1 Timothy Chapter 4, verses 1-5

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons,

2 through the insincerity of liars whose consciences are seared,

3 who forbid marriage and require abstinence from foods that God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth.

4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,

5 for it is made holy by the word of God and prayer.
Anonymous said…
Good grief! TW and Chick's Opinion should start their own club, the HATE club!

I was NEVER impressed with Brad Pitt. He left his marriage, true, for one hot woman who I believe that they were soulmates. Jennifer Aniston and Brad were not soulmates. You cannot compare the relationships.

Angelina, one of the most beautiful women in the world, an extraordinary woman, intelligent, a philanthropist, a humanitarian, a mother of six, three of which were born in a foreign country. She divorced Brad Pitt because he was a drunk.

He stopped drinking, he now goes to meetings, does everything right. Sadly, alcohol destroys marriages, relationships, careers, friendships, lives. Fortunately, all he lost was his marriage and now his children have a sober Dad back in their lives. Happiness all around.

Tom Cruise got into Scientology at a young, impressionable age. It is unfortunate. Many people did, many actors. I don't care if he has had botox or fillers or plastic surgery. 90% of the actors and actresses we see on the television or the big screen have all had some form of betterment done to their face and or body.

Top Gun, loved the movie. I don't recall seeing anything occult in the movie and neither myself or anyone else that I know who has seen the movie, has anything to do with the occult. I can't wait for the Top Gun II!

I don't like judging people. None of us are perfect, we've all made stupid decisions and mistakes. I don't care if people are gay, why should it matter? I think what really pisses people off is good looks and riches.

CAP Anonymous

Chick'sOpinion said…

I can definitely assure you.

I'm not a freak ass furry who likes to drop acid.


So I'm gonna pass on the Cats movie

Are you talking about the Cats production. The UK West End show. That ran for ages?

And Mr Googelly Eyes, Andrew Lloyd Webber wrote the music for?

Anyway. I cant go see a Cats movie anyway. Cause my cat will get jealous.

He's even more psychic than Christian. So he'll know ive been.

To see other Cats.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Taylor her own words.

'Got a long list of ex lovers. They'll tell you I'm insane.'

So clearly she knows guys.

Christian has always maintained shes a nasty bitch. In real life.
Anonymous said…
I saw the trailer for Top Gun 2 and I’m gonna be in line at IMAX to see this. Really, watch the trailer with the jet scenes. A jet-fighter flying full-bore a couple of feet above the ground, whoa! And a woman jet-fighter pilot!!! I give Tom Cruise credit for knowing how to do action movies.

All these trolls you mentioned will be guiltily hunched down in a dark theater, hands all buttery as they gorge on popcorn, watching this movie. Rotten Tomatoes had to change their rules last year because hundreds and hundreds of trolls were giving movies low scores and the movies hadn’t even been released yet! Now they don’t accept any reviews until a movie is actually being shown.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Nicole Kidman

Hurry up and write a book about that nutjob Tom Cruise.

His family wont I think.

Because he got them into Scientology early too.

If he didn't. He would have had to cut off from them. And veiw them as 'suppressives'.

What a stupid term. And stupid action.

Well. I think Tom has had some of his Karma well and truly already.

Because that daughter of his, Isabella, is a disaster.

You only have look at her.

And I think he believed she'd turn out slim and beautiful. And talented.

Nope. She has none of these qualities. That he values.

And sbe dresses like a hobo.

The only quality he's achieved in her.

Is making her a 100 percent devoted member of the Scientology Cult. And that's it.

And because he cut off from Suri. His daughter by Katie Holmes. Because he considers her a suppressive.

Its the best thing that ever happened to that kid Suri.

Cause she's growing up quite normal. And will most likely be a success.

And not have a life not ruled by a Cult.

What puzzles me is how Tom Cruise still gets roles.

As he is fundamentally universially disliked by the public.

Including me.
Jules said…
Every day is a school day on this forum .. I pray it enables visitors to this forum to wake up and see what is really going on.
T. W. said…
Do you know the real reason Netflix is losing subscribers?

Netflix is Losing Subscribers in the US: The Untold Reason -

Netflix lost over 133,000 US subscribers in the second quarter of 2019. Mass media is not telling you the main reason why this is happening because it is part of the problem.


"Indeed, a summary review of Netflix content reveals an obvious fact: There is only one opinion and viewpoint allowed on Netflix. Everything is subjected to the extremely rigid, suffocating and oppressive rule of political correctness, “woke” activism and radical social engineering that is promoted by the occult elite. In short, Netflix is a propaganda streaming service mixed with content that custom-made to debase, corrupt and traumatize young minds through insidious “entertainment” (more on this later)."
T. W. said…
Pete Davidson just said his mom needs to get laid and he is willing to f * * k her.

Pete Davidson on his mom 'at this point I might F her'

Living-at-home Pete Davidson really wants his widowed mom to have sex

Pete Davidson Really Wants His Mom To Get Laid
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. As for Top Gun, I have never seen it but i would like to. Someone made a comment about the occult stuff. If it's there, the way i see it the imagery is everywhere. I can't boycott everything.
T. W. said…
I forgot to say I did not read the comment here.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 10:01 is right about the trolls. I don't watch movies like I used to so if someone wants to share their opinion about Top Gun 2 after they have seen it I would appreciate this.
T. W. said…

$scientology has a lot of pull in show business. Leah Remini said it is in $cientology's best interest to help people's careers because almost their entire paycheck goes to $cientology. Leah said she earned millions of dollars but $$cientology has it now. Think of all the money they took from Elvis Presley's estate.
T. W. said…
Hi Jules!

I love learning new things too. I have opinions but the truth is more important. I'm not always right. We all help each other.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

We are not the Hate Club. We are the Fun Club.

We do try and make it fun.

But fact is, Christian posts things he is concerned about.

Or where there is deceit and the public have no idea.

We comment on his posts.

That invariably means that our responses are not always positive .

Cause he reveals things that are negative. And not In the interests of pretty much anyone.

Things that need to be stopped. Revealed or understood.

And we reveal things we know too. Everyone on tbis blog does at some time.

This blog is not Oprah. Nor is it the Ellen show.

TW has an interest in people who are negatively practicing the Occult. And shouldn't be.

It's not one of my interests at all.

However I respect TW's interests.

Just as she respects my ongoing interest in Politics.

And Further, alot of people in Hollywood ARE into Witchcraft.

In fact the new movie coming out called Once Upon A Time In Hollywood.

Will in a small way reveal that.

You will know the Manson Cult actively practiced it. And became possessed by it.

It's only because I'm a fan of Roman Polanski's movies. That I know.

And stumbled accidently on the little known info.

That Sharon Tate, his 1st wife. And her friend's were dabbling in Witchcraft at that house... long before she was murdered.

By the Manson Family Cult.

Roman Polanski survived his wife Sharon Tate .

Cause he wasn't home that day of the killings.

But its a fact I know. Roman Polanski's life has been dogged by bad luck ever since.

And controversy.

1 also thing. People in the 1960's started to fool around with witchcraft. Like today we would maybe ge a hobby.

It was a hippy cool thing for alot of people.

They were often naive to the knowledge of how much chaos and bad luck this would bring inevitably to their lives.

Even Anita Pallenberg practiced it then. Keith Richard's wife. (Of The Rolling Stones)

Not too long later. Her baby son, Tara died.

And later a young guy she was sleeping with

...blew his brains out with a gun in her bed.

She also developed a shocking Heroin addiction.


T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, you said that more eloquently than I ever could.

I'm not mad at Cap Anonymous. I know my communication oftentimes rubs people the wrong way. I am still working on that. I just said a prayer asking God for divine help.

I had forgotten about Sharon Tate and witchcraft. Chick'sOpinion is right. People thought it was all fun and games back then. Sometimes people do things not knowing what they said or did is pure evil. They didn't know any better.

Don't ever say "Light as a f****er, stiff as a b***d." That is an occult practice. People didn't know back then.

A lot of films are cursed and should not be watched. Poltergeist and The Exorcist films are good examples of this. Don't watch the television show "Ghost Hunters." You are opening a door for evil entities to come into your home. My older sister swears the theme song for "Unsolved Mysteries" is cursed.

Don't watch that movie The Craft. All the rituals are authentic. The cast and crew have had problems ever since. Don't believe me? Google "The Balkan Curse."

I lived in a haunted house for 8 years when I was growing up. I can assure you, evil spirits and evil people do exist. They have no power except the power you give them. If you have trouble, let us know via this blog. You have Friends here. Cry out to Jesus for help too. Jesus helps everyone who asks. You have a friend in Jesus.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Wow that's very telling about Netflix. That summary of the article you put up about them losing subscribers.

Alot of them.

Guys, I watch Netflix occasionally at a friend's.

Not long ago I watched a particularly popular Netflix show that I will not name.

But I have to say. I was shocked at what I was subjected to.

It wasn't a show you would expect to be confronted with really extreme depravity.

But there it was. Long scenes of it. Suddenly.

Fully available to anyone of any age to walk in.

Flick it on. And watch.

It was a scene no one should have sit through. Of any age.

And should not be available to the public.

Shouldn't even be created. By these so called creative people in the in Entertainment industry. the extreme political correctness is starting to finally NOT make money.

And there's now a financial backlash. Good.

For too long. People have been manipulated into accepting whatever the entertainment industry has been dishing out.

As so called entertainment. And alot of it.

Is extreme negative images or incidents. Designed to cause fear.

And it causes us to have to even discuss it as part of the global conversation.

That's wrong. And a manipulation.

Actors and actors are now doing as close to full out Porn more than they ever have in history.

Is that right? no.

Its not right to force them to do that.

And who are asking them/forcing to do it?

Management within the Entertainment industries.

They are a shameful bunch in my view. And so far from creativity its shocking.

Guided by a false narrative and social structure.

Which is what Political Correctness has become.

Political Correctness has become a monster. We feared it would be.

That now depicts people from other cultures in time, in shows that they would not normally be there. According to History.

As example is the show Shetland.

The main character in an episode was Asian. Ummm to my knowledge the remote islands of Shetland does not have an Asian population

So OK. Are we now going to allow Political Correctness to dictate how we view history too?

Because as far as I can see the Entertainment industry has become what they claim to hate. History Revisionists.

A good example of this is the movie The Duchess.

They had a lesbian scene between the Duchess of Devonshire and her friend, Lady Foster in that movie, The Duchess.

I know those English Historical characters deeply. Not much I don't know on them.

They did NOT have a Lesbian relationship.

Likewise, last year's movie The Favourite.

Queen Anne did not get 'fingered for want of a description. By women.

In fact. The movie companies trying to claim that fiction, disgusts me.

And insults English History and identity.
T. W. said…
Haven't you heard? THEY have an agenda to promote. THEY are using homo-, bi-, pan-, & transexual people to do it. Before I get "hate mail," please notice I said THEY are promoting the agenda. THEY do not care about the LGBTQIA+ community. THEY are using that community as a means to an end.

THEY want all humanity to take offense to everything in the name of fake tolerance. THEY want all depravity, lawlessness and evil to be declared acceptable and legal, in the name of tolerance of course.


Because they need depravities to be legal and acceptable so they can practice their occult rituals to honor their lord Lucifer - Satan, Baphomet, Goat Lucy, The Old One, Lillith, Ahriman, Slew Foot, etc. Different names for one entity.

If THEY can convince humanity that *all* LGBTQIA+ people are born that way and if gender and virginity is a social construct, then they will convince society that bestiality, pedophilia, and sex with robots and holograms are normal. THEY know how to use the logical fallacy known as the Slippery Slope Argument to THEIR advantage.

See, you need male and female to reproduce. Would you reproduce with a person who has sex with animals, children, ghosts, and machines? THEY achieve THEIR goal of population control. THEY will push to make human cloning legal because the few healthy humans left are not reproducing. Gotta have sex with that robot.

Why do THEY want cloning? First, THEY will use real humans for target practice, human sacrific, slavery, food, breeding, & adrenochrome. Second, THEY will call up demons to inhabit the cloned bodies. Clones don't have a soul. Only God can give the breath of life. Spirit beings need to inhabit a physical body if they are to fully operate and dwell in the physical realm.

Now you know why honeybees are dying and why allergies, cancers, and other immune system diseases are on the rise. THERE IS NO FOOD.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion, are you talking about the suicide show, the cannibal diet show, the teenage witch show, or the teenage hookers show?
Jules said…
OH dear, I wrote forum ... I meant to write 'blog'!!!
Chick'sOpinion said…

No not those shows. I haven't heard of those shows.

No funny enough. I'm talking about Outlander.

Should be a nice show. Cause it has a nice concept.

But no. It has to be reduced to depravity in so many parts.

Sexual violence. And Porn scenes.

It's the reason why I stopped watching Game Of Thrones with the 1st Season.

Just horrible. Great show. Ruined by way way over explicit sex scenes. That demean the female actress.

And male actors in fact.

And gratuitous violence.

The problem is.. younger generations dont remember a time when TV didnt have that shit on TV.

I do.

So younger people have been totally desensitized to it. Over the decades of them growing up.

Cooking The a way. They don't notice the heat rising and rainy.

Time the Censorship rules were brought back completely.

Never thought I'd ever have to say that.

But it's true. These movie companies Execs. HBO they say in my family

'A foot up the arse' bring change for audiences.

Always bear in mind. HBO stands for ..

Horrible Bloody Obscenity
Chick'sOpinion said…

And didn't CD predict Pete Davidson is gonna die of drugs.

When he starts makin those kind of statements. Regarding his mum.

I think it's time to go to Rehab.
T. W. said…
Thanks Chick'sOpinion! Now I know why Outlander is so popular.

The suicide show is 13 Reasons Why.

The cannibal diet show is The Santa Clarita Diet. I think it got cancelled.

The teenage witch show is Sabrina. It has authentic occult rituals and glorifies pedophilia. Do NOT watch it.

The teenage hookers show is Slutty Teenage Bounty Hunters. I'm not joking:

Jenji Kohan-Produced Netflix Series ‘Slutty Teenage Bounty Hunters’ Casts Its Leads
T. W. said…
Bee Yawn Say strikes again!

Beyonce Songs 'Spirit' And 'Brown Skin Girl' From The Movie 'The Lion King' Contains Copyright Infringement And Contradictions


"It's abundantly clear Beyonce willfully and deliberately stole the 1985 number one hit song 'Silent Running' by award winning British group Mike and The Mechanics for her 2019 rip-off 'Spirit.' 'Silent Running' was a big hit in the 1980s. She is an idiot to rip it off. The minute I heard Beyonce's song 'Spirit' I recognize it from the preexisting Mike and the Mechanics album I bought on CD (over the internet) years ago. Check out the verbatim rip-offs by Beyonce:"

Mike and the Mechanics in 1985 repeatedly sing the refrain: can you hear me calling

Beyonce in 2019 repeatedly sings: can you hear it calling

Mike and the Mechanics in 1985: rise up and fight

Beyonce in 2019: rise up the light in the sky

Mike and the Mechanics in 1985: Better you should pray to God the Father and the Spirit

Beyonce in 2019: Whoa, Spirit watch the heavens open


Both songs are also about heaven:

Mike and the Mechanics in 1985: Better you should pray to God the Father and the Spirit will protect you from up here (up here in the song meant heaven)

Beyonce in 2019: Whoa, Spirit watch the heavens open

"As you can see, Beyonce went over their song stealing key lines and phrases. She also rips off melodies from the preexisting Mike and the Mechanics' track. Parts of the beat for 'Spirit' are a rip off of the 1996 track 'Reach' by fellow Sony Music artist Gloria Estefan."


"Beyonce claims she wrote a song entitled 'Brown Skin Girl.' However, is a criminal rip off of the 2015 track of the same name 'Brown Skin Girl' by fellow Sony Music artist Leon Bridges. She stole some of the lyrics and melodies and the songs have the same title."


Leon Bridges refrain in 2015 song "Brown Skin Girl" : Brown skin girl with the white pearls around her neck

Beyonce refrain in 2019 song "Brown Skin Girl": Brown skin girl your skin just like pearls

Leon Bridges refrain in 2015 song "Brown Skin Girl": from the other side of the room

Beyonce refrain in 2019 song "Brown Skin Girl": when you’re in the room

"In Beyonce's 'Brown Skin Girl' she claims she is singing about her Jay Z look alike daughter Blue Ivy. However, we know that's a lie. When people compare skin to pearls it is in reference to white skin. Beyonce's daughter has black skin. Therefore, Beyonce looks dumb as rocks singing the lyric, 'Brown skin girl your skin just like pearls.' It's an oxymoron. Black people do not have skin like pearls. White people do. She stole the man's song and tried to change some of it to the point it no longer makes sense. What an idiot.

She’s also seriously screwed in the head to have slapped her 7-year-old daughter’s name as co-writer on a song she stole. What kind of psycho conduct is that. She’s bringing disgrace on her child. [...]"
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Outlander could be watchable. But they've ruined it with politically correct sh.t.

And way too offensive sex scenes.

Well no doubt it won't be long till Mike And The Mechanics find out.

Good. Cause Beyonce's got plenty of money they can sue her for.

Well I've had my Silver Spade out and dug alot of it up.

Because her stealing songs, images dance moves isnt new ..with her. It's a career.

She's been doing it since Destinys Child days.

Back when she was in Destinys Child.

She stole the song Survivor from an unknown producer.

Her father also stole the song Glorious from a producer. Who sent the song to him

The producer was Terrance Robinson..T-Robb

She stole the song Baby Boy from a fairly unknown, Jennifer Armour

She stole a hook from a song sent to her people in 2005. And didn't return the recordings.

She was sued over that.

She's lied through her arse.

She did not write Crazy In Love. As she has definately claimed.

It was written by producer Rich Harrison.

She also lied that she wrote Irreplaceable.

No she didn't. Ne-Yo wrote it.

She also stole a part of the old song, Edge Of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks.

And sampled it many times.

You can hear in Bootylicious.

She's stolen almost all the dance moves shes famous for.. off a Belgian Choreographer.

And in particular.. as well known choreographer, Marlyn Ortiz

Her 2011 Billboard performance. Was stolen from Italian pop star, Lorella Cuccarini

Yeah she's been busy. Singing. Dancing.

And stealing.
T. W. said…
Yes, Christian did make that prediction about Pete Davidson.

I think Prince wrote "Edge of Seventeen." Stevie Nicks did appear in the Bootylicious video.

Bee Yawn Say has stolen video concepts from Madonna twice that I know of. She stole the concepts from "Justify My Love" and "Hung Up."

The Lemonade visual album is straight up porn.

Bee Yawn Say also stole from opera star Sarah Brightman. Remember when she was allegedly pregnant with twins and sang in a gold dress and crown? Well, Sarah Brightman wants her outfit back.
Anonymous said…
Hi Chick's Opinion, just wanted to say that Keith Richards was never married to Anita Pallenberg. He married one woman and apparently is still married to her (Patti Hansen).

CAP Anonymous
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anonymous

Yes. I know, he spent most of his life with Anita Pallenberg. Had 3 children.

And we're forced to separate. Because Anita could not stop using Heroin.

She also developed Hep C. And has only recently died.

And yes. Keith Richard is now married to a former model, Patti Hansen.

Which is a good thing.

Because Anita Pallenberg. Although musically astute and a good guide for the Rolling Stones back then.

And she spoke 5 European languages. And always acted as The Rolling Stones unofficial trusted interpreter.

Her position within the 'group' became a problem.

Mick Jagger became increasingly pissed off with her drug induced nutty tantrums.

And she treated people like shit.

The book by their driver and drug courier Spanish Tony tells the true story.

I've read alot about Anita Pallenberg. And Keith Richard's autobiography called Life.

And I think if the Rolling Stones did not get her out of Keith's 'life' there would have been bigger problems.

Especially when the young guy suicided in her room.

Their public image would have never recovered if there was anymore.

She was always known for what Marianne Faithfull called Anita's 'evil glamour.

But in fact, the more drugs she took the more eccentric it got. And odd.

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