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Import first, export second...

Here's a riddle for you all.
Not, that I'll give you the answer though.
Most, do think that Corona19.
Came from Easten Seas.
But, how about you imported it there.
Think of who likes to sell.
Never pay, many bills.
Then you are very close.
To whom to blame, for present day.
When history writes what is what.
Font will be in Orange, sure.
Then they will have to pay.


Anonymous said…
There's a cure CD and Trump is exposing the system and getting paid at the same time. But he's ridiculed so you don't believe him.
Hannibal Haze said…
I think you mean Jeff Bezos and orange logo Amazon.
T. W. said…
I’ve heard the US “gave” it to China. This makes sense when you consider Bill Gates partially funds the biotech lab in Wuhan China that allegedly found (or created) the virus. I’m betting the snake has 2 heads...

Yesterday I posted another link to a video of Bill Gates laughing as he talked about how humanity is not prepared for the coming pandemic. Please not the video is old. So people who make fun of us Truthers cannot dent there is a plot to control the world population. THEY are on record & those records are easily found.

Back to the riddle.

I see a pic of a snake, it looks like a viper. China worships the Dragon. A dragon is a flying snake. Satan took the form of a snake when he convinced Adam & Eve to disobey God.

Psychic Tracey Brown told us in JANUARY not to accept packages or shipments from China. She said the shipments that set sail late last year had the virus on them. Some of it was done on purpose. Some of it is because people didn’t know they were already sick during the incubation period.

Almost everything sold at Walmart, Dollar Tree, Dollar General, & Family Dollar is made in China. Hell. Almost everything sold in America is made in China.

Guess which stores the masses flocked to for supplies. Exactly.

I don’t want us to miss the glimmer of hope Christian gives us in the riddle.

T. W. said…
I’m gonna say it. I appreciate different points of view but Anonymous is getting on my last nerves.

1) Anonymous asked Christian if/when the truth will come out. If this is the same Anonymous person then they are too busy bashing Christian to see that Christian answered their question in the riddle.

2) Some people love Donald Trump. Everyone is not ridiculing him, some people are ridiculing him.

3) I learned the difference between “everyone” and “some” when I was in elementary school. Either Anonymous is getting information from an inaccurate source, Anonymous is trolling us, or Anonymous is poorly educated. I’m going with poorly educated. See my next point.

4) Anonymous says a cure for COVID-19 exists. Now I know for a fact Anonymous is poorly educated.





But you don’t have to take my word for it:

The main difficulty is that viruses are technically not alive, instead depending on the “machinery” inside human cells to reproduce, said Zachary A. Klase, associate professor of biology at the University of the Sciences. So a drug that targets any part of that parasitic cycle could harm the patient in the process.

T. W. said…
@Hannibal Haze

This is good thinking!

Bezos is doing all he legally can to avoid paying taxes.

Amazon is still price gouging too. I have Amazon Prime & a price comparison app that shall remain nameless. Amazon is full of $hit.

Amazon was caught with a memo that detailed how they would discredit the employee they fired. The fires employee organized a protest in New York, saying Amazon had them working in unsafe conditions. I have a relative who used to work in an Amazon warehouse. I can verify the work environment is unsafe & inhumane. And that was before the pandemic.
T. W. said…
Christian, I think that dream I had is beginning to come to pass.

Africa has few corona patients but THEY want to test the “vaccine” in Africa.

Come on now, THEY want to spread diseases in Africa so THEY can kill us off. Then THEY will swoop in and control all of Africa’s natural resources.

Let’s pray & command this to stop now!

Let’s pray & command The Mass Awakening to happen now!

China & US To Test Potential Coronavirus Vaccine On Poor Africans!!


The Coronavirus epidemic is spreading all across the globe. And scientists need to find a vaccination fast, or else millions of people will die.

Well, the United States and China have a plan - to test out their potential vaccines on human guinea pigs.

And those human guinea pics are located in the Democratic Republic of The Congo, the poorest country in the world. On average, their people live on about $1 a day.
Sarah the Great said…
CD, was their foul play involved in the latest Kennedy family tragedy? Wife & son.... Seems fishy to me
Letty said…
Could it be India
They want to be the new super power
writestuff said…
What a world we live in. I agree with Hannibal, T.W. and Letty. When I saw the colorful cobra, I thought of India. Didn't Jeff Bezos visit there last year with his girlfriend, Lauren Sanchez? And didn't Christian post something recently about Lauren? The snake can be deadly and/or symbolize enlightenment.
T. W. said…
The Mass Awakening will not be stopped. People are talking.

“Like Sheep for Slaughter”: American Airlines Flight Attendants Speak Out

They say the company failed to protect them from the coronavirus

American Airlines flight crams its only 11 passengers into last 3 rows: report


Despite there only being 11 people on a Tuesday, March 24 flight, the company allegedly refused to allow them to adhere to the social-distancing measure of sitting 6 feet apart, instead forcing them all into the last three rows, Mother Jones reports.

“The reasoning behind it is, well, they bought basic economy fares, so we can’t put them further up in the cabin, because that would be an upgrade,” said one of the flight attendants, who requested anonymity for fear of retribution from her employer.

Despite a lack of protocol allowing them to do so, flight attendants “took it upon ourselves to spread them out,” she claims to the outlet.
T. W. said…
3M’s logo is red...

3M pushes back after Trump orders company to stop exporting N95 masks

Manufacturing giant 3M pushed backed against President Trump in a statement on Friday that suggested it would not comply with a White House order to stop exporting masks to Canada and Latin America.

The Trump administration on Thursday invoked the Defense Production Act, compelling 3M to prioritize orders for desperately needed N95 respiratory masks for the US government’s national stockpile.
T. W. said…
Hell is Coming and We Sold Out Our National Security For A Few Dollars
T. W. said…
Please avoid Zoom if you can!

Thousands of Zoom video calls left exposed on open Web


Thousands of personal Zoom videos have been left viewable on the open Web, highlighting the privacy risks to millions of Americans as they shift many of their personal interactions to video calls in an age of social distancing.

Videos viewed by The Washington Post included one-on-one therapy sessions; a training orientation for workers doing telehealth calls that included people’s names and phone numbers; small-business meetings that included private company financial statements; and elementary-school classes, in which children’s faces, voices and personal details were exposed.

Many of the videos include personally identifiable information and deeply intimate conversations, recorded in people’s homes. Other videos include nudity, such as one in which an aesthetician teaches students how to give a Brazilian wax.

Many of the videos appear to have been recorded through Zoom’s software and saved onto separate online storage space without a password. But because Zoom names every video recording in an identical way, a simple online search can reveal a long stream of videos that anyone can download and watch. The Washington Post is not revealing the naming convention that Zoom uses, and Zoom was alerted to the issue before this story was published.

Zoom videos are not recorded by default, but call hosts can choose to record them and save to Zoom servers or their own computers without participants’ consent, though participants do receive a notification when a host starts to record.
T. W. said…
“Mistake” my ass:

Coronavirus patients delivered to hospital ship Comfort in New York by mistake: US officials
T. W. said…

Making your own face mask? Some fabrics work better than others, study finds
Some fabrics were found to work better at filtering small particles than medical grade masks.


The best masks were constructed of two layers of heavyweight "quilters cotton" with a thread count of at least 180, and had thicker and tighter weave.


Lesser quality fabrics also worked well, as long as they had an internal layer of flannel.

"You do want to use a woven fabric, like batik," Segal said, "but you don't want to use a knit fabric, because the holes between the knit stitches are bigger."

In other words, if the fabric allows for a substantial amount of light to shine through, it's probably going to allow tiny viral particles through, as well.


Cotton T-shirts, however, may not be as useful.



Anonymous said…
It's not about the virus but the plan behind it. A virus cannot survive without a host and killed by heat, fungi/ mildew is airborne. Please think and question the lies and the scripts being used.
Anonymous said…
And no one will want to buy from America, this a lesson for all their wrongs and others that helped. Again think and question as they will use race and other distractions. If there were mass burnings the smell would be putrid and across the globe. None of this makes sense, question that.
Anonymous said…
Africans are not poor, poverty is created Europe forces Africa to be poor by sanctions and laws to rob if off resources. Europe as it is now does not want Africa to rise, most of your industry and advancement is by African/ melinated scientists and inventors but they hide this just like African history.

You're being punked by your system and they give you privileges to keep you in check, whilst they rule supreme and rob you.
Apple Monkey said…
If Amazon are behind it, then what would they gain from it? Profit margin?
I don’t understand what this all means - is it to help drug companies?

Sarah the Great - as soon as I heard about the tragedy I wondered if it was foul play.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Alot of the comments make sense.

You know. I deliberately avoid buying from Amazon. If I can.

I heard long ago. How mistreated their staff are.

CD. I think we need a prediction on what's gonna happen to this villain, Jeff Bezos.

He's what we call in a Australia, a mongrel.
Nikki Smith said…
So, basically, Trump has Munchausen syndrome. Let me hurt a bunch of people and swoop in to "save" them. Am I on the right track, Christian?
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - there was a documentary on SBS Australia about Jeff Bezos recently. I didn't watch it but saw it advertised. I'll have to dig it up on the SBS site and post the link.
Enigma said…
Trump has been known not to pay bills and is Orange

Enigma said…
Trump has been known not to pay his ppl/workers and he's Orange
Chick'sOpinion said…
CD. Yet another incident of Dead Kennedys.

Can you indicate whether it's foul play. Or natural.

Thing is... Kennedys die naturally just like the rest of the population.

But the fact I guess is...I agree with The Original Sarah. This is another on/in water accident. For some Kennedys.

So is it that these Kennedy's have died because they, like all the Kennedys. Like Water sprts, and extreme sports.
They love sailing. And alot of activity.

Always have. And they hit waves in that canoe. Didn't cope. And drowned.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think we have alot of Trolls. With less than good intentions on this site commenting at the moment.

They are from countries that are enemies to the U.S.... actually to the West entirely.

Lets ignore them. And their attempts to cause conflict in our countries and with us.

Notice they ALL post as anonymous.

We've had them before.

If they contunue. To try and cause trouble Im sure CD. Will just block them. Eventually.

They are not very subtle. Or clever. In their attempts to cause doubt, fear and conflict.
In us.

They come across rather amateur in my view.

That's why I don't take the stupid shit they say seriously. And never reply to any of their comments.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 11:46 pm

Let's question this:

I saw a video posted by a "nurse" who claimed viruses are killed at 80 degrees. She did not specify Fahrenheit or Celsius but since she is American I am going with 80 degrees F.

Let's put thought to skull.

If viruses are "die" at 80 degrees Fahrenheit no human being would ever become sick with a viral infection because the human body averages 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.
Chick'sOpinion said…
So the latest Dead Kennedys are Maeve Kennedy Townsend. And her 8 year son Gideon.

This is very sad. She was Robert Kennedy's grandaughter. And she was 40.

What I do find pathetic though. Is how everyone who is remotely distantly related to the Kennedy's. Add the surname Kennedy to their double barrel name.

Even if they are only related the original Kennedy's through their mother.

It's just so they can name drop for the rest of their lives.

So superficial.

Well it's not a good idea.
Because it's not easy being a Kennedy I dont think.
If you are a Kennedy. Or pretend to be. Then alot more is expected of you.

In your behaviours. Intelligence and achievements.

Interesting. It's not long since another Kennedy death.

Another grandaughter of Robert Kennedy's. In August last year ....she committed suicide. Her name was Saoirse Kennedy Hill. And she was in her teens.

Very sad.

She was under alot of pressure in life. For various reasons.

But from what I know. 1 of these pressures would have been to live up to the 'ideal' of being a Kennedy.

And I don't think we're done with Caroline Kennedy.
And her fiesty no b.s approach to things. And politics.
We are not done with Kennedys entering U.S politics.

Caroline Kennedy's son Jack Schlossberg is predicted to become a player in U.S politics.

He looks so much like John Kennedy Junior it's strange.

But anyway. At least Caroline Kennedy didn't burden him with the Kennedy surname.

Well he has it as a middle name. And his real name is actually John. But he doesn't use either of them at the moment.

At the moment he's only 27.... operating on the down low. Working in Japan. And he doesn't like attention.

But it's quite possible he will be the one to bring the Kennedys fully back into U.S politics
He's already admitted an interest in politics.
And worked for some time in the State Department.

The other Kennedy to really watch. Is Robert Kennedy's grandson, Joe Kennedy III.

He is a red haired lawyer. Used to volunteer in the Peace Corps.
And is a Congressman at the moment
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey

Amazon is making money hand over fist. Even if they aren't behind the crisis they are still making money like a printing press. Amazon is price gouging and so are the third party vendors they allow to use their site. A lot of shops are owned by Amazon so if you try to avoid shopping from Amazon good luck. I've purchased some items at lower prices from other retailers such as Walmart dot com.

What I find odd is that a LOT of third party vendors on Amazon's USA site operate out of China.

If Amazon is one of THEM or THEIR pawn then he is doing what he is told.
T. W. said…
Anonymous 11:53 pm

Living off the equivalent of $1 US dollar a day is poor.

The continent of Africa is wealthy in resources. Her greatest resource is the people.

We had a lengthy discussion about this on some previous blog posts. I'm not gonna tell you to hush about it because you might tell us something we don't know.
Chick'sOpinion said…
It's very intriguing what Christian is saying about this virus. And China.

Because it's not only the West not paying their bills they owe to Chinese businesses.

Since 2015, Chinese businesses have been having trouble getting other Chinese busineses to pay....for what they ordered...And got.

This has hit low-end Chinese manufacturers the hardest. And this naturally causes businesses to struggle to pay their own bills on time.
And their employees.

China has a far denser supply chain than in Europe. Or the U.S.
So it doesn't take much to knock out a business there..


Western Lending companies were all very keen. And happy lend big money when the Chinese needed investment.
But when they can't pay it. And how can they pay it? What happens?

As early as 2015, Hong Kong exporters of High End clothes to Europe were already reduced to start playin it safe with payment terms. To customers or buyers.
Insisting that customers make a partial payment. Before, during
and after shipment.

It's actually the smaller manufacturers in China that have gone broke the most. Because people have not been able to pay their bills.

Is this huge global event we are going through right now, a way of stopping China achieving world domination?

Makes me wonder.

Cause them as our government wouldn't be pleasant.

Though, the entire destruction of the Chinese economy may not succeed.
Because they are highly organised. And disaplined.
Unlike alot in the West.
And. They take duty and responsibility very seriously.

Not sayin we in the West can't be. Or are to a degree.
But the Chinese are raised with a huge focus on achievement, effort, disapline and responsibility.

To the extent I feel sorry for Chinese kids

They will recover I beleive.
Due to their 'worker bee' approach.

Funny how China are supposed to be a Communist country. And yet they have so many billionaires.
Engaging in capitalism.

In Communist people who have alot in private ownership or did before Communism.
Are usually considered enemies of the state.
In Communist political beliefs.

In Communist Romania years would get you arrested.
And jailed.
And your family punished.
T. W. said…
I think I figured it out. If it’s not Amazon then I think it’s the Chinese company Alibaba. What if they are in cahoots?!

“Import First”

China imports raw & unfinished materials from all over the world. We have already talked about how China owns foreign companies but does not change there name or use kanji on the labels so as not to arouse suspicion. They have also purchased large parcels of American land. China has purchased high-end real estate all around the world too.

“Export Second”

As stated above, China owns companies around the world & import raw & unfinished materials to sell back to us.

Alibaba is called “The Amazon of China.” Alibaba exports around the world just like Amazon. For some reason a lot of Amazon products are coming from China & I wonder if someone put the Chinese up to this. Whomever could it be...

“Never pay, many bills”

Google Alibaba + tax avoidance and see what comes up. To be fair, consumers can avoid sales taxes if we order directly from Amazon instead of one of their third-party vendors. Also, Jeff Bezos has the best financial & legal team to help him pay as little personal & business taxes as possible. I’m sure the Alibaba guy is doing the same.

“Font will be in Orange, sure”

Alibaba’s logo is orange. So is Amazon’s. I will not be surprised if they are working together.

“Then they will have to pay”

They will wish they had paid those taxes. Watch class-action personal injury & wrongful death suits come up. They should be sued for price gouging. Oh, watch the states sue to be reimbursed for all the money they spent to handle the pandemic. Amazon & Alibaba are getting too big for their britches.
T. W. said…

1) Billionaire Brooklyn Nets owner Joe Tsai donates ventilators and masks to New York

[Remember I told you China owns “foreign” companies. They even own American sports teams!]

Joe Tsai, the billionaire co-founder of Chinese ecommerce giant Alibaba, and his wife Clara Wu Tsai, have donated 2.6 million masks, 170,000 goggles and 2000 ventilators to New York — the US epicenter of the coronavirus pandemic.

2) Alibaba website with Orange logo to copy Amazon. China loves to copy things...

3) Is Alibaba Really The Amazon Of China?

[Their corporate building even reminds me of Amazon. Satan, uh, I meant the Flying Serpent has to imitate because he cannot create.]

4) Alibaba Group Wikipedia article

[You get a better look at their orange logo. You can even see a man smiling inside it!]

Alibaba Group Holding Limited (also known as Alibaba Group and as Alibaba) is a Chinese multinational technology company specializing in e-commerce, retail, Internet, and technology. Founded on 4 April 1999 in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, the company provides consumer-to-consumer (C2C), business-to-consumer (B2C), and business-to-business (B2B) sales services via web portals, as well as electronic payment services, shopping search engines and cloud computing services. It owns and operates a diverse array of businesses around the world in numerous sectors, and is named as one of the world's most admired companies by Fortune.
T. W. said…
T. W. said…
Anonymous 11:49 pm

I haven’t heard about worldwide mass burnings. I doubt there are any because some countries have few COVID-19 patients.

Having said that, I do believe China is running crematoriums around the clock. Some places like New York City might not burn those bodies for fear of spreading COVID-19 in the air. Who knows if the crematoriums burn hit enough to kill the virus? Even if they do burn hot enough would you want to burn those bodies if you ran a crematorium?

They will have to do something because they have NO room in the morgues & they had to get more refrigerated trucks sent to them.
T. W. said…
Maybe Christian won’t tell us if we solved this riddle because he values his life.

Or maybe he already told us...


1) A friend to the west for sure.....
February 15, 2012

2) More to this than meets the eye ..
August 14, 2015

3) Red Dragon....
September 01, 2019

4) Shining.. ...
October 16, 2019

5) Queen - The Prophets Song (Official Lyric Video)

6) The Meaning of the Cryptic Messages on The Economist’s “The World in 2019” Cover

A look at the cryptic symbolism found on the cover of the Economist’s “The World in 2019” which includes the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. What are they trying to tell us?

[Remember I told you the magazine headline is misleading. The predictions are to take place a couple of years into the future. Notice the Vitruvian Man is wearing a gas mask.]
writestuff said…
T.W.: You are on it! I so appreciate Christian for having this blog and I learn a lot from his international followers. I love all the political and personal stories. Thank you for offering those low cost specials now and then, Christian. It means a lot to us peeps!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Well despite owning alot of foreign companies.

China may have to sell them.


Because China are clearly in debt up to their eyebrows.

Or eyeshadow.

Depends on your gender I guess.

As alot of successful Chinese businesses are run by women.

Fiesty women.
Lisa's Artwork said…
No offense, but whats with the riddles? Predictions or psychic insights shouldnt have to be deciphered like this. What are you directly saying.
Psychic Gossip said…
Lisa If you research why Nostradmus did his predictions in riddles you will see why I too have to do some the same way. Granted we aren't still in the dark ages as was Nostradamus. But we are no way in the light either. So to keep breathing so be it CDX
T. W. said…

You are correct. I’m in a battle of wits & I’m fighting against people who are unarmed.
T. W. said…
The Kennedy family is one if the 13 Illuminati Bloodlines.

They are cursed.

Goat Lucy (Satan) always collects payment in full.
T. W. said…
writestuff - God bless you!

Chick’sOpinion - You made a good point. I always wondered how China could have billionaires. Then I remembered they call themselves The People’s Republic of China. I guess they are communist when it’s to the state’s advantage. They are capitalists when it’s to the state’s advantage. Interesting.
T. W. said…
Lisa’s Artwork - Welcome!

I don’t know if you are new here. Many years ago I read some of Christian’s predictions word for word on another person’s website. I can’t remember who. The person claimed they were a psychic & those were his predictions. I guess that “psychic” didn’t know Blogger time stamps posts.

You might have noticed that sometimes I ask Christian to share further insight about certain things only if sharing said info is not hazardous to his health. Depending on what time you checked this specific blog entry you will see I stated Christian will not tell us if we solved his riddle because he values his life.

Us commenters are just rambling, speculating, spreading conspiracy theories for laughs, and writing fan fiction for thrills. Therefore THEY have no reason to kill us.
T. W. said…

I learn from all of you & you all say things that jog my memory too.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I will try and check out that Australian Doco on Jeff 'Bastard' Bezos.

He has all the hall marks of a destructive capitalist.

What I hate about them is how they have no social responsibility.

Or at least don't think they need to.

And that's what fundamentally wrong with these billionaires.
Apple Monkey said…
TW - sorry only saw your reply. You are right - they will be profiting from all of this. How does Jeff Bezos sleep at night?
T. W. said…
Hi Apple Monkey!

Jeff Bozo sleeps easily at night. Satan worshipers do not believe in an afterlife of any kind. They believe this life is the only life (#YOLO - You Only Live Once).

If you read the King James translation of the Hebrew Bible (Christian Old Testament) you will read about the "soul." The translators should have translated that word as "life." By the way, Jews do not believe people have souls.

So when you sell your soul to Satan you are selling your life. Since this is the only life according to them it does not matter if you serve good or evil. Serving the Dark Lord gives them everything they could ever want. Well, almost everything.

This information I just shared with you will help you understand THEM and why THEY do what THEY do.
Cordelia said…
Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Beautiful words.
Chick'sOpinion said…

I've read that in China they operate Capitalism in zones. Where Capitism is tolerated.

I'm sure you can see the ridiculousness of this as I do.

As they are basically total hypocrites.
Using Communism to control the whole population.

But benefiting from Capitalism financially.

It's a joke.

But lets get into the detail. Cause you know guys I love the detail.

And always say, the devil is in the detail.

Anyway. As part of the reforms in early as the 1980's, China created SEZ's. Special Economic Zones.

They also established coastal cities to stimulate economic growth.
But in typical controlling Chinese style. Each Zone was developed to meet a different economic goal. Some to 'pilot and test institutional innovations'. And some 'free trade Zones that can experiment with different financial models.
To attract investment'.

The Chinese not only believe good infrastructure is essential. And organisation should focus on security and policy support. But part of their SEZ Zones plans... were quite surprisingly .....based on environmental issues.

Given their track record in destroying their own environments, this raises an eyebrow for me.

But some psychics have claimed that in the future, .....way in the future. The Chinese will be the leaders in operating in an environmentally way. In practice. And repairing their environment.

Well they better start by stopping telling lies about research and data on the current state of their environment. True facts about their water much they fish. And their air pollution.

They are using these specially designed well thought out principals around Zones, to install infrastructure in Africa.
In a big way.

But anyway. These SEZ's were all part of China opening up to the world in the 1980's. Something that was quite unheard of prior to that. So it's essentially a good thing for their people.

Because prior to that they were literally trapped in a communist and medieval existence. Of total poverty. And peasantry.
And NO communication with the outside world.

I think Cap Anonymous mentioned quite rightly, that China own so much in Canada.

Yes...they own alot in Australia too. But the fact is...China is now as broke as the U.S.

The difference is..China have been broke for far longer than has been widely known. They are very secretive as we know.
But the media find more success in reporting the latest aqquistion for China or Chinese expansion. Rather than the real story.

That they are broke.

In fact I would not be surprised if China has to sell alot of their Real Estate abroad and investments.

The way things are going at the moment.
Anything can happen.
Any bizarre change.

Cause we live in such changing times. Socially and economically.

China are not immune to these changes too.
T. W. said…

Thank you for sharing this!
Anonymous said…
A small part of me knew this honestly.

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