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I keep hearing NO ONE Predicted Corona ?

2019 Predictions........

Christian Dion’s
 Psychic Gossip
Predictions 2019… 
Completed 12/30/18 
Blackpool UK
As those that know. 
A couple of years ago I didn’t do yearly predictions.
As they were very dark.
Well, almost same this year. 
So dark, I almost didn’t do any. 
But then a thought. 
Do them Nostradamus style. 
So here they are. 

In the East the winds are strong.

Making clear that man. Is wrong.

Mind you West,don’t be smug.

Or, you may not last too long.
Gotham City, stands so proud.
Looking skywards, but not to ground.
There’s a problem brewing fast.
Won’t catch this one, before the blast.

High streets are heading for a fall.
Major problems, more and more.
Don’t believe the government hype.
Only worse from side to side.


T. W. said…
I think some people were able to decipher those riddles. I did say that Gotham City is a reference to New York City. I also heard a rumor that terrorist groups are telling their people to stay home because the pandemic is doing a better job than they ever could.

But that is not the point.

The point is Christian & others did predict the pandemic.

Eric Leigh-Pink has made multiple predictions about it going all the way back to 2013.

Psychic Tracey Brown talked about it last year.

Psychic Joseph Tittle talked about it in 2017.

Moe Othman started talking about it years ago.

All of these psychics are still making predictions about the current crisis.

The Truther Community has been warning those who will listen. I ordered my toilet paper in bulk before people took the crisis seriously & I warned whom I could.

5G internet is the next crisis. Laugh if you want. I’ll be wiping my butt with that toilet paper I purchased while the getting was good...

I will not link to Liam per his request. If you want to KNOW about IT and what happens NEXT you will have to use to search for him.

I will not link to the WHITE woman who likes DOVEs for reasons that have been discussed in other comment sections on this blog.

Here are links:

1) Eric Leigh-Pink Blog:

2) Eric Leigh-Pink 2013 Corona Prediction (please note he has links to previous pandemic predictions on his blog):

3) Moe Othman Tik Tok:

4) Moe Othman YouTube Channel:

5) Tracey Brown YouTube Channel:

6) Joseph Tittle YouTube Channel:

7) Moe Othman Twitter:
T. W. said…
More predictive programming:

A pandemic thriller, once rejected by publishers for being unrealistic, is now getting a wide release


What happens when a once-rejected dystopian novel turns into reality? Ask Scottish author Peter May.

The screenwriter-turned-novelist wrote a book titled "Lockdown" in 2005 about a global pandemic. Fifteen years later, that's our reality due to coronavirus, which has so far infected more than 1 million people globally.


The thriller is set in London, the epicenter of a global pandemic that forces officials to institute a lockdown. The story isn't entirely based on May's imagination. He used British and US pandemic preparedness documents from 2002 to make it was as realistic as possible.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Thank you for comments today. You don't realise but some of these comnents will help some people understand what the hell is going on.

As the world is officially crazy at the moment.

Australia had to send home yesty on flights..alot of backpackers, young holiday makers. Stuck here in Australia due to this crisis.

Because they kept on partying.

When we are in lock down here in Australia.

So our prime minister booted alot of them out.

Some thankfully have agreed to stay though.

On condition they agree they go pick crops in our regional areas.
Our government is extending their visas and paying for their accommodation. In the empty motels in the regional areas where the farming they can do this.

Which is good. Fantastic. Because the Australian government want to get these young foreign at risk holidaymakers... out of dangerous overcrowded Packpacker Hostels too. Hotels etc. In the cities.

The opportunity for catching the virus in those cheap overcrowded places. Is way too high.

I'm so grateful that so many young foreign backpackers have agreed to do this.

Because Australians Farmers have been faced with a problem. The borders to all the different states in Australia have been closed.
For a while.

And the usual pickers frim the Pacific islands/nations are not here this year. Well only 7,000.

But there's 140,000 young foreign holidaymakers ready willing to be the workforce.

A criteria is...that they register to self isolate before comnencing the work for 14 days. To check they don't have Covid 19.

The issue is ...the chain of food systems cannot continue to be disrupted here. Otherwise there will be no fruit or vegetables available on the shelves of supermarkets.

We are all working together.

And this is what is wonderful.

That's happening now.

As an example... I have already been tex messaging a friend this morning. Her Ride On Mower has a tube puncture in the tyre.

She can't afford to get it fixed right now.

She has a rental inspection coming up. Like we all do at times.

So I said 'come and take my mower for as long as you need it'

Sharing, helping each what we all need to be doing.

Getting to actually know our neighbors.

My neighbor asked me for an egg the other day.

I thought it strange.
She is young, wacky and noisy. A party girl.

But clearly she needed that egg. LOL.
Chocmint33 said…
CD certainly predicted it. Jessica Adams through astrology predicted it. I took it seriously back in January because of these predictions.

I even decided not to return to art college because of it and not wanting to be in situations where I was forced to be with too many people.

Actually, I had this dream back in January or early February. TW or CD or whoever is good at dream analysis - here is the dream.

I was in my kitchen and I heard this big loud announcement. The announcement said, 'The world is now being invaded.'

I then went to my local area in Cleveland and there was no trace of any white or black Westerner. The taxis were being driven by a race which was a cross between Chinese and Muslim. I think it was more Chinese. My local library was being run by them.

It was like all the white, black or Caucasian people all went to unknown locations or simply went into hiding.

In terms of the symbolic meanings of it - I would say the invasion was obviously the invasion of this Chinese virus and how it has us all in hiding in our homes.

The vibe that I got from the dream, is similar to the vibe I feel now with what is happening in the world and the consequences of nearly everything being shutdown and us having no choice but to self-isolate and go into lockdown because of the virus.
T. W. said…
Chick'sOpinion - I am an emotional person and I don't always realize what I said until later on.

I am thrilled Australians have sense to help one another and the foreigners on their soil. Ya'll can teach us Americans a thing or too. To be fair, not all of America is as bad as the media and the entertainment industries make it out to be. But in America it truly is "I'll get mine before you get yours."
T. W. said…

I think the dream is telling you about the source of the pandemic. Well, maybe part of the source. I also think there is more to come not just based on your dream and other psychic predictions but also based on dreams I have had as well. Take comfort in knowing things will get better but the bad won't peak until July or August. Please prepare for this as best you can.

The Chinese want to take over. Chick'sOpinion & I have been saying this for years. The feeling I have is getting stronger. I even had a dream about it that was so disturbing that I had to contact Christian.

I'm warning everyone, do NOT get that COVID-19 vaccine and be wary of any "help" China gives.

I also warn everyone to cling to God and ask God to show the truth of all things. We are really fighting a battle between good and evil. I keep telling people China worships The Dragon. The Dragon is Satan. Never forget this: Jesus defeated Satan. God has already won.
T. W. said…

I pray you can finish art school and I hope you are using your creativity everyday. Maybe set up an online shop. I'm serious. The new normal will involve people selling their merchandise online and conducting more business online, including going to school.

Our children will be telling their grandchildren about the time they went to these things called classrooms. The same way our grandparents told us about walking to school in the snow.
Chocmint33 said…
Thanks TW. You are always a ray of light and kindness on this site. Many blessings. :)
T. W. said…
God bless you Chocmint33!

Here’s a short inmate to make you laugh:

Corona - Be GONE AH The blood is upon ya!

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