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Rub, a Dub Dub.....

Another actor mentioned on here before.
I sense tha he's still under spell.
 Of the owner of an Aladdins Lamp.
Zac Efron should be very careful how he rubs it.
Or he will find himself on skid row.
This time though not as a voyuer.
But as a resident.......


Chick'sOpinion said…
He was the one discovered having to fight a homeless man in the skid row part of L.A. In 2014.

In his defense. He was defending his body guard who got attacked pretty bad.
By this homeless guy.

But what was Zac Efron doing there in the first place?

And this incident was not long after Zac Efron broke his jaw in a freak accident.

It's believed he was buying drugs in skid row in L.A that day.

He has since admitted serious drug problems. And a drinking problem.

But my concern is about his health generally.
As well as breaking his hand really badly while making that idiotic movie, Neighbors.

Last December, he picked up a serious life threatening form of Typhoid. While filmimg his adventure series called, Killing Zac Efron, in New Guinea.

And had to be flown to Australia. To hospital.

I'm not being snobby here. But. I wouldn't go to New Guinea if you paid me.

New Guinea is very close to Australia.

But Australians never go there.

We won't touch the place with a barge pole.

Not just the fact that it's very violent. And tribal scores are still settled there with horrifying levels of violence.
Think axes.

There's also alot of disease there.
And HIV is outa control there.

It's undeveloped too.
Though the Chinese moving in. Are attempting to change that.

So it doesn't surprise me Zac Efron came down with something serious in New Guinea.

I wonder what he is voyeuristic about. Watching what he shouldn't.

CD. Will have to explain.
Chick'sOpinion said…
The story of Aladdin's Lamp. Is a twisty story of loss and good fortune.

But also, as we having instantly everything. By rubbing a Lamp or a ring. Brings problems.

Does Zac Efron have a sugar mummy. Or sugar daddy with a magic Lamp? Bank account.?

That provides him with anything he wants?

It's unclear.

But having everything you want materially. Is always a recipe for disaster.

As it was for Aladdin. For a while.

And let's not forget the evil Magician that introduces Aladdin to the magic Lamp and the magic ring.

And at the end of the story Aladdin loses the magic Lamp.

And ends up with nothing.

My guess is. That when Zac Efron wants drugs.

He rubs the magic lamp.

Or ring.
T. W. said…
The Genie/Lamp Christian is referring to is a Svengali that got Zac hooked on drugs.

CDAN has been writing blind items about that for a long time.

As for skid row, I’ve never been to California but I was told by someone from LA to never go to Hollywood. She said that place is Skid Row & locals know not to go there. Now I know why all the celebs in California live in Sacramento, Malibu, & Beverly Hills.
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1) Her Bank Account Made Her Beautiful

2) EXCLUSIVE: Sandra Bullock's ex Jesse James slept with at least 20 women behind the back of his drag racer wife Alexis DeJoria, as the serial cheat begged ladies for sex on Snapchat and sneaked them into his marital home
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T. W. said…
Zac Enron is rubbing this man’s “lamp”

A Saudi in Hollywood: Mohammed Al Turki
How Saudi Arabian film buff, Mohammed Al Turki, became one of Hollywood’s most exciting up-and-coming producers


1) Blind Item #9 - Friday April 3, 2020

2) Blind Item #10 - Friday April 3, 2020
Anonymous said…
Chick's Opinon, yes, I agree. Sugar Daddy with a magic lamp, bank account, fill in the blank?

People need to know there is always a price to be paid. Always.

Such a good looking young guy who has (had?) everything going for him.

There's more to this story for sure.

CAP Anonymous
T. W. said…
CAP Anonymous

Zac Efron is a product of Disney. You don’t need to be a conspiracy theorist to know that child actors who work for that company have been used and abused.
T. W. said…
We need more info about the time Zac spent the night with Leonardo DiCathaho

Zac Efron reveals Leonardo DiCaprio cooked him breakfast and gave him life advice

'And sitting next to Leo, I was just like, ‘How have you handled this for so long?’'
T. W. said…
Christian, can we please have a Selena Gomez update? I’m truly concerned about her.

Previous Prediction:

One green bottle... or more...
April 18, 2018

But Now I Don't Fear it

Blind Item #2 - Saturday April 4, 2020
Chick'sOpinion said…

Cap Anonymous

Yeah there was an article about Hollywood's addiction to and dependancy on Saudi Arabian money I read a while back.

Hollywood have been living on Saudi Arabian Hollywood ambitions. To finance big movies for ages.
I think they still are. Behind closed doors.

I find it strange that the Saudis want to finance a Western Arts Culture. That they don't approve of. As they are often devoutly Muslim.
And definately don't agree with what Hollywood portrays on the screen. At all.

Seems it's all driven by that lying little rat, Saudi Arabian, Prince Mohammed Bin Salman.

He loves Hollywood. And the older Royals made a big mistake in letting him take over the running of Saudi Arabia. A while back.

He claimed to them they need to modernise to survive. True.
Because they are not getting as much money in petro dollars anymore.

He claimed to Time Magazine he was reforming Saudi Arabia. I know because I read the article. Of his balls-out lies.

He claimed he was currently improving women's rights.

In reality, it was discovered... he was imposing far more lethal oppression on Saudi Arabian women. Than ever before.

More young Saudi Arabian women have gone missing under his rule that ever before.

And he also jailed and tortured in jail alot of Saudi Arabian Womens Rights Activists.

He's a proper little prick.

And then...

He had murdered American/Saudi Arabian Journalist, Jamal Khashoggi. For reporting negative aspects of Saudi Arabia.

No this Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is a complete sociopath.
Who loves Hollywood movies.

After he had murdered Jamal Kashoggi. The Hollywood Talent Agency, Endeavour had to return the 400 million in dirty Saudi Arabian money they got in, investment.

Cause it looked too bad.

Basically Mohamed Bin Salman wanted to diversify Saudi Aradia's economy, into sports, events, modelling, films and TV.

And film production.

Which is interesting cause... as for modelling. So many abducted sex trafficed women are trafficked to Saudi Arabia. And Dubai.

And by the way. Jeff Bezos was completely involved in the Hollywood Endeavour Talent Agency transaction with the Saudi Arabians.

Perhaps yes. Zac Efron has a Saudi Arabian sugar daddy.

Or worse as you guys suggest. Someone who got him hooked on drugs.

And Saudi money.
T. W. said…
ChicksOpinion, you know it's all about the money but I think you are wondering why they would finance something they abhor. This is what some Muslim people told me:

1) Wealth is a sign Allah favors a person.

2) They can finance and/or sell booze, pork products, Western films, etc. because they are not selling these items to other Muslims nor are they using these items for themselves.
Chick'sOpinion said…

No doubt Saudi film producer, Mohammed Al Turki became highly successful real quick.

With the huge financial backing of the Saudi Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman.

To make a movie. You need finance.
If not. It ain't happening.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Cap Anoymous

You make a good point.

Maybe Zac Efron got accustomed to abuse in the industry. When quite young.

He certainly has his demons.

He's very into Transcendental Meditation apparently. To help him with addictions.
Chick'sOpinion said…

That jesse James was one of the worst people of the decade.

I could not believe Sandra Bullock married that smartarse smirking little villain.

Certaily hope some Karma comes his way soon.

He treats women like shit.
Chick'sOpinion said…

How long is Tekashi 69 gonna live outside of jail?

Good question.
T. W. said…

I can believe Sandra Bullock married racist pig Jesse James.

1) Sandra grew up in Nuremberg, Germany

2) Sandra graduates from East Carolina University. That is not far from where I live. Eastern North Carolina is KKK territory.

3) Rumors, tabloid press, & blind items claim Sandra Bullock is a racist, she just knows how to hide it.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Is Allah favouring you? LOL

Cause if you are broke he don't love you.

That is so crazy hey. That, that is a belief.

As as far the KKK having their own territory.

This is outrageous.

I know it's not even nearly as dangerous. But the Lebanese have done that in areas of Sydney.

And are openly hostile to Australians who come into 'their' territory. Suburb.

A friend told me they were so violent at practice games of football. The club had to hire security guards. To stop Lebanese guys bashing the other side.

While the KKK are a genre within themselves of crime.
Any group who takes over an area. And forbids entry to other races. Or people with other beliefs.
Lose my respect immediately.

Well. They might find. When they turn up at the gates of heaven.

They might find the gates locked.... to them.

To teach them a lesson.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Sandra Bullock learned the hard love.

But at least she's learning.

Unlike Halle Berry ...and men.

She needs to go on a course.

Or read that famous book, Why Am I Nothing Without A Man

That book changed lives.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And would you star in a show like Zac Efron made ...called Killing Zac Efron?

Would you put that statement out to the universe?

No way.

There's no way I would participate in a show that suggested killing me.

Is it any wonder then why, Zac Efron had to be carted off that show with Typhoid. To hospital.

Doesn't surprise me.

No. He needs to make better choices.
More shrewder choices.
T. W. said…

1) Them racists will die twice when they see Jesus Christ was not a white man and he did not have blonde hair & blue eyes.

2) I agree about the title "Killing Zac Efron." First of all, the title is unoriginal. There is a show starring Sandra Oh called "Killing Eve." Secondly, THEY love predictive programming...

3) Sandra Bullock is a heterosexual man and I have no sympathy for racists.

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