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ALMOST THERE.. Tommy Boy..

Oh what a SHAME........ha ha

Tom Cruise is all upset, 
that he has been drawn into the Leah Remini leaving Scientology.
Well, Thomas you have been the public face of the "CULT".
For along time.
Anyway, if he's upset by this wait till the rest comes flying out.


Mariefass said…
Shocked, said no one.
Chick'sOpinion said…
He's quite disliked universally anyway.
As we know....For being in the so called Church Of Scientologly.
Which is cult.
Not a church.
Everyone except him knows that. He's disliked for it.

He's clearly dumb. Well not too bright to believe Scientology crazy beleifs.

I think for anyone who's followed his career from the beginning. When he was in his break out movie, Risky Business.
Wonder how...logically he has remained in this Cult. Without intelligently questioning it.
And waking up.

I think when he was real young.
People/fans were able to pass off his obsession with Scientology as a naive and stupid phase.

But slowly we discovered the insanity of his devotion to this cult.
We discovered....He is one of Scientology's biggest advocates, leading member, huge financial contributor. And an arsehole.
And.... he cast aside his wife Nicole Kidman over it.
And stopped her seeing her children ever again.
What a shocking unforgivable thing to do.
Nicole Kidman nearly lost her mind over that loss.
Of her brainwashed Scientologist kids.

And now Tom Cruise actively prevents Suri, his daughter with Katie Holmes, to be part of his life.
Because she's not a Scientologist.

That little girl, Suri is considered what the Scientologists call a 'suppresive'.
It's been high time for decades. For Tom Cruise to be thrown out of Hollywood.
Scientology's control over vast aspects of Hollywood has prevented that in the past.

Hopefully because the world is now fully aware to the lethal danger of the Scientology Cult.
Actors who are in it, like Tom Cruise will now be booted out.
Not control Hollywood
Booted out.
T. W. said…
Thank you 2020!
valerie_323 said…
Finally some truth, then again it is 2020.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Speaking of unfair monopolies over industries.
Apple, Google and Facebook are currently getiing their arses chewed out.
By the U.S government.

Over a lot of things.

For a start, their clearly anti-competitive practices. And their bias on conservative ideas.

It's not just the Democrats chewing them out.
It's the Republicans too.

And Jeff Bezos is one of them in the hot seat.
In fact, they have been interupting and talking over him during questioning.

In his business work, Jeff Bezos is a King.
But at this Congressional hearing, he is just another power freak who's arse is in a very hot frying pan.

One of the things the Tech Giants are being fried over. Is buying up start ups just to stop them becoming popular while being owned by their founders.
Nasty little practice.

And. The tech giants have been using their own data hoards to clone and kill off competitors.

Yeah they're all class these Tech Giants.

Rhode Island Democrat Rep David Cicilline said it best during Hearing.

He said,

'As gatekeepers to the Digital economy, these platforms enjoy the power to pick winners or losers, shake down small business and enrich themselves, while choking off competitors '

Mmmm. I wonder if Mr 'I am an innocent college boy' Mark Zuckerberg can explain away that very accurate accusation. While he's sitting through the questioning at this Hearing.

And Google's Indian chief, Sundar Pichai is also sweating under the bright lights of the House Judiciary Committee's Anti-Trust Sub Committee.
And all their deep probe into the Tech Giants.

David Cicilline also stated it very well.

He said,

'Our founders would not bow before a King. Nor should we bow before the emperors of the online economy'

Well said.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And some people will remember Microsoft went on trial on anti-trust charges in the 1990's.

Well this current Hearing showdown spotlighting the Tech on that scale. But bigger in my veiw. Because there are alot of Tech Giants today. But they are clearly monopolies.
And...There's way more than in the 90's.
Most in the U.S Hearing hot seat right now didn't even exist in the 90's.

Back then it was small scale.

But it's interesting that it may be Trump who brings today's Tech Giants down. At least for a while.

He went on Twitter the other day. And claimed that if this Hearing fails to control their behaviours.
He will issue an executive order that does.

This would be a good move in the right direction I think.
And then when the Democrats come to power.They can do the rest of the reigning in these money hungry, power hungry moguls. That need knocking off their platforms. Literally.
Especially when we have already had in this Hearing, an Amazon lawyer bare-faced lying to this committee at the Hearing.

The continuing problem is, Tech Giants and those in the top management of them, show no social responsibility at all.
Think they are above it.

The problem U.S lawmakers have today is..... The laws around anti-trust issues in regards to consumers in the U.S is very very outdated.

They need shiny new laws that control tech giants. And protect consumers, Start Ups from them.

Cause little fish have been eaten alive by the likes of Facebook, Google and Amazon, for far too many years.
Chick'sOpinion said…
And just to prove that bald little creep Jeff Bezos has more problems, than just finally some accountability in this Hearing..

Amazon desperately needs unionisation. That's a no brainer.
U.S Amazon wharehouse workers earn $15.00 an hour and can't even take breaks to sanitize their hands.
In fear of not meeting Amazon productivity targets.

Well...the movement towards targeting Amazon for tade unionisation is moving forward. Slowly.

But let's look at what Amazon have been up to....
Dear 'Bald as a badger' Jeffy Bezos has recently ended the Upaid Leave Policy for Amazon Workers. A leave policy that assisted the workers who had Covid 19 symptoms. And or needed time off for sickness.
Amazon workers also have no right to paid sick leave or unfair dismissal.
It's positively Victorian.

While Amazon is determined to not share the billions they make with workers.
In a more fair way. They are increasingly comimg under the spotlight elsewhere.
The Amazon workers in Spain, Germany and France wouldn't stand for the lack of basic worker conditions. And have been very noisy about it.
They wanted more protection from the risk of getting Covid 19 too.
So French Amazon workers took Amazon to court.

To get around it.
Amazon closed it's branch in France.
They are that determined. To play unfair.
Amazon are probably the worst company in the Western World.
The Karma Gods need to visit.
T. W. said…
Leah Remini: Tom Cruise is morphing into Scientology leader David Miscavige


“Although I believe there was a time when Tom was a decent and kindhearted person, he has morphed himself into David Miscavige and is completely dedicated to Scientology’s mission to ‘clear’ planet Earth — which means making 80 percent of the world’s population into Scientologists.”
T. W. said…
Leah Remini Says That Tom Cruise Is The New David Miscavige


Leah continued to drag Tom saying that for years he’s used “Scientology and its staff to do his dirty work,” naming Tommy Davis in particular–the Senior VP of the Church of Scientology Celebrity Centre. She also said Scientology broke up Tom and Nicole Kidman, which isn’t new news. Leah added that Tom even made a woman go bankrupt:

“Tom has for years used his Church to torture his employees by sending them in for interrogations at their expense, causing a woman I know to go bankrupt simply because the hours she worked for Tom made it impossible for her to raise her family. She was interrogated and punished by her church for years, causing her to lose her home. These are some of the things Tom has done that never get talked about, and I think it’s time to change that.”

This offensive strike may be related to her show Scientology: Black Ops getting pulled from Australia’s 7News. The show was canceled last minute and Leah knows why:

“This show had been legally vetted since January by Channel 7. Up to 10 hours before it was going to air, it was still scheduled to go. The last-minute decision to kill it has Tom Cruise, Tom Davis, and James Packer written all over it.”

James Packer is Mariah Carey’s Australian billionaire ex who once confirmed himself as a Scientologist but later backed away from the cult. 7News gave this statement for why the show was pulled:

“7NEWS adjusted the scheduling of the series of its own volition and due to legal concerns.”
T. W. said…
Hi Chick’sOpinion!

Congress needs to go after debt collection agencies & telecommunications companies too.
T. W. said…
Amazon is one if the worst places to work but people stay as long as they can because they need income.
T. W. said…
Ghislaine/Epstein Updates:

Bill Clinton 'had affair with Jeffrey Epstein pimp Ghislaine Maxwell during trips on pedophile's private jet', explosive new book claims


The details of the alleged affair between the former president and the British socialite are detailed in a new book - A Convenient Death: The Mysterious Demise of Jeffrey Epstein.


'(Bill) and Ghislaine were getting it on,' the source said.

'That's why he was around Epstein - to be with her.

'You couldn't hang out with her without being with (Epstein).

'Clinton just used him like everything else,' the source claimed, adding that Clinton used Epstein as an alibi to carry on the alleged affair.

The book claims Clinton visited Maxwell at her Upper East Side townhouse on multiple occasions.

They were also side-by-side at various events in New York City together, including ones held by his own Clinton Foundation.

Maxwell was among the guests at Chelsea Clinton's wedding in July 2010 in upstate New York.

The allegations included in the book came just one day after new Netflix documentary claimed Clinton was seen sitting with Epstein on the convicted sex offenders' Caribbean island where young girls were allegedly taken and assaulted by the pedophile and his high-profile friends.

Steve Scully, a 70-year-old former worker on Epstein's private Caribbean island of Little Saint James, claims he saw Clinton sitting with the pedophile in the porch of the island's villa.

The claims will be aired in the new series Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich, which hears from witnesses and victims of Epstein's abuse.
T. W. said…
New book claims Bill Clinton had an affair with Ghislaine Maxwell

Article contains excerpts from the book.
T. W. said…
PRESIDENT AND THE 'PIMP' Bill Clinton poses with Epstein’s ‘pimp’ Ghislaine Maxwell and a sex slave on board private jet the ‘Lolita Express’
T. W. said…
Former U.S. President Bill Clinton And Prince Andrew Implicated In Jeffrey Epstein And Ghislaine Maxwell Child Sex Trafficking Ring That Includes Orgies With Underage Girls


Maxwell attended the wedding of Clinton's daughter, Chelsea Clinton. A book also stated that Clinton, who is married to failed presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton, had a sexual affair with Maxwell. Hillary herself expressed disdain and contempt for child victims of sexual assault and rape (Hillary Clinton Laughed While Getting Charges Dismissed Against 41-Year-Old Pedophile She Knew Was Guilty Of Raping A 12-Year-Old Girl). The Clinton family's conduct is very alarming.

Clinton has been the subject of sexual impropriety rumors since the 1990s, regarding his time in office as the Governor of Arkansas. So much so, it appeared in the film "Primary Colors" where the character based on Clinton was caught having a sexual affair with an underage girl, in conduct that threatened to ruin his political career, necessitating a massive cover-up.
T. W. said…
Hillary Clinton Laughed While Getting Charges Dismissed Against 41-Year-Old Pedophile She Knew Was Guilty Of Raping A 12-Year-Old Girl

EXCLUSIVE: Child rape victim comes forward for the first time in 40 years to call Hillary Clinton a ‘liar’ who defended her rapist by smearing her, blocking evidence and callously laughing that she knew he was guilty
T. W. said…
'NYMPHOMANIAC' Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell ‘filmed powerful people having sex with underage girls’
T. W. said…
Judge Delays Unsealing Of Ghislaine Maxwell's Deposition
T. W. said…
Inmates Claim That Ghislaine Maxwell Is Getting Special Treatment In Jail (Shocking) And Past Court Documents May Be Unsealed Next Week
T. W. said…
Inmate at Brooklyn jail claims detainees had to clean and polish the floors before Ghislaine Maxwell moved in


The wealthy British socialite has a floor all to herself in a Brooklyn jail while awaiting trial for allegedly grooming girls for Jeffrey Epstein — and women inmates had to clean and polish the area before she was moved in, according to an inmate and several lawyers with clients at the Metropolitan Detention Center.

Maxwell, 58, also gets extra recreational time, the inmate and lawyers claim.
“The only time we were allowed on the floor Ms. Maxwell has to herself is when they sent us to clean it and polish the floor for her,” said an inmate who requested anonymity. “We had to polish it three times so it would be ready for her.”


Two defense lawyers confirmed that Maxwell has 24/7 security outside her cell, and one said she was regularly moved from cell to cell.

Prison consultant and former MDC warden Cameron Lindsay said moving Maxwell around allows guards to make sure there is no contraband in her cell.
T. W. said…
Judge delays the unsealing of a deposition from Jeffrey Epstein's alleged former accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell


US District Judge Loretta Preska denied Ghislaine Maxwell's request to block the release of depositions from a 2016 civil lawsuit Wednesday but delayed the unsealing until Monday so Maxwell could ask an appeals court to review the matter, according to court documents.
T. W. said…
Writer reveals Ghislaine Maxwell’s creepy request for Jeffrey Epstein birthday song


Ghislaine Maxwell once hired someone to write a birthday song for pedophile Jeffrey Epstein — insisting that it refer to 24-hour erections and schoolgirl crushes, according to a report.

Journalist Christopher Mason told the Times of London how media heiress Maxwell, 58, approached him in New York to pen the birthday surprise because he was known for witty musical “roasts.”


She also said the song had to refer to schoolgirls having crushes on Epstein when he was a teacher in the 1970s in The Dalton School on the Upper East Side, Mason told the paper.
T. W. said…
Inside Ghislaine Maxwell’s dark web: greed, sex and daddy issues

How did the Oxford-educated daughter of a publishing tycoon wind up in jail charged with trafficking minors for Jeffrey Epstein? Vassi Chamberlain, who knew Maxwell, speaks to her former friends
T. W. said…
In today’s episode of “Try Not to Laugh”

Mike Pence involved in campaign bus crash in Pennsylvania


Vice President Mike Pence was involved in a minor vehicle collision Thursday morning while stumping through western Pennsylvania — shortly followed by a second campaign caravan crash.

With Pence aboard, the Trump 2020 campaign bus collided with a dump truck around 11 a.m. in Allegheny County, according to journalists in the accompanying press pool.
T. W. said…
Amber Heard thought ex Elon Musk gave her bugged Tesla, court



The mom claimed that the 49-year-old Tesla founder — who was accused in court of seeing Heard while she was still married to Johnny Depp — was “controlling” during their affair, Howell reportedly stated.

In comparison, Depp, 57, was an “angel” or a “saint” to Heard — and the family wanted to see them reunited, Howell told Depp’s lawyers in a statement as part of his $50 million US lawsuit against his ex-wife.

“Paige also told me the reason Johnny and Amber broke up was because Amber was violent and emotional and loved Johnny so much that she could not control it,” Howell reportedly stated.
T. W. said…

1) Kim Kardashian Reportedly Feels 'Trapped' In Marriage To Kanye West

2) Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are already living separate lives

3) Confirmed: Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Living Separate Lives
T. W. said…
Christian told us to avoid the Trump rallies.

Herman Cain Dies After Testing Positive for Coronavirus


Former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain has died apparently from complications related to COVID-19. Cain, 74, was hospitalized earlier this month after attending a Trump rally in June.
T. W. said…
US economy posts its worst drop on record
T. W. said…

1) Trump suggests delaying 2020 election, a power designated to Congress

The move comes as polls show Trump trailing Biden in battleground states.

2) Trump suggests delaying election amid fraud claims, but has no power to do so

3) Trump Calls for Election DELAY Over Mail-In-Vote Fears


The president's tweet triggered a 490-point drop in the stock market amid concerns that the president is attempting to delay the election.

Political analysts say a president can't delay the election unless he gets the approval of Congress.

But Trump's supporters say he is trolling his Twitter followers, as usual.

T. W. said…
Inside Will and Jada Pinkett Smith’s Scientology School for Kids

Former teachers and administrators at the Smiths’ shuttered New Village Leadership Academy reveal to The Daily Beast that despite their public denials, it was a Scientology school.


One year prior, The Daily Beast had published an interview with Leah Remini, the ex-Scientologist turned whistleblower who alleged that Pinkett Smith was a devoted practitioner of Scientology—a costly endeavor (reaching its highest “Operating Thetan” levels can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars) that comprises tales of intergalactic overlords, dead alien souls, “body thetans,” and the curious theory that humans evolved from clams.

“I know Jada’s in. I know Jada’s in. She’s been in Scientology a long time,” Remini told me. “I never saw Will [Smith] there, but I saw Jada at the Celebrity Centre. They opened up a Scientology school, and have since closed it. But Jada, I had seen her at the Scientology Celebrity Centre all the time.”


“They never mentioned Scientology,” Olivier tells me. “But I remember they sent me the L. Ron Hubbard books [the founder of Scientology], and I didn’t put it together. It just seemed like a great opportunity.”

There were other signs. Olivier says she soon discovered that all of the teachers in the Smiths’ home were Scientologists, and remembers Pinkett Smith ordering her to take classes in “study technology”—a dubious teaching method developed by Hubbard that is foundational to Scientology.


Olivier says she and other teachers were made to take courses at Scientology’s Celebrity Centre in Hollywood, California, and also at Applied Scholastics, a Scientology-affiliated group that promotes study technology.

“We all went to Applied Scholastics,” says Olivier. “They have all these front companies that you only realize later are Scientology.”

“I had to go down to the Celebrity Centre and do stuff with the E-meter, and Jada was always at the Celebrity Centre,” she continues. “My feeling is that Jada was really into [Scientology] and Will was sort of whatever… but he took all the courses too.”
T. W. said…
Inside Trump and Farrakhan’s Strange Ties to Scientology

Whistleblowers Leah Remini and Mike Rinder open up on the links between Donald Trump, the Nation of Islam, and the Church of Scientology, from loans and donations to fundraising.


Since, as Remini and Rinder have repeatedly claimed, Scientology mostly operates via a series of volunteers, they’re confused about why the church would need government handouts to compensate paid employees.

“The PPP loans were about ensuring that people don’t lose their jobs, and Scientology, when confronted about the fact that they don’t pay minimum wage or anything, say these people are volunteers!” offers Rinder. “Staff members of Scientology organizations are ‘volunteers,’ they’re not employees, and they’re getting loans so that people don’t lose their jobs?”


According to a 2015 investigation by The Smoking Gun that analyzed—and published portions of—tax-return filings from the Donald J. Trump Charitable Foundation between 1990 and 2014, Trump’s charity arm made only one donation to a Sept. 11-related cause in the wake of the tragedy: $1,000 to the New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project. That program, started by the Church of Scientology and Tom Cruise, sought to heal first responders with smoke-damaged lungs via the “Purification Rundown,” a medically unproven detox method that involves pumping the body full of vitamins, performing loads of exercise, and spending many hours a day in a sauna. Scientists and health professionals have called it “dangerous.” (The Trump administration did not respond to requests for comment.)

“And Joy Villa has infiltrated the Trump administration,” adds Remini, referring to the Scientologist pitchwoman/singer who served on Trump’s Campaign Advisory Board. “I don’t know how this continues to be a thing. It should be criminal.”

Trump has also met with a number of big-money Scientology donors at the White House, where they were photographed together, while Vice President Mike Pence entertained top Scientology lobbyist Greg Mitchell.


Scientology’s reach doesn’t stop there. The church is also deeply connected to Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam, which has been designated as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for Farrakhan’s rabid anti-Semitism and praise of Hitler, among other things. Since 2010, the Nation of Islam has been promoting the “benefits” of Dianetics, the core set of principles taught by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard.

“I found the tool that I know can help us. And I thank God for Mr. L. Ron Hubbard,” Farrakhan announced during a sermon in Chicago on July 1, 2012. “And I thank God for his research and teaching.”

T. W. said…


“Scientologists are told that Tom Cruise is saving the world single-handedly, so he is considered a deity within Scientology. He is second to David Miscavige—the savior of the free world. Tom is even called ‘Mister Cruise’ by staff members,” Remini told The Daily Beast.
T. W. said…
Leah Remini Calls ‘Bullsh*t’ on the LAPD and Danny Masterson
T. W. said…
Tom Cruise’s Odd Scientology Bromance
T. W. said…
Scientology Doc ‘Going Clear’ Claims the Church Split Up Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman
T. W. said…
Leah Remini Wants to Expose Tom Cruise’s Dark Side
T. W. said…
Inside Kelly Preston’s Deep Scientology Ties: ‘She Was Hardcore’

T. W. said…
We Asked the Church of Scientology How They’re Combatting Coronavirus. This Is Their Wild Response.

The Church of Scientology threatened to “end” The Daily Beast like Gawker while boasting “the world would be in a better place” if it took the steps they did to combat coronavirus.

T. W. said…
Elisabeth Moss Opens Up About Scientology and Resisting Trump: ‘The Only Place I Can Speak From Is My Own’
T. W. said…
How Nicole Kidman Almost Got Tom Cruise to Leave Scientology

Twenty years ago, “Eyes Wide Shut” hit theaters. And it was during the making of Kubrick’s racy thriller that Scientology temporarily lost its top ambassador and No. 2: Tom Cruise.


But by late 1992, Kidman had become fed up with Miscavige, in particular, and left Scientology. Cruise followed shortly thereafter, and by the time filming began on Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut across the pond in November 1996, the two had been separated from the practice for a few years. But Miscavige had his ways of remaining in the picture.

“Miscavige used all of Cruise’s household employees, including his assistant Michael Doven, who spied on him for 10 years on behalf of the Church of Scientology, to give Miscavige daily reports of what Cruise was up to,” says Ortega.

“They were all Scientologists,” adds Rinder, “so everything that went on in Tom’s life was reported to either Shelly or David Miscavige, and when they went to the U.K. for Eyes Wide Shut, they were sequestered.”

T. W. said…
Where Is Scientology Leader David Miscavige’s Wife?
T. W. said…
How Tom Cruise’s Wedding to Katie Holmes Changed Scientology Forever
T. W. said…
Tom Cruise’s Daughter Comes Out as Top Scientology Recruiter

The daughter of the fringe religion’s most famous member gushed about her ‘auditing adventure’ and encouraged people to receive Scientology training.
T. W. said…
Tom, Katie and Suri: A Scientology Story
Chick'sOpinion said…

I think it's disappointing that most people don't know that Jada Pinkett-Smith is a Scientologist.

How is she flying under the radar so much.

She's a dangerous character based on that.

For many reasons. Principally because of the
power she's had in Hollywood.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Do Tom Cruise's Scientology kids know they are a global laughing stock?.

And Tom Cruise's daughter is a mess....on the outside too.

She always looks like a hobo. Or a homeless person.

Not insulting homeless people.
But at least if you are homeless. You have a reason for looking scruffy.

What reasons doee she have?

She's an idiot.

And she's young enough. To be able to witness the banning of her so called Church Cult, Scientology in future.
I can't wait to see it banned.

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