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ALMOST THERE... Meghan Markle "Royal" Bitch slapped...

All that glitters is Lillibets...

Meghan Markle seems to think.
She can keep, all the pretty sparkly things.
Oh, what a silly girl.
Doesn't, know her history then.
Heads have rolled, to collect those jewels.
Never will they leave, Lillibets grip.
Even if she were to pack them.
Customs would bring them back.
She must think shes the President of the USA. 


writestuff said…
Maybe it's my overactive imagination, but if MM did manage to steal a few items and actually made it through customs, maybe they had micro chips or something like that attached to them? Or is it much simpler than that? Sorry don't post as much as I used to. So appreciate CD's blog and everyone's contributions!
T. W. said…
Hi writestuff! I miss you.
T. W. said…
I heard she took some of Princess Diana’s personal jewelry.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. It would be interesting to know if the jewellery had some kind of tracers on it.

I think it's hilarious the Queen is removing Meghan's access to the jewelery she gave her.

If the jewellery was actually left in the UK.
Clearly Meghan will get a letter from the Queen notifying her that she no longer has acesss to it.

And if it did leave the UK. And went to L.A. The Queen will send people to collect it back.
By force.

Love this.

Some will see this as an instant response to Meghan's ungrateful approach to everything the Queen gave her/paid for.
But I don't
I see it as rather a delayed response.
Cause I would never had as much patience as the Queen has had with this.
With someone so unappreciative.

It's one thing to be careless and unappreciative.
But to rub salt into the wound and write books about the experience.
Insulting a family who gave her so much
So much opportunity.
No. It's actually disgraceful and a measure of how badly she's been raised.

Meghan fakes all these good manners when she's interviewed. I believe that.

Guys...its ALL acting.
She has no clue about common decency.
Well.... the Queen is trying to teach her many lessons.
Is it working?
I don't think so.
Cause Meghan thinks she knows everything.
And doesnr care.
Blackbird said…
She's such a fruit loop. At first all her shenanigans were entertaining; now she's getting on every last nerve. Her ego knows no bounds - did she really think that she could change an institution that has been hundreds (if not thousands?) of years in existence?
T. W. said…
Meghan Markle agrees to pay more than £67,000 in legal costs after losing the first round of her legal battle against the Mail
T. W. said…
Meghan Markle's occupation on her Wikipedia page changed from 'fashion model and spokesmodel' to 'activist and humanitarian' days before her relationship with Prince Harry was revealed
T. W. said…
Throne of Blood

It’s time for the British royal family to make amends for centuries of profiting from slavery.
Chick'sOpinion said…
Glad Meghan didn't get to wear the Tiara she wanted for the wedding.
Because everything we've learned about her since that £32 million pound wedding, proves that she didn't deserve to wear any Royal Tiara.

And I believe they knew even at the wedding. That they intended to leave the Royal family.

Chick'sOpinion said…
So clearly Meghan is lying.
There WAS an agument over which Tiara.

WTF would argue.... saying I don't want that Tiara the Queen has approved for me to wear from the Royal Collection.
What an astonishing level of arrogance.

If I was the Queen I would have cancelled the wedding based on that incident alone.

Meghan Markle is desperately trying to claim through her Omid Scobie's book Finding Freedom, that this Tiara incident didn't happen.
It did.
And other psychics have picked up on it.

Some have gone further. And claimed Meghan deliberately claimed she wanted a different Tiara just to cause trouble. And have perceived control.
The same psychic claimed Meghan was showed boxes and boxes of very old very valuable Royal jewellery.
But when Meghan sensed that the person showing her the Tiaras was trying to encourage away from a particular Tiara.
She insisted on having it.
Just to difficult.
And that's how the row started.

Who does that?
In a Royal Palace?

So I wasn't that surprised when Meghan sent the ring back, that she was given as part her marriage to Harry.
Back to the Royal Jewellers, to get blinged up with far more diamonds.

No, nothing is ever enough for this materialistic woman in my veiw.
All I see is greed.
And mean spiritedness.

The Tiara that Meghan carried on that she wanted. Was disallowed by the Queen because it was so old no one could remember the provenance of the jewels in it. They were too unknown.
And also, that the jewels in it may be contraversial. How they came into the Royal collection.
So....The Queen denied Meghan that particular Tiara for fair reasons.
Chocmint33 said…
Chick's Opinion - I think one of psychics who saw that tiara caper was Yvonne who does many readings on Harry and Megs on Youtube.

I hope you and your kitty cat are doing well.

I miss not having a cat. They're mysterious beings and definitely psychic.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yeah Meghan had her PR company working on her image the moment she started to get closer and closer to Harry.

She deliberately had her image reinvented.... as an humanitarian.

She was involved in UNICEF type stuff before she met Harry. That's a fact.
A little bit of it.
Not alot.

Her main occupation when she wasn't acting. Was being paid to wear clothes to Fashion Shows all over the world.

When she met Harry, her PR team went into overdrive trying to re-invent her as Prince Harry's ideal.
And as a actress version of his mother, Diana.

It was quite masterful how they pulled it off.

I wonder if Harry has now checked the dates. And facts. And figured out. That Meghan spent more time at Fashion Shows wearing couture than she did in the Sudan.

Prince Harry has alot of experience as a humanitarian campaigner. He's been doing it all his life.
He started early. Accompanying his mother on visits to developing countries. Hospitals or land mine invested countries ripped apart by war .
Plus he created, lived at and constructed an orphanage quite young himself.
He's met alot of genuine humanitarian workers.
Has worked with them for years.
He's knows the difference.
So it's my guess...Hes started to realise Meghan isn't who shes been claiming to be.

And then there's Meghan's periods where she's been yachting.
For $40,000 per night
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes Meghan started to get on my last nerve.
The moment I realised she was fake.
T. W. said…
MeghaTron overplayed her hand.

Benjamin Franklin and The Sisterhood
Chick'sOpinion said…

I know ....cats are amazing beings to have around the house hey.

And my cat does that classic cat thing. He suddenly wakes up at the end of my bed or on my sofa. And looks very carefully at something invisible.
Especially when it moves.
He's facinated.

I always know when spirit is in my room because of my cat.
Cats are highly tuned in.
With the spirit world.
And I love that.
Dogs are the same.
Chocmint33 said…
I remember CD's prediction at the end of 2016 where he said that Meghan wants to be a princess and will do everything to make it happen. He actually said at the time that she hired a PR firm to be make herself look good and to land Harry. They were just dating then. Wow he was accurate about Megs!

If you go back to his old posts, you'll find that prediction.
Chocmint33 said…
Yeah here it is. I found CD's original Meghan PR prediction made in December 2016.
T. W. said…
Thank you Chocmint33!

Christian is the best!
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. I think it may have been Yvonne.
A long time ago.
Chick'sOpinion said…

Yes. Meghan has overplayed her hand in suing newspapers. Especially UK ones.
What a fool.
For a start, they never liked her. And were only being polite about her in the early stages.
Out of respect for the Queen. And monarchy.
Once the Royal family's attitude to Meghan changed.
They would have known. For hand from the Palace Media Unit Advisors.
And then.....
All the gloves are off.
Suing them only inflames the dislike for her.
And gives them even more free reign.... and motivation, to criticize her.
And Harry.
T. W. said…

Thanks for this information.

MeghaTron assumed the UK courts are like American courts because a lot of our laws are based on the Magna Carta & such. MeghaTron forgot the American colonists rebelled because they didn’t like the British laws they had to follow.

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