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TOLD YA Another lie from Meghan Markle... LOWLIFE...

LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE.. Meghan Markle ex HRH...



Meghan Markle.






PS I did mean to post this one.
But the send button and save button.
To my migraine dyslexic brain.
Look just the same.
Oh well.


Sally said…
Hi Christian

You’re right again.
I remember you predicting this previously.

Take care,

Sally X
T. W. said…

I thought biological males couldn't get pregnant to begin with and therefore cannot miscarry an unborn child?
Anonymous said…
She’s such a narcissist.
Girl from Oz said…
Lying about a miscarriage is low as you can get. Christian, I know that you’ve also predicted that they will divorce soon, will Harry see the light after this PR stunt? Will it ever be revealed that she lied?
Anonymous said…
How can a hospital sign off a fake miscarriage?
I definitely recall the prediction & timing I picked up would be Nov /Dec (& news broke accordingly), but... the newscast detail of hospital confirming miscarriage, well , mind boggles.,
Psychic Gossip said…
Re how did she pull this off....
She's a LIAR..
I bet Harry was telling her no more.

So she pulled this stunt.

Also how could she have held her husbands hand in hospital.

In the middle of covid lockdown.
They only allow the patient in.

Anonymous said…
Thank you so much for your reply, & I wanted to say yes you got it right .
Shocked that she’s effectively discrediting the hospital with her lie! Terrible thing to do & unforgivable.
Happy happy Thanksgiving Day to you CD & to all Americans. A lot to be thankful for. Wishing you well too.
Girl from Oz said…
Thank you for your reply Christian xxx
Cap Anonymous said…
Meghan, you ignorant slut, you! đŸ™„

Outrageous! I could see her jumping on the Chrissy and John miscarriage bandwagon, because it brought them SOOOOO much media coverage, good and bad!

In Meghan's sick twisted narcisstic mind, she probably saw that as a good thing and not only did she want some of that but maybe now she can hook up and become "friends" with Chrissy. Because John Legend is somebody. And if she connects with Chrissy, they have something to share and maybe Meghan and Harry can "hitch a wagon to their star." Yeah, right.

There were rumors that Chrissy's miscarriage was fake too. Possibly, I don't know.

My gut tells me John and Chrissy's marriage will not last.

My momma had a miscarriage too, her first. She was devastated, of course. But she and my Dad didn't tell the whole world, just close family members. I've have often thought of that "baby," and wondered who she/he was. But then I came along, heh heh. Mommy was sooo happy! Me too!

Meghan and Harry's PR firms had been doing their best (considering who and what [pandemic] they had to work with) and because they failed to bring (Meghan) what she wants (money, success, fame), they are fired. Now they have this new PR firm, apparently someone Meghan went to school with. I think the money and offers will continue to NOT come in. I think they are getting desperate. You can imagine the fights between Meghan and Harry. The audacity of Meghan manipulating the medical doctors (especially during a pandemic), the media, her "friends," and everyone else about a miscarriage is beyond understanding. It's like those individuals who fake cancer to get money from good, kind people. They should serve jail time for a stunt like that.

The audacity of Meghan writing her fake story to the New York Times. "... while changing Archie's diaper...." Ha Ha, that was so funny (not). We all know Meghan is not changing Archie's diaper!

I have no idea how Meghan could fake a miscarriage either. Just don't understand how this works. I have an annual on Monday with my doctor. I'm going to ask her some questions and see if I can get some answers.

I hope all is soon revealed, the TRUTH about Meghan Markle.

Harry knows she wasn't pregnant with Archie, so he must know this is a FAKE miscarriage. My gut tells me that he didn't want her to do this but you all know Meghan, "she always gets what she wants.

Hunh. We'll see.
T. W. said…
Christian - THANK YOU!!!

Who believes the Ponce held MeghaTron's hand in the hospital during a pandemic?

PS - Christian, the surgery date looks iffy for several reasons. Main reason being the large amount of Plandemic patients in the hospitals here in North Carolina. People still walking around like it's a joke. Some people want masks but they are hard to find.
T. W. said…

God bless you.
T. W. said…
Friends, I'm asking for all of us to pray for the homeless, the poor, people in hospitals, residential facilities, care facilities, nursing homes, foster homes, jails, prisons, and other communal living spaces. They are dying of The Plague and the people that care for them are dying too.

Dear God,

Please remember the hopeless, the helpless, the homeless, the lost, the prisoners, and all of us in need. I remember You and I am sure the Friends here do as well. Please protect us from COVID-19 and every other danger, malady, sickness, illness, trouble, calamity, bad thing, and bad situation. Please show all humanity that You are the merciful, You are the savior, and You are the Great Healer. Please show all humanity You are Love and the source of love.


T. W. said…
Trump pardons former national security advisor Michael Flynn
Morgan said…
Well done and congrats, CD. Watching to see if this could be the catalyst for those predicted divorce papers from Harry.
LovesBreadCarbs said…
Just when you think they cannot go any lower....

There was a woman with whom I worked for several years. She had had a number of miscarriages. Even though it had been more than twenty years, the pain and heartbreak was so evident on her face and in her eyes when she did share. And she did NOT speak as though writing a novel, script or whatever. And most definitely not work in political comments, etc.

Personally, I do not recall any signs of that deep grief in ALL their photos and videos since this summer. She ain’t that good of an actress on her best days. And her spouse and/or his alleged double? They appear to only barely get through a basic photo op.

So just no.....
T. W. said…
Cap Anonymous


I am so pleased to hear from you both.
Jules said…
Cap Anon - I can literally feel your utter disgust .. it jumped off the page.

Heartbreakingly my own mother suffered a miscarriage and also lost a newborn baby girl who lived for a few short weeks. My heart bleeds and my soul weeps for parents who have suffered a miscarriage, and to them, I send my most sincere condolences for their loss and send much love to comfort and support them.

Who uses the loss of their child to make a political statement?

I am of the opinion that a miscarriage that took place in July would have been leaked well before now, to garner sympathy, especially considering how negative their press has been.

You only have to apply the tiniest of critical thinking to what she has written to see it does not hold water. In fact, there are many discrepancies in what she wrote, as an example she says, "I looked out my window (whilst travelling in a cab in new york) and saw a woman on her phone in a flood of tears". When Meghan was a teenager that woman would have been in a telephone booth. Meghan states this miscarriage happened in July, during July she was out and about and doing daily zoom calls, she was very visible. Claiming hospitalization and then stating her husband was with her, as Christian and others have pointed out. is impossible. California was in a lockdown in July, the hospitals in that state were very strict and did not allow family members in, even in the ER.So if Harry was there, then a hospital broke the rule of lockdown.

I watched Ashli from Danja Zones video on this, I think she makes a lot of valid points.

Harry & Meghan Use DEVASTATING LOSS to Their BENEFIT!
Mariefass said…
There really is no low that this piece of trash will not sink to.
Cap Anonymous said…
HRH TW, thank you Dahlink! Right back at you! xo

LovesBreadCarbs, I agree with you. Meghan, during the month of July, was very active online. We saw both Harry and Meghan almost everyday on YouTube with something new. Meghan's fake hair and makeup was perfection. I saw no proof of grief or tears.

How she found the strength to speak, smile, and laugh during that time after her apparent miscarriage is beyond understanding because I can tell you if something like that happened to most women, they would be a mess. the grief would be overwhelming. Personally, there is no way I could be seen in public. My eyes would be swollen from crying so much and I would be numb. Forget about makeup and hair. And I certainly would not want to talk about world affairs and whatnot on a video. She is fake and a liar (but we've always known that).

Jules, I am so sorry that your Mom also lost a baby. You do know that that baby is one of your angels, right? You are such a great guy, very intelligent and thoughtful. xo

CD, will Meghan get away with this? It seems her plot is working, she and Harry are getting worldwide sympathy and not just from the public but from the Royals back home. Even Piers Morgan had to grit his teeth to express his sympathy. I guess they have to give a statement otherwise they would look cold to the world. I wonder if they know it's a fake miscarriage?

Meghan is brilliant in her sick, twisted narcisstic ways. We have got to give her credit for coming up with this sick calculated story to gain sympathy from the world because it is working. For now. She would be a brilliant criminal. Oh wait, she already is in a legitimate sort of way. I also believe her new PR Firm helped bring her "story" (because that's what it is, a story) to the New York Times. I also believe their writers helped tweak Meghan's miscarriage story and quite personally, it sounded like something you'd read in a Nicholas Spark novel. Meghan should perhaps write novels, and forget about acting roles.

There isn't one maternal bone in her body. The early images of Meghan and baby Archie were just so odd, at least to me. She seemed so uncomfortable in her handling of him. It didn't look right. It certainly didn't look like a mother and her child whom she had recently given birth to and handled since the birth. And that's because she hadn't.

I bet we will now see Meghan and Harry everyday. The sympathy from the public will fuel Meghan's ego and give her confidence to spew her crap out into the world again. I personally enjoyed their sabbath from the media. Their PR firm will take a different approach of how they should represent themselves to the world than the prior firms that Harry and Meghan had hired. I think they are going to be less political and take a Will and Catherine approach, if you will. They'll talk more about Archikins (not see him, but talk about him), Thanksgiving, cooking, decorating the fake owned rent-a-mansion for Christmas, more talk about peace and how family, education, women's rights, etc., etc., is so important, and of course, we shall see them (masked) doing more charity work, and continuing to refer to themselves as the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. (How is it they can continue to call themselves this?)

But back to the question everyone is wondering... Will Meghan get away with this? Because if it backfires and the truth comes out, which I do believe it will, I don't see either Harry or Meghan surviving this.
Morgan said…
Hey TW!
Hope you're doing well.
This CD prediction was the very first thing that came to mind about Ms Markle's miscarriage story. I can't believe a single word that comes out of her mouth. lol
Cheers and have a great day. xo
T. W. said…
MeghaTron claims she didn’t know who Prince Harry was when they met.

Okay then.

Follow the link to see a pic of her at Buckingham Palace when she was a teenager:

Faster Baby
T. W. said…

I’m sorry you lost siblings. I pray you & your parents are okay.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts & links. You are a wealth of knowledge!

You are right about the phone booths.



MeghaTron is of her father the devil, the father of lies.

Cap Anonymous

I thank you for making me laugh and for telling us the truth about the situation.

Hi Morgan!

How are you?

I’m happy because I saw all my nephews today! I also ate some sweet potato today with no problems.

God is wonderful!

I pray everyone here enjoys a blessed rest of the year. May we all have a multitude of reasons to celebrate next year!

With love,

Jules said…
Cap Anon ... thank you .. I am female, .. Jules is not my name its a shortened version of my name its what my friends call me!!!!

Apple Monkey said…
Such amazing thoughtful articulate comments as always TW, Jules, cap, bread loves. ♥️♥️♥️ Jules so sorry to hear about your poor mum. My mum also went through many and still gets upset talking about them today.
Well done CD yet again.
Such a low thing to do. When I read mm’s comments I thought someone is looking for publicity. When has she not been in the papers?!
T. W. said…
Apple Monkey

I pray your momma receives God’s perfect Shalom Peace.

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