Answers To Comment Ep3.
Saturday 3rd April 2021.
Amity Boado asks
Will any videos or audio recordings of Meghan's bullying and abuse surface for mainstream media's consumption? Love you so much. Always make me happy to see notifications from your channel.
They will prove all their lies…
Dionysus Beviglia asks
What about the economy? you have mentioned in your blogs about a crash is that still in the cards for all of us?
ANSWER. I SEE… Yes, I do. A major upset in 2021…
KARMA asks
Mr. Dion: can you tell why Keanu Reeves asked his new love for money? is it true that Keanu was preparing for their wedding last year? thanks.
ANSWER. I SEE… NO, this is not true…
Shirlene asks
Congratulations!!! You definitely told us the truth, you are officially a great psychic/prophet : ) Would you do an update on the US?
ANSWER. I SEE… First many good things ahead for the USA…
But, I also see, that we need to come together. So as to avoid. Some terrible things…
littlestar23 asks
So sad for Johnny! He will get his justice one day soon. Don’t be hard on yourself CD, one out of a zillion you missed, but maybe it’s just a delay in being a told ya
ANSWER. I SEE… Johnny winning against Amber Heard, In the US trial…
New Feature…
Predictions I’m Standing By…
Keanu Reeves will awake to Alexandra Grant.
Lovely Libra asks
Is Joel Osteen a fraud?
What is happening with former pastor Carl Lentz?
Is Hilaria Baldwin a gold digger?
Is the US Lottery rigged?
Joel Osteen Is a fraud…
Carl Lenta is also a fraud & conman. Trial ahead…
Yes, Hilaria Baldwin is a gold digger & more…
US Lottery, not rigged…
T. W. Asks
Does Demi Lavato need competent inpatient treatment.
ANSWER. I SEE… Yes, the sooner the better….
The Original Scarlett asks
If Charles ever becomes King, Archie doesn’t gain a princely title!
ANSWER. I SEE… Archie will get a Title…
stitch stitch asks
How does Harry Styles feel about this PR especially his feelings about how Olivia is being attention seeker. Thank u
ANSWER. I SEE… Harry treats it as apart of the job…
Anon asks
Is there any good news for Justin Bieber ?
ANSWER. I SEE… Not at this time. Even his new music is heading for a fall…
Jennifer Rose asks
Thank you for answering my question💐🥰 If I might ask another one, the Derek Chauvin trial is heavy on my heart, what do you see the outcome to be?
ANSWER. I SEE…. A win for George Floyds family and loved ones…
Can you please read Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley? They were both in the recent Star Wars? I wonder if something went down between them while filming or are they just friends?
ANSWER. I SEE… NO…they are just friends...
happy easter!
The truth is that Keanu has the woman he wants at the time he wants ... Whores or whatever. He is with Alexandra Grant because she knows all of this and agrees to share Keanu with other women. It's an open relationship ... An advertising novel invented ... Because both benefit from it. Everything disgusting and indecent. This is the world of Keanu Reeves. Someone invented this TF story to escape reality. I feel sorry for people who are still deluding themselves.
This is a repost from "shady ladies". Thank you.
I am ashamed to be such a coward, not to spread this under my real name.
Heroes wanted.
a motion can very the order, no big deal.