The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
The one place in the World where you can really find out what The Rich The Famous The Infamous will be up to........Ha ha ha..................... "98.5% Accurate" BBC Television.
please get some rest
2) Are the Angels of Africa haunting Paula White?
3) Rapper DMX is in very bad condition after a drug overdose. He became addicted to drugs after smoking a cocaine laced joint at age 14. Please tell me his life will finally turn around for the better. He has a good spirit. Also, people should support his music.
4) Last question, when are you going to take that vacation?
The truth is that Keanu has the woman he wants at the time he wants ... Whores or whatever. He is with Alexandra Grant because she knows all of this and agrees to share Keanu with other women. It's an open relationship ... An advertising novel invented ... Because both benefit from it. Everything disgusting and indecent. This is the world of Keanu Reeves. Someone invented this TF story to escape reality. I feel sorry for people who are still deluding themselves.
Alexandra is a transvestite. ❤️❤️❤️
Keanu's lovers were Rive and Alex.
Keanu has always a woman in these relationships. ❤️❤️❤️
Some fans are honestly a joke. If Christian says something that pleases them, then Christian is the best psychic in the world. If Christian says something that they don't agree with, then it's "nonsense" or "lies".
Why do these types of people keep coming on Christian's blog and YT channel? I suspect that some fans are under the delusion that Keanu is their twin flame or soulmate. Is that the delusion some of you guys are under? That Keanu's dream is to marry a fucking fan??? Really? You don't think he deserves to be loved for who he is, not for the reason that you know him? That he's famous? Why isn't Keanu allowed to be madly in love with a woman who is his equal?
It's not you. You're not his soulmate. Whoever needs to read that. Read it again. Move on with your life and stop attacking Christian and Keanu because you're sulking. Keanu is a wonderful entertainer. Why can't some of you be happy that he's about embark on an amazing new journey with his true love? Isn't that what you would want for your own life? So why are you allowed to want it, but Keanu isn't?
I'm so sick of fans (btw, you're not real fans) attacking Christian, or other tarot readers because they say that Keanu will fall in love in the future. Like how demented do you have to be, to get angry about that? Like I said, I suspect fans who fantasize about being Keanu's "true love" are the only ones that have a problem with these predictions.
I don't get it. I simply do not understand why some fans refuse to be happy and hopeful for Keanu.
On a side note, thanks as always Christian xoxo
I'm remembering a prediction you did years in your year ahead feature ago about Mt Etna, whilst everyone has been watching Iceland's volcano Mt Etna has had 17 lava eruptions since Mid feb, a new vent has appeared and the edge of the crate rim has started collapsing. Is this what you were warning about ... or should we still run?
You've also talked about how bad Brexit will be for the UK and Northern Ireland, will be bit as bad for Southern Ireland as well?
Finally do have a feeling as to who may win Eurovision this year?
Keanu has to change and stays away from that criminal, after that, he will get what he wants, but he has not waken up fully;
we all love this community of Christian Dion and want it to grow, and of course we want CD to make profits if possible because he spends time and efforts.
don't worry about negative comments here, try to ignore them.
it does not matter how accurate CD's predictions are, it does matter he tells us what he sees. nothing else matters really.
God bless all.
we all get angry as we care about Keanu and hate the crime HIS XXX has been doing, but CD is right that he has a good soul and he will wake up; I accidentally saw some old photos Keanu before he met the DEVIL, he appeared to be a good man.
now he is lost, and we try our best helping him regain confidence and stand up to that DEVIL. I gave up on Keanu too many times regretting my stepping into this big mess.
so don't worry about angry and negative comments, we all love CD and this community.
April 5, 2021 at 7:57 AM
You know, I know and I think this is enough for us..
Give them bark ..
this barking is not change anything ..
I don’t want a comment anymore because this is Crazy ,with some fanatics..
CD ,I am so sorry about some strange people and situations..
Sure there are crazy fans out there who think they are “the one”.
But there are plenty of sane people out there who see that something is off here,
without any of Christians predictions involved.
For you to consider all of them to not want the best for Reeves, is very easy.
Don’t let your fantasies carry you into delusions that never are going to happen,
but also don’t just blindly follow what gossip mags are writing about celebrities.
Someone saying about who with if its prostitutes...feel prosti is better the a girl sex different guy without marriage I thought it's more dirty than least they are knows that are job...I don't really understand if he has without AG saying sex with the transgender if he has with prosti saying he is dirty if he saw with other girls saying ah they are together because of sex..okay if this all is true for me it's better than he was rape someone Right...and before to....judge the prostitutes...its are job it's better than they are nothing to do anyway its are body not to You..and if You are the still virgin 👏 but if u are one of the woman have sex with different guy for me u are more dirty than prostitutes...its are life we don't feed them we don't buy things for them its are want....
CD, Keanu appears to be very happy, amazing.
To "W" (April 7, 2021 at 5:58 AM)
You said to me, "but also don’t just blindly follow what gossip mags are writing about celebrities". I don't. I don't think there's anything healthy about what is going on with Keanu and AG. But it just makes me upset when Keanu's fans attack psychics and tarot readers who are only doing their work and are trying to include fans with their gifts.
It seems unfair to me that some people (obviously not all of K's fans) get mad at Christian when he says something that is in contrast to what they want. Christian didn't become less of a psychic because he saw something that a fan doesn't agree with, or doesn't want to happen.
And from what I've noticed, these comments really came along hard after he predicted that Keanu had already met/knew "the one". My gut tells me anyone that has a hard time believing this, BUT chose to believe everything Christian said up until then, was secretly hoping that they were Keanu's soulmate. Christian (and other psychics and tarot readers) have already been attacked on YouTube for simply pointing out that fans aren't going to marry Keanu.
If you're a real fan, you would be happy with Christian's predictions because Grant will be out soon and Keanu will have the life he's always dreamed of. What else could we hope for?
I completely agree with you.Xoxo.
TF of Keanu does NOT like Keanu,
is that simple?
who said TFs must love each other?
that is soulmates.
TF is about TRUTH,
for Keanu to wake up from his stupidity being a male whore.
AG is Keanu's soulmate.
Keanu's TF has her own true love.
one may have many true loves and soul mates.
but may be Keanu will wake up, smart up and get FREEDOM
to earn respect and trust from his TF,
who knows.
You are right!